Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void AddNames(GreenTeamStudent.Teams team)
     for (int i = 0; i < Students.Count; i++)
         if (team == GreenTeamStudent.Teams.Both || Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Team == team)
             for (int o = 0; o < dgvAvailability.Rows.Count; o++)
                 for (int p = 1 /* set to 1 to make sure we don't place names in the time column */; p < dgvAvailability.Rows[o].Cells.Count; p++)
                     if (dgvAvailability.Rows[o].Cells[p].Value == null)
                         dgvAvailability.Rows[o].Cells[p].Value = Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Name;
                         dgvAvailability.Rows[o].Cells[p].Value += $",{Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Name}";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void RemoveNames(GreenTeamStudent.Teams team)
            for (int i = 0; i < Students.Count; i++)
                if (team == GreenTeamStudent.Teams.Both || Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Team == team)
                    for (int o = 0; o < Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Classes.Count; o++)
                        DateTime classStart = Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Classes[o].StartTime;
                        DateTime classEnd   = Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Classes[o].EndTime;

                        //Add time to get back from loop if necessary
                        if (Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Classes[o].Campus == Class.Campuses.Loop)

                        for (int p = 0; p < dgvAvailability.Rows.Count; p++)
                            DataGridViewRow row = dgvAvailability.Rows[p];

                            if (row.Cells[0].Value != null)
                                DateTime timeSlotStart;
                                DateTime timeSlotEnd;

                                //Get current office hours time slot for comparison to class times
                                    timeSlotStart = DateTime.ParseExact(row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), "hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                    timeSlotEnd = DateTime.ParseExact(row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), "hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    timeSlotEnd = timeSlotEnd.AddHours(Properties.Settings.Default.ShiftLength);
                                catch (FormatException)
                                    MessageBox.Show($"Could not parse {row.Cells[0].Value.ToString()} as a valid DateTime");

                                //Check to see if class time makes the student is unavailable
                                if (classStart.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay || /*Class starts during timeSlot*/
                                    classEnd.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay ||   /*Class ends during timeSlot*/
                                    classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classEnd.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay)     /*Class starts before and ends after timeSlot*/
                                    Console.WriteLine(classStart.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay);
                                    Console.WriteLine(classEnd.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay);
                                    Console.WriteLine(classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classEnd.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay);
                                    Console.WriteLine($"{Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Name}'s {Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Classes[o].Name} class that starts  at {classStart} and ends at {classEnd} DOES CONFLICT with the time slot starting at {timeSlotStart} and ending at {timeSlotEnd}");

                                    //if so, remove their name from each day they have that class
                                    for (int q = 0; q < Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Classes[o].Days.Length; q++)
                                        for (int r = 1; r < dgvAvailability.Columns.Count; r++)
                                            if (Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Classes[o].Days[q] == dgvAvailability.Columns[r].HeaderCell.Value.ToString())
                                                //Check if cell value is string before editing it
                                                if (row.Cells[r].Value is string)
                                                    string tmpNames = "";

                                                    //Remove name from cell
                                                    for (int s = 0; s < row.Cells[r].Value.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length; s++)
                                                        //Add all names other than the one of the student we now know is not available

                                                        if (row.Cells[r].Value.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[s] != Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Name)
                                                            if (tmpNames == "")
                                                                //if we working on first name just add it, otherwise we need ',' as well
                                                                tmpNames += row.Cells[r].Value.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[s];
                                                                tmpNames += $",{row.Cells[r].Value.ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[s]}";

                                                    //Reset the cell value to the new set of names
                                                    row.Cells[r].Value = tmpNames;
                                                    MessageBox.Show($"Couldn't remove {Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Name} from dgvAvailability, as the cell value was not a string");
                                    Console.WriteLine(classStart.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay);
                                    Console.WriteLine(classEnd.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay);
                                    Console.WriteLine(classStart.TimeOfDay <= timeSlotStart.TimeOfDay && classEnd.TimeOfDay >= timeSlotEnd.TimeOfDay);
                                    Console.WriteLine($"{Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Name}'s {Students.Values.ToArray()[i].Classes[o].Name} class that starts  at {classStart} and ends at {classEnd} does not conflict with the time slot starting at {timeSlotStart} and ending at {timeSlotEnd}");