Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies the yaw.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="inputYaw">yaw input</param>
    void ApplyYaw(HandlingInput input, DroneState currentState)
        float targetVelocity = maxYawSpeed * input.yaw;
        float velocityOffset = targetVelocity - currentState.angularVelocityLocal.y;
        float acceleration   = MathHelper.Aserp(velocityOffset, yawAccelerationMultiplier, maxYawTorque);

        GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeTorque(0, acceleration, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        HandlingInput input        = GetInput();
        DroneState    currentState = GetCurrentState();

        // apply forces
        ApplyTilt(input, currentState);
        ApplyYaw(input, currentState);
        ApplyThrust(input, currentState);
Ejemplo n.º 3
//	float GetTargetLiftVelocity(float idleVelocity, HandlingInput input) {
//		if (input.thrust < 0)
//				return Mathf.Lerp (idleVelocity, -maxFallSpeed, -input.thrust);
//		return Mathf.Lerp (idleVelocity, maxRiseSpeed, input.thrust);
//	}

    void GetTargetTilt(out float targetRoll,
                       out float targetPitch,
                       HandlingInput input)
        Vector2 maxDirectionalTiltInput = new Vector2(input.roll, input.pitch);


        targetRoll  = maxDirectionalTiltInput.x * Mathf.Abs(input.roll) * maxTiltAngle;
        targetPitch = maxDirectionalTiltInput.y * Mathf.Abs(input.pitch) * maxTiltAngle;
Ejemplo n.º 4
//	/// <summary>
//	/// Gets the input.
//	/// </summary>
//	/// <param name="inputRoll">roll input</param>
//	/// <param name="inputPitch">pitch input</param>
//	/// <param name="inputYaw">yaw input</param>
//	/// <param name="inputThrust">thrust input</param>
//	private void GetInput(out float inputRoll,
//	                      out float inputPitch,
//	                      out float inputYaw,
//	                      out float inputThrust,
//	                      out bool breaking) {
//		inputRoll = Input.GetAxis ("Roll");
//		inputPitch = Input.GetAxis ("Pitch");
//		inputYaw = Input.GetAxis ("Yaw");
//		inputThrust = Input.GetAxis ("Thrust");
//		breaking = Input.GetButton("Break");
//	}

    private HandlingInput GetInput()
        HandlingInput input = new HandlingInput();

        input.roll     = Input.GetAxis("Roll");
        input.pitch    = Input.GetAxis("Pitch");
        input.yaw      = Input.GetAxis("Yaw");
        input.thrust   = Input.GetAxis("Thrust");
        input.breaking = Input.GetButton("Break");

Ejemplo n.º 5
//	/// <summary>
//	/// Applies the thrust.
//	/// </summary>
//	/// <param name="inputThrust">thrust input</param>
//	void ApplyThrust (HandlingInput input, DroneState currentState){
//		float targetForce;
//		float idleVelocity;
//		if (StabilizeHeight) {
//			float angle = Vector3.Angle (Vector3.up, transform.up);
//			angle *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
//			targetForce = idleLiftForce / Mathf.Cos(angle);
//			targetForce = idleLiftForce;
//			idleVelocity = transform.InverseTransformDirection (transform.up * -currentState.velocityWorld.y).y;
//		} else {
//			targetForce = idleLiftForce;
//			idleVelocity = -currentState.velocityLocal.y;
//		}
//		float targetVelocity = GetTargetLiftVelocity (idleVelocity, input);
//		float velocityOffset = targetVelocity - currentState.velocityLocal.y;
//		float additionalForce = GetAdditionalLiftForce (velocityOffset);
//		targetForce += additionalForce;
//		MathHelper.Limit (ref targetForce, idleLiftForce - maxFallForce, idleLiftForce + maxRiseForce);
//		GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeForce (0, targetForce + additionalForce, 0);
//	}

    void ApplyThrust(HandlingInput input, DroneState currentState)
        float velocityOffset;

        if (StabilizeHeightCom)
            velocityOffset = transform.InverseTransformDirection(transform.up * -currentState.velocityWorld.y).y;
            velocityOffset = -currentState.velocityLocal.y;

//		float targetAcceleration = MathHelper.NthRoot (targetVelocity, 7) + idleLiftForce;
//		float targetAcceleration = MathHelper.Aserp (targetVelocity, liftAccelerationMultiplier, idleLiftForce);

        float targetAcceleration;

        if (velocityOffset >= 0)
            targetAcceleration = MathHelper.Aserp(velocityOffset, liftAccelerationMultiplier, maxRiseForce - idleLiftForce) + idleLiftForce;
            targetAcceleration = MathHelper.Aserp(-velocityOffset, liftAccelerationMultiplier, maxFallForce - idleLiftForce) + idleLiftForce;

//		MathHelper.Clamp (ref targetAcceleration, maxFallForce, maxRiseForce);

        float newAcceleration;

        if (input.thrust == 0)
            newAcceleration = targetAcceleration;
        else if (input.thrust > 0)
            newAcceleration = MathHelper.Interpolate(targetAcceleration, maxRiseForce, input.thrust);
            newAcceleration = MathHelper.Interpolate(targetAcceleration, maxFallForce, -input.thrust);

        GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddRelativeForce(0, newAcceleration, 0);

        rotorSound.pitch = newAcceleration * rotorPitchMultiplier + rotorPitchMinimum;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies the tilt.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="inputRoll">roll input</param>
    /// <param name="inputPitch">pitch input</param>
    void ApplyTilt(HandlingInput input, DroneState currentState)
        float offsetRoll, offsetPitch;

        if (StabilizeTiltCom)
            // stabilized

            float targetRoll, targetPitch;

            if (input.breaking)
                GetBreakTilt(out targetRoll, out targetPitch, currentState);
                GetTargetTilt(out targetRoll, out targetPitch, input);

            offsetRoll  = MathHelper.AngularDistance(currentState.rotation.z, targetRoll);
            offsetPitch = MathHelper.AngularDistance(currentState.rotation.x, targetPitch);
            // unstabilized

            offsetRoll  = input.roll * unstabilizedTiltMultiplier;
            offsetPitch = input.pitch * unstabilizedTiltMultiplier;

        // targeted tilt velocity
        float targetVelocityRoll  = MathHelper.Aserp(offsetRoll, tiltVelocityMultiplier, maxTiltSpeed);
        float targetVelocityPitch = MathHelper.Aserp(offsetPitch, tiltVelocityMultiplier, maxTiltSpeed);

        float velocityOffsetRoll  = targetVelocityRoll - currentState.angularVelocityLocal.z;
        float velocityOffsetPitch = targetVelocityPitch - currentState.angularVelocityLocal.x;

        // targeted tilt force
        float targetForceRoll  = MathHelper.Aserp(velocityOffsetRoll, tiltAccelerationMultiplier, maxTiltForce);
        float targetForcePitch = MathHelper.Aserp(velocityOffsetPitch, tiltAccelerationMultiplier, maxTiltForce);

        // apply force
        GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeTorque(targetForcePitch, 0, targetForceRoll);