Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets various order statistics from the orders table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="averageOrderPrice">The average order price.</param>
        /// <param name="highestOrderPrice">The higest order price.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfOrders">The number of orders.</param>
        /// <param name="orderIdWithHighestPrice">The order id with highest price.</param>
        /// <remarks>No error checking is applied to this routine, it's for illustrating the framework functionality.</remarks>
        public void GetOrderStatistics(out decimal averageOrderPrice, out decimal highestOrderPrice, out int numberOfOrders, out int orderIdWithHighestPrice)
            Console.WriteLine("GetOrderStatistics called");
            using (DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                // get all order prices using a dynamic list.
                ResultsetFields orderPricesFields = new ResultsetFields(2);
                orderPricesFields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.OrderId, 0, "OrderId");
                orderPricesFields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.ProductId, 1, "OrderPrice", "", AggregateFunction.Sum);
                orderPricesFields[1].ExpressionToApply = (OrderDetailsFields.Quantity * OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice);
                IGroupByCollection groupBy = new GroupByCollection();

                // fetch in a datatable, orderid + the order price.
                DataTable orderPrices = new DataTable();
                adapter.FetchTypedList(orderPricesFields, orderPrices, null, 0, null, true, groupBy);

                // calculate average order price and which customer has the most expensive order
                averageOrderPrice       = 0.0M;
                highestOrderPrice       = 0.0M;
                orderIdWithHighestPrice = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < orderPrices.Rows.Count; i++)
                    decimal currentOrderPrice = (decimal)orderPrices.Rows[i]["OrderPrice"];
                    if (currentOrderPrice > highestOrderPrice)
                        highestOrderPrice       = currentOrderPrice;
                        orderIdWithHighestPrice = (int)orderPrices.Rows[i]["OrderId"];
                    averageOrderPrice += currentOrderPrice;
                averageOrderPrice = averageOrderPrice / orderPrices.Rows.Count;
                numberOfOrders    = orderPrices.Rows.Count;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the customer with the most orders and also the customers' number of orders.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfOrders">The number of orders.</param>
        /// <returns>the CustomerEntity with the most orders and also the number of orders of this customer</returns>
        /// <remarks>No error checking is applied to this routine, it's for illustrating the framework functionality.</remarks>
        public CustomerEntity GetCustomerWithMostOrdersAndNumberOfOrders(out int numberOfOrders)
            Console.WriteLine("GetCustomerWithMostOrdersAndNumberOfOrders called");
            CustomerEntity toReturn = null;

            using (DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                // create a list to obtain the customerid + # of orders. We'll just fetch the 1st row, ordering on the # of orders.
                ResultsetFields orderCustomerFields = new ResultsetFields(2);
                orderCustomerFields.DefineField(OrderFields.CustomerId, 0, "CustomerId");
                orderCustomerFields.DefineField(OrderFields.OrderId, 1, "NumberOfOrders", "", AggregateFunction.Count);
                GroupByCollection groupBy = new GroupByCollection();
                SortExpression sorter = new SortExpression();
                sorter.Add(new SortClause(orderCustomerFields[1], null, SortOperator.Descending));

                // now fetch the list, specify to fetch just 1 row, ordered descending on amount
                DataTable orderCustomer = new DataTable();
                adapter.FetchTypedList(orderCustomerFields, orderCustomer, null, 1, sorter, true, groupBy);
                numberOfOrders = (int)orderCustomer.Rows[0]["NumberOfOrders"];

                // we'll assume the data was there, so there is a row.
                toReturn = new CustomerEntity(orderCustomer.Rows[0]["CustomerId"].ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual void GroupBy(GroupByCollection groupBy)
            bool first = true;

            foreach (GroupByField groupByField in groupBy)
                if (first)
                    Append(" GROUP BY ");
                    first = false;
                    Append(", ");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public OrderedPair <ResultsetFields, GroupByCollection> CreateMedicalVendorInvoiceStatisticFieldsAndGroupByClause()
            var resultsetFields = new ResultsetFields(5);

            resultsetFields.DefineField(PhysicianInvoiceItemFields.PhysicianInvoiceId, 0, "MedicalVendorInvoiceId");
            resultsetFields.DefineField(PhysicianInvoiceItemFields.PhysicianInvoiceId, 1, "NumberOfEvaluations", AggregateFunction.Count);
            resultsetFields.DefineField(PhysicianInvoiceItemFields.AmountEarned, 2, "InvoiceAmount", AggregateFunction.Sum);
            //Need to map from Physican Evaluation
            //resultsetFields.DefineField(PhysicianInvoiceItemFields.EvaluationStartTime, 3, "EvaluationStartTime");
            //resultsetFields.DefineField(PhysicianInvoiceItemFields.EvaluationEndTime, 4, "EvaluationEndTime");

            var groupByCollection = new GroupByCollection(resultsetFields[0])
                resultsetFields[3], resultsetFields[4]

            return(new OrderedPair <ResultsetFields, GroupByCollection>(resultsetFields, groupByCollection));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>Gets the amount of rows in the database for this typed list.</summary>
        /// <param name="allowDuplicates">Flag to allow duplicate rows (true) or not (false)</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter to apply for the count retrieval</param>
        /// <param name="groupByClause">group by clause to embed in the query</param>
        /// <returns>the number of rows in the set defined by the passed in query elements</returns>
        public virtual int GetDbCount(bool allowDuplicates, IPredicateExpression filter, GroupByCollection groupByClause)
            IEntityFields fieldsInResultset = EntityFieldsFactory.CreateTypedViewEntityFieldsObject(TypedViewType.ProductSalesFor1997TypedView);

            return(DAOFactory.CreateTypedListDAO().GetDbCount(fieldsInResultset, null, filter, null, groupByClause, allowDuplicates));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the statistics for the Northwind database and shows them in the form, illustrating the
        /// direct database power LLBLGen Pro offers you through scalar functions, aggregates, group by and expressions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>No error checking is applied to this routine, it's for illustrating the framework functionality.</remarks>
        private void CalculateStatistics()
            // get amount customers
            using (DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                int amountCustomers = (int)adapter.GetScalar(CustomerFields.CustomerId, AggregateFunction.CountRow);
                _amountCustomersTextBox.Text = amountCustomers.ToString();

                // get all order prices
                ResultsetFields orderPricesFields = new ResultsetFields(2);
                orderPricesFields.DefineField(OrderDetailFields.OrderId, 0, "OrderId");
                orderPricesFields.DefineField(OrderDetailFields.ProductId, 1, "OrderPrice", "", AggregateFunction.Sum);
                orderPricesFields[1].ExpressionToApply = (OrderDetailFields.Quantity * OrderDetailFields.UnitPrice);
                IGroupByCollection groupBy = new GroupByCollection();

                // fetch in a datatable, orderid + the order price.
                DataTable orderPrices = new DataTable();
                adapter.FetchTypedList(orderPricesFields, orderPrices, null, 0, null, true, groupBy);

                // calculate average order price and which customer has the most expensive order
                decimal averageOrderPrice       = 0.0M;
                decimal highestOrderPrice       = 0.0M;
                int     orderIdWithHighestPrice = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < orderPrices.Rows.Count; i++)
                    decimal currentOrderPrice = (decimal)orderPrices.Rows[i]["OrderPrice"];
                    if (currentOrderPrice > highestOrderPrice)
                        highestOrderPrice       = currentOrderPrice;
                        orderIdWithHighestPrice = (int)orderPrices.Rows[i]["OrderId"];
                    averageOrderPrice += currentOrderPrice;
                averageOrderPrice = averageOrderPrice / orderPrices.Rows.Count;
                _highestOrderPriceTextBox.Text = highestOrderPrice.ToString("C");
                _averageOrderPriceTextBox.Text = averageOrderPrice.ToString("C");

                // get order with highest price. Pull customer also in 1 go
                IPrefetchPath2 prefetchPathCustomer = new PrefetchPath2((int)EntityType.OrderEntity);
                OrderEntity highestOrder = new OrderEntity(orderIdWithHighestPrice);
                adapter.FetchEntity(highestOrder, prefetchPathCustomer);
                _customerWithHighestOrder         = highestOrder.Customer;              // already loaded through prefetch path.
                _highestOrderCustomerTextBox.Text = _customerWithHighestOrder.CompanyName;

                // get customer with most orders.
                ResultsetFields orderCustomerFields = new ResultsetFields(2);
                orderCustomerFields.DefineField(OrderFields.CustomerId, 0, "CustomerId");
                orderCustomerFields.DefineField(OrderFields.OrderId, 1, "AmountOrders", "", AggregateFunction.Count);
                groupBy = new GroupByCollection();
                SortExpression sorter = new SortExpression();
                sorter.Add(new SortClause(orderCustomerFields[1], null, SortOperator.Descending));
                // now fetch the list, just 1 row, ordered descending on amount
                DataTable orderCustomer = new DataTable();
                adapter.FetchTypedList(orderCustomerFields, orderCustomer, null, 1, sorter, true, groupBy);
                _mostOrdersPerCustomerTextBox.Text = orderCustomer.Rows[0]["AmountOrders"].ToString();

                // we'll assume the data was there, so there is a row.
                _customerWithMostOrders = new CustomerEntity(orderCustomer.Rows[0]["CustomerId"].ToString());

                _mostOrdersCustomerTextBox.Text = _customerWithMostOrders.CompanyName;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void OperatorGroupBy()
     GroupByCollection gb = "ContactNaam";