public async Task <List <GstDTo> > GetGstPercentages(string ConnectionString) { await Task.Run(() => { GstList = new List <GstDTo>(); try { using (NpgsqlDataReader dr = NPGSqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, "select recordid, coalesce(gstpercentage,0) gstpercentage,coalesce( cgstpercentage,0)cgstpercentage,coalesce( sgstpercentage,0)sgstpercentage,coalesce( utgstpercentage,0) utgstpercentage from tblmstgsttaxpercentage where statusid=" + Convert.ToInt32(Status.Active) + " order by gstpercentage;")) { while (dr.Read()) { GstDTo GstDTO = new GstDTo { pRecordId = Convert.ToInt64(dr["recordid"]), pgstpercentage = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["gstpercentage"]), pigstpercentage = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["gstpercentage"]), psgstpercentage = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["cgstpercentage"]), pcgstpercentage = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["sgstpercentage"]), putgstpercentage = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["utgstpercentage"]) }; GstList.Add(GstDTO); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }); return(GstList); }
public async Task <List <GstDTo> > getStatesbyPartyid(long ppartyid, string ConnectionString, int id) { await Task.Run(() => { statelist = new List <GstDTo>(); string query = ""; try { if (Convert.ToBoolean(NPGSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from tblmstparty t1 join tblmstpartytaxdetails t2 on t1.partiid =t2.partiid where isgstapplicable =true and contactid =" + ppartyid + "; "))) { query = "select stateid,state,case when statecode<>branchstatcode and sgsttype='SGST' then 'IGST' else 'CGST,'||sgsttype end as gsttype from (select t1.stateid,t1.state,t1.statecode,case when isstateunionterritory=false then 'SGST' else 'UTGST' end as sgsttype,t2.statecode as branchstatcode from (select t1.statusid,t3.stateid,t3.state||'-'|| gstno state,statecode,isstateunionterritory from tblmstparty t1 join tblmstpartytaxdetails t2 on t1.partiid=t2.partiid join tblmststate t3 on t3.state=t2.statename where t1.contactid =" + ppartyid + ") t1,tblmstbranch t2 where t1.statusid =" + Convert.ToInt32(Status.Active) + ")x order by state;"; } else { query = "select stateid,state,case when statecode<>branchstatcode and sgsttype='SGST' then 'IGST' else 'CGST,'||sgsttype end as gsttype from (select t1.stateid,t1.state,t1.statecode,case when isstateunionterritory=false then 'SGST' else 'UTGST' end as sgsttype,t2.statecode as branchstatcode from tblmststate t1,tblmstbranch t2 where t1.statusid =" + Convert.ToInt32(Status.Active) + ")x order by state;"; } using (NpgsqlDataReader dr = NPGSqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query)) { while (dr.Read()) { GstDTo obGstDTo = new GstDTo(); obGstDTo.pState = dr["state"].ToString(); obGstDTo.pStateId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["stateid"]); obGstDTo.pgsttype = Convert.ToString(dr["gsttype"]); statelist.Add(obGstDTo); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }); return(statelist); }