Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void BuildFileNameGroup(Gtk.HBox hbFileName)
            this.btOpen = new Gtk.Button( Gtk.Stock.Open );
            this.edFileName = new Gtk.Entry();

            this.edFileName.IsEditable = false;
            this.btOpen.Clicked += (sender, e) => this.OnOpen();

            hbFileName.PackStart( this.edFileName, true, true, 5 );
            hbFileName.PackStart( this.btOpen, false, false, 5 );
 public void FillVbox(Gtk.VBox vbox, IList people) {
     foreach (Person p in people)
         vbox.PackStart (new PersonAndJobRow(p, null));
     vbox.ShowAll ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
		private Gtk.Button MakeButton (Gtk.HBox header, string icon, EventHandler handler)
			Gtk.Button button = new Gtk.Button ();
			Gtk.Image img = new Gtk.Image (icon, Gtk.IconSize.Button);
			button.Add (img);
			button.Relief = Gtk.ReliefStyle.None;
			button.Clicked += handler;

			header.PackStart (button, false, false, 0);
			button.ShowAll ();

			return button;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private void FillTestComboBox(Gtk.ComboBox cb)
        CellRendererText cell = new CellRendererText();
        cb.PackStart(cell, false);
        cb.AddAttribute(cell, "text", 0);
        ListStore store = new ListStore(typeof (string));
        cb.Model = store;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void fill_themes_combo(Gtk.ComboBox box)
            CellRendererText cell = new CellRendererText();
            box.PackStart(cell, false);
            box.AddAttribute(cell, "text", 0);
            ListStore store = new ListStore(typeof(string));
            box.Model = store;

            TreeIter iter;
            string cur_theme = Conf.Get(Preference.THEME, Defines.DEFAULT_THEME);
            cur_theme = cur_theme.Substring(cur_theme.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            IList themes = Application.TheApp.ThemeManager.GetThemeList();

            foreach(Theme t in themes){
                iter = store.AppendValues(t.Name);

                if(t.Name == cur_theme){
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// Add new checkbox to the dialog with label and default value
        /// <param name="page">An object that represents dialog (a container of items on the dialog)</param>
        /// <param name="propertyLabel">Label that will be shown before the checkbox</param>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">Default value that will be preset to the checkbox (should be one of True or False)</param>
        /// <param name="propertyHint">Hint that will be shown when mouse goes over a checkbox</param>
        /// <param name="wayInXml">A XPath path to the element, whose checkbox is created</param> 
        protected void AddBoolItem(Gtk.Box page, string propertyLabel, string propertyValue, string propertyHint, string wayInXml)
            // create one entry to property dialog
              HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 3);
              Label vypln = new Label(); vypln.WidthRequest = 18; hbox.PackStart(vypln, false, false, 1);
              CheckButton checkButton = CheckButton.NewWithLabel(propertyLabel);
              hbox.PackStart(checkButton, false, false, 1);
              checkButton.Active = (propertyValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE");
              // add hints to created items
              tooltips.SetTip(checkButton, propertyHint, "");
              page.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 1);

              // add checkbox to list of properies (useful during saving)
              checkButton.Name = "item" + (lastItemNumber++).ToString();
              StoreToProperties(checkButton.Name, wayInXml);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// Add new spinbutton to the dialog with label and default value
        /// <param name="page">An object that represents dialog (a container of items on the dialog)</param>
        /// <param name="propertyLabel">Label that will be shown before the spinbutton</param>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">Default value that will be preset to the spinbutton (should be one of True or False)</param>
        /// <param name="propertyHint">Hint that will be shown when mouse goes over a spinbutton</param>
        /// <param name="wayInXml">A XPath path to the element, whose spinbutton is created</param>
        protected void AddIntItem(Gtk.Box page, string propertyLabel, string propertyValue, string propertyHint, string minimum, string maximum, string step, string wayInXml)
            double dMinimum = Convert.ToDouble(minimum);
              double dMaximum = Convert.ToDouble(maximum);
              double dStep = Convert.ToDouble(step);
              double hodnota = (propertyValue != string.Empty) ? Convert.ToDouble(propertyValue) : 1f;
              if (hodnota < dMinimum) hodnota=dMinimum;
              if (hodnota > dMaximum) hodnota=dMaximum;

              // create spinbutton to represent value
              HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 3);
              Label vypln = new Label(); vypln.WidthRequest = 18; hbox.PackStart(vypln, false, false, 1);
              SpinButton spinner = new SpinButton(dMinimum, dMaximum, dStep);
              spinner.Value = hodnota;
              Label labelInt = new Label(propertyLabel);

              hbox.PackStart(labelInt, false, false, 1);
              hbox.PackStart(spinner, false, false, 1);
              page.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 1);

              // store the way in Xml to this element
              spinner.Name = "item" + (lastItemNumber++).ToString();
              StoreToProperties(spinner.Name, wayInXml);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// Add new editable entry to the dialog with label and default value
        /// <param name="page">An object that represents dialog (a container of items on the dialog)</param>
        /// <param name="propertyLabel">Label that will be shown before the entry</param>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">Default value that will be preset to the entry</param>
        /// <param name="wayInXml">A XPath path to the element, whose entry is created</param>
        protected void AddStringItem(Gtk.Box page, string propertyLabel, string propertyValue, string toolTip, string wayInXml)
            // create one entry to property dialog
              HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 3);
              Label vypln = new Label(); vypln.WidthRequest = 18; hbox.PackStart(vypln, false, false, 1);
              Label label = new Label(propertyLabel);
              Entry entry = new Entry(propertyValue);
              entry.IsEditable = true; entry.Visible = true;
              hbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 1);
              hbox.PackEnd(entry, true, true, 1);
              page.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 1);

              // add entry to list of properies (useful during saving)
              entry.Name = "item" + (lastItemNumber++).ToString();
              StoreToProperties(entry.Name, wayInXml);
Ejemplo n.º 9
		internal virtual void AttachMainToolbar (Gtk.VBox parent, IMainToolbarView toolbar)
			var toolbarBox = new Gtk.HBox ();
			parent.PackStart (toolbarBox, false, false, 0);
			toolbarBox.PackStart ((MainToolbar)toolbar, true, true, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// Add new combobox to the dialog with label, filled item and default value
        /// <param name="page">An object that represents dialog (a container of items on the dialog)</param>
        /// <param name="propertyLabel">Label that will be shown before the combobox</param>
        /// <param name="propertySelected">Default value that will be preset to the combobox (should be one of True or False)</param>
        /// <param name="propertyHint">Hint that will be shown when mouse goes over a combobox</param>
        /// <param name="options">An array of strings that represents options of combobox</param>
        /// <param name="wayInXml">A XPath path to the element, whose combobox is created</param>
        protected void AddComboItem(Gtk.Box page, string propertyLabel, string propertySelected, string propertyHint, ArrayList options, string wayInXml)
            int selected = Convert.ToInt32(propertySelected);
              HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 3);
              Label vypln = new Label(); vypln.WidthRequest = 18; hbox.PackStart(vypln, false, false, 1);
              Gtk.Label labelSelect = new Label(propertyLabel);
              Gtk.ComboBox combo = ComboBox.NewText();
              foreach (String option in options)
              // preselect proper item
              if (selected < options.Count && selected >= 0) combo.Active = selected;
              hbox.PackStart(labelSelect, false, false, 1);
              hbox.PackStart(combo, false, false, 1);
              page.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 1);

              // store the way in Xml to this element
              combo.Name = "item" + (lastItemNumber++).ToString();
              StoreToProperties(combo.Name, wayInXml);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal override void AttachMainToolbar (Gtk.VBox parent, Components.MainToolbar.IMainToolbarView toolbar)
			titleBar = new TitleBar ();
			var topMenu = new GtkWPFWidget (titleBar) {
				HeightRequest = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.CaptionHeight,
			//commandManager.IncompleteKeyPressed += (sender, e) => {
			//	if (e.Key == Gdk.Key.Alt_L) {
			//		Keyboard.Focus(titleBar.DockTitle.Children[0]);
			//	}
			parent.PackStart (topMenu, false, true, 0);
			SetupMenu ();

			parent.PackStart ((WPFToolbar)toolbar, false, true, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// server gui stuff:
        /// server path
        /// server username + password
        /// check server ssl certificate yes/no
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="insertTo"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultSpacing"></param>
        void SetupGuiServerRelated(Gtk.Box insertTo, int defaultSpacing)
            Gtk.Table customBox = new Gtk.Table(3, 2, false);

            // somehow you can't change the default spacing or set it for all rows
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                customBox.SetRowSpacing((uint)i, (uint)defaultSpacing);

            // insert the labels
            customBox.Attach(new Gtk.Label(Catalog.GetString("Server path:")), 0, 1, 0, 1);
            customBox.Attach(new Gtk.Label(Catalog.GetString("Username:"******"Password:"******"SaveConfiguration" is called
            //IPropertyEditor serverEditor = Services.Factory.CreatePropertyEditorEntry(
            //	AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERPATH, server_path);

            server_user = new Gtk.Entry();
            customBox.Attach(server_user, 1, 2, 1, 2);
            string serverUser = Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERUSER) as String;
            server_user.Text = serverUser;
            // NO EDITOR! because we only save when "SaveConfiguration" is called
            //IPropertyEditor userEditor = Services.Factory.CreatePropertyEditorEntry(
            // AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERUSER, server_user);

            server_pass = new Gtk.Entry();
            server_pass.InvisibleChar = '*';
            server_pass.Visibility = false;
            customBox.Attach(server_pass, 1, 2, 2, 3);
            string serverpass = Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERPASS) as String;
            server_pass.Text = serverpass;
            // NO EDITOR! because we only save when "SaveConfiguration" is called
            //IPropertyEditor passEditor = Services.Factory.CreatePropertyEditorEntry(
            // AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERPASS, server_pass);

            check_ssl = new Gtk.CheckButton(Catalog.GetString("Check servers SSL certificate"));

            // set up check-ssl certificate stuff
            object value = Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_SERVERCHECKSSLCERT);
            if (value == null || value.Equals(true))
                check_ssl.Active = true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void add_page_link(string text, Gtk.HBox page_navigation, int offset, int current_page)
            Gtk.EventBox link_wrapper = new Gtk.EventBox();
            Gtk.Label link = new Gtk.Label();
            link.Markup = "<u><small>" + text + "</small></u>";

            GtkCommon.show_hand_and_tooltip(link_wrapper, text);

            System.Console.WriteLine("adding a page link: {0} with offset on click {1}", text, offset);

            link_wrapper.ButtonPressEvent += delegate {
                if (current_page != -1) { // next
                    this.offset = offset + current_page;
                } else {
                    int last_page = sizes_of_last_pages.Pop();
                    this.offset = offset - last_page;

            GtkCommon.set_background_color(link_wrapper, "white");
            page_navigation.PackStart(link_wrapper, false, false, 5);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void InitWebKit(Gtk.Box w)
     if (!appInited)
         appInited = true;
     wb = new MonoMac.WebKit.WebView(new System.Drawing.RectangleF(10, 10, 200, 200), "foo", "bar");
     w.PackStart(scrollWindow, true, true, 0);
     wb.ShouldCloseWithWindow = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void add_link(string text, CalendarDriver.View view, System.DateTime item_modified_date, Gtk.HBox links)
            Gtk.EventBox link_wrapper = new Gtk.EventBox();
            Gtk.Label link = new Gtk.Label();
            link.Markup = "<u><small>" + text + "</small></u>";

            GtkCommon.show_hand_and_tooltip(link_wrapper, text);

            link_wrapper.ButtonPressEvent += delegate(object sender, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args) {
                set_view_callback(view, item_modified_date);

            GtkCommon.set_background_color(link_wrapper, "white");
            links.PackStart(link_wrapper, false, false, 5);
Ejemplo n.º 16
		// FIXME clicking the spinbutton too fast seems to switch the view to browse
		public FaceBox (Gtk.Box tb, PhotoImageView vw) : base() {
			m_list = new ArrayList();
			face_store = Core.Database.Faces;
			View = vw;
			tag_store = FSpot.Core.Database.Tags;
			Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label("Face det:");
			tb.PackStart(lab, false, true, 0);
			face_button = new ToolbarButton ();
			face_button.Add (new Gtk.Image ("f-spot-sepia", IconSize.Button));
			tb.PackStart (face_button, false, true, 0);
			face_button.Clicked += HandleFaceButtonClicked;
			tag_entry = new Gtk.Entry ("test");
				tag_entry.Sensitive = false;
			tb.PackStart(tag_entry, false, true, 0);
			m_newtag_button = new  ToolbarButton ();
			m_newtag_button.Add (new Gtk.Image ("f-spot-new-tag", IconSize.Button));
			m_newtag_button.Sensitive = false;
			m_newtag_button.Clicked += HandleNewTagButtonClicked;				
			m_spin = new SpinButton(1,1,1);
			m_spin.Sensitive = false;
			tb.PackStart(m_spin, false, true, 0);
			m_spin.Changed += HandleSpinChanged;
			//m.spin.ValueChanged += jesli w bazie, to pokaz jego tag
Ejemplo n.º 17
		void AddBox (Gtk.VBox parent, out Gtk.Widget box, out Gtk.VBox vbox)
			Gtk.HBox hbox = new Gtk.HBox ();
			Gtk.Label sep = new Gtk.Label ("");
			sep.WidthRequest = 24;
			sep.Show ();
			hbox.PackStart (sep, false, false, 0);
			vbox = new Gtk.VBox ();
			vbox.Spacing = 6;
			vbox.Show ();
			hbox.PackStart (vbox, true, true, 0);
			parent.PackStart (hbox, false, false, 0);
			box = hbox;
Ejemplo n.º 18
		void AddPackageBuilder (Gtk.VBox parent, PackagingProject project, PackageBuilder pb)
			Gtk.CheckButton check = new Gtk.CheckButton (pb.DefaultName);
			check.Show ();
			parent.PackStart (check, false, false, 0);
			Package pkg = new Package (pb);
			pkg.Name = pb.DefaultName;
			RegisterCheck (check, project, pkg);
Ejemplo n.º 19
		void AddCreatePackageSection (Gtk.VBox vbox, string label, PackagingProject parentProject, bool showCheck)
			Gtk.VBox vboxNewPacks;
			Gtk.Widget hbox;
			if (showCheck) {
				Gtk.CheckButton check = new Gtk.CheckButton (label);
				check.Show ();
				vbox.PackStart (check, false, false, 0);
				AddBox (vbox, out hbox, out vboxNewPacks);
				check.Toggled += delegate {
					hbox.Visible = check.Active;
					if (!check.Active)
						DisableChecks (hbox);
			} else {
				Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label (label);
				lab.Show ();
				vbox.PackStart (lab, false, false, 0);
				AddBox (vbox, out hbox, out vboxNewPacks);
				hbox.Show ();
			ICollection builders;
			if (creatingPackProject)
				builders = DeployService.GetPackageBuilders ();
				builders = DeployService.GetSupportedPackageBuilders (entry);
			foreach (PackageBuilder pb in builders) {
				if (creatingPackProject) {
					pb.SetSolutionItem (parentFolder.ParentSolution.RootFolder);
					// Add all compatible projects
					foreach (SolutionItem e in parentFolder.ParentSolution.GetAllSolutionItems ()) {
						if (pb.CanBuild (e))
							pb.AddEntry (e);
				} else {
					pb.SetSolutionItem (parentFolder, new SolutionItem [] { entry });
				PackageBuilder[] defp = pb.CreateDefaultBuilders ();
				if (defp.Length == 0)
				if (defp.Length == 1)
					AddPackageBuilder (vboxNewPacks, parentProject, defp[0]);
				else {
					Gtk.CheckButton checkBuilder = new Gtk.CheckButton (pb.Description);
					checkBuilder.Show ();
					vboxNewPacks.PackStart (checkBuilder, false, false, 0);
					Gtk.VBox vboxDefPacks;
					Gtk.Widget thbox;
					AddBox (vboxNewPacks, out thbox, out vboxDefPacks);
					checkBuilder.Toggled += delegate {
						thbox.Visible = checkBuilder.Active;
						if (!checkBuilder.Active)
							DisableChecks (thbox);
					foreach (PackageBuilder dp in defp)
						AddPackageBuilder (vboxDefPacks, parentProject, dp);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void InitWebKit(Gtk.Box w)
     wb = new WebKit.WebView();
     // Hack to work around webkit bug; webkit will crash the app if a size is not provided
     // See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=466360 for a related bug report
     wb.SetSizeRequest(2, 2);
     w.PackStart(scrollWindow, true, true, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        internal override void AttachMainToolbar (Gtk.VBox parent, Components.MainToolbar.IMainToolbarView toolbar)
			titleBar = new TitleBar ();
			var topMenu = new WPFTitlebar (titleBar);

			//commandManager.IncompleteKeyPressed += (sender, e) => {
			//	if (e.Key == Gdk.Key.Alt_L) {
			//		Keyboard.Focus(titleBar.DockTitle.Children[0]);
			//	}
			parent.PackStart (topMenu, false, true, 0);
			SetupMenu ();

			parent.PackStart ((WPFToolbar)toolbar, false, true, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static void ComboPackShowAndSensitive(Gtk.Box box, Gtk.ComboBox combo)
     box.PackStart(combo, true, true, 0);
     combo.Sensitive = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// setup fields like: store password:yes/no and the actual password entry,
        /// if it should be stored
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="insertTo"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultSpacing"></param>
        void SetupGuiEncryptionRelated(Gtk.Box insertTo, int defaultSpacing)
            Gtk.HBox customBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, defaultSpacing);
            rbt_storePw = new Gtk.RadioButton(Catalog.GetString("_Store password"));

            customBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, defaultSpacing);

            //	--- Password Boxes ---
            #if WIN32 && DPAPI
            String pw = DPAPIUtil.getPassword();
            String pw = Convert.ToString(Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_PASSWORD));
            pw = (pw == null) ? "" : pw;
            Gtk.VBox pwbox = new Gtk.VBox(false, defaultSpacing);
            Gtk.HBox superbox = new Gtk.HBox(false, defaultSpacing);
            superbox.PackStart(new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 200, 0)); // spacer

            stored_pw = new Gtk.Entry();
            // set password style:
            stored_pw.InvisibleChar = '*';
            stored_pw.Visibility = false;
            stored_pw.Text = pw;

            stored_pw2 = new Gtk.Entry();
            // set password style:
            stored_pw2.InvisibleChar = '*';
            stored_pw2.Visibility = false;
            stored_pw2.Text = pw;

            match_label = new Gtk.Label();
            match_label.Markup = Catalog.GetString(AddinPreferences.MATCH_TEXT);

            customBox = new Gtk.HBox(false, defaultSpacing);

            // give the first rbt here to link the 2
            rbt_alwaysAsk = new Gtk.RadioButton(rbt_storePw, Catalog.GetString("_Always ask for password"));

            // assign event-listener
            rbt_storePw.Toggled += PasswordMethodChanged;

            // init with values from preferences
            object value = Preferences.Get(AddinPreferences.SYNC_PRIVATENOTES_ASKEVERYTIME);
            if (value == null || value.Equals(false))
                rbt_storePw.Active = true;
                rbt_alwaysAsk.Active = true;

            // assign event-listeners
            stored_pw.Changed += PasswordChanged;
            stored_pw2.Changed += PasswordChanged;