Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Redraw()
            if (_sessions.Count == 0)

            var g = GraphicArea.CreateGraphics();

            var fieldWidth  = GraphicArea.Size.Width / BoardWidth;
            var fieldHeight = GraphicArea.Size.Height / BoardHeight;

            for (var x = 0; x < BoardWidth; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < BoardHeight; y++)
                    var color = GetFieldColor(_sessions[_selectedBoard].Board[x, y]);
                    var brush = new SolidBrush(color);

                    g.FillRectangle(brush, x * fieldWidth, y * fieldHeight, fieldWidth, fieldHeight);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static IWidget CreateWindow6_2(string path)
            var window = new Window("window6_2", Path.Combine(path, @"generic/bg.raw"));

            var graphic           = new GraphicArea("", 10, 10);
            var graphicSampleData = new GraphicArea.GraphicsData {
                Color = new Color {
                    R = 1


            var vStartArea = new TextArea("", null, 12, 34, 100)
                Size = 12, Text = "0.15 В"


            var vEndArea = new TextArea("", null, 12, 198, 100)
                Size = 12, Text = "0.35 В"


            var timeStartArea = new TextArea("", null, 50, 12, 100)
                Size = 14, Text = "Х с."


            var timeEndArea = new TextArea("", null, 410, 12, 100)
                Size = 14, Text = "XXXX c."


            mMeasureController.Window62DataAction = (vStart, vEnd, timeStart, timeEnd, initialData, sampleData) =>
                vStartArea.Text    = vStart;
                vEndArea.Text      = vEnd;
                timeStartArea.Text = timeStart;
                timeEndArea.Text   = timeEnd;

                graphicSampleData.Data = sampleData;


            window.AddChild(new RawButton("", Path.Combine(path, "RawButtons/bt_to_table.raw"), Path.Combine(path, "RawButtons/bt_to_table_pr.raw"), 380, 180)
                OnRelease = () => mMeasureController.CloseSampleGraphic()

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static GraphicArea ClassicArea(IWidget parent)
            var rv = new GraphicArea(parent, 460, 220)
                Background = Palette.TextArea.Background

            #region Lines & arrows
                var path = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

                VGU.vguLine(path, 0, 0, rv.Width - 60, 0);  // OX
                VGU.vguLine(path, 0, 0, 0, rv.Height - 40); // OY

                const float kXBias = 5f;
                const float kYBias = 12f;

                var yArroyBias = rv.Height - 40f;

                var pathData = new float[16];
                pathData[0] = -kXBias;
                pathData[1] = yArroyBias;          //0f;
                pathData[2] = 0f;
                pathData[3] = yArroyBias + kYBias; // kYBias;
                pathData[4] = kXBias;
                pathData[5] = yArroyBias;          //0f;
                VGU.vguPolygon(path, pathData, 3, VGboolean.VG_TRUE);

                var xArroyBias = rv.Width - 60f;
                pathData[0] = xArroyBias;
                pathData[1] = -kXBias;
                pathData[2] = xArroyBias + kYBias;
                pathData[3] = 0f;
                pathData[4] = xArroyBias;
                pathData[5] = kXBias;
                VGU.vguPolygon(path, pathData, 3, VGboolean.VG_TRUE);

                var vgPath = new VGPath(path, new VGSolidColor(Palette.Black), new VGSolidColor(Palette.LightBlue));
                vgPath.Move(35, 15);
                rv.Arrows = vgPath;

            #region Grid
                var path = VGPath.OpenVGPath();

                for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    VGU.vguLine(path, 0, i * 60, rv.Width - 60, i * 60);  // OX
                for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++)
                    VGU.vguLine(path, i * 40, 0, i * 40, rv.Height - 40); // OY
                var vgPath = new VGPath(path, null, null);
                vgPath.SetStroke(new VGSolidColor(Palette.DarkSlateGray), new[] { 5.0f, 10.0f, 15.0f, 10.0f });
                vgPath.StrokeWidth = 0.5f;
                vgPath.Move(40, 20);

                rv.Grid = vgPath;

            rv.Move(10, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Window ShowWindow()
            var window = new Window("show", kWidth, kHeight)
                Description = "Шеф-повар \"Сибовар\""

            var line = new TableLine(25);


            line.Text[0].Text = "HgjloGreen";
            line.Text[0].SetFont(Palette.Lime, 20);
            line.Text[0].SetAlign(Align.Left, new GfxPoint(0, 3));
            line.Text[1].Text = "HelloRed";
            line.Text[1].SetFont(Palette.Red, 15);
            line.Text[2].Text = "HgelloBlue";
            line.Text[2].SetFont(Palette.PaleTurquoise, 30);
            line.Text[2].SetAlign(Align.Left, new GfxPoint(0, 4));

            line.Name = "line";

            var table = new Table(window)
                Name = "table"

            table.Move(10, 50);
            table.AddLine(new TableLine(line));
            table.AddLine(new TableLine(line));
            table.AddLine(new TableLine(line));
            table.SetBackground(Palette.Red, Palette.White);
            table.SetBorder(1, Palette.Lime);
            table.OnPress += caller =>
                var rv = table.GetLineByCell(caller);
                if (rv == null)

                table.ActiveLine   = rv;
                window.Description = rv.Name;

            var text = new TextArea(window, 10, 180, 325, 50);

            text.SetFont("i260c", Palette.PaleTurquoise, 50);
            text.Text = "0123456789:";

            text.OnPress += caller => window.Description = "Text.Pressed";

            var bar = new ProgressBar(window, 40, 30, 200, 15, 15)
                Percent = 10, Status = { Text = "hello" }

            bar.Status.SetAlign(Align.Center, new GfxPoint(3, 3));
            bar.Status.SetFont(Palette.White, 14);

            text.OnRelease += caller =>
                window.Description = "Text.Released";
                line.Move(line.X - 3, line.Y - 3);
                table.ActiveLine = null;
                bar.Percent     -= 1;

            window.OnPaint += delegate { Debug.Print(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ":\tHome update"); };

            var activePath = VG.vgCreatePath(0, VGPathDatatype.VG_PATH_DATATYPE_S_16, 1, 0, 0, 0, VGPathCapabilities.VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_ALL);

            VGU.vguRoundRect(activePath, 0, 0, 60, 100, 20, 20);

            var normalPath = VG.vgCreatePath(0, VGPathDatatype.VG_PATH_DATATYPE_S_16, 1, 0, 0, 0, VGPathCapabilities.VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_ALL);

            VGU.vguRoundRect(normalPath, 0, 0, 100, 50, 20, 20);
            VGU.vguRoundRect(normalPath, 10, 50, 80, 70, 20, 20);

            var activeButton = new VGSolidColor(new Color(0xFF0000FF));
            //var normalButton = new VGSolidColor(new Color(0x00FF00FF));
            var normalButton = new VGLinearGradient(0, 0, 100, 120);

            normalButton.AddColor(0, new Color(0xFF0000FF));
            normalButton.AddColor(100, new Color(0x00FF00FF));

            var button = new Button(window, new VGPath(activePath, null, activeButton), new VGPath(normalPath, null, normalButton));

            button.IsCached = true;
            button.Move(250, 50);
            button.OnPress += delegate { Console.WriteLine("button.OnPress"); };

            var image = new Image(window, 25, 10);

            image.Scale(0.5f, 0.5f);
            image.RotateCenter = new GfxPoint(image.Width / 2, image.Height / 2);

            window.OnPaint += caller =>
                mImageRotate += 5;

            var graphicArea = new GraphicArea(window, 200, 200);

            graphicArea.Move(70, 20);
            graphicArea.Background = new Color(0xF0F0F0FF);

            graphicArea.Grid   = new VGPath(activePath, activeButton, null);
            graphicArea.Arrows = new VGPath(normalPath, new VGSolidColor(Palette.PaleTurquoise), null);

            var graphicData1 = new GraphicsData
                Data =
                    new byte[]
                    0, 15, 25, 50, 40, 35, 12, 10, 15, 17, 30, 32, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 40,
                    45, 57, 25, 23, 20, 18, 12, 12, 12, 30, 32, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 40, 45

            var graphicData2 = new GraphicsData(graphicData1)
                Color = Palette.Lime, Position = new GfxPoint(10, 10)


        private void UpdateGraphics()
            double canvasHeight = mainCanvas.ActualHeight;
            double canvasWidth  = mainCanvas.ActualWidth;
            Point  bottomLeft   = new Point(0, mainCanvas.ActualHeight);

            double leftColumnWidth = Math.Min(200, canvasWidth / 4);
            double PlotAxisMargin  = 10;

            AbovePlotArea = new GraphicArea(leftColumnWidth, 0, canvasWidth - leftColumnWidth, 26);
            AxisArea      = new GraphicArea(0, AbovePlotArea.Bottom, leftColumnWidth, 7 * canvasHeight / 12);
            PlotArea      = new GraphicArea(AxisArea.Right + PlotAxisMargin, AbovePlotArea.Bottom, canvasWidth - AxisArea.width, AxisArea.height);
            XLabelArea    = new GraphicArea(PlotArea.Left, PlotArea.Bottom, canvasWidth - AxisArea.width, 50);
            TimeModeArea  = new GraphicArea(0, AxisArea.Bottom, AxisArea.width, XLabelArea.height);
            //Bot left area
            WordSoupArea = new GraphicArea(XLabelArea.Left, XLabelArea.Bottom, XLabelArea.width, canvasHeight - XLabelArea.Bottom);

            Canvas.SetLeft(PlotAreaRect, PlotArea.Left);
            Canvas.SetTop(PlotAreaRect, PlotArea.Top);
            PlotAreaRect.Width  = PlotArea.width;
            PlotAreaRect.Height = PlotArea.height;

            //Show draw zones only
            if (false)
                Rectangle a1 = new Rectangle();
                a1.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
                a1.Width  = AxisArea.width;
                a1.Height = AxisArea.height;
                Canvas.SetTop(a1, AxisArea.Top);
                Canvas.SetLeft(a1, AxisArea.Left);

                a1        = new Rectangle();
                a1.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                a1.Width  = PlotArea.width;
                a1.Height = PlotArea.height;
                Canvas.SetTop(a1, PlotArea.Top);
                Canvas.SetLeft(a1, PlotArea.Left);

                a1        = new Rectangle();
                a1.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange);
                a1.Width  = XLabelArea.width;
                a1.Height = XLabelArea.height;
                Canvas.SetTop(a1, XLabelArea.Top);
                Canvas.SetLeft(a1, XLabelArea.Left);

                a1        = new Rectangle();
                a1.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Purple);
                a1.Width  = WordSoupArea.width;
                a1.Height = WordSoupArea.height;
                Canvas.SetTop(a1, WordSoupArea.Top);
                Canvas.SetLeft(a1, WordSoupArea.Left);

                a1        = new Rectangle();
                a1.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Pink);
                a1.Width  = TimeModeArea.width;
                a1.Height = TimeModeArea.height;
                Canvas.SetTop(a1, TimeModeArea.Top);
                Canvas.SetLeft(a1, TimeModeArea.Left);


            //Plot Measure Plots
            //Detect graphical elements size descrepancies
            if (plotsGraphics.Count != binner.measures.Count)
                int diff = binner.measures.Count - plotsGraphics.Count;

                if (diff > 0)
                    while (binner.measures.Count != plotsGraphics.Count)
                        //Create graphical object associated with measure
                        PlotGraph measureGraph = new PlotGraph();

                        //Create polygon associated with graphical object
                        Polygon plotPoly = new Polygon();
                        plotPoly.Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                        plotPoly.Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightBlue);
                        plotPoly.StrokeThickness = 2;
                        measureGraph.plotPoly    = plotPoly;
                    while (binner.measures.Count != plotsGraphics.Count)
                        //Remove Polygons

                        //Remove graphics
            //Detect self graphical elements size descrepancies
            if (binner.GetSplitMode())
                if (selfPlotsGraphics.Count != binner.measures.Count)
                    int diff = binner.measures.Count - selfPlotsGraphics.Count;

                    if (diff > 0)
                        while (binner.measures.Count != selfPlotsGraphics.Count)
                            //Create graphical object associated with measure
                            PlotGraph measureGraph = new PlotGraph();

                            //Create polygon associated with graphical object
                            Polygon plotPoly = new Polygon();
                            plotPoly.Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                            plotPoly.Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
                            plotPoly.StrokeThickness = 2;
                            measureGraph.plotPoly    = plotPoly;
                        while (binner.measures.Count != selfPlotsGraphics.Count)
                            //Remove Polygons

                            //Remove graphics

            //Update plot graphics
            double pace = PlotArea.width / (binner.binCount);
            double multiplier;

            TimelineDataController.PlotData data, selfData;
            PlotGraph       graph, selfGraph;
            double          axisHeight;
            PointCollection points;

            for (int m = 0; m < binner.measures.Count; m++)
                data     = binner.plotsData[m];
                selfData = null;
                graph    = plotsGraphics[m];

                if (!binner.GetSplitMode())
                    axisHeight = 0;
                    multiplier = PlotArea.height / data.max;
                    selfData = binner.selfPlotsData[m];

                    axisHeight = PlotArea.height * selfData.max / (data.max + selfData.max);
                    multiplier = PlotArea.height / (data.max + selfData.max);

                points = new PointCollection();
                points.Add(new Point(PlotArea.Right, PlotArea.Bottom - axisHeight));
                points.Add(new Point(PlotArea.Left, PlotArea.Bottom - axisHeight));

                for (int b = 0; b < binner.binCount; b++)
                    points.Add(new Point(binner.binDefinitions[b].axisStart * PlotArea.width + PlotArea.Left, -(data.binValues[b] * multiplier) + PlotArea.Bottom - axisHeight));
                    points.Add(new Point(binner.binDefinitions[b].axisEnd * PlotArea.width + PlotArea.Left, -(data.binValues[b] * multiplier) + PlotArea.Bottom - axisHeight));

                    //points.Add(new Point(binner.binDefinitions[b].axisStart * PlotArea.width + pace/2 + PlotArea.Left, -(data.binValues[b] * multiplier) + PlotArea.Bottom));
                graph.plotPoly.Points = points;

                if (binner.GetSplitMode())
                    selfGraph = selfPlotsGraphics[m];

                    points = new PointCollection();
                    points.Add(new Point(PlotArea.Right, PlotArea.Bottom - axisHeight));
                    points.Add(new Point(PlotArea.Left, PlotArea.Bottom - axisHeight));

                    for (int b = 0; b < binner.binCount; b++)
                        points.Add(new Point(binner.binDefinitions[b].axisStart * PlotArea.width + PlotArea.Left, (selfData.binValues[b] * multiplier) + PlotArea.Bottom - axisHeight));
                        points.Add(new Point(binner.binDefinitions[b].axisEnd * PlotArea.width + PlotArea.Left, (selfData.binValues[b] * multiplier) + PlotArea.Bottom - axisHeight));

                        //points.Add(new Point(binner.binDefinitions[b].axisStart * PlotArea.width + pace/2 + PlotArea.Left, -(data.binValues[b] * multiplier) + PlotArea.Bottom));
                    selfGraph.plotPoly.Points = points;

            //Update Top Controls
            Canvas.SetLeft(splitBut, 0);
            Canvas.SetTop(splitBut, 0);
            splitBut.Content = binner.GetSplitMode() ? "All" : "Split";
            splitBut.Width   = AbovePlotArea.Left;
            splitBut.Height  = AxisArea.Top;

            Canvas.SetLeft(timeOverviewLabel, AbovePlotArea.Left);
            Canvas.SetTop(timeOverviewLabel, AbovePlotArea.Top);
            timeOverviewLabel.Content = binner.timeOverview;

            //Text Finder
            Canvas.SetLeft(textFinderBox, AbovePlotArea.Right - 100);
            Canvas.SetTop(textFinderBox, AbovePlotArea.Top);
            Canvas.SetLeft(textFinderLabel, AbovePlotArea.Right - 100 - 40);
            Canvas.SetTop(textFinderLabel, AbovePlotArea.Top);

            //Update TimeMode Buttons Position
            double buttonSize = TimeModeArea.width / 4;

            Canvas.SetLeft(linearTimeBut, TimeModeArea.Left);
            Canvas.SetTop(linearTimeBut, TimeModeArea.Top);
            linearTimeBut.Width = buttonSize;
            Canvas.SetLeft(yearTimeBut, TimeModeArea.Left + buttonSize * 1);
            Canvas.SetTop(yearTimeBut, TimeModeArea.Top);
            yearTimeBut.Width = buttonSize;
            Canvas.SetLeft(weekTimeBut, TimeModeArea.Left + buttonSize * 2);
            Canvas.SetTop(weekTimeBut, TimeModeArea.Top);
            weekTimeBut.Width = buttonSize;
            Canvas.SetLeft(hourTimeBut, TimeModeArea.Left + buttonSize * 3);
            Canvas.SetTop(hourTimeBut, TimeModeArea.Top);
            hourTimeBut.Width = buttonSize;

            //Spread some labels around
            //Clear labels
            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < axisMarkers.Count; i++)

            //Axis labels
            List <TimelineDataController.LabelDefinition> axisLabels = binner.getTimeAxisLabels();

            for (int i = 0; i < axisLabels.Count; i++)
                TimelineDataController.LabelDefinition labelData = axisLabels[i];

                if (labelData.axisFactor >= 0 && labelData.axisFactor <= 1)
                    double xx       = PlotArea.Left + PlotArea.width * labelData.axisFactor;
                    Label  newLabel = new Label();
                    newLabel.Width   = 100;
                    newLabel.Content = labelData.mainText;
                    newLabel.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    Canvas.SetTop(newLabel, PlotArea.Bottom);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(newLabel, xx - 50);

                    if (labelData.subText != "")
                        newLabel         = new Label();
                        newLabel.Width   = 100;
                        newLabel.Content = labelData.subText;
                        newLabel.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                        Canvas.SetTop(newLabel, PlotArea.Bottom + XLabelArea.height / 4);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(newLabel, xx - 50);

                    Line newMarker = new Line();
                    newMarker.Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                    newMarker.StrokeThickness = 2;
                    newMarker.X1 = xx;
                    newMarker.Y1 = PlotArea.Bottom - 6;
                    newMarker.X2 = xx;
                    newMarker.Y2 = PlotArea.Bottom + 6;

            for (int i = 0; i < wordSoupLabels.Count; i++)

            List <WordSoupMeta> wordMeta = new List <WordSoupMeta>();
            int    wordSoupCount         = 5;
            double accumulated           = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < wordSoupCount && i < binner.lexicAnomalies.Count; i++)
                TimelineDataController.LexicPresence presence = binner.lexicAnomalies[i];
                WordSoupMeta meta = new WordSoupMeta(presence.word, presence.weight, presence.placement);

                accumulated += meta.weight;

            double orderAcum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < wordMeta.Count; i++)
                WordSoupMeta wmeta = wordMeta[i];
                Label        lbl   = new Label();
                lbl.Content = wmeta.word;
                lbl.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                lbl.VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                double cS = (wmeta.weight / accumulated);
                lbl.Background  = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.CornflowerBlue);
                lbl.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
                double hh = cS * WordSoupArea.height;
                lbl.Height = hh;
                double ww = cS * WordSoupArea.width;
                lbl.Width = ww;

                Canvas.SetTop(lbl, WordSoupArea.Top + orderAcum * WordSoupArea.height);
                Canvas.SetLeft(lbl, WordSoupArea.Left + wmeta.axis * WordSoupArea.width - ww / 2);

                orderAcum += cS;

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public EditorArea(State state, GraphicArea graphicArea)
     this.state       = state;
     this.graphicArea = graphicArea;