Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the nodes on the graph to represent the current status of the algorithm
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateGraphUI(Node start, Node goal)
        // color frontier, explored and path Nodes
        if (m_frontierNodes != null)
            graphController.ColorNodes(m_frontierNodes.ToList(), graphController.frontierColor);
        if (m_exploredNodes != null)
            graphController.ColorNodes(m_exploredNodes, graphController.exploredColor);
        if (m_pathNodes != null && m_pathNodes.Count > 0)
            graphController.ColorNodes(m_pathNodes, graphController.pathColor);

        // color start NodeView and goal NodeView directly
        NodeView startNodeView = graphController.nodeViews[start.xIndex, start.yIndex];

        NodeView goalNodeView = graphController.nodeViews[goal.xIndex, goal.yIndex];
