// Extract relevant Groups
        private void GetRelevantGroups()
            // check all the Groups
            foreach (var groupObj in _dataService.GetEntitiesData().groups)
                // calculate the weight of a group record

                // Assign WeightT to all the child entities of group
                if (groupObj.WeightT > 0)
                    // Iterate over all the medias and add the weightT
                    foreach (var medium in groupObj.Mediums)
                        if (_dataRecordsDict.ContainsKey(medium))
                        {   // update the weight of mediums
                            _dataRecordsDict[medium].Weight = groupObj.WeightT;
                    // for next search make the calculated weightT zero
                    groupObj.WeightT = 0;

                // if weight is not 0 then add it in the result array
                if (groupObj.Weight > 0)
                    var groupTemp = new GroupDto();
                    // for next search make the calculated weight zero
                    groupObj.Weight = 0;