Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void LoadApproverDivision()
        string    strWrite         = "";
        string    strUsername      = Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"];
        DataTable tblForApprovalDH = GroupUpdateApproval.GetDSGForApprovalLevel2(strUsername);

        foreach (DataRow drw in tblForApprovalDH.Rows)
            strWrite = strWrite + "<tr>" +
                       "<td class='GridRows'>" +
                       "<a href='GroupUpdateDH.aspx?GroupUpdateCode=" + drw["GroupUpdateCode"].ToString() + "'><img src='../Support/" + clsGroupUpdate.GetRequestStatusIcon(drw["Status"].ToString()) + "' alt='' /></a>" +
                       "</td>" +
                       "<td class='GridRows'>" +
                       "<a href='GroupUpdateDH.aspx?GroupUpdateCode=" + drw["GroupUpdateCode"].ToString() + "' style='font-size:small;'>" + clsString.CutString(drw["Title"].ToString(), 50) + "</a><br>" +
                       "Sent by: <a href='../Userpage/UserPage.aspx?username="******"CreateBy"].ToString() + "'>" + drw["CreateBy"].ToString() + "</a><br>" +
                       "Date Created: " + Convert.ToDateTime(drw["CreateOn"].ToString()).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt") +
                       "</td>" +
        if (tblForApprovalDH.Rows.Count == 0)
            Response.Write("<tr><td colspan='3' class='GridRows'>No record found</td></tr>");
            Response.Write("<tr><td colspan='3' class='GridRows'>[ " + tblForApprovalDH.Rows.Count + " records found ]</td></tr>");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        //ckeContents.config.toolbar = new object[]
        //    {
        //        new object[] { "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "PasteText", "PasteFromWord", "-", "SpellChecker", "Scayt" },
        //        new object[] { "Undo", "Redo", "-", "Find", "Replace", "-", "SelectAll", "RemoveFormat" },
        //        "/",
        //        new object[] { "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strike", "-", "Subscript", "Superscript" },
        //        new object[] { "NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Outdent", "Indent", "Blockquote", "CreateDiv" },
        //        new object[] { "JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight", "JustifyBlock" },
        //        "/",
        //        new object[] { "Styles", "Format", "Font", "FontSize" },
        //        new object[] { "TextColor", "BGColor" },
        //    };

        ckeContents.config.toolbar = new object[]
            new object[] { "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "PasteText", "PasteFromWord", "-", "SpellChecker", "Scayt" },
            new object[] { "Undo", "Redo", "-", "Find", "Replace", "-", "SelectAll", "RemoveFormat" },
            new object[] { "Image", "Table", "HorizontalRule", "Smiley", "SpecialChar" },
            new object[] { "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strike", "-", "Subscript", "Superscript" },
            new object[] { "NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Outdent", "Indent", "Blockquote", "CreateDiv" },
            new object[] { "JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight", "JustifyBlock" },
            new object[] { "Styles", "Format", "Font", "FontSize" },
            new object[] { "TextColor", "BGColor" },

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            string strUsername        = Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"];
            int    intGroupUpdateCode = Request.QueryString["GroupUpdateCode"].ToString().ToInt();
            using (clsGroupUpdate objView = new clsGroupUpdate())
                objView.GroupUpdateCode = intGroupUpdateCode;

                txtTitle.Text           = objView.Title;
                txtDescription.Text     = objView.Description;
                lblGroupHead.Text       = clsEmployee.GetName(GroupUpdateApproval.GetApproverName(intGroupUpdateCode.ToString(), "1"));
                txtGroupHeadRemark.Text = GroupUpdateApproval.GetApproverRemarks(intGroupUpdateCode.ToString(), "1");
                //lblDivisionHead.Text = clsEmployee.GetName(GroupUpdateApproval.GetApproverName(intGroupUpdateCode.ToString(), "2"));
                //txtDivisionHeadRemark.Text = GroupUpdateApproval.GetApproverRemarks(intGroupUpdateCode.ToString(), "2");
                txtPhotoSource.Text = objView.PhotoSource;
                hdnGroupHead.Value  = GroupUpdateApproval.GetApprover(GroupUpdateApproval.GroupUpdateUserType.GroupHead, clsEmployee.GetDepartmentCode(strUsername));
                ckeContents.Text    = objView.Content;
                txtContributor.Text = objView.Contributor;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        string strUsername        = Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"];
        int    intGroupUpdateCode = Request.QueryString["GroupUpdateCode"].ToString().ToInt();
        string strStatus          = "";

        using (clsGroupUpdate objView = new clsGroupUpdate())
            objView.GroupUpdateCode = intGroupUpdateCode;
            if (objView.Status == "0")
                strStatus = "For Approval";

            else if (objView.Status == "1")
                strStatus = "Approved";

            else if (objView.Status == "2")
                strStatus = "Disapproved";
            else if (objView.Status == "3")
                strStatus = "Voided";
            lblContributor.Text = objView.Contributor;
            lblTitle.Text       = objView.Title;
            lblCreateBy.Text    = clsEmployee.GetName(objView.CreateBy);
            lblCreateOn.Text    = Convert.ToDateTime(objView.CreateOn).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy");
            //lblLink.Text = "<a href='../UploadedFiles/GroupUpdates/" + objView.ImageFilename + "' target='_blank'>View Image</a>";
            lblImage.Text           = "<img src='../UploadedFiles/GroupUpdates/" + objView.ImageFilename + "' width='200' height='119' alt='' /></a>";
            lblDescription.Text     = objView.Description;
            lblContent.Text         = objView.Content;
            lblStatus.Text          = strStatus;
            lblPhotoSource.Text     = objView.PhotoSource;
            lblGroupHead.Text       = clsEmployee.GetName(GroupUpdateApproval.GetApproverName(intGroupUpdateCode.ToString(), "1"));
            txtGroupHeadRemark.Text = GroupUpdateApproval.GetApproverRemarks(intGroupUpdateCode.ToString(), "1");
            //lblDivisionHead.Text = clsEmployee.GetName(GroupUpdateApproval.GetApproverName(intGroupUpdateCode.ToString(), "2"));
            //txtDivisionHeadRemark.Text = GroupUpdateApproval.GetApproverRemarks(intGroupUpdateCode.ToString(), "2");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    protected void LoadNotification()
        string strWrite              = "";
        int    intpMrcfUnread        = 0;
        int    intpRequisitionUnread = 0;
        int    intpCrs      = 0;
        string strpUserName = Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString();
        //imgpnlavatar.ImageUrl = "~/pictures/realpicture/" + clsSpeedo.GetRealPicture(strpUserName) + ".jpg";
        int intpNotificationUnread = clsMessage.CountUnRead(strpUserName);

        int intpATW = clsATW.GetTotalForAttention(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString());

        if (intpATW > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/HR/HRMS/ATW/ATWMenu.aspx'> Authority To Work (" + intpATW + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftATW.Text = "<b>Authority to Work (" + intpATW + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftATW.Font.Bold = true;

        int intGroupUpdate = GroupUpdateApproval.GetCountForModification(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString()) + GroupUpdateApproval.GetCountForApprovalLevel1(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString()) + GroupUpdateApproval.GetCountForApprovalLevel2(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString());

        if (intGroupUpdate > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/GroupUpdate/GroupUpdateMain.aspx'> Group Update (" + intGroupUpdate + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftATW.Text = "<b>Authority to Work (" + intpATW + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftATW.Font.Bold = true;

        int intpIAR = clsIAR.GetTotalForAttention(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString());

        if (intpIAR > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/HR/HRMS/IAR/IARMenu.aspx'> Internet Request (" + intpIAR + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftIAR.Text = "<b>Internet Request (" + intpIAR + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftIAR.Font.Bold = true;

        using (SqlConnection cnp = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Speedo"].ToString()))
            SqlCommand cmdp = cnp.CreateCommand();
            cmdp.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(mrcfcode) FROM CIS.Mrcf WHERE (username='******' AND status='M') OR (sprvcode='" + strpUserName + "' AND sprvstat='F') OR (headcode='" + strpUserName + "' AND headstat='F' AND sprvstat IN ('A','X','N')) OR (proccode='" + strpUserName + "' AND procstat='F' AND ((sprvstat='A' AND headstat='N') OR (headstat='A')))";
            intpMrcfUnread = (int)cmdp.ExecuteScalar();
            //Updated by charlie bachiller
            //Updated due to voided transaction on requisition still counted
            //cmdp.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(requcode) FROM CIS.Requisition WHERE (username='******' AND status='M') OR (sprvcode='" + strpUserName + "' AND sprvstat='F') OR (headcode='" + strpUserName + "' AND headstat='F' AND sprvstat IN ('A','X','N')) OR (suppcode='" + strpUserName + "' AND (suppstat='F' OR suppstat='P'))";
            cmdp.CommandText      = "SELECT COUNT(requcode) FROM CIS.Requisition WHERE ((username='******' AND status='M') OR (sprvcode='" + strpUserName + "' AND sprvstat='F'  AND status='F') OR (headcode='" + strpUserName + "' AND headstat='F' AND sprvstat IN ('A','X','N')   AND status='F') OR (suppcode='" + strpUserName + "' AND (suppstat='F' OR suppstat='P')  AND status IN ('A','P')))";
            intpRequisitionUnread = (int)cmdp.ExecuteScalar();

            //cmdp.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(username) FROM Users.Users WHERE DATEPART(mm,brthdate)='" + DateTime.Now.Month + "' AND DATEPART(dd,brthdate)='" + DateTime.Now.Day + "' AND pstatus='1'";
            //intpCelebrants = (int)cmdp.ExecuteScalar();

            cmdp.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(crscode) FROM CM.Crs WHERE (cmhname='" + strpUserName + "' AND crscode IN (SELECT DISTINCT crscode FROM CM.CrsDetails WHERE pstatus='F')) OR (ccname='" + strpUserName + "' AND crscode IN (SELECT DISTINCT crscode FROM CM.CrsDetails WHERE pstatus='E' OR pstatus='P'))";
            intpCrs          = (int)cmdp.ExecuteScalar();

        if (intpMrcfUnread > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/CIS/MRCF/MRCFMenu.aspx'> MRCF (" + intpMrcfUnread + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftMRCF.Text = "<b>MRCF (" + intpMrcfUnread + ")</b>";

        if (intpRequisitionUnread > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/CIS/Requisition/RequMenu.aspx'> Requisition (" + intpRequisitionUnread + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftRequisition.Text = "<b>Requisition (" + intpRequisitionUnread + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftRequisition.Font.Bold = true;

        //Added by charlie for cata
        //add by charlie
        int       intCtrCATA           = 0;
        DataTable tblEndorserApproval  = clsCATAApproval.GetDSGForApprovalEndorser(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"]);
        DataTable tblAuthorizeApproval = clsCATAApproval.GetDSGForApprovalAuthorize(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"]);

        intCtrCATA = tblEndorserApproval.Rows.Count + tblAuthorizeApproval.Rows.Count;

        if (intCtrCATA > 0)
            lnkpnllftFinanceCataRequestMenu.Text      = "<b>Request for CATA (" + intCtrCATA + ")</b>";
            lnkpnllftFinanceCataRequestMenu.Font.Bold = true;

        ////cata for approvals

        //Added by charlie for RFP
        int       intpRFP   = 0;
        int       intCtrRFP = 0;
        DataTable tblRFP    = clsRFPRequest.GetDSGMainFormApprover(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"]);

        foreach (DataRow drw in tblRFP.Rows)
            if (clsFinanceApprover.IsAuthoritary(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"], "ctrlnmbr", drw["ControlNumber"].ToString(), "RFPRequest"))
                if (drw["Endorsed1Status"].ToString().Trim() == "2" && drw["Endorsed2Status"].ToString().Trim() == "")

                else if (drw["Endorsed1Status"].ToString().Trim() == "2" && drw["Endorsed2Status"].ToString().Trim() == "2")

                else if (drw["Endorsed1Status"].ToString().Trim() == "2" && drw["Endorsed2Status"].ToString().Trim() == "1")

                else if (drw["Endorsed1Status"].ToString().Trim() == "1" && drw["Endorsed2Status"].ToString().Trim() == "2")

                    intpRFP += 1;

            else if (clsFinanceApprover.IsEndorder1(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"], "ctrlnmbr", drw["ControlNumber"].ToString(), "RFPRequest"))
                if (drw["Endorsed1Status"].ToString().Trim() != "2")

                    intpRFP += 1;

            else if (clsFinanceApprover.IsEndorder2(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"], "ctrlnmbr", drw["ControlNumber"].ToString(), "RFPRequest"))
                if (drw["Endorsed2Status"].ToString().Trim() != "2")
                    intpRFP += 1;

                intpRFP += 1;

        if (intCtrRFP > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/Finance/RFP/RFPMenu.aspx'> Request For Payment (" + intpRFP + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftFinanceRequest.Text = "<b>Request for Payment (" + intpRFP + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftFinanceRequest.Font.Bold = true;

        //if (intpCelebrants > 0)
        //    lnkpnllftBirthday.Text = "<b>Birthday Celebrators (" + intpCelebrants + ")</b>";

        //if (intpCrs > 0)
        //   lnkpnlrgtCMDCRS.Text = "<b>Courseware Request (" + intpCrs + ")</b>";

        ////// HRMS Summary //////

        int intpLeave = clsLeave.GetTotalForAttention(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString());

        if (intpLeave > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/HR/HRMS/Leave/LeaveMenu.aspx'> Leave (" + intpLeave + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftLeave.Text = "<b>Leave (" + intpLeave + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftLeave.Font.Bold = true;

        int intpOvertime = clsOvertime.GetTotalForAttention(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString());

        if (intpOvertime > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/HR/HRMS/Overtime/OvertimeMenu.aspx'> Overtime (" + intpOvertime + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftOvertime.Text = "<b>Overtime (" + intpOvertime + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftOvertime.Font.Bold = true;

        int intpOB = clsOB.GetTotalForAttention(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"]);

        if (intpOB > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/HR/HRMS/OB/OBMenu.aspx'> Official Business (" + intpOB + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftOB.Text = "<b>OB (" + intpOB + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftOB.Font.Bold = true;

        int intpUndertime = clsUndertime.GetTotalForAttention(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString());

        if (intpUndertime > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/HR/HRMS/Undertime/UndertimeMenu.aspx'> Undertime (" + intpUndertime + ")</a></div>";
            //lnkpnllftUndertime.Text = "<b>Undertime (" + intpUndertime + ")</b>";
            //lnkpnllftUndertime.Font.Bold = true;

        //Reward Points Notification
        if (Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString() == "liezel.diego" || Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString() == "jay.jamandre" || Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString() == "giselle.batalla")
            int intReward = 0;
            if (Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString() == "liezel.diego")
                intReward = clsRewardApproval.GetDSGForApprovalLevel1("liezel.diego").Rows.Count;
            else if (Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString() == "jay.jamandre")
                intReward = clsRewardApproval.GetDSGForApprovalLevel2("jay.jamandre").Rows.Count;
                intReward = clsRewardApproval.ForModification();

            if (intReward > 0)
                strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/RewardPoint/TransactionMain.aspx'> Rewards Point (" + intReward + ")</a></div>";

        ////// MRCF Assign ///////

        int intAssignMRCF = clsMRCFAssign.GetTotalAssigned(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"].ToString());

        if (intAssignMRCF > 0)
            strWrite += "<div class='masterpanelcontent'><a href='" + clsSystemConfigurations.PortalRootURL + "/CIS/MRCF/MRCFMenu.aspx'> Assigned MRCF (" + intAssignMRCF + ")</a></div>";

        if (strWrite.Length > 0)
            divNotification.Visible = true;
            ltNotification.Text     = strWrite;
            divNotification.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        //ckeContents.config.toolbar = new object[]
        //    {
        //        new object[] { "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "PasteText", "PasteFromWord", "-", "SpellChecker", "Scayt" },
        //        new object[] { "Undo", "Redo", "-", "Find", "Replace", "-", "SelectAll", "RemoveFormat" },
        //        "/",
        //        new object[] { "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strike", "-", "Subscript", "Superscript" },
        //        new object[] { "NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Outdent", "Indent", "Blockquote", "CreateDiv" },
        //        new object[] { "JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight", "JustifyBlock" },
        //        "/",
        //        new object[] { "Styles", "Format", "Font", "FontSize" },
        //        new object[] { "TextColor", "BGColor" },
        //    };

        //<CKEditor:CKEditorControl ID="ckeContents" runat="server" BackColor="White"
        //CssClass="controls" Height="300px" ToolbarFull="Cut|Copy|Paste|PasteText|PasteFromWord|-|SpellChecker|Scayt
        //        Undo|Redo|-|Find|Replace|-|Bold|Italic|Underline|Strike
        //        Image|Table|HorizontalRule|Smiley|SpecialChar
        //        /
        //        NumberedList|BulletedList|-|Outdent|Indent|Blockquote|CreateDiv
        //        JustifyLeft|JustifyCenter|JustifyRight|JustifyBlock
        //        Link|Unlink|Anchor
        //        TextColor|BGColor
        //        Subscript|Superscript
        //        /
        //        Styles|Format|Font|FontSize" Width="98%" />

        ckeContents.config.toolbar = new object[]
            new object[] { "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "PasteText", "PasteFromWord", "-", "SpellChecker", "Scayt" },
            new object[] { "Undo", "Redo", "-", "Find", "Replace", "-", "SelectAll", "RemoveFormat" },
            new object[] { "Image", "Table", "HorizontalRule", "Smiley", "SpecialChar" },
            new object[] { "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strike", "-", "Subscript", "Superscript" },
            new object[] { "NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Outdent", "Indent", "Blockquote", "CreateDiv" },
            new object[] { "JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight", "JustifyBlock" },
            new object[] { "Styles", "Format", "Font", "FontSize" },
            new object[] { "TextColor", "BGColor" },

        //if (hndGroupUpdateCode.Value != string.Empty)
        //    //Response.Redirect("GroupUpdatePreview.aspx?GroupUpdateCode=" + hdnGroupHead.Value);
        //    btnPreview.OnClientClick = "javascript:window.open('GroupUpdatePreview.aspx?GroupUpdateCode=" + hndGroupUpdateCode.Value + "');";

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            string username = Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"];

            hdnGroupHead.Value = GroupUpdateApproval.GetApprover(GroupUpdateApproval.GroupUpdateUserType.GroupHead, clsEmployee.GetDepartmentCode(username));
            //hdnDivisionHead.Value = GroupUpdateApproval.GetApprover(GroupUpdateApproval.GroupUpdateUserType.DivisionHead, clsEmployee.GetDepartmentCode(username));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void LoadUpdates()
        string strWrite   = "";
        string strStatus  = "";
        string strLink    = "";
        string strPreview = "";

        foreach (DataRow drNews in clsGroupUpdate.GetDSG(Request.Cookies["Speedo"]["UserName"]).Rows)
            if (drNews["Status"].ToString() == "0")
                strStatus  = "For Approval of <a href='../Userpage/UserPage.aspx?username="******"GroupUpdateCode"].ToString()) + "'>" + GroupUpdateApproval.ForApproval(drNews["GroupUpdateCode"].ToString()) + "</a>";
                strLink    = "GroupUpdateDetailsMain";
                strPreview = "";
            else if (drNews["Status"].ToString() == "1")
                strStatus  = "Approved";
                strLink    = "GroupUpdateDetailsMain";
                strPreview = "";
            else if (drNews["Status"].ToString() == "2")
                strStatus  = "Disapproved";
                strLink    = "GroupUpdateDetailsMain";
                strPreview = "";
            else if (drNews["Status"].ToString() == "3")
                strStatus  = "Void";
                strLink    = "GroupUpdateDetailsMain";
                strPreview = "";
            else if (drNews["Status"].ToString() == "4")
                strStatus  = "For Modification";
                strLink    = "GroupUpdateEdit";
                strPreview = "";

            else if (drNews["Status"].ToString() == "5")
                strStatus  = "Saved as Draft";
                strLink    = "GroupUpdateEdit";
                strPreview = "<a href='GroupUpdatePreview.aspx?GroupUpdateCode=" + drNews["GroupUpdateCode"].ToString() + "' style='font-size:x-small;' target='_blank'>Click for preview</a><br>";

            strWrite = strWrite + "<tr>" +
                       "<td><img src='../Support/" + clsGroupUpdate.GetRequestStatusIcon(drNews["Status"].ToString()) + "' alt='' /></td>" +
                       "<td class='GridRows'>" +
                       "<a href='" + strLink + ".aspx?GroupUpdateCode=" + drNews["GroupUpdateCode"].ToString() + "' style='font-size:small;'>" + clsString.CutString(drNews["Title"].ToString(), 40) + "</a><br>" +
                       strPreview +
                       "Submitted by: <a href='../../../Userpage/UserPage.aspx?username="******"CreateBy"] + "'>" + drNews["CreateBy"] + "</a><br>" +
                       "Date Created: " + Convert.ToDateTime(drNews["CreateOn"].ToString()).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy") + "</td>" +
                       "<td class='GridRows'>" + strStatus + "</td>" +