public List <HISFileTemplateDTO> GetHISFileTemplate_Actice_WithModel(HISFileTemplateDTO searchModel)

            List <HISFileTemplateDTO> objList = new List <HISFileTemplateDTO>();

            using (var trans = _db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    var objDataList = _db.HISFileTemplateDTOs.FromSqlRaw <HISFileTemplateDTO>("sp_GET_TCHISFileTemplate_Active").ToList();

                    objList = _mapper.Map <List <HISFileTemplateDTO> >(objDataList);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    // TODO: Handle failure


        public async Task <HISFileTemplateDTO> GetHISTemplate_Active_Async(HISFileTemplateDTO model)
            List <HISFileTemplateDTO> objList = new List <HISFileTemplateDTO>();

            objList = await _apiHelper.GetDataListByModelAsync <HISFileTemplateDTO, HISFileTemplateDTO>("his_api/GetHISTemplateActive", model);

        public async Task ExportLabDataWithHIS(IJSRuntime iJSRuntime, LabDataWithHISSearchDTO model, MasterTemplateDTO ActiveMasterTemplate, HISFileTemplateDTO HISTemplateActive)
            byte[]    fileContents;
            const int idxColLabNo   = 3;
            const int idxColSpcDate = 4;
            const int idxColHN      = 2;
            const int idxColRef     = 1;

            int idcColWhonetConfig = 5;
            var lstDynamicColumn   = new List <int>();
            var dctWhonetColumn    = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            //const int idxColAdmisDate = 6;
            //const int idxColCINI = 7;
            int idxRowCurrent = 1;

            string COL_REF_NO = HISTemplateActive.hft_field1; // "Ref No";
            string COL_HN_NO  = HISTemplateActive.hft_field2; //"HN";
            string COL_LAB_NO = HISTemplateActive.hft_field3; // "Lab";
            string COL_DATE   = HISTemplateActive.hft_field4; //"Date";

            List <LabDataWithHISDTO>       objLabWithRef      = new List <LabDataWithHISDTO>();
            List <HISDetailDTO>            objHISDetail       = new List <HISDetailDTO>();
            List <WHONETColumnDTO>         objWhonetActive    = new List <WHONETColumnDTO>();
            List <string>                  objWhonetHISColumn = new List <string>();
            WHONETColumnDTO                objSearchWhonet    = new WHONETColumnDTO();
            List <STGLabFileDataDetailDTO> objLabDetail       = new List <STGLabFileDataDetailDTO>();

            ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.NonCommercial;

            objLabWithRef = await _apiHelper.GetDataListByModelAsync <LabDataWithHISDTO, LabDataWithHISSearchDTO>("his_api/GetLabDataWithHIS", model);

            objHISDetail = await _apiHelper.GetDataListByModelAsync <HISDetailDTO, LabDataWithHISSearchDTO>("his_api/GetHISDetail", model);

            objLabDetail = await _apiHelper.GetDataListByModelAsync <STGLabFileDataDetailDTO, LabDataWithHISSearchDTO>("his_api/GetLabDataWithHISDetail", model);

            if (objLabWithRef.Count == 0)
                // Show message No data to export
            using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
                var workSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("REF_HIS");

                // Header Column
                workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idxColRef].Value     = COL_REF_NO;
                workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idxColHN].Value      = COL_HN_NO;
                workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idxColLabNo].Value   = COL_LAB_NO;
                workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idxColSpcDate].Value = COL_DATE;

                objSearchWhonet.wnc_mst_code = ActiveMasterTemplate.mst_code;

                objWhonetActive = await _apiHelper.GetDataListByModelAsync <WHONETColumnDTO, WHONETColumnDTO>("whonetcolumn_api/Get_List_Active_ByModel", objSearchWhonet);

                if (objWhonetActive != null)
                    // ToDo : change wnc_mendatory to wnc_his_export_flag
                    var objWhonetHIS = objWhonetActive.Where(w => w.wnc_mendatory == true).ToList();
                    objWhonetHISColumn = objWhonetHIS.Select(s => s.wnc_name).ToList();
                    //objWhonetHISColumn = new List<string> { "Last name", "First name", "Sex", "Date of birth", "Age", "Location" };
                    foreach (var obj in objWhonetHISColumn)
                        // Dynamic Column From Whonet Setting
                        workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idcColWhonetConfig].Value = obj;

                        if (!dctWhonetColumn.ContainsKey(obj))
                            dctWhonetColumn.Add(obj, idcColWhonetConfig);


                foreach (LabDataWithHISDTO objLab in objLabWithRef)
                    //if (idxRowCurrent == 11) { break; } //for test
                    idxRowCurrent += 1;
                    workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idxColRef].Value   = objLab.ref_no;
                    workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idxColHN].Value    = objLab.hn_no;
                    workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idxColLabNo].Value = objLab.lab_no;

                    workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, idxColSpcDate].Value       = objLab.spec_date;
                    workSheet.Column(idxColSpcDate).Style.Numberformat.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy";

                    // Note : obj.huh_id ที่เอามา where ต้องหาจาก query มาแล้วว่าเป็นตัวล่าสุด ที่จะ export ออกมา สถานะไม่ใช่ delete ...
                    //(First) Find HIS Data from Upload HIS
                    var objHISDetailFromHIS = objHISDetail.Where(w => w.ref_no == objLab.ref_no &&
                                                                 w.hn_no == objLab.hn_no &&
                                                                 w.lab_no == objLab.lab_no &&
                                                                 w.spec_date == objLab.spec_date).ToList();
                    foreach (var objHIS in objHISDetailFromHIS)
                        if (objWhonetHISColumn.Contains(objHIS.hud_field_name))
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objHIS.hud_field_value))
                                workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, dctWhonetColumn[objHIS.hud_field_name]].Value = objHIS.hud_field_value;

                    //(Second) Find HIS Data from Lab
                    Guid guidHeaderId        = new Guid(objLab.lab_header_id);
                    var  objHISDetailFromLab = objLabDetail.Where(w => w.ldd_ldh_id == guidHeaderId).ToList();
                    foreach (var obj in objHISDetailFromLab)
                        if (objWhonetHISColumn.Contains(obj.ldd_whonetfield))
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.ldd_originalvalue))
                                //var DecodeValue = CryptoHelper.UnicodeDecoding(obj.ldd_originalvalue);
                                if (workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, dctWhonetColumn[obj.ldd_whonetfield]].Value == null)
                                    workSheet.Cells[idxRowCurrent, dctWhonetColumn[obj.ldd_whonetfield]].Value = obj.ldd_originalvalue;
                } // End Loop Lab Data

                workSheet.Protection.IsProtected = true; // Protect whole sheet
                foreach (var colHIS in dctWhonetColumn.Values)
                    workSheet.Column(colHIS).Style.Locked = false;//unlock workSheet

                fileContents = package.GetAsByteArray();

                await iJSRuntime.InvokeAsync <HISFileUploadService>(
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public IEnumerable <HISFileTemplateDTO> GetHISTemplateActive([FromBody] HISFileTemplateDTO searchModel)
            var objReturn = _service.GetHISFileTemplate_Actice_WithModel(searchModel);

        public async Task <List <HISUploadErrorMessageDTO> > ValidateAndUploadFileSPFileAsync(IFileListEntry fileEntry
                                                                                              , HISUploadDataDTO HISfileOwner
                                                                                              , HISFileTemplateDTO HISTemplateActive)
            List <HISUploadErrorMessageDTO> ErrorMessage = new List <HISUploadErrorMessageDTO>();

                string path = "";
                List <ParameterDTO> objParamList = new List <ParameterDTO>();
                var searchModel = new ParameterDTO()
                    prm_code_major = "UPLOAD_PATH"

                const bool FIRSTROW_IS_HEADER = true;
                const int  colRefNo           = 0;
                const int  colHNNo            = 1;
                const int  colLabNo           = 2;
                const int  colSpecDate        = 3;
                var        formateDate        = HISTemplateActive.hft_date_format;
                var        COL_REF_NO         = HISTemplateActive.hft_field1; // "Ref No";
                var        COL_HN_NO          = HISTemplateActive.hft_field2; //"HN";
                var        COL_LAB_NO         = HISTemplateActive.hft_field3; // "Lab";
                var        COL_DATE           = HISTemplateActive.hft_field4; //"Date";

                objParamList = await _apiHelper.GetDataListByModelAsync <ParameterDTO, ParameterDTO>("dropdownlist_api/GetParameterList", searchModel);

                if (objParamList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.prm_code_minor == "PATH") != null)
                    path = objParamList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.prm_code_minor == "PATH").prm_value;
                    ErrorMessage.Add(new HISUploadErrorMessageDTO
                        hfu_status      = 'E',
                        hfu_Err_type    = "E",
                        hfu_Err_no      = 1,
                        hfu_Err_Column  = "",
                        hfu_Err_Message = "ไม่พบ Config PATH กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบ "


                string str_CurrentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                path = Path.Combine(path, str_CurrentDate, HISfileOwner.hfu_hos_code);
                bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(path);

                if (!exists)

                path = Path.Combine(path, fileEntry.Name);

                using (FileStream file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
                        await fileEntry.Data.CopyToAsync(file);
                    catch (Exception ex)

                #region ReadExcel
                if (Path.GetExtension(fileEntry.Name) == ".xls" || Path.GetExtension(fileEntry.Name) == ".xlsx")
                    ExcelDataSetConfiguration option = new ExcelDataSetConfiguration();
                    DataSet result = new DataSet();

                    using (var stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        using (var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream))
                            if (FIRSTROW_IS_HEADER == true)
                                result = reader.AsDataSet(new ExcelDataSetConfiguration()
                                    ConfigureDataTable = (tableReader) => new ExcelDataTableConfiguration()
                                        UseHeaderRow = true
                                result = reader.AsDataSet();

                            while (reader.Read())
                                var strFileFormatDate = reader.GetNumberFormatString(3);
                                if (strFileFormatDate.ToLower() != formateDate.ToLower())
                                    ErrorMessage.Add(new HISUploadErrorMessageDTO
                                        hfu_status      = 'E',
                                        hfu_Err_type    = "E",
                                        hfu_Err_no      = 1,
                                        hfu_Err_Column  = "",
                                        hfu_Err_Message = "Column Date ต้องอยู่ในรูปแบบ " + formateDate

                            ErrorMessage.Add(new HISUploadErrorMessageDTO
                                hfu_status      = 'I',
                                hfu_Err_type    = "I",
                                hfu_Err_no      = 1,
                                hfu_Err_Column  = "Total",
                                hfu_Err_Message = result.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString()

                    //----------  Validate Data in File -------------
                    var dataTable = result.Tables[0];

                    // Check column Exist
                    Boolean columnExists = result.Tables[0].Columns.Contains(COL_REF_NO) &&
                                           result.Tables[0].Columns.Contains(COL_HN_NO) &&
                                           result.Tables[0].Columns.Contains(COL_LAB_NO) &&
                    if (columnExists == false)
                        ErrorMessage.Add(new HISUploadErrorMessageDTO
                            hfu_status      = 'E',
                            hfu_Err_type    = "C",
                            hfu_Err_no      = 1,
                            hfu_Err_Column  = COL_REF_NO,
                            hfu_Err_Message = "ไม่พบ Column " + COL_REF_NO

                    for (var i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                        for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                            var data = dataTable.Rows[i][j];

                            // Check column not null
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.ToString()))
                                string columnError = "";
                                if (j == colRefNo)
                                    columnError = COL_REF_NO;
                                else if (j == colHNNo)
                                    columnError = COL_HN_NO;
                                else if (j == colLabNo)
                                    columnError = COL_LAB_NO;
                                else if (j == colSpecDate)
                                    columnError = COL_DATE;

                                var chkErrExist = ErrorMessage.FirstOrDefault(e => e.hfu_status == 'W' && e.hfu_Err_no == i + 2);

                                if (chkErrExist == null)
                                    ErrorMessage.Add(new HISUploadErrorMessageDTO
                                        hfu_status      = 'W',
                                        hfu_Err_type    = columnError,
                                        hfu_Err_no      = i + 2,
                                        hfu_Err_Column  = "Required",
                                        hfu_Err_Message = "Field is required"

                                    //ErrorMessage.Where(e => e.hfu_status == 'W' && e.hfu_Err_no == i + 1).
                                    //    Select(n => { n.hfu_Err_Message = ""; return n; }).ToList();
                                    chkErrExist.hfu_Err_type += ',' + columnError;

                            // Check Date format incorrect
                            //if (j == colSpecDate)
                            //    string dateString = data.ToString();
                            //    DateTime dt;
                            //    //string[] formateDate = { HISTemplateActive.hft_date_format }; //  dd/MM/yyyy
                            //    // en-GB , en-US
                            //    //var formateDate = HISTemplateActive.hft_date_format;
                            //    try
                            //    {
                            //        dt = DateTime.Parse(dateString,new CultureInfo("en-US"));

                            //    }
                            //    catch (Exception ex)
                            //    {
                            //        ErrorMessage.Add(new HISUploadErrorMessageDTO
                            //        {
                            //            hfu_status = 'E',
                            //            hfu_Err_type = "E",
                            //            hfu_Err_no = 1,
                            //            hfu_Err_Column = "",
                            //            hfu_Err_Message = "Column Date ต้องอยู่ในรูปแบบ " + formateDate
                            //        }); ;
                            //        return ErrorMessage;
                            //    }

                    var chkError = ErrorMessage.FirstOrDefault(x => x.hfu_status == 'E');
                    if (chkError != null)
                        ErrorMessage.Add(new HISUploadErrorMessageDTO
                            hfu_status      = 'I',
                            hfu_Err_type    = "P",
                            hfu_Err_no      = 1,
                            hfu_Err_Column  = "path",
                            hfu_Err_Message = path
            catch (Exception ex)
                //create log