Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task BasicSetupCommand(CommandContext ctx,
                                            [Description("Partner channel.")]
                                            DiscordChannel channel,

                                            [Description("Partner message.")]
                                            string message)

            if ((ban = await this._ban.GetBanAsync(ctx.Guild.Id)) is not null ||
                (ban = await this._ban.GetBanAsync(ctx.Guild.OwnerId)) is not null)
                await RespondError($"Your server is banned due to: {ban.Reason}\n\n" +
                                   $"Contact a staff member on the [support server](https://discord.gg/3SCTnhCMam) to learn more.");

                await ctx.Guild.LeaveAsync();


            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                await RespondError("The partner message can not be null or white space!");


            if (GuildVerificationService.VerifyChannel(channel))
                IReadOnlyList <string>?links = message.GetUrls();

                foreach (string?l in links)
                    message = message.Remove(message.IndexOf(l), l.Length);

                int drank = await this._donor.GetDonorRankAsync(ctx.Guild.OwnerId);

                (Partner?, string)res = await this._partners.UpdateOrAddPartnerAsync(ctx.Guild.Id, () => {
                    PartnerUpdater dat = new()
                        Active    = true,
                        ChannelId = channel.Id,
                        Message   = message,
                        GuildIcon = ctx.Guild.IconUrl,
                        GuildName = ctx.Guild.Name,
                        UserCount = ctx.Guild.MemberCount,
                        OwnerId   = ctx.Guild.OwnerId,
                        DonorRank = drank

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <DiscordEmbedBuilder> GetRequiermentsEmbed(Partner partner, DiscordChannel?channel = null)
            // Required: message, channel.
            // Optional: banner, embed, links.
            bool validChannel = false;

            if (channel is not null)
                validChannel = GuildVerificationService.VerifyChannel(channel);
            bool invalidMessage  = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(partner.Message);
            bool invalidBanner   = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(partner.Banner);
            bool maxLinks        = partner.LinksUsed >= DonorService.HIGHEST_RANK;
            bool linkCap         = partner.LinksUsed >= partner.DonorRank;
            int  maxEmbeds       = partner.DonorRank == 2 ? DonorService.TRIPPLE_EMBEDS : partner.DonorRank >= 3 ? DonorService.QUADRUPLE_EMBEDS : 0;
            bool embedsRemaining = partner.MessageEmbeds.Count < maxEmbeds;
            bool embedAllowed    = partner.DonorRank >= DonorService.EMBED_LIMIT && !(!embedsRemaining && partner.DonorRank == DonorService.EMBED_LIMIT);
            bool defaultColor    = partner.BaseColor.Value == DiscordColor.Gray.Value;
            bool usedTags        = partner.Tags.Count >= TAG_LIMIT;
            bool usedVanity      = partner.VanityInvite is not null;


                vanity = await this.Context.Guild.GetVanityInviteAsync();
            catch { vanity = null; }

            bool hasVanity    = vanity is not null;
            bool canUseVanity = partner.DonorRank >= 1;

            DiscordEmbedBuilder?requirementsEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                                                    .WithTitle("Partner Bot Setup Requirements")
                                                    .AddField($"{(partner.Active ? this.Check.GetDiscordName() : this.Cross.GetDiscordName())} Active",
                                                              partner.Active ? "Partner Bot is **Active** on this server!" : "Partner Bot is **Inactive** on this server." +
                                                              " Complete the required options then `toggle` to activate Partner Bot!", false)
                                                    .AddField("_ _", "``` ```", false)
                                                    .AddField("**Required Settings**", "_ _")
                                                    .AddField($"{(validChannel ? this.Check.GetDiscordName() : this.Cross.GetDiscordName())} Channel",
                                                              validChannel ? $"The current channel ({channel?.Mention}) is valid! Change it with `channel`." : "Please set a valid Partner Channel with `channel`.", true)
                                                    .AddField($"{(invalidMessage ? this.Cross.GetDiscordName() : this.Check.GetDiscordName())} Message",
                                                              invalidMessage ? "You have no message set! Set one with `message`." : "Your message is set. Change it with `message`.", true)
                                                    .AddField("_ _", "``` ```", false)
                                                    .AddField("**Optional Settings**", "_ _", false)
                                                    .AddField($"{(invalidBanner ? this.Cross.GetDiscordName() : this.Check.GetDiscordName())} Banner",
                                                              invalidBanner ? "You have no banner set! Set one with `banner`." : "You have a banner set! Change it with `banner`.", true)
                                                    .AddField($"{(linkCap ? (maxLinks ? this.Check.GetDiscordName() : this.Lock.GetDiscordName()) : this.Cross.GetDiscordName())} Links",
                                                              linkCap ?
                                                              (maxLinks ? "You have used all your links! Modify your message to change the links with `message`."
                            : "You can't use any more links! Consider [donating](https://www.patreon.com/cessumdevelopment?fan_landing=true) to get more links.")
                        : $"You have used {partner.LinksUsed} of {partner.DonorRank} avalible links. Edit your message with `message` to use them!", true)
                                                    .AddField($"{(embedAllowed ? (embedsRemaining ? this.Cross.GetDiscordName() : this.Check.GetDiscordName()) : this.Lock.GetDiscordName())} Embeds",
                                                              embedAllowed ?
                                                              (embedsRemaining ? $"You have used {partner.MessageEmbeds.Count} of {maxEmbeds} embeds. Use `add-embed` to add a new embed!"
                            : "You have used all of your embeds! Consider editing or removing some to update your message with `edit-embed` or `remove-embed`!")
                        : "You can't add any embeds! Consider [donating](https://www.patreon.com/cessumdevelopment?fan_landing=true) to get access to more embeds.", true)
                                                    .AddField($"{(defaultColor ? this.Cross.GetDiscordName() : this.Check.GetDiscordName())} Color",
                                                              defaultColor ? "You have no custom color set! Set one with `color`."
                        : $"You have your custom color set to `R{partner.BaseColor.R}, G{partner.BaseColor.G}, B{partner.BaseColor.B}`! Change it with `color`.", true)
                                                    .AddField($"{(usedTags ? this.Check.GetDiscordName() : this.Cross.GetDiscordName())} Tags",
                                                              usedTags ? $"You have used all {TAG_LIMIT} of your tags. Edit your current tags with `tags`!"
                        : $"You have used {partner.Tags.Count} of your {TAG_LIMIT} avalible tags. Add some with `tags`!", true)
                                                    .AddField($"{(canUseVanity ? (hasVanity ? (usedVanity ? this.Check.GetDiscordName() : this.Cross.GetDiscordName()) : this.Check.GetDiscordName()) : this.Lock.GetDiscordName())} Vanity Invite",
                                                              canUseVanity ?
                                                              (hasVanity ?
                                                               (usedVanity ? "You have enabled your vanity URL! Want to disable it? Use `vanity`!" : "Want to use your vanity URL? Use `vanity`!")
                    : "You don't have a vanity URL for your server!")
                : $"You can't use a vanity URL! Consider [donating](https://www.patreon.com/cessumdevelopment?fan_landing=true) to use your servers vanity URL with Partner Bot" +
                                                              $" (You must have a vanity URL from Discord to use this option).", true)
                                                    .AddField("_ _", "``` ```", false)
                                                    .AddField("**Server Settings**", "_ _", false)
                                                    .AddField($"{(partner.NSFW ? this.Yes.GetDiscordName() : this.No.GetDiscordName())} NSFW Server",
                                                              partner.NSFW ? "Your server is marked as NSFW. **This does not allow NSFW content in your banner or advertisment!**. This means your" +
                                                              " server advertisment is mentioning NSFW content, but does not include it. Use `set-nsfw` to toggle this option."
                        : "Your server is **not** marked as NSFW. No mention of NSFW content can be in your advertisment. Use `set-nsfw` to toggle this option.", true)
                                                    .AddField($"{(partner.ReceiveNSFW ? this.Yes.GetDiscordName() : this.No.GetDiscordName())} Get NSFW Server Adverts",
                                                              partner.ReceiveNSFW ? "Your server is allowed to receive advertisments from NSFW servers. This means advertisments mentioning NSFW" +
                                                              " content are allowed. **Please report any advertisments with NSFW images.** Use `get-nsfw` to toggle this option."
                        : "Your server is **not** allowed to receive advertisments from NSFW servers. **Please report any advertisments that are or mention" +
                                                              " NSFW content that you receive.** Use `get-nsfw` to toggle this option.", true);
