Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override bool Accepts(SystemState state) //fix this to be a dependency function
            HSFProfile <T> prof = state.GetProfile(_key);

            switch (Type)
            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_HIGHER:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() < _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_HIGHER_OR_EQUAL:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() <= _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_LOWER:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() > _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_LOWER_OR_EQUAL:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() >= _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_EQUAL:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() != _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_NOT_EQUAL:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() == _value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TemplatedGetProfileUnitTest()
            SystemState state = new SystemState();
            HSFProfile<int> intProf = new HSFProfile<int>(0, 1);
            intProf.Add(1, 2);
            intProf.Add(2, -1);

            StateVarKey<int> intKey = new StateVarKey<int>("testIntVar");
            state.SetProfile(intKey, intProf);

            HSFProfile<double> doubleProf = new HSFProfile<double>(0, 1);
            doubleProf.Add(1, 2);
            doubleProf.Add(2, -1);

            StateVarKey<double> doubleKey = new StateVarKey<double>("testDoubleVar");
            state.SetProfile(doubleKey, doubleProf);

            HSFProfile<Matrix<double>> matrixProf = new HSFProfile<Matrix<double>>(0, new Matrix<double>(1, 2, 1));
            matrixProf.Add(1, new Matrix<double>(1, 2, 2));
            matrixProf.Add(2, new Matrix<double>(1, 2, -1));

            var matrixKey = new StateVarKey<Matrix<double>>("testMatrixVar");
            state.SetProfile(matrixKey, matrixProf);

            HSFProfile<int> newIntProf = state.GetProfile(intKey);
            HSFProfile<double> newDoubleProf = state.GetProfile(doubleKey);
            HSFProfile<Matrix<double>> newMatrixProf = state.GetProfile(matrixKey);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Dependecy Function for the power subsystem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentState"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        HSFProfile <double> POWERSUB_PowerProfile_SSDRSUB(Event currentEvent)
            HSFProfile <double> prof1 = new HSFProfile <double>();

            prof1[currentEvent.GetEventStart(Asset)] = 15;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override bool Accepts(SystemState state)
            // use dynamic in getProfile()

            HSFProfile <T> prof = state.GetProfile(_key);

            switch (Type)
            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_HIGHER:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() < _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_HIGHER_OR_EQUAL:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() <= _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_LOWER:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() > _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_LOWER_OR_EQUAL:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() >= _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_EQUAL:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() != _value);

            case ConstraintType.FAIL_IF_NOT_EQUAL:
                return((dynamic)prof.Max() == _value);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Dependecy function for the power subsystem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentEvent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HSFProfile <double> POWERSUB_PowerProfile_ADCSSUB(Event currentEvent)
            HSFProfile <double> prof1 = new HSFProfile <double>();

            prof1[currentEvent.GetEventStart(Asset)] = 40;
            prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)]  = 60;
            prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset)]    = 40;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        HSFProfile <double> POWERSUB_PowerProfile_EOSENSORSUB(Event currentEvent)
            HSFProfile <double> prof1 = new HSFProfile <double>();

            prof1[currentEvent.GetEventStart(Asset)] = 10;
            if (currentEvent.State.getValueAtTime(EOON_KEY, currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)).Value)
                prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)] = 60;
                prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset)]   = 10;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Dependecy function for the ssdr subsystem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentEvent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        HSFProfile <double> COMMSUB_DataRateProfile_SSDRSUB(Event currentEvent)
            double datarate           = 5000 * (currentEvent.State.getValueAtTime(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY, currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)).Value - currentEvent.State.getValueAtTime(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY, currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset)).Value) / (currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset) - currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset));
            HSFProfile <double> prof1 = new HSFProfile <double>();

            if (datarate != 0)
                prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)] = datarate;
                prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset)]   = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Default Dependency Collector simply sums the results of the dependecy functions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentState"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected HSFProfile<double> DependencyCollector(Event currentEvent)
     if (SubsystemDependencyFunctions.Count == 0)
         throw new MissingMemberException("You may not call the dependency collector in your can perform because you have not specified any dependency functions for " + Name);
     HSFProfile<double> outProf = new HSFProfile<double>();
     foreach (var dep in SubsystemDependencyFunctions)
         HSFProfile<double> temp = (HSFProfile<double>)dep.Value.DynamicInvoke(currentEvent);
         outProf = outProf + temp;
     return outProf;
Ejemplo n.º 9
         * Adds a boolean Profile to the state with the given key. If no Profile exists, a new Profile is created
         * with the corresponding key. If a Profile exists with that key, the Profile is appended onto the end of the Profile.
         * @param key The key corresponding to the state variable.
         * @param profIn The Profile to be added to the boolean Profile.
        public void addValue(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key, HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > profIn)
            HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut;

            if (!Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) // If there's no Profile matching that key, insert a new one.
                Mdata.Add(key, profIn);
            else // Otherwise, add this data point to the existing Profile.
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// An override of the Subsystem CanPerform method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proposedEvent"></param>
        /// <param name="environment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool CanPerform(Event proposedEvent, Domain environment)
            if (!base.CanPerform(proposedEvent, environment))
            if (_task.Type == TaskType.IMAGING)
                double ts = proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset);
                double te = proposedEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset);

                double oldbufferratio = _newState.GetLastValue(Dkeys[0]).Value;

                Delegate DepCollector;
                SubsystemDependencyFunctions.TryGetValue("DepCollector", out DepCollector);
                HSFProfile <double> newdataratein = ((HSFProfile <double>)DepCollector.DynamicInvoke(proposedEvent) / _bufferSize);

                bool exceeded = false;
                HSFProfile <double> newdataratio = newdataratein.upperLimitIntegrateToProf(ts, te, 1, 1, ref exceeded, 0, oldbufferratio);
                if (!exceeded)
                    _newState.AddValue(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY, newdataratio);

                // TODO: Change to logger
                Console.WriteLine("SSDR buffer full");
            else if (_task.Type == TaskType.COMM)
                double ts = proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset);
                proposedEvent.SetTaskEnd(Asset, ts + 60.0);
                double te = proposedEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset);

                double data       = _bufferSize * _newState.GetLastValue(Dkeys.First()).Value;
                double dataqueout = data / 2 > 50 ? data / 2 : data;

                if (data - dataqueout < 0)
                    dataqueout = data;

                if (dataqueout > 0)
                    _newState.AddValue(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY, new KeyValuePair <double, double>(te, (data - dataqueout) / _bufferSize));
Ejemplo n.º 11
         * Adds a Matrix Profile value pair to the state with the given key. If no Profile exists, a new Profile is created
         * with the corresponding key. If a Profile exists with that key, the pair is appended onto the end of the Profile.
         * Ensure that the Profile is still time ordered if this is the case.
         * @param key The key corresponding to the state variable.
         * @param pairIn The pair to be added to the matrix Profile.
        public void addValue(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key, KeyValuePair <double, Matrix <double> > pairIn)
            HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueIn = new HSFProfile <Matrix <double> >(pairIn);
            HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut;

            if (!Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) // If there's no Profile matching that key, insert a new one.
                Mdata.Add(key, valueIn);
            else // Otherwise, add this data point to the existing Profile.
                valueOut.Add(pairIn); //TODO: make sure this is ok. was formally iterator.second.data
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the integer Profile in the state with its matching key. If a Profile is found already under
        /// that key, this will overwrite the old Profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="profIn"></param>
        public void SetProfile(StateVarKey <bool> key, HSFProfile <bool> profIn)
            HSFProfile <bool> valueOut;

            if (!Bdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) // If there's no Profile matching that key, insert a new one.
                Bdata.Add(key, profIn);
            else   // Otherwise, erase whatever is there, and insert a new one.
                Bdata.Add(key, profIn);
Ejemplo n.º 13
         * Sets the Matrix Profile in the state with its matching key. If a Profile is found already under
         * that key, this will overwrite the old Profile.
         * @param key The Matrix state variable key that is being set.\
         * @param profIn The Matrix Profile being saved.
        public void setProfile(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key, HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > profIn)
            HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut;

            if (!Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut)) // If there's no Profile matching that key, insert a new one.
                Mdata.Add(key, profIn);
            else   // Otherwise, erase whatever is there, and insert a new one.
                Mdata.Add(key, profIn);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of the canExtend method for the power subsystem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newState"></param>
        /// <param name="universe"></param>
        /// <param name="evalToTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool CanExtend(Event proposedEvent, Universe universe, double evalToTime)
            double ee = proposedEvent.GetEventEnd(Asset);

            if (ee > SimParameters.SimEndSeconds)

            Sun    sun = universe.Sun;
            double te  = proposedEvent.State.GetLastValue(DOD_KEY).Key;

            if (proposedEvent.GetEventEnd(Asset) < evalToTime)
                proposedEvent.SetEventEnd(Asset, evalToTime);

            // get the dod initial conditions
            double olddod = proposedEvent.State.GetValueAtTime(DOD_KEY, te).Value;

            // collect power profile out
            Delegate DepCollector;

            SubsystemDependencyFunctions.TryGetValue("DepCollector", out DepCollector);
            HSFProfile <double> powerOut = (HSFProfile <double>)DepCollector.DynamicInvoke(proposedEvent); // deps->callDoubleDependency("POWERSUB_getPowerProfile");
            // collect power profile in
            DynamicState        position = Asset.AssetDynamicState;
            HSFProfile <double> powerIn  = CalcSolarPanelPowerProfile(te, ee, proposedEvent.State, position, universe);
            // calculate dod rate
            HSFProfile <double> dodrateofchange = ((powerOut - powerIn) / _batterySize);

            bool   exceeded_lower = false, exceeded_upper = false;
            double freq                 = 1.0;
            HSFProfile <double> dodProf = dodrateofchange.limitIntegrateToProf(te, ee, freq, 0.0, 1.0, ref exceeded_lower, ref exceeded_upper, 0, olddod);

            if (exceeded_upper)
            if (dodProf.LastTime() != ee && ee == SimParameters.SimEndSeconds)
                dodProf[ee] = dodProf.LastValue();
            proposedEvent.State.AddValue(DOD_KEY, dodProf);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// An override of the subsystem canPerform method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldState"></param>
        /// <param name="newState"></param>
        /// <param name="tasks"></param>
        /// <param name="environment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool canPerform(Event proposedEvent, Universe environment)
            if (!base.canPerform(proposedEvent, environment))
            if (_task.Type == TaskType.IMAGING)
                double ts             = proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset);
                double te             = proposedEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset);
                double oldbufferratio = _oldState.getLastValue(Dkeys.First()).Value;

                HSFProfile <double> newdataratein = (DependencyCollector(proposedEvent) / _bufferSize);

                bool exceeded = false;
                HSFProfile <double> newdataratio = newdataratein.upperLimitIntegrateToProf(ts, te, 5, 1, ref exceeded, 0, oldbufferratio);
                if (!exceeded)
                    _newState.addValue(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY, newdataratio);
            else if (_task.Type == TaskType.COMM)
                double ts = proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset);
                proposedEvent.SetTaskEnd(Asset, ts + 60.0);
                double te = proposedEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset);

                double data       = _bufferSize * _oldState.getLastValue(Dkeys.First()).Value;
                double dataqueout = data / 2 > 50 ? data / 2 : data;

                if (data - dataqueout < 0)
                    dataqueout = data;

                if (dataqueout > 0)
                    _newState.addValue(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY, new KeyValuePair <double, double>(te, (data - dataqueout) / _bufferSize));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// An override of the Subsystem CanPerform method
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="proposedEvent"></param>
 /// <param name="environment"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool CanPerform(Event proposedEvent, Domain environment)
     IsEvaluated = true;
     if (!base.CanPerform(proposedEvent, environment))
     if (_task.Type == TaskType.COMM)
         HSFProfile <double> newProf = DependencyCollector(proposedEvent);
         if (!newProf.Empty())
             proposedEvent.State.SetProfile(DATARATE_KEY, newProf);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// An override of the Subsystem CanPerform method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proposedEvent"></param>
        /// <param name="environment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool CanPerform(Event proposedEvent, Domain environment)
            double ts = proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset);

            IsEvaluated = true;
            if (!base.CanPerform(proposedEvent, environment))
            if (_task == null)
                return(true); // TODO Is this what we want to do?
            if (_task.Type == TaskType.FLYALONG)
                HSFProfile <double> newProf = DependencyCollector(proposedEvent);
                if (!newProf.Empty())
                    proposedEvent.State.SetProfile(MEASURE_KEY, newProf);
            Vector gyro  = new Vector(3);
            Vector accel = new Vector(3);

                gyro  = Asset.AssetDynamicState.IntegratorParameters.GetValue(new StateVarKey <Vector>(Asset.Name + "." + "gyro"));
                accel = Asset.AssetDynamicState.IntegratorParameters.GetValue(new StateVarKey <Vector>(Asset.Name + "." + "accel"));
            catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                Console.WriteLine("Key Not Found");

            Matrix <double> gyr = Gyroscope(gyro);
            Matrix <double> acc = Accelerometer(accel);

            Matrix <double> measure = new Matrix <double>(1, 6);

            measure[1, new MatrixIndex(1, 3)] = acc;
            measure[1, new MatrixIndex(4, 6)] = gyr;
            _newState.AddValue(MEASURE_KEY, new HSFProfile <Matrix <double> >(ts, measure));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the solar panel power in over the time of the task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="universe"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected HSFProfile <double> CalcSolarPanelPowerProfile(double start, double end, SystemState state, DynamicState position, Universe universe)
            // create solar panel profile for this event
            double              freq                   = 5;
            ShadowState         lastShadow             = universe.Sun.castShadowOnPos(position, start);
            HSFProfile <double> solarPanelPowerProfile = new HSFProfile <double>(start, GetSolarPanelPower(lastShadow));

            for (double time = start + freq; time <= end; time += freq)
                ShadowState shadow = universe.Sun.castShadowOnPos(position, time);
                // if the shadow state changes during this step, save the power data
                if (shadow != lastShadow)
                    solarPanelPowerProfile[time] = GetSolarPanelPower(shadow);
                    lastShadow = shadow;
            state.AddValue(POWIN_KEY, solarPanelPowerProfile);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of the canPerform method for the power subsystem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldState"></param>
        /// <param name="newState"></param>
        /// <param name="tasks"></param>
        /// <param name="universe"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool CanPerform(Event proposedEvent, Universe universe)
            //Make sure all dependent subsystems have been evaluated
            if (!base.CanPerform(proposedEvent, universe))
            double es = proposedEvent.GetEventStart(Asset);
            double te = proposedEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset);
            double ee = proposedEvent.GetEventEnd(Asset);
            double powerSubPowerOut = 10;

            if (ee > SimParameters.SimEndSeconds)
                Console.WriteLine("Simulation ended");

            // get the old DOD
            double olddod = _newState.GetLastValue(Dkeys.First()).Value;

            // collect power profile out
            Delegate DepCollector;

            SubsystemDependencyFunctions.TryGetValue("DepCollector", out DepCollector);
            HSFProfile <double> powerOut = (HSFProfile <double>)DepCollector.DynamicInvoke(proposedEvent); // deps->callDoubleDependency("POWERSUB_getPowerProfile");

            powerOut = powerOut + powerSubPowerOut;
            // collect power profile in
            DynamicState        position = Asset.AssetDynamicState;
            HSFProfile <double> powerIn  = CalcSolarPanelPowerProfile(es, te, _newState, position, universe);
            // calculate dod rate
            HSFProfile <double> dodrateofchange = ((powerOut - powerIn) / _batterySize);

            bool   exceeded             = false;
            double freq                 = 1.0;
            HSFProfile <double> dodProf = dodrateofchange.lowerLimitIntegrateToProf(es, te, freq, 0.0, ref exceeded, 0, olddod);

            _newState.AddValue(DOD_KEY, dodProf);
Ejemplo n.º 20
         * Returns the Matrix Profile for this state and all previous states merged into one Profile
         * @param key The Matrix state variable key that is being looked up.
         * @return The full Profile
        public HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > getFullProfile(StateVarKey <Matrix <double> > key)
            HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > valueOut = new HSFProfile <Matrix <double> >();

            if (Mdata.Count != 0)
            {                             // Are there any Profiles in there?
                if (Mdata.TryGetValue(key, out valueOut))
                {                         //see if our key is in there
                    if (Previous != null) // Check whether we are at the first state
                        return(HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > .MergeProfiles(valueOut, Previous.getFullProfile(key)));
            if (Previous != null)
                return(Previous.getFullProfile(key)); // If no data, return profile from previous states
            return(valueOut);                         //return empty profile
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of the canExtend method for the power subsystem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newState"></param>
        /// <param name="universe"></param>
        /// <param name="evalToTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool canExtend(Event proposedEvent, Universe universe, double evalToTime)
            double powOut = 65;
            double ee     = proposedEvent.GetEventEnd(Asset);

            if (ee > SimParameters.SimEndSeconds)

            Sun    sun = universe.Sun;
            double te  = proposedEvent.State.getLastValue(DOD_KEY).Key;

            if (proposedEvent.GetEventEnd(Asset) < evalToTime)
                proposedEvent.SetEventEnd(Asset, evalToTime);

            // get the dod initial conditions
            double olddod = proposedEvent.State.getValueAtTime(DOD_KEY, te).Value;

            // collect power profile out
            HSFProfile <double> powerOut = new HSFProfile <double>(te, powOut);
            // collect power profile in
            DynamicState        position = Asset.AssetDynamicState;
            HSFProfile <double> powerIn  = calcSolarPanelPowerProfile(te, ee, proposedEvent.State, position, universe);
            // calculate dod rate
            HSFProfile <double> dodrateofchange = ((powerOut - powerIn) / _batterySize);

            bool   exceeded_lower = false, exceeded_upper = false;
            double freq                 = 5.0;
            HSFProfile <double> dodProf = dodrateofchange.limitIntegrateToProf(te, ee, freq, 0.0, 1.0, ref exceeded_lower, ref exceeded_upper, 0, olddod);

            if (exceeded_upper)
            proposedEvent.State.addValue(DOD_KEY, dodProf);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void HSFProfileAddOperatorTest2()
            HSFProfile <double> p1 = new HSFProfile <double>();
            HSFProfile <double> p2 = new HSFProfile <double>();

            p1[0]  = 5;
            p1[25] = 15;

            p2[20] = 4;
            p2[30] = 12;

            HSFProfile <double> p3 = new HSFProfile <double>();

            p3 = p1 + p2;

            HSFProfile <double> result = new HSFProfile <double>();

            result[0]  = 5;
            result[20] = 9;
            result[25] = 19;
            result[30] = 27;

            Assert.AreEqual(result, p3);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void TemplatedGetProfileUnitTest()
            SystemState      state   = new SystemState();
            HSFProfile <int> intProf = new HSFProfile <int>(0, 1);

            intProf.Add(1, 2);
            intProf.Add(2, -1);

            StateVarKey <int> intKey = new StateVarKey <int>("testIntVar");

            state.setProfile(intKey, intProf);

            HSFProfile <double> doubleProf = new HSFProfile <double>(0, 1);

            doubleProf.Add(1, 2);
            doubleProf.Add(2, -1);

            StateVarKey <double> doubleKey = new StateVarKey <double>("testDoubleVar");

            state.setProfile(doubleKey, doubleProf);

            HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > matrixProf = new HSFProfile <Matrix <double> >(0, new Matrix <double>(1, 2, 1));

            matrixProf.Add(1, new Matrix <double>(1, 2, 2));
            matrixProf.Add(2, new Matrix <double>(1, 2, -1));

            var matrixKey = new StateVarKey <Matrix <double> >("testMatrixVar");

            state.setProfile(matrixKey, matrixProf);

            HSFProfile <int>              newIntProf    = state.GetProfile(intKey);
            HSFProfile <double>           newDoubleProf = state.GetProfile(doubleKey);
            HSFProfile <Matrix <double> > newMatrixProf = state.GetProfile(matrixKey);

Ejemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Dependecy function for the power subsystem
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentEvent"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public HSFProfile<double> POWERSUB_PowerProfile_ADCSSUB(Event currentEvent)
     HSFProfile<double> prof1 = new HSFProfile<double>();
     prof1[currentEvent.GetEventStart(Asset)] = 40;
     prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)] = 60;
     prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset)] = 40;
     return prof1;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Dependecy Function for the power subsystem
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentState"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public HSFProfile<double> POWERSUB_PowerProfile_SSDRSUB(Event currentEvent)
     HSFProfile<double> prof1 = new HSFProfile<double>();
     prof1[currentEvent.GetEventStart(Asset)] = 15;
     return prof1;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the solar panel power in over the time of the task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="universe"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected HSFProfile<double> CalcSolarPanelPowerProfile(double start, double end, SystemState state, DynamicState position, Universe universe)
            // create solar panel profile for this event
            double freq = 5;
            ShadowState lastShadow = universe.Sun.castShadowOnPos(position, start);
            HSFProfile<double> solarPanelPowerProfile = new HSFProfile<double>(start, GetSolarPanelPower(lastShadow));

            for (double time = start + freq; time <= end; time += freq)
                ShadowState shadow = universe.Sun.castShadowOnPos(position, time);
                // if the shadow state changes during this step, save the power data
                if (shadow != lastShadow)
                    solarPanelPowerProfile[time] = GetSolarPanelPower(shadow);
                    lastShadow = shadow;
            state.AddValue(POWIN_KEY, solarPanelPowerProfile);
            return solarPanelPowerProfile;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Dependency Function for Power Subsystem
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentEvent"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public HSFProfile<double> POWERSUB_PowerProfile_EOSENSORSUB(Event currentEvent)
     HSFProfile<double> prof1 = new HSFProfile<double>();
     prof1[currentEvent.GetEventStart(Asset)] = 10;
     if (currentEvent.State.GetValueAtTime(EOON_KEY, currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)).Value)
         prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)] = 60;
         prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset)] = 10;
     return prof1;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Default Dependency Collector simply sums the results of the dependecy functions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentState"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual HSFProfile<double> DependencyCollector(Event currentEvent)
     if (SubsystemDependencyFunctions.Count == 0)
         throw new MissingMemberException("You may not call the dependency collector in your can perform because you have not specified any dependency functions for " + Name);
     HSFProfile<double> outProf = new HSFProfile<double>();
     foreach (var dep in SubsystemDependencyFunctions)
         if (!dep.Key.Equals("DepCollector"))
             HSFProfile<double> temp = (HSFProfile<double>)dep.Value.DynamicInvoke(currentEvent);
             outProf = outProf + temp;
     return outProf;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Dependecy function for the ssdr subsystem
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentEvent"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public HSFProfile<double> COMMSUB_DataRateProfile_SSDRSUB(Event currentEvent)
     double datarate = 5000 * (currentEvent.State.GetValueAtTime(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY, currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)).Value - currentEvent.State.GetValueAtTime(DATABUFFERRATIO_KEY, currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset)).Value) / (currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset) - currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset));
     HSFProfile<double> prof1 = new HSFProfile<double>();
     if (datarate != 0)
         prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset)] = datarate;
         prof1[currentEvent.GetTaskEnd(Asset)] = 0;
     return prof1;