protected void ModifyFilterExpression(string FieldName, object value, ASPxGridView targetGrid)
        var criterias = CriteriaColumnAffinityResolver.SplitByColumnNames(CriteriaOperator.Parse(targetGrid.FilterExpression)).Item2;

        CriteriaOperator co = null;

        if (FieldName == "ProductName")
            value += "%";
            co     = new FunctionOperator("Like", new OperandProperty(FieldName), new OperandValue(value));
            co = new BinaryOperator(FieldName, value, BinaryOperatorType.Equal);
        if (!criterias.Keys.Contains(FieldName))
            criterias.Add(FieldName, co);
            criterias[FieldName] = co;
        targetGrid.FilterExpression = CriteriaOperator.ToString(GroupOperator.And(criterias.Values));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void ModifyFilterExpression(string FieldName, object value, ASPxCardView victim)
        var criterias = CriteriaColumnAffinityResolver.SplitByColumnNames(CriteriaOperator.Parse(victim.FilterExpression)).Item2;

        BinaryOperatorType operatorType;

        if (FieldName == "ProductName")
            operatorType = BinaryOperatorType.Like;
            value       += "%";
            operatorType = BinaryOperatorType.Equal;

        if (!criterias.Keys.Contains(FieldName))
            criterias.Add(FieldName, new BinaryOperator(FieldName, value, operatorType));
            criterias[FieldName] = new BinaryOperator(FieldName, value, operatorType);
        victim.FilterExpression = CriteriaOperator.ToString(GroupOperator.And(criterias.Values));
        public static IQueryable ApplyFilter(this IQueryable query, IList <GridViewGroupInfo> groupInfoList)
            var criteria = GroupOperator.And(
                groupInfoList.Select(i => new BinaryOperator(i.FieldName, i.KeyValue, BinaryOperatorType.Equal))

Ejemplo n.º 4
    public string GetExpression(bool useSearch)
        var search        = useSearch ? SearchCriteria : null;
        var filterControl = CriteriaOperator.Parse(FilterControlExpression);
        var criteria      = GroupOperator.And(filterControl, search);

        return(!object.ReferenceEquals(criteria, null) ? criteria.ToString() : string.Empty);
 private void Changed(int i = 0)
     iflag = i;
     //  radioGroup1SelectedIndexChanged(radioGroup1.SelectedIndex);
     this.tileView1.ActiveFilterCriteria = GroupOperator.And(criteriaOperator);
        public IList <BankStmt> GetSourceObjects(IEnumerable <Activity> activitiesToMap,
                                                 IEnumerable <Account> accountsToMap)
            var paramObj = this.paramObj;
            var session  = paramObj.Session;
            var cop      = CriteriaOperator.Parse("TranDate Between(?, ?)", paramObj.FromDate, paramObj.ToDate);

            cop = GroupOperator.And(cop, new InOperator("Activity", activitiesToMap));
            cop = GroupOperator.And(cop, new InOperator("Account", accountsToMap));
            return(new XPCollection <BankStmt>(session, cop));
    protected string UpdateGridFilterExpression(ASPxGridView grid, ASPxGridViewAutoFilterEventArgs e)
        var gridCriteria = CriteriaOperator.Parse(grid.FilterExpression);

        gridCriteria = CriteriaVisitor.RemoveCustomFunction(gridCriteria, e.Column.FieldName);

        var customCriteria = new FunctionOperator(FunctionOperatorType.Custom, MyCustomFunctionOperator.Name, e.Value, new OperandProperty(e.Column.FieldName), new OperandProperty(OtherFilterColumnFieldName));

        if (ReferenceEquals(gridCriteria, null) && ReferenceEquals(customCriteria, null))
        return(GroupOperator.And(gridCriteria, customCriteria).ToString());
        private void Exporting(SelectExportBookingParameters selectedExportParameters)
            if (selectedExportParameters == null)

            if (selectedExportParameters.Employee == null)
                MessageBox.Show(CaptionHelper.GetLocalizedText("Texts", "NO_EMPLOYEE_SELECTED"),
                                CaptionHelper.GetLocalizedText("Texts", "Error"),
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            var firstDayOfMonth = selectedExportParameters.ExportStart.ToShortDateString();
            var lastDayOfMonth  = selectedExportParameters.ExportEnd.ToShortDateString();

            var bookingCriteria =
                    new BinaryOperator("Employee", selectedExportParameters.Employee),
                    new BinaryOperator("Date", firstDayOfMonth, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual),
                    new BinaryOperator("Date", lastDayOfMonth, BinaryOperatorType.LessOrEqual));

            var bookings = new List <IBooking>();

            if (selectedExportParameters.WithVacation)
                bookings = _objectSpace.GetObjects <IBooking>(bookingCriteria)
                bookings = _objectSpace.GetObjects <IBooking>(bookingCriteria)
                           .Where(b => !b.IsVacation && !b.IsPublicHoliday)

            if (!bookings.Any())

            var saveFolder = SelectFolderToSaveBookingExport();

            if (saveFolder != null)
                BookingExporter.ExportJdcBookings(_objectSpace, saveFolder, bookings);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public IList <CashFlow> GetSourceObjects(IEnumerable <Activity> activitiesToMap, IEnumerable <Account> accountsToMap)
            var paramObj        = this.paramObj;
            var session         = paramObj.Session;
            var excludeSource   = SetOfBooks.GetInstance(objSpace).BankStmtCashFlowSource;
            var currentSnapshot = SetOfBooks.GetInstance(objSpace).CurrentCashFlowSnapshot;

            var cop = CriteriaOperator.Parse(
                string.Format("{0} Between(?, ?) And {1} <> ? And {2} = ?",
                paramObj.FromDate, paramObj.ToDate, excludeSource, currentSnapshot);

            cop = GroupOperator.And(cop, new InOperator("Activity", activitiesToMap));
            cop = GroupOperator.And(cop, new InOperator("Account", accountsToMap));
            return(new XPCollection <CashFlow>(session, cop));
    protected CriteriaOperator MergeCriterias(CriteriaOperator co, FunctionOperator fo)
        if (ReferenceEquals(fo, null))
        if (ReferenceEquals(co, null))
        var go = co as GroupOperator;

        if (ReferenceEquals(go, null) || go.OperatorType != GroupOperatorType.And)
            return(GroupOperator.And(co, fo));
            void dialog_Accepting(object sender, DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.DialogControllerAcceptingEventArgs e)
                var session = _ParamObj.Session;
                var jnlGroupKeysInParams = _ParamObj.JournalGroupParams.Select(p => p.JournalGroup.Oid);

                var sortProps = new SortingCollection(null);

                sortProps.Add(new SortProperty("SrcDate", DevExpress.Xpo.DB.SortingDirection.Ascending));

                var cop = CriteriaOperator.Parse("SrcDate Between(?,?)",
                                                 _ParamObj.FromDate, _ParamObj.ToDate);
                var copGenLedgerInJnlGroups = new InOperator("JournalGroup.Oid", jnlGroupKeysInParams);

                cop = GroupOperator.And(cop, copGenLedgerInJnlGroups);
                var genLedgers = session.GetObjects(session.GetClassInfo(typeof(GenLedger)),
                                                    cop, sortProps, 0, false, true);
                ExcelWorksheet ws = Package.Workbook.Worksheets["Data"];

                ExcelReportHelper.CopyObjectsToWorksheet(session, genLedgers, ws);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public Form1()
            Dashboard dashboard = new Dashboard();

            PivotDashboardItem      pivot1         = (PivotDashboardItem)dashboard.Items[0];
            DashboardOlapDataSource olapDataSource = (DashboardOlapDataSource)dashboard.DataSources[0];

            string fieldYearName = "[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year]";
            string year2001      = "[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2001]";
            string year2002      = "[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2002]";

            string fieldCountryName = "[Customer].[Country].[Country]";
            string countryCanada    = "[Customer].[Country].&[Canada]";

            DynamicListLookUpSettings settings = new DynamicListLookUpSettings();

            settings.DataSource  = olapDataSource;
            settings.ValueMember = fieldCountryName;
            DashboardParameter parameter1 = new DashboardParameter("Parameter1",
                                                                   typeof(string), countryCanada, "Category", true, settings);


            CriteriaOperator filterCriteria = GroupOperator.And(
                new BinaryOperator(new OperandProperty(fieldCountryName),
                                   new OperandParameter(parameter1.Name),
                new NotOperator(new InOperator(new OperandProperty(fieldYearName),
                                               new ConstantValue[] { new ConstantValue(year2001),
                                                                     new ConstantValue(year2002) })));

            pivot1.FilterString          = filterCriteria.ToString();
            dashboardDesigner1.Dashboard = dashboard;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Dashboard dashboard = new Dashboard();

            PivotDashboardItem      pivot1         = (PivotDashboardItem)dashboard.Items[0];
            DashboardOlapDataSource olapDataSource = (DashboardOlapDataSource)dashboard.DataSources[0];

            string fieldYearName = "[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year]";
            string year2001      = "[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2001]";
            string year2002      = "[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2002]";

            string fieldCountryName = "[Customer].[Country].[Country]";
            string countryCanada    = "[Customer].[Country].&[Canada]";

            DynamicListLookUpSettings settings = new DynamicListLookUpSettings();

            settings.DataSource  = olapDataSource;
            settings.ValueMember = fieldCountryName;
            DashboardParameter parameter1 = new DashboardParameter("Parameter1",
                                                                   typeof(string), countryCanada, "Category", true, settings);


            CriteriaOperator filterCriteria = GroupOperator.And(
                new BinaryOperator(new OperandProperty(fieldCountryName),
                                   new OperandParameter(parameter1.Name),
                new NotOperator(new InOperator(new OperandProperty(fieldYearName),
                                               new ConstantValue[] { new ConstantValue(year2001),
                                                                     new ConstantValue(year2002) })));

            pivot1.FilterString = filterCriteria.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive function for pagination
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pEntry"></param>
        /// <param name="dialog"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int PopuDialogMore(Entry pEntry, PosSelectRecordDialog <XPCollection, XPGuidObject, T2> dialog)
            DialogResponseType response = (DialogResponseType)dialog.Run();

            // Recapture RowActivated : DoubleClick and trigger dialog.Respond
            dialog.GenericTreeView.TreeView.RowActivated += delegate
                SelectRecord(pEntry, dialog);
            if (DialogResponseType.Ok.Equals(response))
                SelectRecord(pEntry, dialog);

            //Pagination response
            if (DialogResponseType.LoadMore.Equals(response))
                dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.TopReturnedObjects = (SettingsApp.PaginationRowsPerPage * dialog.GenericTreeView.CurrentPageNumber);
                PopuDialogMore(pEntry, dialog);

            //Filter  response
            else if (DialogResponseType.Filter.Equals(response))
                //Reset current page to 1 ( Pagination go to defined initialy )

                // Filter SellDocuments
                string filterField = string.Empty;
                string statusField = string.Empty;
                string extraFilter = string.Empty;

                List <string> result = new List <string>();

                PosReportsQueryDialog dialogFilter   = new PosReportsQueryDialog(dialog, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, ReportsQueryDialogMode.FILTER_DOCUMENTS_PAGINATION, "fin_documentfinancemaster");
                DialogResponseType    responseFilter = (DialogResponseType)dialogFilter.Run();

                //If button Clean Filter Clicked
                if (DialogResponseType.CleanFilter.Equals(responseFilter))
                    dialog.GenericTreeView.CurrentPageNumber             = 1;
                    dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.Criteria           = CriteriaOperatorLastFilter;
                    dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.TopReturnedObjects = SettingsApp.PaginationRowsPerPage * dialog.GenericTreeView.CurrentPageNumber;
                    PopuDialogMore(pEntry, dialog);
                //If OK filter clicked
                else if (DialogResponseType.Ok.Equals(responseFilter))
                    dialog.GenericTreeView.CurrentPageNumber = 1;
                    filterField = "DocumentType";
                    statusField = "DocumentStatusStatus";

                    /* IN009066 - FS and NC added to reports */
                    //extraFilter = $@" AND ({statusField} <> 'A') AND (
                    //   {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypeInvoice}' OR
                    //   {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypeSimplifiedInvoice}' OR
                    //   {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypeInvoiceAndPayment}' OR
                    //   {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypeConsignationInvoice}' OR
                    //   {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypeDebitNote}' OR
                    //   {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypeCreditNote}' OR
                    //   {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypePayment}'
                    //   OR
                    //   {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypeCurrentAccountInput}'
                    //   )".Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);
                    /* IN009089 - # TO DO: above, we need to check with business this condition:  {filterField} = '{SettingsApp.XpoOidDocumentFinanceTypeCurrentAccountInput}' */

                    //Assign Dialog FilterValue to Method Result Value
                    //string addFilter = FilterValue;

                    CriteriaOperator criteriaOperatorLast = dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.Criteria;
                    CriteriaOperator criteriaOperator     = GroupOperator.And(CriteriaOperatorLastFilter, CriteriaOperator.Parse(result[0]));

                    //lastData = dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource;

                    dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.Criteria           = criteriaOperator;
                    dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.TopReturnedObjects = SettingsApp.PaginationRowsPerPage * dialog.GenericTreeView.CurrentPageNumber;

                    //se retornar zero resultados apresenta dados anteriores ao filtro
                    if (dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.Count == 0)
                        dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.Criteria           = criteriaOperatorLast;
                        dialog.GenericTreeView.DataSource.TopReturnedObjects = SettingsApp.PaginationRowsPerPage * dialog.GenericTreeView.CurrentPageNumber;
                    PopuDialogMore(pEntry, dialog);
                //If Cancel Filter Clicked
                    PopuDialogMore(pEntry, dialog);
            //Button Close clicked

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Método responsável por buscar as cores a partir de uma lista de usernames (Logins) passada.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">Sessão Corrente</param>
        /// <param name="logins">Lista com logins dos usuários</param>
        /// <returns>Lista de objetos ProjetoColaboradorCondfig</returns>
        public static List <ProjetoColaboradorConfig> GetConfigColaboradores(Session session, List <string> logins, Guid oidProjeto)
            if (session == null || logins == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Os parâmetros session e login usuários não podem ser nulos.");
            List <ProjetoColaboradorConfig> configs = new List <ProjetoColaboradorConfig>();

            using (XPCollection <ProjetoColaboradorConfig> colecaoConfigs = new XPCollection <ProjetoColaboradorConfig>(session, GroupOperator.And(new InOperator("Colaborador.Usuario.UserName", logins), CriteriaOperator.Parse("OidProjeto = ?", oidProjeto))))
                configs = colecaoConfigs.ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult Index()
            #region --- Criteria Operator (parse), Group Operator, Binary Operator, Between Operator ---
            //1. binary with condition
            BinaryOperator          filter       = new BinaryOperator("Age", "23");
            XPCollection <Customer> dataCustomer = new XPCollection <Customer>(session, filter);

            BinaryOperator          filter1       = new BinaryOperator();
            XPCollection <Customer> dataCustomer1 = new XPCollection <Customer>(session, filter1);

            //2. Criteria Operator, Group Operator
            CriteriaOperator        filter2       = CriteriaOperator.Parse("Age < 20");
            CriteriaOperator        filter3       = CriteriaOperator.Parse("Age > 30");
            XPCollection <Customer> dataCustomer2 = new XPCollection <Customer>(session, GroupOperator.Or(filter2, filter3));

            CriteriaOperator        filter4       = CriteriaOperator.Parse("Age > 20");
            CriteriaOperator        filter5       = CriteriaOperator.Parse("Age < 30");
            XPCollection <Customer> dataCustomer3 = new XPCollection <Customer>(session, GroupOperator.And(filter4, filter5));

            //3. Between Operator
            CriteriaOperator        filter6       = new BetweenOperator("Age", 20, 30);
            XPCollection <Customer> dataCustomer4 = new XPCollection <Customer>(session, filter6);

            //4. Contain Operator ???
            //ContainsOperator filter7 = new ContainsOperator("Name","on");
            //XPCollection<Customer> dataCustomer5 = new XPCollection<Customer>(session, filter7);

            //5. In Operator
            //xpCollection1.Filter = new InOperator("Name", new string[] {"John", "Mike", "Nick"});

Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void singleChoiceActionPolz_Execute(object sender, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.SingleChoiceActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            XPObjectSpace objectSpace = (XPObjectSpace)View.ObjectSpace;
            int           mes         = Convert.ToInt32((e.SelectedChoiceActionItem.Data));
            int           ano         = mes == 12 && DateTime.Today.Month == 1 ? DateTime.Today.Year - 1 : DateTime.Today.Year;
            DateTime      mFechaIni   = apl.Log.Fecha.FechaInicial(mes, ano);
            DateTime      mFechaFin   = apl.Log.Fecha.FechaFinal(mes, ano);

            CriteriaOperator[] operands = new CriteriaOperator[2];
            XmlDocument        docXml   = new XmlDocument();
            Ventas             vta      = objectSpace.FindObject <Ventas>(null);

            operands[0] = GroupOperator.And(new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaIni, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual), new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaFin, BinaryOperatorType.LessOrEqual));
            operands[1] = new BinaryOperator("Status", DocumentoStatus.Cancelado, BinaryOperatorType.NotEqual);

            SortProperty [] sortCollection = new SortProperty[1];
            sortCollection[0] = new SortProperty("FechaDoc", SortingDirection.Ascending);

            IList arr = objectSpace.CreateCollection(typeof(DocumentoSalida), new GroupOperator(operands), sortCollection);

            if (arr.Count > 0)
                string filename = string.Format("{0}.POL", mFechaIni.Month);
                using (new apl.Log.CWaitCursor())
                    XmlDeclaration declaracion = docXml.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, "yes");
                    docXml.InsertBefore(declaracion, docXml.DocumentElement);
                    // docXml.LoadXml("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>");
                    XmlElement data = docXml.CreateElement("DATAPACKET");
                    data.SetAttribute("Version", "2.0");

                    XmlElement meta = docXml.CreateElement("METADATA");

                    XmlElement fields = docXml.CreateElement("FIELDS");

                    XmlElement field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "VersionCOI");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "i2");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "TipoPoliz");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "string");
                    field.SetAttribute("WIDTH", "2");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "DiaPoliz");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "string");
                    field.SetAttribute("WIDTH", "2");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "ConcepPoliz");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "string");
                    field.SetAttribute("WIDTH", "120");

                    XmlElement fieldP = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    fieldP.SetAttribute("attrname", "Partidas");
                    fieldP.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "nested");

                    XmlElement fields2 = docXml.CreateElement("FIELDS");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "Cuenta");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "string");
                    field.SetAttribute("WIDTH", "21");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "Depto");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "i4");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "ConceptoPol");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "string");
                    field.SetAttribute("WIDTH", "120");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "Monto");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "r8");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "TipoCambio");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "r8");

                    field = docXml.CreateElement("FIELD");
                    field.SetAttribute("attrname", "DebeHaber");
                    field.SetAttribute("fieldtype", "string");
                    field.SetAttribute("WIDTH", "1");

                    XmlElement parm = docXml.CreateElement("PARAMS");

                    XmlElement parm1 = docXml.CreateElement("PARAMS");

                    XmlElement rowd = docXml.CreateElement("ROWDATA");

                    XmlElement row = docXml.CreateElement("ROW");
                    row.SetAttribute("VersionCOI", "50");
                    row.SetAttribute("TipoPoliz", "Dr");
                    row.SetAttribute("DiaPoliz", string.Format("{0}", arr.Count + 1));
                    row.SetAttribute("ConcepPoliz", string.Format("RELACION DE FACTURAS DE {0} {1}", mFechaIni.ToString("MMMM").ToUpper(), mFechaIni.ToString("yyyy")));

                    XmlElement par = docXml.CreateElement("Partidas");

                    decimal  tot = 0;
                    string[] nivs;
                    string   aux = string.Empty;

                    foreach (DocumentoSalida doc in arr)
                        XmlElement part = docXml.CreateElement("ROWPartidas");
                        nivs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.Cliente.Cuenta) ? null : doc.Cliente.Cuenta.Split('-');
                        if (nivs != null)
                            aux = string.Concat(nivs);

                        part.SetAttribute("Cuenta", string.Format("{0}2", aux.PadRight(20, '0')));
                        part.SetAttribute("Depto", "0");

                        aux = string.Format("F-{0}  {1}", doc.Clave.Trim(), ((PartidaSalida)(doc.VentaItems[0])).Descripcion);
                        part.SetAttribute("ConceptoPol", aux.Length > 120 ? aux.Substring(0, 119) : aux);
                        part.SetAttribute("Monto", doc.Total.ToString("F2"));
                        part.SetAttribute("TipoCambio", "1");
                        part.SetAttribute("DebeHaber", "D");

                        tot += doc.Total;

                    XmlElement parth = docXml.CreateElement("ROWPartidas");

                    nivs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(vta.Cuenta) ? null : vta.Cuenta.Split('-');
                    if (nivs != null)
                        aux = string.Concat(nivs);

                    parth.SetAttribute("Cuenta", string.Format("{0}2", aux.PadRight(20, '0')));
                    parth.SetAttribute("Depto", "0");
                    parth.SetAttribute("ConceptoPol", string.Format("RELACION DE FACTURAS DE {0} {1}", mFechaIni.ToString("MMMM").ToUpper(), mFechaIni.ToString("yyyy")));
                    parth.SetAttribute("Monto", tot.ToString("F2"));
                    parth.SetAttribute("TipoCambio", "1");
                    parth.SetAttribute("DebeHaber", "H");

Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void simpleActionRprtCntbl_Execute(object sender, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions.SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            if (View != null)
                int     i   = 5;
                Empresa emp = View.ObjectSpace.FindObject <Empresa>(null);

                // Servicios Profesionales
                Workbook book  = new Workbook();
                var      sheet = book.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet;
                sheet.Cells[0, 0].Value = emp.Compania.Nombre;
                sheet.Cells[0, 3].Value = emp.Compania.Rfc;
                sheet.Cells[1, 0].Value =
                    (emp.Regimenes != null && emp.Regimenes.Count > 0)
                    ? (emp.Regimenes[0] as RegimenEmpresa).Rgmn.Dscrpcn
                    : string.Empty;
                // emp.Regimen; TIT Sep 2018

                int ano = DateTime.Today.Month == 1 ? DateTime.Today.Year - 1 : DateTime.Today.Year;

                sheet.Cells["A4"].Value   = string.Format("Ejercicio {0}.", ano);
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "ENERO";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "FEBRERO";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "MARZO";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "ABRIL";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "MAYO";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "JUNIO";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "JULIO";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "AGOSTO";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "SEPTIEMBRE";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "OCTUBRE";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "NOVIEMBRE";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Acumulado";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "DICIEMBRE";
                sheet.Cells[i++, 0].Value = "Tota Acumulado";

                sheet.Cells["c3"].Value          = "ISR";
                sheet.Cells["c3"].Font.FontStyle = SpreadsheetFontStyle.Bold;

                // Access the range of cells to be formatted.
                CellRange range = sheet.Range["C4:G4"];

                // Begin updating of the range formatting.
                DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Formatting rangeFormatting = range.BeginUpdateFormatting();

                // Specify font settings (font name, color, size and style).
                rangeFormatting.Font.Name = "Arial";
                // rangeFormatting.Font.Color = Color.Blue;
                rangeFormatting.Font.Size = 8;
                // rangeFormatting.Font.FontStyle = SpreadsheetFontStyle.Bold;

                // Specify cell background color.
                rangeFormatting.Fill.BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray;

                // Specify text alignment in cells.
                rangeFormatting.Alignment.Vertical   = SpreadsheetVerticalAlignment.Center;
                rangeFormatting.Alignment.Horizontal = SpreadsheetHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                rangeFormatting.Alignment.WrapText   = true;
                // End updating of the range formatting.

                range = sheet.Range["G3:K3"];

                // Begin updating of the range formatting.
                rangeFormatting = range.BeginUpdateFormatting();

                // Specify font settings (font name, color, size and style).
                rangeFormatting.Font.Name = "Arial";
                // rangeFormatting.Font.Color = Color.Blue;
                rangeFormatting.Font.Size = 8;
                // rangeFormatting.Font.FontStyle = SpreadsheetFontStyle.Bold;

                // Specify cell background color.
                rangeFormatting.Fill.BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray;

                // Specify text alignment in cells.
                rangeFormatting.Alignment.Vertical   = SpreadsheetVerticalAlignment.Center;
                rangeFormatting.Alignment.Horizontal = SpreadsheetHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                rangeFormatting.Alignment.WrapText   = true;

                // End updating of the range formatting.

                sheet.Cells["c4"].Value = string.Format("INGRESOS{0}(Cobrados por sus{0}ventas o servicios){0}Sin incluir IVA",

                 * sheet.Cells["c4"].Alignment.Vertical = SpreadsheetVerticalAlignment.Justify;
                 * sheet.Cells["c4"].Alignment.Horizontal = SpreadsheetHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                 * sheet.Cells["c4"].Alignment.ShrinkToFit = true;
                 * sheet.Cells["c4"].Alignment.WrapText = true;*/

                sheet.Columns[2].Width = 350;
                sheet.Columns[3].Width = 340;
                sheet.Columns[4].Width = 340;

                sheet.Columns[6].Width  = 330;
                sheet.Columns[7].Width  = 330;
                sheet.Columns[8].Width  = 330;
                sheet.Columns[9].Width  = 330;
                sheet.Columns[10].Width = 330;

                sheet.Cells["d4"].Value = string.Format("DEDUCCIONES{0}(Compras y/o{0}gastos, sin incluir{0}IVA",
                sheet.Cells["e4"].Value = string.Format("INGRESOS ACUMULABLES -{0}DEDUCCIONES ACUMULABLES ={0}BASE",
                sheet.Cells["f4"].Value = "ISR RETENIDO";

                sheet.Cells["g3"].Value = "PAGOS (Provisionales)";
                sheet.Cells["g4"].Value = "ISR";
                sheet.Rows[3].Height    = 260;

                sheet.Cells["h3"].Value = string.Format("IVA{0}(Causado por{0}sus ventas o{0}servicios)",
                sheet.Cells["i3"].Value = string.Format("IVA{0}(Acreditable por{0}sus compras y/o{0}gastos)",
                sheet.Cells["j3"].Value = string.Format("IVA{0}RETENIDO", Environment.NewLine);
                sheet.Cells["k3"].Value = string.Format("IVA PAGADO (+){0}O{0}A FAVOR (-)", Environment.NewLine);
                sheet.Cells["l3"].Value = "DIOT";
                sheet.Rows[2].Height    = 240;

                decimal[] total     = new decimal[12];
                decimal[] reten     = new decimal[12];
                decimal[] ivaTras   = new decimal[12];
                decimal[] ivaRet    = new decimal[12];
                decimal[] ivaAcr    = new decimal[12];
                decimal[] totAcm    = new decimal[12];
                decimal[] retAcm    = new decimal[12];
                decimal[] totalDdc  = new decimal[12];
                decimal[] totAcmDdc = new decimal[12];

                CriteriaOperator[] operands = new CriteriaOperator[2];

                i           = 5;
                operands[1] = new BinaryOperator("Status", DocumentoStatus.Sellada, BinaryOperatorType.Equal);
                for (int mesini = 1; mesini < 13; mesini++)
                    DateTime mFechaIni = apl.Log.Fecha.FechaInicial(mesini, ano);
                    DateTime mFechaFin = apl.Log.Fecha.FechaFinal(mesini, ano);

                    operands[0] = GroupOperator.And(
                        new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaIni, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual),
                        new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaFin, BinaryOperatorType.LessOrEqual));
                    operands[1] = new BinaryOperator("Status", DocumentoStatus.Sellada, BinaryOperatorType.Equal);

                    IList arr = ((XPObjectSpace)View.ObjectSpace).CreateCollection(typeof(DocumentoSalida), new GroupOperator(operands), null);

                    total[mesini - 1]     = 0;
                    totAcm[mesini - 1]    = 0;
                    reten[mesini - 1]     = 0;
                    retAcm[mesini - 1]    = 0;
                    ivaTras[mesini - 1]   = 0;
                    ivaRet[mesini - 1]    = 0;
                    ivaAcr[mesini - 1]    = 0;
                    totalDdc[mesini - 1]  = 0;
                    totAcmDdc[mesini - 1] = 0;

                    if (arr.Count > 0)
                        foreach (DocumentoSalida doc in arr)
                            total[mesini - 1]   += doc.SubTotal;
                            reten[mesini - 1]   += doc.RetenISR;
                            ivaTras[mesini - 1] += doc.Impuesto04;
                            ivaRet[mesini - 1]  += doc.RetenIVA;

                    operands[0] = GroupOperator.And(
                        new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaIni, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual),
                        new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaFin, BinaryOperatorType.LessOrEqual));
                    operands[1] = null;

                    arr = ((XPObjectSpace)View.ObjectSpace).CreateCollection(typeof(Recepcion), new GroupOperator(operands), null);

                    if (arr.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Recepcion doc in arr)
                            totalDdc[mesini - 1] += doc.SubTotal;
                            ivaAcr[mesini - 1]   += doc.Impuesto04;

                    if ((mesini - 1) > 0)
                        //     1, 2, ...,11          0, 1, ...,10        1, 2, ...,11
                        totAcm[mesini - 1]    += totAcm[mesini - 2] + total[mesini - 1];
                        retAcm[mesini - 1]    += retAcm[mesini - 2] + reten[mesini - 1];
                        totAcmDdc[mesini - 1] += totAcmDdc[mesini - 2] + totalDdc[mesini - 1];
                        //     0                   0
                        totAcm[mesini - 1]    = total[mesini - 1];
                        retAcm[mesini - 1]    = reten[mesini - 1];
                        totAcmDdc[mesini - 1] = totalDdc[mesini - 1];

                    if (total[mesini - 1] != 0)
                        sheet.Cells[i, 2].SetValue(total[mesini - 1]);
                        sheet.Cells[i, 2].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";
                    if (totalDdc[mesini - 1] != 0)
                        sheet.Cells[i, 3].SetValue(totalDdc[mesini - 1]);
                        sheet.Cells[i, 3].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";

                    if (reten[mesini - 1] != 0)
                        sheet.Cells[i, 5].SetValue(reten[mesini - 1]);
                        sheet.Cells[i, 5].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";

                    if (ivaTras[mesini - 1] != 0)
                        sheet.Cells[i, 7].SetValue(ivaTras[mesini - 1]);
                        sheet.Cells[i, 7].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";
                    if (ivaAcr[mesini - 1] != 0)
                        sheet.Cells[i, 8].SetValue(ivaAcr[mesini - 1]);
                        sheet.Cells[i, 8].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";
                    if (ivaRet[mesini - 1] != 0)
                        sheet.Cells[i, 9].SetValue(ivaRet[mesini - 1]);
                        sheet.Cells[i, 9].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";
                    sheet.Cells[i, 10].Formula        = string.Format("=h{0}-i{0}-j{0}", i + 1);
                    sheet.Cells[i++, 10].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";

                    if (mesini > 1)
                        sheet.Rows[i].FillColor = Color.FromName("BurlyWood");
                        //Beige"); // AntiqueWhite"); Bisque BlanchedAlmond

                        if (totAcm[mesini - 1] != 0)
                            sheet.Cells[i, 2].SetValue(totAcm[mesini - 1]);
                            sheet.Cells[i, 2].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";
                        if (totAcmDdc[mesini - 1] != 0)
                            sheet.Cells[i, 3].SetValue(totAcmDdc[mesini - 1]);
                            sheet.Cells[i, 3].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";
                        sheet.Cells[i, 4].Formula      = string.Format("=c{0}-d{0}", i + 1);
                        sheet.Cells[i, 4].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";

                        if (retAcm[mesini - 1] != 0)
                            sheet.Cells[i, 5].SetValue(retAcm[mesini - 1]);
                            sheet.Cells[i++, 5].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;[Red]$#,##0.00";


             * Workbook book = new Workbook();
             * var sheet = book.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet;
             * sheet.Cells[0, 0].Value = "Carlos Javier Lopez Cruz";
             * sheet.Cells[1, 0].Value = "LOCC670416JI8";
             * // sheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "litros67";
             * int ano = DateTime.Today.Month == 1 ? DateTime.Today.Year-1 : DateTime.Today.Year;
             *  // DateTime.Today.Year;
             * sheet.Cells["A4"].Value = string.Format("Determinación del ISR provisional del Ejercicio {0}.",
             *  ano);
             * sheet.Cells[5, 1].Value = "ENERO";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 4].Value = "FEBRERO";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 7].Value = "MARZO";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 10].Value = "ABRIL";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 13].Value = "MAYO";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 16].Value = "JUNIO";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 19].Value = "JULIO";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 22].Value = "AGOSTO";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 25].Value = "SEPTIEMBRE";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 28].Value = "OCTUBRE";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 31].Value = "NOVIEMBRE";
             * sheet.Cells[5, 34].Value = "DICIEMBRE";
             * XPObjectSpace objectSpace = (XPObjectSpace)View.ObjectSpace;
             * Empresa emp = objectSpace.FindObject<Empresa>(null);
             * CriteriaOperator[] operands = new CriteriaOperator[2];
             * decimal[] total = new decimal[12];
             * decimal[] totAcm = new decimal[12];
             * decimal[] compr = new decimal[12];
             * decimal[] reten = new decimal[12];
             * decimal[] retAcm = new decimal[12];
             * decimal[] ivaTras = new decimal[12];
             * decimal[] ivaRet = new decimal[12];
             * decimal[] ivaAcr = new decimal[12];
             * operands[1] = new BinaryOperator("Status", DocumentoStatus.Cancelado, BinaryOperatorType.NotEqual);
             * sheet.Cells["A1"].Value = emp.Compania.Nombre;
             * sheet.Cells["B1"].Value = emp.Compania.Rfc;
             * for (int mesini = 1; mesini < 13; mesini++)
             * {
             *  DateTime mFechaIni = Fecha.FechaInicial(mesini, ano);
             *  DateTime mFechaFin = Fecha.FechaFinal(mesini, ano);
             *  operands[0] = GroupOperator.And(new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaIni, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual),
             *      new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaFin, BinaryOperatorType.LessOrEqual));
             *  IList arr = objectSpace.CreateCollection(typeof(DocumentoSalida), new GroupOperator(operands), null);
             *  total[mesini - 1] = 0;
             *  totAcm[mesini - 1] = 0;
             *  reten[mesini - 1] = 0;
             *  retAcm[mesini - 1] = 0;
             *  ivaTras[mesini - 1] = 0;
             *  ivaRet[mesini - 1] = 0;
             *  ivaAcr[mesini - 1] = 0;
             *  if (arr.Count > 0)
             *  {
             *      foreach (DocumentoSalida doc in arr)
             *      {
             *          total[mesini - 1] += doc.SubTotal;
             *          reten[mesini - 1] += doc.RetenISR;
             *          ivaTras[mesini - 1] += doc.Impuesto04;
             *          ivaRet[mesini - 1] += doc.RetenIVA;
             *      }
             *      if ((mesini - 1) > 0)
             *      {
             *          totAcm[mesini - 1] += totAcm[mesini - 2] + total[mesini - 2];
             *          retAcm[mesini - 1] += retAcm[mesini - 2] + reten[mesini - 2];
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * sheet.Cells[6, 0].ColumnWidth = 470;
             * sheet.Cells["A7"].Value = "Ingresos Acumulados:";
             * sheet.Cells[6, 1].Value = 0;
             * sheet.Cells[6, 4].Value = total[0].ToString("n2");
             * sheet.Cells[6, 7].Value = (total[0] + total[1]).ToString("n2");
             * sheet.Cells[6, 10].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]).ToString("n2");
             * sheet.Cells[6, 13].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]
             + total[3]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[6, 16].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]
             + total[3] + total[4]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[6, 19].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]
             + total[3] + total[4] + total[5]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[6, 22].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]
             + total[3] + total[4] + total[5] + total[6]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[6, 25].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]
             + total[3] + total[4] + total[5] + total[6] + total[7]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[6, 28].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]
             + total[3] + total[4] + total[5] + total[6] + total[7]
             + total[8]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[6, 31].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]
             + total[3] + total[4] + total[5] + total[6] + total[7]
             + total[8] + total[9]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[6, 34].Value = (total[0] + total[1] + total[2]
             + total[3] + total[4] + total[5] + total[6] + total[7]
             + total[8] + total[9] + total[10]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells["A8"].Value = "Ingresos:";
             + sheet.Cells[7, 1].Value = total[0].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 4].Value = total[1].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 7].Value = total[2].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 10].Value = total[3].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 13].Value = total[4].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 16].Value = total[5].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 19].Value = total[6].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 22].Value = total[7].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 25].Value = total[8].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 28].Value = total[9].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 31].Value = total[10].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[7, 34].Value = total[11].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells["A9"].Value = "Total de Ingresos:";
             + sheet.Cells[8, 2].Value = (total[0] + totAcm[0]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 5].Value = (total[1] + totAcm[1]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 8].Value = (total[2] + totAcm[2]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 11].Value = (total[3] + totAcm[3]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 14].Value = (total[4] + totAcm[4]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 17].Value = (total[5] + totAcm[5]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 20].Value = (total[6] + totAcm[6]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 23].Value = (total[7] + totAcm[7]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 26].Value = (total[8] + totAcm[8]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 29].Value = (total[9] + totAcm[9]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 32].Value = (total[10] + totAcm[10]).ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[8, 35].Value = (total[11] + totAcm[11]).ToString("n2");
             + decimal[] totalDdc = new decimal[12];
             + decimal[] totAcmDdc = new decimal[12];
             + for (int mesini = 1; mesini < 13; mesini++)
             + {
             +  DateTime mFechaIni = Fecha.FechaInicial(mesini, ano);
             +  DateTime mFechaFin = Fecha.FechaFinal(mesini, ano);
             +  operands[0] = GroupOperator.And(new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaIni, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual),
             +      new BinaryOperator("FechaDoc", mFechaFin, BinaryOperatorType.LessOrEqual));
             +  IList arr = objectSpace.CreateCollection(typeof(Recepcion), new GroupOperator(operands), null);
             +  totalDdc[mesini - 1] = 0;
             +  totAcmDdc[mesini - 1] = 0;
             +  ivaAcr[mesini - 1] = 0;
             +  if (arr.Count > 0)
             +  {
             +      foreach (Recepcion doc in arr)
             +      {
             +          totalDdc[mesini - 1] += doc.SubTotal;
             +          ivaAcr[mesini - 1] += doc.Impuesto04;
             +      }
             +      if ((mesini - 1) > 0)
             +          totAcmDdc[mesini - 1] += totAcmDdc[mesini - 2] + totalDdc[mesini - 2];
             +  }
             + }
             + sheet.Cells[9, 0].Value = "Deducciones Acumuladas:";
             + sheet.Cells[9, 1].Value = totAcmDdc[0].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 4].Value = totAcmDdc[1].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 7].Value = totAcmDdc[2].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 10].Value = totAcmDdc[3].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 13].Value = totAcmDdc[4].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 16].Value = totAcmDdc[5].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 19].Value = totAcmDdc[6].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 22].Value = totAcmDdc[7].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 25].Value = totAcmDdc[8].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 28].Value = totAcmDdc[9].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 31].Value = totAcmDdc[10].ToString("n2");
             + sheet.Cells[9, 34].Value = totAcmDdc[11].ToString("n2");
             + int ren = 10;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "Deducciones:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 1+3*i].Value = totalDdc[i].ToString("n2");
             + ren = 11;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "Total de Deducciones:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 2+3*i].Value = (totalDdc[i] + totAcmDdc[i]).ToString("n2");
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[++ren, 0].Value = "Base ISR:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             + {
             +  sheet[ren, 2+3*i].Value = (total[i] + totAcm[i]- (totalDdc[i] + totAcmDdc[i])) > 0
             +      ? (total[i] + totAcm[i] - (totalDdc[i] + totAcmDdc[i])).ToString("n2") : "-";
             + }
             + sheet.Cells[++ren, 0].Value = "Límite Inferior:";
             + sheet.Cells[++ren, 0].Value = "Excedente L.I.:";
             + sheet.Cells[++ren, 0].Value = "% Marginal:";
             + sheet.Cells[++ren, 0].Value = "Impuesto Marginal:";
             + sheet.Cells[++ren, 0].Value = "Cuotra fija:";
             + sheet.Cells[++ren, 0].Value = "ISR Causado:";
             + ren++;
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "Retenciones Acumuladas:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 1+3*i].Value = retAcm[i].ToString("n2");
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "Retención ISR:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 1 + 3 * i].Value = reten[i].ToString("n2");
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "Total de Retenciones:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 2 + 3 * i].Value = (reten[i] + retAcm[i]).ToString("n2");
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[++ren, 0].Value = "Determinacion del Impuesto al Valor Agregado Mensual del Ejercicio 2014";
             + ren++;
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "IVA trasladado:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 1 + 3 * i].Value = ivaTras[i].ToString("n2");
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "Retención IVA:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 1 + 3 * i].Value = ivaRet[i].ToString("n2");
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "IVA Acreditable:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 1 + 3 * i].Value = ivaAcr[i].ToString("n2");
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "Saldo a favor de IVA:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 1 + 3 * i].Value =  ivaTras[i] - ivaRet[i]-ivaAcr[i] > 0 ? "0" :
             +      Math.Round(ivaAcr[i] + ivaRet[i] - ivaTras[i]).ToString("n2");
             + ren++;
             + sheet.Cells[ren, 0].Value = "Saldo a pagar de IVA:";
             + for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
             +  sheet.Cells[ren, 1 + 3 * i].Value = ivaTras[i] - ivaRet[i] - ivaAcr[i] > 0 ?
             +      Math.Round(ivaTras[i] - ivaRet[i] - ivaAcr[i]).ToString("n2") : "0";
             + book.SaveDocument(string.Format("Contable.xls"));*/
Ejemplo n.º 19
        static void Main()
            // XPOには、LINQ to XPOの他にCriteriaOperatorを利用したクエリ方法がある。
            // CriteriaOperator系のクラスは、DevExpress.Data.Filterling名前空間に配置されている。
            // CriteriaOperatorで構築した抽出条件は、XPCollectionやXPViewなどのXPOコレクションクラスにて
            // 絞り込み条件として指定できる。
            // 使用方法としては、以下の2種類のやり方がある。
            //   ・BinaryOperatorなどの各Operatorクラスをインスタンス化して条件を構築.
            //   ・CriteriaOperator.Parseメソッドに対して、文字列で条件を指定して構築.
            // 参考リソース
            var dataStore = new InMemoryDataStore();
            var dataLayer = new SimpleDataLayer(dataStore);

            // 初期データ設定
            using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(dataLayer))
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    new Customer(uow)
                        Name = string.Format("Customer-{0}", i), Age = i + 20


            // Operatorクラスを利用して条件を構築.
            var opGreater = new BinaryOperator("Age", 25, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual);

            using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(dataLayer))
                foreach (var item in new XPCollection <Customer>(uow)
                    Criteria = opGreater

            // CriteriaOperator.Parseメソッドを利用して条件を構築.
            var criteria = CriteriaOperator.Parse("Age >= 25");

            using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(dataLayer))
                foreach (var item in new XPCollection <Customer>(uow)
                    Criteria = criteria

            // Operatorクラスのチェイン (複数条件の指定)
            //   条件同士をand, orするには、GroupOperatorの静的メソッドを利用する.
            var opLike = new BinaryOperator("Name", "%7%", BinaryOperatorType.Like);
            var opAnd  = GroupOperator.And(opGreater, opLike);

            using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(dataLayer))
                foreach (var item in new XPCollection <Customer>(uow)
                    Criteria = opAnd
                    Console.WriteLine(new { Name = item.Name, Age = item.Age });

            // CriteriaOperator.Parseメソッドで複数条件の指定.
            //   条件同士をand, orするには、そのまま文字列中にand, orと記述すればよい。
            criteria = CriteriaOperator.Parse("Age >= 25 AND Name like '%7%'");
            using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(dataLayer))
                foreach (var item in new XPCollection <Customer>(uow)
                    Criteria = criteria
                    Console.WriteLine(new { Name = item.Name, Age = item.Age });