Ejemplo n.º 1
            public void GetTree(HDFObjectInfo parent, H5LocId id, string name, string path)
                   H5GroupId root_id = H5G.open(id, name);
                   parent.NItems = H5G.getNumObjects(root_id);

                   for (ulong i = 0; i < (ulong)parent.NItems; i++)
                  HDFObjectInfo info = new HDFObjectInfo();

                  info.Index = i;
                  info.Name = H5G.getObjectNameByIndex(root_id, (ulong)i);
                  ObjectInfo h5oi = H5G.getObjectInfo(root_id, info.Name, false);
                  info.Type = h5oi.objectType;
                  info.Path = path;

                  if (info.Type == H5GType.GROUP)
                     info.Path += info.Name + "/";
                     info.Parent = parent;
                     GetTree(info, root_id, info.Name, info.Path);
                     info.IsProperty = true;

                     foreach (HDFObjectInfo obj in info.Children)
                        obj.Parent = info;

                        if (obj.Type != H5GType.DATASET)
                           info.IsProperty = false;
                     info.Path += info.Name;
                     info.Parent = parent;

                     if (info.Type == H5GType.DATASET)
                        H5DataSetId dsid = H5D.open(root_id, info.Name);
                        H5DataSpaceId dspid = H5D.getSpace(dsid);

                        info.DataTypeId = H5D.getType(dsid);
                        info.Size = H5T.getSize(info.DataTypeId);
                        info.Class = H5T.getClass(info.DataTypeId);
                        info.NativeType = H5T.getNativeType(info.DataTypeId, H5T.Direction.DESCEND);
                        info.Dims = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(dspid);
                        info.NDims = H5S.getSimpleExtentNDims(dspid);
                        info.MaxDims = H5S.getSimpleExtentMaxDims(dspid);
                        info.Parent.HasDatasets = true;



                catch (Exception ex)
                   last_exception = ex;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool CheckMeteoHDF(FileName file, int number_of_instants, bool exception_warn = false)
            HDFObjectInfo group, dataset;

            HDF.HDF input = new HDF.HDF();
            HDFObjectInfo input_root = new HDFObjectInfo();


            input.OpenHDF(file, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
            input.GetTree(input_root, input.FileID, "/", "/");


            HDFObjectInfo time = input_root.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "Time"; });
            if (time == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'time' group.");
            if (time.Children == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'time' datasets.");
            if (time.Children.Count != number_of_instants) throw new Exception("Wrong number of 'time' datasets");

            HDFObjectInfo results = input_root.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "Results"; });
            if (results == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'results' group.");
            if (results.Children == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'results' datasets.");
            if (results.Children.Count < 5) throw new Exception("Wrong number of 'results' datasets");
            group = results.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "air temperature"; });
            if (group == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'air temperature' group.");
            if (group.Children == null) return false;
            if (group.Children.Count != number_of_instants) return false;
            group = results.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "precipitation"; });
            if (group == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'precipitation' group.");
            if (group.Children == null) return false;
            if (group.Children.Count != number_of_instants) return false;
            group = results.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "relative humidity"; });
            if (group == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'relative humidity' group.");
            if (group.Children == null) return false;
            if (group.Children.Count != number_of_instants) return false;
            group = results.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "solar radiation"; });
            if (group == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'solar radiation' group.");
            if (group.Children == null) return false;
            if (group.Children.Count != number_of_instants) return false;
            group = results.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "wind modulus"; });
            if (group == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'wind modulus' group.");
            if (group.Children == null) return false;
            if (group.Children.Count != number_of_instants) return false;

            HDFObjectInfo grid = input_root.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "Grid"; });
            if (grid == null) return false;
            if (grid.Children == null) return false;
            dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "Bathymetry"; });
            if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'Bathymetry' dataset.");
            dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "ConnectionX"; });
            if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'ConnectionX' dataset.");
            dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "ConnectionY"; });
            if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'ConnectionY' dataset.");
            dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "Define Cells"; });
            if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'Define Cells' dataset.");
            //dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "LandUse"; });
            //if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'LandUse' dataset.");
            dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "Latitude"; });
            if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'Latitude' dataset.");
            dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "Longitude"; });
            if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing Longitude' dataset.");
            dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "WaterPoints2D"; });
            if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'WaterPoints2D' dataset.");
            dataset = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "WaterPoints3D"; });
            if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'WaterPoints3D' dataset.");
            //group = grid.Children.Find(delegate(HDFObjectInfo node) { return node.Name == "VerticalZ"; });
            //if (group == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'VerticalZ' group.");
            //if (group.Children == null) throw new Exception("Missing 'VerticalZ' datasets.");
            //if (group.Children.Count != number_of_instants) throw new Exception("Wrong number of 'VerticalZ' datasets.");

            return true;
             catch (Exception ex)
            if (exception_warn)
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public List<HDFObjectInfo> GetRootObjects()
                   List<HDFObjectInfo> list = new List<HDFObjectInfo>();

                   H5GroupId root_id = H5G.open(file_id, "/");
                   long n_objs = H5G.getNumObjects(root_id);

                   for (ulong i = 0; i < (ulong)n_objs; i++)
                  HDFObjectInfo info = new HDFObjectInfo();

                  info.Index = i;
                  info.Name = H5G.getObjectNameByIndex(root_id, i);
                  ObjectInfo h5oi = H5G.getObjectInfo(root_id, info.Name, false);
                  info.Type = h5oi.objectType;



                   return list;
                catch (Exception ex)
                   last_exception = ex;
                   return null;