Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string getSlider(string account_id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql        = "";
            Grafiksql  g          = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_slider_query(account_id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static string OldOrders(string id, string account_id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql;
            Grafiksql  g = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_oldsip_query(id, account_id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static string Get_Paytype(string id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql;
            Grafiksql  g = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_paytype_query(id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static string GetAccountInfo(string account_id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql;
            Grafiksql  g = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_accountInfo_query(account_id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static string GetAddress(string id, string account_id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql;
            Grafiksql  g = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_address_query(id, account_id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static string GetCitys(string account_id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql;
            Grafiksql  g = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_citys_query(account_id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

            /*GetBarchartData Sonu*/
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static string GetProductJsonList(string account_id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql;
            Grafiksql  g = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_product_list_query(account_id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

            /*GetBarchartData Sonu*/
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static string GetDynamicGroup(string id, string account_id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql;
            Grafiksql  g = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_dynamic_menu_query(id, account_id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

            /*GetBarchartData Sonu*/
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static string GetGroupJson(string id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();
            string     sql;
            Grafiksql  g = new Grafiksql();

            sql = g.run_group_guery(id);
            string json = grafikjson.JsonAl(sql);

            /*GetBarchartData Sonu*/
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public DataTable Get(string id)
            Grafikjson grafikjson = new Grafikjson();

            string    OrderStatSsql;
            Grafiksql g = new Grafiksql();

            OrderStatSsql = "SELECT * FROM ads_order_state where account_id = " + id + " and order_state = 0 order by order_date asc";//g.run_group_guery(id);
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt = grafikjson.JsonDataAl(OrderStatSsql);
            //DataTable[] AllOrders = new DataTable[dt.Rows.Count];
            DataTable AllOrders = new DataTable("Json");

            /*for (int a = 0; a<= dt.Rows.Count-1; a++) {
             *  string adsno = dt.Rows[a]["adsno"].ToString();
             *  AllOrders.Columns.Add(a.ToString(),typeof(DataTable));
             * }*/
            AllOrders.Columns.Add("order", typeof(DataTable));
            for (int i = 0; i <= dt.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                Grafikjson grafikcs    = new Grafikjson();
                Grafikjson grafikps    = new Grafikjson();
                Grafikjson grafikos    = new Grafikjson();
                Grafikjson grafiknt    = new Grafikjson();
                string     adsno       = dt.Rows[i]["adsno"].ToString();
                string     customer    = dt.Rows[i]["customer_id"].ToString();
                string     address     = dt.Rows[i]["address_id"].ToString();
                string     paytype     = dt.Rows[i]["pay_type_id"].ToString();
                string     total       = dt.Rows[i]["total"].ToString();
                string     orderdate   = dt.Rows[i]["order_date"].ToString();
                string     CustomerSql = "select addressid as id, a.name as tanim , a.address as adres , c.name as sehir, d.name as ilce, " +
                                         " m.lc_email as mail , a.phone as telefon,m.adi as adi , m.soyadi as soyadi from " +
                                         " (select * from addresss ) as a " +
                                         " left outer join citys c on (a.city_id = c.cityid) " +
                                         " left outer join districts d on(a.district_id = d.districtid) " +
                                         " left outer join ads_musteri m on(m.mustid = a.lastuserid) " +
                                         " where a.addressid = " + address;
                string PaytypeSql = "select odmno as paytype_id , odmname as paytype_name from ads_odmsekli where odmno = " + paytype;
                string OrdersSql  = "select a.*,p.product_name,dm.adi as d_name , p.ms_id as pms_id , dm.ms_id as dms_id from " +
                                    " (select sirano, pluid , miktar, bfiyat, tutar, d_menu, seviye from ads_acik where account_id = " + id + " and adsno = " + adsno + ") as a " +
                                    " left outer join product p on (p.id = a.pluid) " +
                                    " left outer join dyna_menu dm on(a.pluid = dm.id and a.d_menu = true) " +
                                    " order by sirano";
                string    AdsNot = "select adsnot from ads_notlar where adsno = " + adsno;
                DataTable json   = new DataTable("Orders");// = grafikjson.JsonDataAl(sql);
                DataTable cs     = grafikcs.JsonDataAl(CustomerSql);
                DataTable ps     = grafikps.JsonDataAl(PaytypeSql);
                DataTable os     = grafikos.JsonDataAl(OrdersSql);
                DataTable nt     = grafiknt.JsonDataAl(AdsNot);
                json.Columns.Add("adsnot", typeof(DataTable));
                json.Columns.Add("customer", typeof(DataTable));
                json.Columns.Add("paytype", typeof(DataTable));
                json.Columns.Add("products", typeof(DataTable));
                json.Rows.Add(adsno, nt, total, orderdate, cs, ps, os);
                //AllOrders.Columns.Add(adsno, typeof(DataTable));

