Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateData()
            // Running on Android device.
            // Update controller state.
            GvrBasePointer pointer            = GvrPointerInputModule.Pointer;
            bool           isPointerAvailable = pointer != null && pointer.IsAvailable;
            if (isPointerAvailable)
                GvrControllerInputDevice controllerInputDevice = pointer.ControllerInputDevice;
                if (controllerInputDevice != null && controllerInputDevice.State == GvrConnectionState.Connected)
                    bool pressed = controllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton);
                    gvr_keyboard_update_button_state(keyboard_context, kGvrControllerButtonClick, pressed);

                    // Update touch state
                    Vector2 touch_pos = controllerInputDevice.TouchPos;
                    IntPtr  touch_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(touch_pos));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(touch_pos, touch_ptr, true);
                    bool isTouching = controllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);
                    gvr_keyboard_update_controller_touch(keyboard_context, isTouching, touch_ptr);

                    GvrBasePointer.PointerRay pointerRay = pointer.GetRayForDistance(currentDistance);

                    Vector3 startPoint = pointerRay.ray.origin;
                    // Need to flip Z for native library
                    startPoint.z *= -1;
                    IntPtr start_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(startPoint));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(startPoint, start_ptr, true);

                    Vector3 endPoint = pointerRay.ray.GetPoint(pointerRay.distance);
                    // Need to flip Z for native library
                    endPoint.z *= -1;
                    IntPtr end_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(endPoint));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(endPoint, end_ptr, true);

                    Vector3 hit     = Vector3.one;
                    IntPtr  hit_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(Vector3.zero));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(Vector3.zero, hit_ptr, true);

                    gvr_keyboard_update_controller_ray(keyboard_context, start_ptr, end_ptr, hit_ptr);
                    hit    = (Vector3)Marshal.PtrToStructure(hit_ptr, typeof(Vector3));
                    hit.z *= -1;


            // Get time stamp.
            gvr_clock_time_point time = gvr_get_time_point_now();
            time.monotonic_system_time_nanos += kPredictionTimeWithoutVsyncNanos;

            // Update frame data.
            GvrKeyboardSetFrameData(keyboard_context, time);
            GL.IssuePluginEvent(renderEventFunction, advanceID);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void RaycastDefault(GvrBasePointer pointer, PointerEventData eventData, List <RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
        lastRay = GvrBasePointer.CalculateRay(pointer, pointer.raycastMode);
        float radius = pointer.CurrentPointerRadius;

        PerformRaycast(lastRay, radius, eventData, resultAppendList);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void RaycastHybrid(GvrBasePointer pointer, PointerEventData eventData, List <RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
        CurrentRaycastModeForHybrid = GvrBasePointer.RaycastMode.Direct;
        lastRay = GvrBasePointer.CalculateHybridRay(pointer, CurrentRaycastModeForHybrid);
        float radius   = pointer.CurrentPointerRadius;
        bool  foundHit = PerformRaycast(lastRay, radius, eventData, resultAppendList);

        if (!foundHit)
            CurrentRaycastModeForHybrid = GvrBasePointer.RaycastMode.Camera;
            lastRay = GvrBasePointer.CalculateHybridRay(pointer, CurrentRaycastModeForHybrid);
            PerformRaycast(lastRay, radius, eventData, resultAppendList);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected abstract bool PerformRaycast(GvrBasePointer.PointerRay pointerRay, float radius,
                                        PointerEventData eventData, List <RaycastResult> resultAppendList);
    protected override bool PerformRaycast(GvrBasePointer.PointerRay pointerRay, float radius,
                                           PointerEventData eventData, List <RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
        if (canvas == null)

        if (eventCamera == null)

        if (canvas.renderMode != RenderMode.WorldSpace)
            Debug.LogError("GvrPointerGraphicRaycaster requires that the canvas renderMode is set to WorldSpace.");

        float hitDistance = float.MaxValue;

        if (blockingObjects != BlockingObjects.None)
            float dist = pointerRay.distance;

            if (blockingObjects == BlockingObjects.ThreeD || blockingObjects == BlockingObjects.All)
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(pointerRay.ray, out hit, dist, blockingMask))
                    hitDistance = hit.distance;

            if (blockingObjects == BlockingObjects.TwoD || blockingObjects == BlockingObjects.All)
                RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(pointerRay.ray.origin, pointerRay.ray.direction, dist, blockingMask);

                if (hit.collider != null)
                    hitDistance = hit.fraction * dist;

        Ray finalRay;

        Raycast(canvas, pointerRay.ray, eventCamera, pointerRay.distance, raycastResults, out finalRay);

        bool foundHit = false;

        for (int index = 0; index < raycastResults.Count; index++)
            GameObject go            = raycastResults[index].gameObject;
            bool       appendGraphic = true;

            if (ignoreReversedGraphics)
                // If we have a camera compare the direction against the cameras forward.
                Vector3 cameraFoward = eventCamera.transform.rotation * Vector3.forward;
                Vector3 dir          = go.transform.rotation * Vector3.forward;
                appendGraphic = Vector3.Dot(cameraFoward, dir) > 0;

            if (appendGraphic)
                float resultDistance = 0;

                Transform trans        = go.transform;
                Vector3   transForward = trans.forward;
                // http://geomalgorithms.com/a06-_intersect-2.html
                float transDot = Vector3.Dot(transForward, trans.position - pointerRay.ray.origin);
                float rayDot   = Vector3.Dot(transForward, pointerRay.ray.direction);
                resultDistance = transDot / rayDot;
                Vector3 hitPosition = pointerRay.ray.origin + (pointerRay.ray.direction * resultDistance);
                resultDistance = resultDistance + pointerRay.distanceFromStart;

                // Check to see if the go is behind the camera.
                if (resultDistance < 0 || resultDistance >= hitDistance || resultDistance > pointerRay.distance)

                Transform pointerTransform =
                float delta = (hitPosition - pointerTransform.position).magnitude;
                if (delta < pointerRay.distanceFromStart)

                RaycastResult castResult = new RaycastResult
                    gameObject     = go,
                    module         = this,
                    distance       = resultDistance,
                    worldPosition  = hitPosition,
                    worldNormal    = pointerRay.ray.direction,
                    screenPosition = eventCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(hitPosition),
                    index          = resultAppendList.Count,
                    depth          = raycastResults[index].depth,
                    sortingLayer   = canvas.sortingLayerID,
                    sortingOrder   = canvas.sortingOrder

                foundHit = true;

    protected override bool PerformRaycast(GvrBasePointer.PointerRay pointerRay, float radius,
                                           PointerEventData eventData, List <RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
        if (eventCamera == null)

        int numHits;

        if (radius > 0.0f)
            numHits = Physics.SphereCastNonAlloc(pointerRay.ray, radius, hits, pointerRay.distance, finalEventMask);
            numHits = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(pointerRay.ray, hits, pointerRay.distance, finalEventMask);

        if (numHits == 0)

        if (numHits == MaxRaycastHits)
            MaxRaycastHits *= 2;
            Debug.LogWarningFormat("Physics Raycast/Spherecast returned {0} hits, which is the current " +
                                   "maximum and means that some hits may have been lost. Setting maxRaycastHits to {1}. " +
                                   "Please set maxRaycastHits to a sufficiently high value for your scene.",
                                   numHits, MaxRaycastHits);

        Array.Sort(hits, 0, numHits, hitComparer);

        for (int i = 0; i < numHits; ++i)
            Vector3 projection     = Vector3.Project(hits[i].point - pointerRay.ray.origin, pointerRay.ray.direction);
            Vector3 hitPosition    = projection + pointerRay.ray.origin;
            float   resultDistance = hits[i].distance + pointerRay.distanceFromStart;

            Transform pointerTransform =
            float delta = (hitPosition - pointerTransform.position).magnitude;
            if (delta < pointerRay.distanceFromStart)

            RaycastResult result = new RaycastResult
                gameObject     = hits[i].collider.gameObject,
                module         = this,
                distance       = resultDistance,
                worldPosition  = hitPosition,
                worldNormal    = hits[i].normal,
                screenPosition = eventCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(hitPosition),
                index          = resultAppendList.Count,
                sortingLayer   = 0,
                sortingOrder   = 0

