Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Sending the userId from the request body as this is just a demo.
        // On your application you probably want to fetch this from your authentication context and not receive it as a parameter
        public IActionResult ListFriends([FromBody] dynamic payload)

            // Use the following for group chats
            // Make sure you have [pollFriendsList] set to true for this simple group chat example to work as
            // broadcasting with group was not implemented here
            // return Json(GroupChatHub.ConnectedParticipants((string)payload.currentUserId));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override BaseResponseResult DoWork(JoinRoomReq param)
            BaseResponseResult rc = new BaseResponseResult((int)Code.OperationError, "操作失败!");

            if (Index.User != null)
                if (param.liveId > 0)
                    LiveChatRoom room = new LiveChatRoomBLL().Find(it => it.LiveID == param.liveId && it.Status == 1);
                    if (room != null && room.ID > 0)
                        LiveChatRoomMember member = new LiveChatRoomMember
                            ConnectionID = param.connectionId,
                            RoomID       = room.ID,
                            UserID       = Index.User.UserID

                        member.ID = new LiveChatRoomMemberBLL().Add(member);
                        //如果当前登陆的人员 成功 加入到直播聊天室
                        if (member.ID > 0)
                            var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <GroupChatHub>();
                            //将当前的ConnectionID加入到 以房间ID为名称的组中
                            context.Groups.Add(param.connectionId, room.ID.ToString());
                            context.Clients.Group(room.ID.ToString()).publishMsg(GroupChatHub.FormatMsg("系统消息", Index.User.UserName + "  加入聊天", 0, Index.User.HeadPic));
                            rc.SetResult(0, "成功加入聊天室!");
                            rc.SetResult(3, "加入聊天房间失败!");
                        rc.SetResult(1, "当前聊天房间不存在!");
                    rc.SetResult(1, "当前聊天房间不存在!");
                rc.SetResult(2, "未登录!");

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> UserList([FromBody] dynamic payload)
            string srchTxt       = payload.searchText;
            string userId        = this.HttpContext.User.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Subject);
            var    connectedPart = GroupChatHub.getConnectedParticpant(userId).FirstOrDefault();

            var userList = (
                from u in this._ctx.Users
                where u.Id != userId
                orderby u.Email
                select new
                DisplayName = u.Email,
                UserId = u.Id,
                ParticipantType = ChatParticipantTypeEnum.User,
                Status = connectedPart == null ? EnumChatParticipantStatus.Offline : EnumChatParticipantStatus.Online,
                Email = u.Email

            return(Json(await userList.ToArrayAsync()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Participants([FromBody] dynamic payload)
            string srchTxt = payload.searchText;

            string userId       = this.HttpContext.User.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Subject);
            string userEmail    = this._ctx.Users.Find(userId).Email;
            var    msgListQuery = (from g in this._ctx.ChatGroups.Include(d => d.DateSeen).ThenInclude(d => d.User)
                                   join p in this._ctx.Participants.Include(d => d.User) on g equals p.Group into arrPart
                                   join ms in this._ctx.ChatMessages on g equals ms.ChatGroup into chatMessages
                                   where g.ParticipantType == EnumChatGroupParticipantType.user &&
                                   arrPart.Any(d => d.User.Id == userId)

                                   select new {
                Particpants = arrPart,
                ChatGroup = g,
                UnreadMessageCount = chatMessages
                                     .Where(d => d.DateSent > g.DateSeen
                                            .Where(s => s.User.Id == userId)
                                            .Select(ds => ds.DateSeen)

            var msgList = await msgListQuery.ToArrayAsync();

            var userList = await(
                from u in this._ctx.Users
                where !msgList.Any(d => d.Particpants.Any(p => p.User == u)) &&
                u.Id != userId
                select new { Id = u.Id, Email = u.Email, }

            List <ParticipantResponseViewModel> resp = new List <ParticipantResponseViewModel>();

            foreach (var item in msgList)
                var part = new ParticipantResponseViewModel();
                part.Participants = new List <ChatParticipantViewModel>();

                foreach (var p in item.Particpants.OrderBy(d => d.User.Id == userId))
                    var connectedPart = GroupChatHub.getConnectedParticpant(p.User.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    part.Participants.Add(new ChatParticipantViewModel()
                        DisplayName     = p.User.Email,
                        UserId          = p.User.Id,
                        ParticipantType = ChatParticipantTypeEnum.User,
                        Status          = connectedPart == null ? EnumChatParticipantStatus.Offline : EnumChatParticipantStatus.Online,
                        Email           = p.User.Email

                part.Metadata = new ParticipantMetadataViewModel()
                    TotalUnreadMessages = item.UnreadMessageCount,
                    Title   = item.ChatGroup.Title,
                    GroupId = item.ChatGroup != null?item.ChatGroup.Id.ToString() : ""

            foreach (var user in userList)
                var part = new ParticipantResponseViewModel();
                part.Participants = new List <ChatParticipantViewModel>();

                var connectedPart = GroupChatHub.getConnectedParticpant(user.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                part.Participants.Add(new ChatParticipantViewModel()
                    DisplayName     = user.Email,
                    UserId          = user.Id,
                    ParticipantType = ChatParticipantTypeEnum.User,
                    Status          = connectedPart == null ? EnumChatParticipantStatus.Offline : EnumChatParticipantStatus.Online,
                    Email           = user.Email

                part.Participants.Add(new ChatParticipantViewModel()
                    DisplayName     = userEmail,
                    UserId          = userId,
                    ParticipantType = ChatParticipantTypeEnum.User,
                    Status          = EnumChatParticipantStatus.Online,
                    Email           = userEmail

                part.Metadata = new ParticipantMetadataViewModel()
                    TotalUnreadMessages = 0,
                    GroupId             = "",
                    Title = part.Participants.First().DisplayName


            return(Json(resp.OrderBy(d => d.Participants.Any(p => p.Status == EnumChatParticipantStatus.Online)).ThenBy(d => d.Metadata.Title)));