Ejemplo n.º 1
        //this method copies data fields from the Customer Database Table to the screen
        public void updateAllFields()
            //define a dsCustomer object
            dsCustomer dsSwitchCustomer;

            string       tempPath     = Server.MapPath("~/HTVDatabase1.mdb");
            clsDataLayer dataLayerObj = new HTV.clsDataLayer(tempPath);

                //populates the dsSwitchCustome dataset with customer information
                dsSwitchCustomer = dataLayerObj.findCustomer(Int32.Parse(ddlCustomerID.Text));

                if (dsSwitchCustomer.Customer.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //post information about the customer to the text boxes on the screen
                    //try/catch is used to prevent NULL errors
                    try { txtSocial.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].socialSecurity; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtSocial.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtLicense.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].driversLicense; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtLicense.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtFirst.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].firstName; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtFirst.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtLast.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].lastName; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtLast.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtAddress1.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].addressLine1; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtAddress1.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtAddress2.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].addressLine2; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtAddress2.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtCity.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].city; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtCity.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtState.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].state; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtState.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtZip.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].zipCode; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtZip.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtEmail.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].email; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtEmail.Text = ""; }

                    try { txtPhone.Text = dsSwitchCustomer.Customer[0].phoneNumber; }
                    catch (Exception error) { txtPhone.Text = ""; }
                    Warnings.Text = "Not Found.";
            catch (Exception error)
                string message = "Error = ";
                Warnings.Text = message + error.Message;

            //validateRequired highlights any fields that contain erros that will not allow for a re-save
            if (validateRequired())
                Warnings.Text = "Errors on Page.";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void updateAllFields()
            //instantiate a dataset object for each database that will supply information
            dsPurchaseRequest dsPROPurchaseRequest;
            dsCustomer        dsPROCustomer;
            dsEmployee        dsPROEmployee;
            dsTradeIn         dsPROTradeIn;
            dsVehicle         dsPROVehicle;

            //create a general dataLayerObject that will serve to populate with datasets as needed
            string       tempPath     = Server.MapPath("~/HTVDatabase1.mdb");
            clsDataLayer dataLayerObj = new HTV.clsDataLayer(tempPath);

                //populate the PurchaseRequest information. This will also help to link to other Tables using foreign keys
                dsPROPurchaseRequest = dataLayerObj.findPurchaseRequest(Int32.Parse(ddlPurchaseRequestID.Text));

                //only proceeds if there is data in the data set
                if (dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Session["PurchaseRequest"] = dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].requestID;
                    lblPR.Text = ((int)Session["PurchaseRequest"]).ToString();

                    //Retreive Information about the Employee using a DataSet for the Employee information
                        dsPROEmployee = dataLayerObj.findEmployee(dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].employeeID);
                        try { lblEmployee.Text = "ID: " + dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].employeeID.ToString() + " - " + dsPROEmployee.Employee[0].lastName + ", " + dsPROEmployee.Employee[0].firstName; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblEmployee.Text = ""; }
                    catch (Exception error) { lblEmployee.Text = "No Employee Assigned."; }

                    //Retreive Information about the Customer using a DataSet for the Customer Informaiton
                        dsPROCustomer = dataLayerObj.findCustomer(dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].customerID);
                        try { lblCustomer.Text = "SSN: " + dsPROCustomer.Customer[0].socialSecurity + " - " + dsPROCustomer.Customer[0].lastName + ", " + dsPROCustomer.Customer[0].firstName; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblCustomer.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblCustomer.Text = "SSN: " + dsPROCustomer.Customer[0].socialSecurity + " - " + dsPROCustomer.Customer[0].lastName + ", " + dsPROCustomer.Customer[0].firstName; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblCustomer.Text = ""; }
                    catch (Exception error)
                        lblCustomer.Text = "No Customer Assigned.";

                    try { lblFICO.Text = "FICO: " + dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].ficoScore.ToString(); }
                    catch (Exception error) { lblFICO.Text = ""; }

                    //Retrieve Information about the Vehicle using a DataSet for the Vehicle Database
                        dsPROVehicle = dataLayerObj.findVehicle(dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].vehicleID);
                        try { lblVehicleID.Text = "Vehicle ID: " + dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].vehicleID.ToString() + " - " + dsPROVehicle.Vehicle[0].vin; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblVehicleID.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblMSRP.Text = string.Format("Vehicle MSRP: {0,000:C2}", dsPROVehicle.Vehicle[0].price); }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblMSRP.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblCustomerOffer.Text = "Customer's Offer: " + dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].negotiatedPrice.ToString("$#,##0.00"); }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblCustomerOffer.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblVehicleLocation.Text = "Location: " + dsPROVehicle.Vehicle[0].VehicleLocation; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblVehicleLocation.Text = ""; }

                        //This portion fills in the Financing Details of the Overview
                        try { lblDownPayment.Text = string.Format("Total Down Payment: ${0,000:C2}", dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].downPayment); }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblDownPayment.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblCreditAmount.Text = "Remaining Financing Needed: $" + dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].creditAmount.ToString("0,000.00"); }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblCreditAmount.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblAPR.Text = "Credit Rate Available: " + myBusinessLayer.calculateAPR(dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].ficoScore); }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblDownPayment.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblFinanceLength.Text = dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].financeLength; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblFinanceLength.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblMonthlyEstimate.Text = "Estimated Monthly Payment: " + myBusinessLayer.calculateMonthlyPayment(dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].ficoScore, myBusinessLayer.calculateAmountToFinance((int)Session["PurchaseRequest"]), myBusinessLayer.convertLoanLengthToInt(dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].financeLength)); }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblMonthlyEstimate.Text = ""; }
                    catch (Exception error)
                        //clears all text fields if there is an error, otherwise previous data may stay on the page
                        lblVehicleID.Text       = "No Vehicle Assigned";
                        lblVehicleLocation.Text = "";
                        lblDownPayment.Text     = "";
                        lblCreditAmount.Text    = "";
                        lblAPR.Text             = "";
                        lblFinanceLength.Text   = "";
                        lblMonthlyEstimate.Text = "";

                    //TO DO:  This section is left to do.  This will describe the Add-Ons for the Vehicle.
                    try { lblAddOns.Text = dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].requestID.ToString() + " Unfinished Code."; }
                    catch (Exception error) { lblAddOns.Text = ""; }

                    try { lblAddOnsCost.Text = dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].requestID.ToString() + " Unfinished Code."; }
                    catch (Exception error) { lblAddOnsCost.Text = ""; }

                    //Retreive Information about the Trade In using a DataSet for the Trade In information
                        dsPROTradeIn = dataLayerObj.findTradeIn(dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].tradeinID);
                        try { lblTradeInID.Text = "ID: " + dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].tradeinID.ToString() + " - " + dsPROTradeIn.TradeIn[0].make + " / " + dsPROTradeIn.TradeIn[0].model + " / " + dsPROTradeIn.TradeIn[0].year; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblTradeInID.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblTradeInTitle.Text = "Title is Clear. " + dsPROTradeIn.TradeIn[0].titleClear; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblTradeInTitle.Text = ""; }
                        try { lblTradeInValue.Text = string.Format("Trade-In Value: {0:C2}", dsPROTradeIn.TradeIn[0].amount); }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblTradeInValue.Text = ""; }

                        //Retrieve the Mechanic's Name by using a DataSet that retrieves Employee Information using TradeIn Table FK
                        dsPROEmployee = dataLayerObj.findEmployee(dsPROTradeIn.TradeIn[0].inspectedID);
                        try { lblMechanicApproval.Text = "Approved By: ID " + dsPROTradeIn.TradeIn[0].inspectedID + " - " + dsPROEmployee.Employee[0].lastName + ", " + dsPROEmployee.Employee[0].firstName; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblMechanicApproval.Text = ""; }
                    catch (Exception error)
                        lblTradeInID.Text        = "No Trade-In Assigned.";
                        lblTradeInTitle.Text     = "";
                        lblTradeInValue.Text     = "";
                        lblMechanicApproval.Text = "No Trade-In to inspect.";

                    //Retrieve the Manager's Name by using a DataSet that retrieves Employee Information using the ManagerApproval Employee ID Number
                        dsPROEmployee = dataLayerObj.findEmployee(dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].managerApproval);
                        try { lblManagerApproval.Text = dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].approvalstatus + " by " + dsPROEmployee.Employee[0].lastName + ", " + dsPROEmployee.Employee[0].firstName; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblManagerApproval.Text = "Unable to retrieve Manager Approval information."; }
                        try { lblDisapprovedDescription.Text = dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].disapprovedDescription; }
                        catch (Exception error) { lblDisapprovedDescription.Text = ""; }
                    catch (Exception error)
                        lblManagerApproval.Text        = "Pending Manager Approval.";
                        lblDisapprovedDescription.Text = "";

                    //posts information to the Purchase Request Date field
                    try { lblPurchaseRequestDate.Text = dsPROPurchaseRequest.PurchaseRequest[0].requestCreationDate.ToString(); }
                    catch (Exception error) { lblPurchaseRequestDate.Text = ""; }
                    Warnings.Text = "Error Switching Purchase Requests.";
            catch (Exception error)
                string message = "Error = ";
                Warnings.Text = message + error.Message;