public bool Empty() { return((Left.Count() + Right.Count() + Up.Count() + Down.Count() + LP.Count() + MP.Count() + HP.Count() + PPP.Count() + LK.Count() + MK.Count() + HK.Count() + KKK.Count() + Clear.Count() ) == 0); }
public MyCustomApplicationContext(string[] args) { Assembly _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Stream iconStream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("AlwaysOnTop.icon.ico"); using (RegistryKey rkSettings = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\AlwaysOnTop", true)) { if (rkSettings == null) { Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\AlwaysOnTop", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree); } } RegistryKey regSettings = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\AlwaysOnTop", true); AoTBuild = Methods.TryRegString(regSettings, "Build",, true); IP = Methods.TryRegString(regSettings, "Installation Path", AoTPath, true); RaL = Methods.TryRegInt(regSettings, "Run at Login", 0, false); UHK = Methods.TryRegInt(regSettings, "Use Hot Key", 0, false); HK = Methods.TryRegString(regSettings, "Hotkey", "", false); CT = Methods.TryRegInt(regSettings, "Use Context Menu", 0, false); UPM = Methods.TryRegInt(regSettings, "Use Permanent Windows", 0, false); PW = Methods.TryRegString(regSettings, "Windows by Title", "", false); DBN = Methods.TryRegInt(regSettings, "Disable Balloon Notify", 0, false); CUaS = Methods.TryRegInt(regSettings, "Check for Updates at Start", 0, false); UFE = Methods.TryRegInt(regSettings, "Update Frequency Enabled", 0, false); UF = Methods.TryRegInt(regSettings, "Update Frequency", 0, false); //try //{ // LU = DateTime.Parse(Methods.TryRegString(regSettings, "Last check for Update", "na", false)); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (CUaS == 1) { Methods.GetReleases(); } /*if (UFE == 1 && UF != 0) { } ***********************************************************************/ regSettings.Close(); try { // Initialize Tray Icon TrayIcon.Icon = new Icon(iconStream); TrayIcon.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("AlwaysOnTop", AoT), new MenuItem("Settings", Settings), new MenuItem("Help", HelpBox), new MenuItem("About", AboutBox), new MenuItem("Exit", Xit) }); TrayIcon.Visible = true; TrayIcon.Click += TrayIcon_Click; if (DBN != 1) { TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000, "AlwaysOnTop", "AlwaysOnTop is running in the background.", ToolTipIcon.Info); } if (CT == 1) /* call method to enabled titlebar context menu*/ } { if (UHK == 1 && HK != "") { string delim = "+"; String[] sHK = HK.Split(new string[] { delim }, StringSplitOptions.None); string modifier = sHK[0]; skey = sHK[1]; kMod = new Keys(); switch (modifier.ToLower()) { case "ctrl": kMod = Keys.Control; break; case "alt": kMod = Keys.Alt; break; case "shift": kMod = Keys.Shift; break; case "winkey": kMod = Keys.LWin; break; default: kMod = Keys.None; break; } TypeConverter keysConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys)); key = (Keys)keysConverter.ConvertFromString(skey); GKH = new globalKeyboardHook(); GKH.HookedKeys.Add(kMod); GKH.HookedKeys.Add(key); GKH.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(keyup_hook); GKH.hook(); if (DBN != 1) { TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(500, "Settings", kMod + "+" + key + " Hotkey registered", ToolTipIcon.Info); } } else { gkh = new globalKeyboardHook(); } if (UPM == 1) /* call method to enabled titlebar context menu*/ } { }
public override string ToString() { return(string.Format("\n Hanh khach: {0} \n So hieu CB: {1} \n San bay di: {2} \n San bay den: {3} \n Gia: {4}", HK.ToString(), Sohieu, Sandi, Sanden, Gia)); }
public ActionResult HK(HK hk) { return(View("hk", hk)); }
public static HK <F, B> Map <F, A, B>(this Monad <F> m, HK <F, A> fa, Func <A, B> f) => m.FlatMap(fa, a => m.Pure(f(a)));
public static HK <F, B> Ap <F, A, B>(this Monad <F> m, HK <F, Func <A, B> > ff, HK <F, A> fa) => m.FlatMap(ff, f => m.Map(fa, f));
public static HK <F, A> Flatten <F, A>(this Monad <F> m, HK <F, HK <F, A> > ffa) => m.FlatMap(ffa, fa => fa);