public void testBasics() { HRow row = BuildRows( new[] { "id", "site", "geoAddr", "area", "date", "null" }, new HVal[] { HRef.make("aaaa-bbbb"), HMarker.VAL, HStr.make("Richmond, Va"), HNum.make(1200, "ft"), HDate.make(2000, 12, 3), null }) .First(); // size Assert.AreEqual(row.size(), 6); Assert.IsFalse(row.isEmpty()); // configured tags Assert.IsTrue(row.get("id").hequals(HRef.make("aaaa-bbbb"))); Assert.IsTrue(row.get("site").hequals(HMarker.VAL)); Assert.IsTrue(row.get("geoAddr").hequals(HStr.make("Richmond, Va"))); Assert.IsTrue(row.get("area").hequals(HNum.make(1200, "ft"))); Assert.IsTrue(row.get("date").hequals(HDate.make(2000, 12, 3))); Assert.AreEqual(row.get("null", false), null); try { row.get("null"); Assert.Fail(); } catch (HaystackUnknownNameException) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // missing tag Assert.IsFalse(row.has("foo")); Assert.IsTrue(row.missing("foo")); Assert.IsNull(row.get("foo", false)); try { row.get("foo"); Assert.Fail(); } catch (HaystackUnknownNameException) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } try { row.get("foo", true); Assert.Fail(); } catch (HaystackUnknownNameException) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void testEquality() { Assert.IsTrue(HNum.make(2).hequals(HNum.make(2.0, null))); Assert.IsFalse(HNum.make(2).hequals(HNum.make(2, "%"))); Assert.IsFalse(HNum.make(2, "%").hequals(HNum.make(2))); Assert.IsTrue(HNum.make(0).hequals(HNum.make(0.0))); }
public void testZinc() { verifyZinc( HDict.Empty, "{}"); verifyZinc( new HDictBuilder().add("foo_12").toDict(), "{foo_12}"); verifyZinc( new HDictBuilder().add("fooBar", 123, "ft").toDict(), "{fooBar:123ft}"); verifyZinc( new HDictBuilder().add("dis", "Bob").add("bday", HDate.make(1970, 6, 3)).add("marker").toDict(), "{dis:\"Bob\" bday:1970-06-03 marker}"); // nested dict verifyZinc( new HDictBuilder().add("auth", HDict.Empty).toDict(), "{auth:{}}"); verifyZinc( new HDictBuilder().add("auth", new HDictBuilder().add("alg", "scram").add("c", 10000).add("marker").toDict() ).toDict(), "{auth:{alg:\"scram\" c:10000 marker}}"); // nested list verifyZinc( new HDictBuilder().add("arr", HList.make(new HVal[] { HNum.make(1.0), HNum.make(2), HNum.make(3) })) .add("x").toDict(), "{arr:[1,2,3] x}"); // Was "{arr:[1.0,2,3] x}" - double in .NET will not recognise the difference between 1.0 and 1 }
public void testZinc() { verifyZinc( HRow.Empty, "{}"); verifyZinc( BuildRows(new[] { "fooBar" }, new[] { HNum.make(123, "ft") }).First(), "{fooBar:123ft}"); verifyZinc( BuildRows(new[] { "dis", "bday", "marker" }, new HVal[] { HStr.make("Bob"), HDate.make(1970, 6, 3), HMarker.VAL }).First(), "{dis:\"Bob\" bday:1970-06-03 marker}"); // nested dict verifyZinc( BuildRows(new[] { "auth" }, new HVal[] { HDict.Empty }).First(), "{auth:{}}"); verifyZinc( BuildRows(new[] { "auth" }, BuildRows(new[] { "alg", "c", "marker" }, new HVal[] { HStr.make("scram"), HNum.make(10000), HMarker.VAL }).ToArray()).First(), "{auth:{alg:\"scram\" c:10000 marker}}"); // nested list verifyZinc( BuildRows(new[] { "arr", "x" }, new HVal[] { HList.make(new HVal[] { HNum.make(1.0), HNum.make(2), HNum.make(3) }), HMarker.VAL }).First(), "{arr:[1,2,3] x}"); // Was "{arr:[1.0,2,3] x}" - double in .NET will not recognise the difference between 1.0 and 1 }
public void testFormatDecimalWithDot() { string defaultLanguage = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.ToString(); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(2.4), "2.4"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(defaultLanguage); }
public void testSimple() { HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder(); b.addCol("id"); b.addCol("dis"); b.addCol("area"); b.addRow(new HVal[] { HRef.make("a"), HStr.make("Alpha"), HNum.make(1200) }); b.addRow(new HVal[] { HRef.make("b"), null, HNum.make(1400) }); // meta HGrid g = b.toGrid(); Assert.AreEqual(g.meta.size(), 0); // cols //HCol c; Assert.AreEqual(g.numCols, 3); verifyCol(g, 0, "id"); verifyCol(g, 1, "dis"); verifyCol(g, 2, "area"); // rows Assert.AreEqual(g.numRows, 2); Assert.IsFalse(g.isEmpty()); HRow r; r = g.row(0); Assert.IsTrue(r.get("id").hequals(HRef.make("a"))); Assert.IsTrue(r.get("dis").hequals(HStr.make("Alpha"))); Assert.IsTrue(r.get("area").hequals(HNum.make(1200))); r = g.row(1); Assert.IsTrue(r.get("id").hequals(HRef.make("b"))); Assert.IsNull(r.get("dis", false)); Assert.IsTrue(r.get("area").hequals(HNum.make(1400))); try { r.get("dis"); Assert.Fail(); } catch (UnknownNameException) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } Assert.IsNull(r.get("fooBar", false)); try { r.get("fooBar"); Assert.Fail(); } catch (UnknownNameException) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // HRow no-nulls HRow it = g.row(0); Assert.IsFalse(it.Size > 3); verifyRowIterator(it, 0, "id", HRef.make("a")); verifyRowIterator(it, 1, "dis", HStr.make("Alpha")); verifyRowIterator(it, 2, "area", HNum.make(1200)); // HRow with nulls it = g.row(1); Assert.IsFalse(it.Size > 3); verifyRowIterator(it, 0, "id", HRef.make("b")); verifyRowIterator(it, 2, "area", HNum.make(1400)); // iterating verifyGridIterator(g); }
protected override HGrid onReadAll(String filter, int limit) { HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder(); b.addCol("filter"); b.addCol("limit"); b.addRow(new HVal[] { HStr.make(filter), HNum.make(limit) }); HGrid req = b.toGrid(); return(call("read", req)); }
public void testBadUnitConstruction() { string[] badunitNames = new string[] { "foo bar", "foo,bar" }; foreach (string curUnit in badunitNames) { HNum.make(123.4, curUnit); } }
public Task <HGrid> readAllAsync(string filter, int limit) { HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder(); b.addCol("filter"); if (limit > 0) { b.addCol("limit"); b.addRow(new HVal[] { HStr.make(filter), HNum.make(limit) }); } else { b.addRow(new HVal[] { HStr.make(filter) }); } HGrid req = b.toGrid(); return(CallAsync("read", req, "text/zinc")); }
public void testWriter() { HGridBuilder gb = new HGridBuilder(); gb.addCol("a"); gb.addCol("b"); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HNA.VAL, HBool.TRUE }); // Original Unit test had null - this is not valid gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HMarker.VAL, HNA.VAL }); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HRemove.VAL, HNA.VAL }); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HStr.make("test"), HStr.make("with:colon") }); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HNum.make(12), HNum.make(72.3, "\u00b0F") }); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HNum.make(double.NegativeInfinity), HNum.make(Double.NaN) }); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HDate.make(2015, 6, 9), HTime.make(1, 2, 3) }); var tz = HTimeZone.make("UTC", true); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HDateTime.make(634429600180690000L, tz), HUri.make("foo.txt") }); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HRef.make("abc"), HRef.make("abc", "A B C") }); gb.addRow(new HVal[] { HBin.make("text/plain"), HCoord.make(90, -123) }); HGrid grid = gb.toGrid(); string actual = HJsonWriter.gridToString(grid); // System.out.println(actual); string[] lines = actual.Split('\n'); Assert.AreEqual(lines[0], "{"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[1], "\"meta\": {\"ver\":\"2.0\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[2], "\"cols\":["); Assert.AreEqual(lines[3], "{\"name\":\"a\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[4], "{\"name\":\"b\"}"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[5], "],"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[6], "\"rows\":["); Assert.AreEqual(lines[7], "{\"a\":\"z:\", \"b\":true},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[8], "{\"a\":\"m:\", \"b\":\"z:\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[9], "{\"a\":\"x:\", \"b\":\"z:\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[10], "{\"a\":\"test\", \"b\":\"s:with:colon\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[11], "{\"a\":\"n:12\", \"b\":\"n:72.3 \u00b0F\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[12], "{\"a\":\"n:-INF\", \"b\":\"n:NaN\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[13], "{\"a\":\"d:2015-06-09\", \"b\":\"h:01:02:03\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[14], "{\"a\":\"t:2011-06-06T12:26:58.069Z UTC\", \"b\":\"u:foo.txt\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[15], "{\"a\":\"r:abc\", \"b\":\"r:abc A B C\"},"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[16], "{\"a\":\"b:text/plain\", \"b\":\"c:90.0,-123.0\"}"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[17], "]"); Assert.AreEqual(lines[18], "}"); }
private HaystackToken number(string s, int unitIndex) { try { if (unitIndex == 0) { m_val = HNum.make(Double.Parse(s, m_numberFormat)); } else { string doubleStr = s.Substring(0, unitIndex); string unitStr = s.Substring(unitIndex); m_val = HNum.make(Double.Parse(doubleStr, m_numberFormat), unitStr); } } catch (Exception) { err("[HaystackTokenizer::number]Invalid Number literal: " + s); } return(HaystackToken.num); }
public void testBasics() { HDict tags = new HDictBuilder() .add("id", HRef.make("aaaa-bbbb")) .add("site") .add("geoAddr", "Richmond, Va") .add("area", 1200, "ft") .add("date", HDate.make(2000, 12, 3)) .add("null", (HVal)null) .toDict(); // size Assert.AreEqual(tags.size(), 5); Assert.IsFalse(tags.isEmpty()); // configured tags Assert.IsTrue(tags.get("id").hequals(HRef.make("aaaa-bbbb"))); Assert.IsTrue(tags.get("site").hequals(HMarker.VAL)); Assert.IsTrue(tags.get("geoAddr").hequals(HStr.make("Richmond, Va"))); Assert.IsTrue(tags.get("area").hequals(HNum.make(1200, "ft"))); Assert.IsTrue(tags.get("date").hequals(HDate.make(2000, 12, 3))); Assert.AreEqual(tags.get("null", false), null); try { tags.get("null"); Assert.Fail(); } catch (HaystackUnknownNameException) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // missing tag Assert.IsFalse(tags.has("foo")); Assert.IsTrue(tags.missing("foo")); Assert.IsNull(tags.get("foo", false)); try { tags.get("foo"); Assert.Fail(); } catch (HaystackUnknownNameException) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } try { tags.get("foo", true); Assert.Fail(); } catch (HaystackUnknownNameException) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void testZinc() { verifyZinc(HNum.make(123), "123"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(123.4, "m/s"), "123.4m/s"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(9.6, "m/s"), "9.6m/s"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(-5.2, "\u00b0F"), "-5.2\u00b0F"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(23, "%"), "23%"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(2.4e-3, "fl_oz"), "0.0024fl_oz"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(2.4e5, "$"), "240000$"); Assert.IsTrue(read("1234.56fl_oz").hequals(HNum.make(1234.56, "fl_oz"))); Assert.IsTrue(read("0.000028fl_oz").hequals(HNum.make(0.000028, "fl_oz"))); // specials verifyZinc(HNum.make(double.NegativeInfinity), "-INF"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(double.PositiveInfinity), "INF"); verifyZinc(HNum.make(double.NaN), "NaN"); // verify units never serialized for special values Assert.AreEqual(HNum.make(double.NaN, "ignore").toZinc(), "NaN"); Assert.AreEqual(HNum.make(double.PositiveInfinity, "%").toZinc(), "INF"); Assert.AreEqual(HNum.make(double.NegativeInfinity, "%").toZinc(), "-INF"); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PointWrite ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Write to a given level of a writable point, and return the current status * of a writable point's priority array (see pointWriteArray()). * * @param id Ref identifier of writable point * @param level Number from 1-17 for level to write * @param val value to write or null to auto the level * @param who optional username performing the write, otherwise user dis is used * @param dur Number with duration unit if setting level 8 */ public HGrid pointWrite(HRef id, int level, string who, HVal val, HNum dur) { HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder(); b.addCol("id"); b.addCol("level"); b.addCol("who"); b.addCol("val"); b.addCol("duration"); b.addRow(new HVal[] { id, HNum.make(level), HStr.make(who), val, dur }); HGrid req = b.toGrid(); HGrid res = call("pointWrite", req); return(res); }
protected virtual HNum n(double val, string unit) { return(HNum.make(val, unit)); }
protected virtual HNum n(double val) { return(HNum.make(val)); }
protected virtual HNum n(long val) { return(HNum.make(val)); }
public void testComplexString() { verifyToks( @"{ id: ""1234:ab"", date: 2019-01-01T12:13:14 UTC, num: 100ms, def: ^tagdef }", new object[] { HaystackToken.lbrace, null,, "id", HaystackToken.colon, null, HaystackToken.str, HRef.make("1234:ab"), HaystackToken.comma, null,, "date", HaystackToken.colon, null, HaystackToken.dateTime, HDateTime.make("2019-01-01T12:13:14 UTC", false), HaystackToken.comma, null,, "num", HaystackToken.colon, null, HaystackToken.num, HNum.make(100, "ms"), HaystackToken.comma, null,, "def", HaystackToken.colon, null,, "^tagdef", HaystackToken.rbrace, null, }); }
private HaystackToken num() { string strDecNumSep = m_numberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator; char cNumSep = '.'; if (strDecNumSep.Length == 1) { cNumSep = strDecNumSep[0]; } bool bHex = false; if (m_cCur < 0) { err("unexpected eof in num"); } if (!(m_cCur < 0 || m_cPeek < 0)) { // hex number (no unit allowed) bHex = (char)m_cCur == '0' && (char)m_cPeek == 'x'; } bool bExit = false; if (bHex) { consume('0'); consume('x'); StringBuilder sb01 = new StringBuilder(); bExit = false; while (!bExit) { if (HaystackTokenizer.isHex(m_cCur)) { sb01.Append((char)m_cCur); consume(); } else if (m_cCur == '_') { consume(); } else { bExit = true; } } m_val = HNum.make(Int64.Parse(sb01.ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)); return(HaystackToken.num); } // consume all things that might be part of this number token StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder().Append((char)m_cCur); consume(); int colons = 0; int dashes = 0; int unitIndex = 0; bool exp = false; bExit = false; while (!bExit) { if (m_cCur >= 0) // Check for eof { if (!char.IsDigit((char)m_cCur)) { if (exp && (m_cCur == '+' || m_cCur == '-')) { } else if (m_cCur == '-') { ++dashes; } else if ((m_cPeek >= 0) && (m_cCur == ':') && (char.IsDigit((char)m_cPeek))) { ++colons; } else if ((exp || colons >= 1) && m_cCur == '+') { } else if (m_cCur == cNumSep) { if (m_cPeek >= 0) { if (!char.IsDigit((char)m_cPeek)) { break; } } } else if ((m_cPeek >= 0) && (((char)m_cCur == 'e' || (char)m_cCur == 'E') && ((char)m_cPeek == '-' || (char)m_cPeek == '+' || char.IsDigit((char)m_cPeek)))) { exp = true; } else if (char.IsLetter((char)m_cCur) || m_cCur == '%' || m_cCur == '$' || m_cCur == '/' || m_cCur > 128) { if (unitIndex == 0) { unitIndex = s.Length; } } else if ((m_cPeek >= 0) && (m_cCur == '_')) { if (unitIndex == 0 && char.IsDigit((char)m_cPeek)) { consume(); continue; } else { if (unitIndex == 0) { unitIndex = s.Length; } } } else { bExit = true; } } } else { bExit = true; } if (!bExit) { s.Append((char)m_cCur); consume(); } } if (dashes == 2 && colons == 0) { return(date(s.ToString())); } if (dashes == 0 && colons >= 1) { return(time(s, colons == 1)); } if (dashes >= 2) { return(dateTime(s)); } return(number(s.ToString(), unitIndex)); }
private HNum n(long val) { return(HNum.make(val)); }
private HNum n(double val) { return(HNum.make(val)); }
private HNum n(double val, String unit) { return(HNum.make(val, unit)); }
public void testCompare() { Assert.IsTrue(HNum.make(9).compareTo(HNum.make(11)) < 0); Assert.IsTrue(HNum.make(-3).compareTo(HNum.make(-4)) > 0); Assert.AreEqual(HNum.make(-23).compareTo(HNum.make(-23)), 0); }