private bool AnyValidDrops(PlayerColor playerColor, DropCheckmateLevel recursionLevel, IEntitiesDB entitiesDB)
            bool returnValue = false;
            List <HandPieceEV> teamHandPieces = handService.FindAllTeamHandPieces(playerColor, entitiesDB).Where(handPiece =>
                                                                                                                 handPiece.HandPiece.NumPieces.value > 0).ToList();

            for (int rank = 0; rank < BoardConst.NUM_FILES_RANKS; ++rank)
                for (int file = 0; file < BoardConst.NUM_FILES_RANKS; ++file)
                    foreach (HandPieceEV handPiece in teamHandPieces)
                        Vector2 location = new Vector2(file, rank);

                        if (DropPossible(handPiece, location, playerColor, recursionLevel, entitiesDB))
                            returnValue = true;
                            goto ReturnLocation; // Break out of all the for loops
