Ejemplo n.º 1
        void OnTypeInfotagsChanged(GrGenType type)
            if (type.IsNodeType)
                if (dumpInfo.IsExcludedNodeType((NodeType)type))

                foreach (INode node in graph.GetExactNodes((NodeType)type))
                    ycompStream.Write("setNodeLabel \"n" + dumpInfo.GetElementName(node) + "\" \"" + GetElemLabel(node) + "\"\n");
                if (dumpInfo.IsExcludedEdgeType((EdgeType)type))

                foreach (IEdge edge in graph.GetExactEdges((EdgeType)type))
                    ycompStream.Write("setEdgeLabel \"e" + dumpInfo.GetElementName(edge) + "\" \"" + GetElemLabel(edge) + "\"\n");
            isDirty = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		private Rule_testRule()
			PatternNode node_p2 = new PatternNode((int) NodeTypes.@Process, "node_p2", node_p2_AllowedTypes, node_p2_IsAllowedType, PatternElementType.Normal, -1);
			PatternNode node_p1 = new PatternNode((int) NodeTypes.@Process, "node_p1", node_p1_AllowedTypes, node_p1_IsAllowedType, PatternElementType.Normal, -1);
			PatternEdge edge__edge0 = new PatternEdge(node_p1, node_p2, (int) EdgeTypes.@connection, "edge__edge0", edge__edge0_AllowedTypes, edge__edge0_IsAllowedType, PatternElementType.Normal, -1);
			patternGraph = new PatternGraph(
				new PatternNode[] { node_p2, node_p1 }, 
				new PatternEdge[] { edge__edge0 }, 
				new Condition[] { },
				new bool[2, 2] {
					{ true, false, },
					{ false, true, },
				new bool[1, 1] {
					{ true, },
				new bool[] {
					false, false, },
				new bool[] {
					false, }

			negativePatternGraphs = new PatternGraph[] {};
			inputs = new GrGenType[] { };
			outputs = new GrGenType[] { };
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private Rule_testRule()
            PatternNode node_p2     = new PatternNode((int)NodeTypes.@Process, "node_p2", node_p2_AllowedTypes, node_p2_IsAllowedType, PatternElementType.Normal, -1);
            PatternNode node_p1     = new PatternNode((int)NodeTypes.@Process, "node_p1", node_p1_AllowedTypes, node_p1_IsAllowedType, PatternElementType.Normal, -1);
            PatternEdge edge__edge0 = new PatternEdge(node_p1, node_p2, (int)EdgeTypes.@connection, "edge__edge0", edge__edge0_AllowedTypes, edge__edge0_IsAllowedType, PatternElementType.Normal, -1);

            patternGraph = new PatternGraph(
                new PatternNode[] { node_p2, node_p1 },
                new PatternEdge[] { edge__edge0 },
                new Condition[] { },
                new bool[2, 2] {
                { true, false, },
                { false, true, },
                new bool[1, 1] {
                { true, },
                new bool[] {
                false, false,
                new bool[] {

            negativePatternGraphs = new PatternGraph[] {};
            inputs  = new GrGenType[] { };
            outputs = new GrGenType[] { };
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static String TypeName(GrGenType type)
            if (type is VarType)
                Type typeOfVar = ((VarType)type).Type;
                if (typeOfVar.IsGenericType)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append(typeOfVar.FullName.Substring(0, typeOfVar.FullName.IndexOf('`')));
                    bool first = true;
                    foreach (Type typeArg in typeOfVar.GetGenericArguments())
                        if (first) first = false;
                        else sb.Append(", ");
                    return sb.ToString();

                return typeOfVar.FullName;
                switch (type.Name)
                    case "Node": return "GRGEN_LIBGR.INode";
                    case "Edge": return "GRGEN_LIBGR.IEdge";
                    case "UEdge": return "GRGEN_LIBGR.IEdge";
                    case "AEdge": return "GRGEN_LIBGR.IEdge";
                    default: return "GRGEN_MODEL." + GetPackagePrefixDot(type.Package) + "I" + type.Name;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule(SubruleDebuggingEvent sde, GrGenType graphElementType,
                                          bool only, SubruleDebuggingDecision sdd, SequenceExpression ifClause)
     this.debuggingEvent  = sde;
     this.typeToMatch     = graphElementType;
     this.onlyThisType    = only;
     this.decisionOnMatch = sdd;
     this.ifClause        = ifClause;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an EmbeddedSequenceInfo object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameters">The names of the needed graph elements of the containing action.</param>
 /// <param name="parameterTypes">The types of the needed graph elements of the containing action.</param>
 /// <param name="outParameters">The names of the graph elements of the containing action yielded to.</param>
 /// <param name="outParameterTypes">The types of the graph elements of the containing action yielded to.</param>
 /// <param name="package">null if this is a global embedded sequence, otherwise the package the embedded sequence is contained in.</param>
 /// <param name="xgrs">The XGRS string.</param>
 /// <param name="lineNr">The line number the sequence appears on in the source.</param>
 public EmbeddedSequenceInfo(String[] parameters, GrGenType[] parameterTypes,
     String[] outParameters, GrGenType[] outParameterTypes, 
     String package, String xgrs, int lineNr)
     Parameters = parameters;
     ParameterTypes = parameterTypes;
     OutParameters = outParameters;
     OutParameterTypes = outParameterTypes;
     Package = package;
     XGRS = xgrs;
     LineNr = lineNr;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a FunctionInfo object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name the function was defined with.</param>
        /// <param name="package">null if this is a global pattern graph, otherwise the package the pattern graph is contained in.</param>
        /// <param name="packagePrefixedName">The name of the pattern graph in case of a global type,
        /// the name of the pattern graph is prefixed by the name of the package otherwise (package "::" name).</param>
        /// <param name="isExternal">Tells whether the function is an externally defined one or an internal one.</param>
        /// <param name="inputNames">The names of the input parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="inputs">The types of the input parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The type of the output parameter.</param>
        public FunctionInfo(String name, String package, String packagePrefixedName, bool isExternal,
            String[] inputNames, GrGenType[] inputs, GrGenType output)
            this.name = name;
            this.package = package;
            this.packagePrefixedName = packagePrefixedName;
            this.isExternal = isExternal;
            this.inputNames = inputNames;
            this.inputs = inputs;
            this.output = output;

            this.annotations = new Dictionary<String, String>();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a ProcedureInfo object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name the procedure was defined with.</param>
        /// <param name="package">null if this is a global pattern graph, otherwise the package the pattern graph is contained in.</param>
        /// <param name="packagePrefixedName">The name of the pattern graph in case of a global type,
        /// the name of the pattern graph is prefixed by the name of the package otherwise (package "::" name).</param>
        /// <param name="isExternal">Tells whether the procedure is an externally defined one or an internal one.</param>
        /// <param name="inputNames">The names of the input parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="inputs">The types of the input parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="outputs">The types of the output parameters.</param>
        public ProcedureInfo(String name, String package, String packagePrefixedName, bool isExternal,
            String[] inputNames, GrGenType[] inputs, GrGenType[] outputs)
            this.name = name;
            this.package = package;
            this.packagePrefixedName = packagePrefixedName;
            this.isExternal = isExternal;
            this.inputNames = inputNames;
            this.inputs = inputs;
            this.outputs = outputs;

            this.annotations = new Dictionary<String, String>();

            this.ReturnArray = new object[outputs.Length];
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private bool DetermineMatchGraphElementByType(SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule cr,
                                                      out GrGenType graphElementType)
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the type of the graph element to match.");
                if (cr != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Empty string for " + cr.TypeToMatch.PackagePrefixedName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Empty string to abort.");

                String graphElementTypeName = Console.ReadLine();
                if (graphElementTypeName.Length == 0)
                    if (cr != null)
                        graphElementType = cr.TypeToMatch;
                        graphElementType = null;

                graphElementType = env.GetGraphElementType(graphElementTypeName);
                if (graphElementType == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown graph element type: " + graphElementTypeName);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private bool DetermineMatchGraphElementMode(SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule cr,
                                                    out string graphElementName, out GrGenType graphElementType, out bool only)
            graphElementName = null;
            graphElementType = null;
            only             = false;

            SubruleDebuggingMatchGraphElementMode mode = DetermineMatchGraphElementMode(cr);

            if (mode == SubruleDebuggingMatchGraphElementMode.Undefined)

            if (mode == SubruleDebuggingMatchGraphElementMode.ByName)
                bool abort = DetermineMatchGraphElementByName(cr, out graphElementName);
                if (abort)
                bool abort = DetermineMatchGraphElementByType(cr, out graphElementType);
                if (abort)

                SubruleDebuggingMatchGraphElementByTypeMode byTypeMode = DetermineMatchGraphElementByTypeMode(cr);
                if (byTypeMode == SubruleDebuggingMatchGraphElementByTypeMode.Undefined)

Ejemplo n.º 11
 public SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule(SubruleDebuggingEvent sde, GrGenType graphElementType,
     bool only, SubruleDebuggingDecision sdd, SequenceExpression ifClause)
     this.debuggingEvent = sde;
     this.typeToMatch = graphElementType;
     this.onlyThisType = only;
     this.decisionOnMatch = sdd;
     this.ifClause = ifClause;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void RetypingElement(IGraphElement oldElem, IGraphElement newElem)
            bool      isNode  = oldElem is INode;
            GrGenType oldType = oldElem.Type;
            GrGenType newType = newElem.Type;

            // TODO: Add element, if old element was excluded, but new element is not
            if (isNode)
                INode oldNode = (INode)oldElem;
                if (IsNodeExcluded(oldNode))
                IEdge oldEdge = (IEdge)oldElem;
                if (IsEdgeExcluded(oldEdge))
                if (hiddenEdges.ContainsKey(oldEdge))
                    return;                                        // TODO: Update group relation

            String elemKind       = isNode ? "Node" : "Edge";
            String elemNamePrefix = isNode ? "n" : "e";
            String oldName        = elemNamePrefix + graph.GetElementName(oldElem);

            ycompStream.Write("set" + elemKind + "Label \"" + oldName + "\" \"" + GetElemLabel(newElem) + "\"\n");

            // remove the old attributes
            foreach (AttributeType attrType in oldType.AttributeTypes)
                String attrTypeString;
                String attrValueString;
                EncodeAttr(attrType, oldElem, out attrTypeString, out attrValueString);
                ycompStream.Write("clear" + elemKind + "Attr \"" + oldName + "\" \"" + attrType.OwnerType.Name + "::" + attrType.Name + " : "
                                  + attrTypeString + "\"\n");
            // set the new attributes
            foreach (AttributeType attrType in newType.AttributeTypes)
                String attrTypeString;
                String attrValueString;
                EncodeAttr(attrType, newElem, out attrTypeString, out attrValueString);
                ycompStream.Write("change" + elemKind + "Attr \"" + oldName + "\" \"" + attrType.OwnerType.Name + "::" + attrType.Name + " : "
                                  + attrTypeString + "\" \"" + attrValueString + "\"\n");

            if (isNode)
                String oldNr = realizers.GetNodeRealizer((NodeType)oldType, dumpInfo);
                String newNr = realizers.GetNodeRealizer((NodeType)newType, dumpInfo);
                if (oldNr != newNr)
                    ChangeNode((INode)oldElem, newNr);
                String oldEr = realizers.GetEdgeRealizer((EdgeType)oldType, dumpInfo);
                String newEr = realizers.GetEdgeRealizer((EdgeType)newType, dumpInfo);
                if (oldEr != newEr)
                    ChangeEdge((IEdge)oldElem, newEr);

            String newName = elemNamePrefix + graph.GetElementName(newElem);

            ycompStream.Write("rename" + elemKind + " \"" + oldName + "\" \"" + newName + "\"\n");

            isDirty = true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks, whether this type is compatible to the given type, i.e. this type is the same type as the given type
 /// or it is a sub type of the given type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">The type to be compared to.</param>
 /// <returns>True, if this type is compatible to the given type.</returns>
 public abstract bool IsA(GrGenType other);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule EditOrCreateRule(SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule cr)
            // edit or keep type
            SubruleDebuggingEvent sde = DetermineEventTypeToConfigure(cr);

            if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Undefined)

            // for Add, Rem, Emit, Halt, Highlight
            string message = null;
            SubruleMesssageMatchingMode smmm = SubruleMesssageMatchingMode.Undefined;

            // for Match
            IAction action = null;

            // for New, Delete, Retype, SetAttributes
            string    graphElementName = null;
            GrGenType graphElementType = null;
            bool      only             = false;

            if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Add || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Rem || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Emit ||
                sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Halt || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Highlight)
                // edit or keep message matching mode and message
                smmm = DetermineMessageAndMessageMatchingMode(cr,
                                                              out message);
                if (smmm == SubruleMesssageMatchingMode.Undefined)
            else if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Match)
                // edit ok keep action name
                action = DetermineAction(cr);
                if (action == null)
            else if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.New || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Delete ||
                     sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Retype || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.SetAttributes)
                // edit or keep choice of type, exact type, name
                bool abort = DetermineMatchGraphElementMode(cr,
                                                            out graphElementName, out graphElementType, out only);
                if (abort)

            // edit or keep decision action
            SubruleDebuggingDecision sdd = DetermineDecisionAction(cr);

            if (sdd == SubruleDebuggingDecision.Undefined)

            // edit or keep condition if type action or graph change
            SequenceExpression ifClause = null;

            if (sde != SubruleDebuggingEvent.Add && sde != SubruleDebuggingEvent.Rem && sde != SubruleDebuggingEvent.Retype &&
                sde != SubruleDebuggingEvent.Halt && sde != SubruleDebuggingEvent.Highlight)
                ifClause = DetermineCondition(cr, sde, action, graphElementType);

            if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Add || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Rem || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Emit ||
                sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Halt || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Highlight)
                return(new SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule(sde, message, smmm, sdd));
            else if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Match)
                return(new SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule(sde, action, sdd, ifClause));
            else if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.New || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Delete ||
                     sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Retype || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.SetAttributes)
                if (graphElementName != null)
                    return(new SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule(sde, graphElementName, sdd, ifClause));
                    return(new SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule(sde, graphElementType, only, sdd, ifClause));

Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an ExternalDefinedSequenceInfo object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameters">The names of the graph elements needed from the calling action.</param>
 /// <param name="parameterTypes">The types of the graph elements needed from the calling action.</param>
 /// <param name="outParameters">The names of the graph elements returned to the calling action.</param>
 /// <param name="outParameterTypes">The types of the graph elements returned to the calling action.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name the sequence was defined with.</param>
 /// <param name="lineNr">The line number the sequence appears on in the source.</param>
 public ExternalDefinedSequenceInfo(String[] parameters, GrGenType[] parameterTypes,
     String[] outParameters, GrGenType[] outParameterTypes,
     String name, int lineNr)
     : base(parameters, parameterTypes, outParameters, outParameterTypes, name, null, name, "", lineNr)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true, if the graph element is compatible to the given type
 /// </summary>
 public bool InstanceOf(GrGenType otherType)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true, if the graph element is compatible to the given type
 /// </summary>
 public bool InstanceOf(GrGenType otherType)
     return lgspType.IsA(otherType);
Ejemplo n.º 18
		public bool GenerateXGRSCode(string xgrsName, String package, String xgrsStr,
            String[] paramNames, GrGenType[] paramTypes,
            String[] defToBeYieldedToNames, GrGenType[] defToBeYieldedToTypes,
            SourceBuilder source, int lineNr)
			Dictionary<String, String> varDecls = new Dictionary<String, String>();
            for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.Length; i++)
                varDecls.Add(paramNames[i], TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(paramTypes[i]));
            for(int i = 0; i < defToBeYieldedToNames.Length; i++)
                varDecls.Add(defToBeYieldedToNames[i], TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(defToBeYieldedToTypes[i]));

			Sequence seq;
                List<string> warnings = new List<string>();
                seq = SequenceParser.ParseSequence(xgrsStr, package,
                    ruleNames, sequenceNames, procedureNames, functionNames,
                    functionOutputTypes, filterFunctionNames, varDecls, model, warnings);
                foreach(string warning in warnings)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("The exec statement \"" + xgrsStr
                        + "\" given on line " + lineNr + " reported back:\n" + warning);
            catch(ParseException ex)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The exec statement \"" + xgrsStr
                    + "\" given on line " + lineNr + " caused the following error:\n" + ex.Message);
                return false;
            catch(SequenceParserException ex)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The exec statement \"" + xgrsStr
                    + "\" given on line " + lineNr + " caused the following error:\n");
                return false;

            source.AppendFront("public static bool ApplyXGRS_" + xgrsName + "(GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment procEnv");
			for(int i = 0; i < paramNames.Length; i++)
				source.Append(", " + TypesHelper.XgrsTypeToCSharpType(TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(paramTypes[i]), model) + " var_");
            for(int i = 0; i < defToBeYieldedToTypes.Length; i++)
                source.Append(", ref " + TypesHelper.XgrsTypeToCSharpType(TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(defToBeYieldedToTypes[i]), model) + " var_");

            source.AppendFront("GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPGraph graph = procEnv.graph;\n");
            source.AppendFront("GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPActions actions = procEnv.curActions;\n");


                source.AppendFrontFormat("procEnv.DebugEntering(\"{0}\", \"{1}\");\n", InjectExec(xgrsName), xgrsStr.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\"", "\\\""));

            EmitNeededVarAndRuleEntities(seq, source);

			EmitSequence(seq, source);

                source.AppendFrontFormat("procEnv.DebugExiting(\"{0}\");\n", InjectExec(xgrsName));

            source.AppendFront("return " + GetResultVar(seq) + ";\n");

            List<SequenceExpressionContainerConstructor> containerConstructors = new List<SequenceExpressionContainerConstructor>();
            Dictionary<SequenceVariable, SetValueType> variables = new Dictionary<SequenceVariable, SetValueType>();
            seq.GetLocalVariables(variables, containerConstructors, null);
            foreach(SequenceExpressionContainerConstructor cc in containerConstructors)
                GenerateContainerConstructor(cc, source);

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void BuildReturnParameters(ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType, out String returnParameterDeclarations, out String returnArguments, out String returnAssignments)
            // can't use the normal xgrs variables for return value receiving as the type of an out-parameter must be invariant
            // this is bullshit, as it is perfectly safe to assign a subtype to a variable of a supertype
            // so we create temporary variables of exact type, which are used to receive the return values,
            // and finally we assign these temporary variables to the real xgrs variables

            returnParameterDeclarations = "";
            returnArguments = "";
            returnAssignments = "";
            for(int i = 0; i < ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(paramBindings.Name).Outputs.Length; i++)
                String varName;
                if(paramBindings.ReturnVars.Length != 0)
                    varName = tmpVarCtr.ToString() + paramBindings.ReturnVars[i].PureName;
                    varName = tmpVarCtr.ToString();
                String typeName = TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(paramBindings.Name).Outputs[i]);
                returnParameterDeclarations += TypesHelper.XgrsTypeToCSharpType(typeName, model) + " tmpvar_" + varName + "; ";
                returnArguments += ", out tmpvar_" + varName;
                if(paramBindings.ReturnVars.Length != 0)
                    returnAssignments += SetVar(paramBindings.ReturnVars[i], "tmpvar_" + varName);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 protected abstract bool IsCalledEntityExisting(InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 protected abstract int NumOutputParameters(InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper for checking function calls.
        /// Checks whether called entity exists, and type checks the input.
        /// Throws an exception when an error is found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seq">The sequence expression to check, must be a function call</param>
        /// <param name="ownerType">Gives the owner type of the function method call, in case this is a method call, otherwise null</param>
        private void CheckFunctionCallBase(SequenceExpression seq, GrGenType ownerType)
            InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings = (seq as SequenceExpressionFunctionCall).ParamBindings;

            // check the name against the available names
            if(!IsCalledEntityExisting(paramBindings, ownerType))
                throw new SequenceParserException(paramBindings, SequenceParserError.UnknownFunction);

            // Check whether number of parameters and return parameters match
            if(NumInputParameters(paramBindings, ownerType) != paramBindings.ArgumentExpressions.Length)
                throw new SequenceParserException(paramBindings, SequenceParserError.BadNumberOfParametersOrReturnParameters);

            // Check parameter types
            for(int i = 0; i < paramBindings.ArgumentExpressions.Length; i++)

                if(paramBindings.ArgumentExpressions[i] != null)
                    if(!TypesHelper.IsSameOrSubtype(paramBindings.ArgumentExpressions[i].Type(this), InputParameterType(i, paramBindings, ownerType), Model))
                        throw new SequenceParserException(paramBindings, SequenceParserError.BadParameter, i);
                    if(paramBindings.Arguments[i] != null && !TypesHelper.IsSameOrSubtype(TypesHelper.XgrsTypeOfConstant(paramBindings.Arguments[i], Model), InputParameterType(i, paramBindings, ownerType), Model))
                        throw new SequenceParserException(paramBindings, SequenceParserError.BadParameter, i);

            // ok, this is a well-formed invocation
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected override string OutputParameterType(int i, InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType)
     if(paramBindings is RuleInvocationParameterBindings)
         RuleInvocationParameterBindings ruleParamBindings = (RuleInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         return rulesToOutputTypes[ruleParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName][i];
     else if(paramBindings is SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)
         SequenceInvocationParameterBindings seqParamBindings = (SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         return sequencesToOutputTypes[seqParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName][i];
     else if(paramBindings is ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)
         ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings procParamBindings = (ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         if(ownerType != null)
             return TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(procParamBindings.Name).Outputs[i]);
             return proceduresToOutputTypes[procParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName][i];
     throw new Exception("Internal error");
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void BuildReturnParameters(ProcedureInvocation invocation, SequenceVariable[] ReturnVars, GrGenType ownerType, out String returnParameterDeclarations, out String returnArguments, out String returnAssignments)
            // can't use the normal xgrs variables for return value receiving as the type of an out-parameter must be invariant
            // this is bullshit, as it is perfectly safe to assign a subtype to a variable of a supertype
            // so we create temporary variables of exact type, which are used to receive the return values,
            // and finally we assign these temporary variables to the real xgrs variables

            returnParameterDeclarations = "";
            returnArguments             = "";
            returnAssignments           = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(invocation.Name).Outputs.Length; ++i)
                String varName;
                if (ReturnVars.Length != 0)
                    varName = GetUniqueId() + ReturnVars[i].PureName;
                    varName = GetUniqueId();
                String typeName   = TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(invocation.Name).Outputs[i]);
                String tmpvarName = "tmpvar_" + varName;
                returnParameterDeclarations += TypesHelper.XgrsTypeToCSharpType(typeName, model) + " " + tmpvarName + "; ";
                returnArguments             += ", out " + tmpvarName;
                if (ReturnVars.Length != 0)
                    returnAssignments += SetVar(ReturnVars[i], tmpvarName);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private EntityType toBubbleUpYieldAssignmentType(GrGenType type)
     if(type is VarType)
         return EntityType.Variable;
     else if(type is NodeType)
         return EntityType.Node;
     else //if(type is EdgeType)
         return EntityType.Edge;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static String DotNetTypeToXgrsType(GrGenType type)
            if (type is VarType)
                Type typeOfVar = ((VarType)type).Type;
                if (typeOfVar.IsGenericType)
                    if(typeOfVar.Name == "Dictionary`2")
                        Type keyType;
                        Type valueType;
                        ContainerHelper.GetDictionaryTypes(typeOfVar, out keyType, out valueType);
                        if(valueType.Name == "SetValueType")
                            return "set<" + DotNetTypeToXgrsType(keyType.Name, keyType.FullName) + ">";
                            return "map<" + DotNetTypeToXgrsType(keyType.Name, keyType.FullName) + "," + DotNetTypeToXgrsType(valueType.Name, valueType.FullName) + ">";
                    else if(typeOfVar.Name == "List`1")
                        Type valueType;
                        ContainerHelper.GetListType(typeOfVar, out valueType);
                        return "array<" + DotNetTypeToXgrsType(valueType.Name, valueType.FullName) + ">";
                    else if(typeOfVar.Name == "Deque`1")
                        Type valueType;
                        ContainerHelper.GetDequeType(typeOfVar, out valueType);
                        return "deque<" + DotNetTypeToXgrsType(valueType.Name, valueType.FullName) + ">";
                return DotNetTypeToXgrsType(type.Name, typeOfVar.FullName);

            return type.PackagePrefixedName;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected String GetElemTypeID(GrGenType type)
     return type.Name;
Ejemplo n.º 28

        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a new PatternElement object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeID">The type ID of the pattern element.</param>
        /// <param name="typeName">The name of the type interface of the pattern element.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the pattern element.</param>
        /// <param name="unprefixedName">Pure name of the pattern element as specified in the .grg without any prefixes</param>
        /// <param name="allowedTypes">An array of allowed types for this pattern element.
        ///     If it is null, all subtypes of the type specified by typeID (including itself)
        ///     are allowed for this pattern element.</param>
        /// <param name="isAllowedType">An array containing a bool for each node/edge type (order defined by the TypeIDs)
        ///     which is true iff the corresponding type is allowed for this pattern element.
        ///     It should be null if allowedTypes is null or empty or has only one element.</param>
        /// <param name="cost">Default cost/priority from frontend, user priority if given.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterIndex">Specifies to which rule parameter this pattern element corresponds.</param>
        /// <param name="maybeNull">Tells whether this pattern element may be null (is a parameter if true).</param>
        /// <param name="storage">If not null this pattern element is to be bound by iterating the given storage.</param>
        /// <param name="storageIndex">If not null this pattern element is to be determined by a storage lookup,
        ///     with the accessor given here applied as index into the storage given in the storage parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="indexAccess">If not null this pattern element is to be determined by an index lookup, with details specified by the concrete index access type contained in this field.</param>
        /// <param name="nameLookup">If not null this pattern element is to be determined by a name map lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="uniqueLookup">If not null this pattern element is to be determined by a unique index lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="elementBeforeCasting">If not null this pattern node is to be bound by casting the given elementBeforeCasting to the pattern node type or causing matching to fail.</param>
        /// <param name="defToBeYieldedTo">Iff true the element is only defined in its PointOfDefinition pattern,
        ///     it gets matched in another, nested or called pattern which yields it to the containing pattern.</param>
        /// <param name="initialization">The initialization expression for the element if some was defined, 
        ///     only possible for defToBeYieldedTo elements, otherwise null.</param>
        public PatternElement(int typeID, String typeName, 
            String name, String unprefixedName, 
            GrGenType[] allowedTypes, bool[] isAllowedType, 
            float cost, int parameterIndex, bool maybeNull,
            StorageAccess storage, StorageAccessIndex storageIndex,
            IndexAccess indexAccess, NameLookup nameLookup, UniqueLookup uniqueLookup,
            PatternElement elementBeforeCasting,
            bool defToBeYieldedTo, Expression initialization)
            this.TypeID = typeID;
            this.typeName = typeName;
            this.name = name;
            this.unprefixedName = unprefixedName;
            this.AllowedTypes = allowedTypes;
            this.IsAllowedType = isAllowedType;
            this.Cost = cost;
            this.ParameterIndex = parameterIndex;
            this.MaybeNull = maybeNull;
            this.Storage = storage;
            this.StorageIndex = storageIndex;
            this.IndexAccess = indexAccess;
            this.NameLookup = nameLookup;
            this.UniqueLookup = uniqueLookup;
            this.ElementBeforeCasting = elementBeforeCasting;
            this.defToBeYieldedTo = defToBeYieldedTo;
            this.initialization = initialization;
            // TODO: the last parameters are (mostly) mutually exclusive, 
            // introduce some abstract details class with specialized classed for the different cases,
            // only one instance needed instead of the large amount of mostly null valued variables now
            // better now with the introduction of helper classes for StorageAccess and StorageAccessIndex, but could be improved further
Ejemplo n.º 29
		public override bool IsA(GrGenType other)
			return (this == other) || isA[other.TypeID];
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines which homomorphy check operations are necessary
        /// at the operation of the given position within the scheduled search plan
        /// and appends them.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DetermineAndAppendHomomorphyChecks(IGraphModel model, ScheduledSearchPlan ssp, int j)
            // take care of global homomorphy
            FillInGlobalHomomorphyPatternElements(ssp, j);

            // first handle special case pure homomorphy

            SearchPlanNode spn_j = (SearchPlanNode)ssp.Operations[j].Element;

            if (spn_j.ElementID == -1)
                // inlined from independent for better matching, independent from the rest

            bool homToAll = true;

            if (spn_j.NodeType == PlanNodeType.Node)
                for (int i = 0; i < ssp.PatternGraph.nodesPlusInlined.Length; ++i)
                    if (!ssp.PatternGraph.homomorphicNodes[spn_j.ElementID - 1, i])
                        homToAll = false;
            else //(spn_j.NodeType == PlanNodeType.Edge)
                for (int i = 0; i < ssp.PatternGraph.edgesPlusInlined.Length; ++i)
                    if (!ssp.PatternGraph.homomorphicEdges[spn_j.ElementID - 1, i])
                        homToAll = false;

            if (homToAll)
                // operation is allowed to be homomorph with everything
                // no checks for isomorphy or restricted homomorphy needed at all

            // no pure homomorphy, so we have restricted homomorphy or isomorphy
            // and need to inspect the operations before, together with the homomorphy matrix
            // for determining the necessary homomorphy checks

            GrGenType[] types;
            bool[,] hom;

            if (spn_j.NodeType == PlanNodeType.Node)
                types = model.NodeModel.Types;
                hom   = ssp.PatternGraph.homomorphicNodes;
            else // (spn_j.NodeType == PlanNodeType.Edge)
                types = model.EdgeModel.Types;
                hom   = ssp.PatternGraph.homomorphicEdges;

            // order operation to check against all elements it's not allowed to be homomorph to

            // iterate through the operations before our position
            bool homomorphyPossibleAndAllowed = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                // only check operations computing nodes or edges
                if (ssp.Operations[i].Type == SearchOperationType.Condition ||
                    ssp.Operations[i].Type == SearchOperationType.NegativePattern ||
                    ssp.Operations[i].Type == SearchOperationType.IndependentPattern ||
                    ssp.Operations[i].Type == SearchOperationType.Assign ||
                    ssp.Operations[i].Type == SearchOperationType.AssignVar ||
                    ssp.Operations[i].Type == SearchOperationType.DefToBeYieldedTo ||
                    ssp.Operations[i].Type == SearchOperationType.InlinedIndependentCheckForDuplicateMatch)

                SearchPlanNode spn_i = (SearchPlanNode)ssp.Operations[i].Element;

                if (spn_i.NodeType != spn_j.NodeType)
                    // don't compare nodes with edges

                if (spn_i.ElementID == -1)
                    // inlined from independent for better matching, independent from the rest

                // find out whether element types are disjoint
                GrGenType type_i   = types[spn_i.PatternElement.TypeID];
                GrGenType type_j   = types[spn_j.PatternElement.TypeID];
                bool      disjoint = true;
                foreach (GrGenType subtype_i in type_i.SubOrSameTypes)
                    if (type_j.IsA(subtype_i) || subtype_i.IsA(type_j)) // IsA==IsSuperTypeOrSameType
                        disjoint = false;

                if (disjoint)
                    // don't check elements if their types are disjoint

                // at this position we found out that spn_i and spn_j
                // might get matched to the same host graph element, i.e. homomorphy is possible

                // if that's ok we don't need to insert checks to prevent this from happening
                if (hom[spn_i.ElementID - 1, spn_j.ElementID - 1])
                    homomorphyPossibleAndAllowed = true;

                // otherwise the generated matcher code has to check
                // that pattern element j doesn't get bound to the same graph element
                // the pattern element i is already bound to
                if (ssp.Operations[j].Isomorphy.PatternElementsToCheckAgainst == null)
                    ssp.Operations[j].Isomorphy.PatternElementsToCheckAgainst = new List <SearchPlanNode>();

                // if spn_j might get matched to the same host graph element as spn_i and this is not allowed
                // make spn_i set the is-matched-bit so that spn_j can detect this situation
                ssp.Operations[i].Isomorphy.SetIsMatchedBit = true;

            // only if elements, the operation must be isomorph to, were matched before
            // (otherwise there were only elements, the operation is allowed to be homomorph to,
            //  matched before, so no check needed here)
            if (ssp.Operations[j].Isomorphy.PatternElementsToCheckAgainst != null &&
                ssp.Operations[j].Isomorphy.PatternElementsToCheckAgainst.Count > 0)
                // order operation to check whether the is-matched-bit is set
                ssp.Operations[j].Isomorphy.CheckIsMatchedBit = true;

            // if no check for isomorphy was skipped due to homomorphy being allowed
            // pure isomorphy is to be guaranteed - simply check the is-matched-bit and be done
            // the pattern elements to check against are only needed
            // if spn_j is allowed to be homomorph to some elements but must be isomorph to some others
            if (ssp.Operations[j].Isomorphy.CheckIsMatchedBit && !homomorphyPossibleAndAllowed)
                ssp.Operations[j].Isomorphy.PatternElementsToCheckAgainst = null;
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public override bool IsA(GrGenType other)
     return((this == other) || isA[other.TypeID]);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public override bool IsA(GrGenType other) { return other is VirtualNodeType; }
Ejemplo n.º 33
 protected abstract string OutputParameterType(int i, InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType);
Ejemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an DefinedSequenceInfo object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">The names of the graph elements needed from the calling action.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterTypes">The types of the graph elements needed from the calling action.</param>
        /// <param name="outParameters">The names of the graph elements returned to the calling action.</param>
        /// <param name="outParameterTypes">The types of the graph elements returned to the calling action.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name the sequence was defined with.</param>
        /// <param name="package">null if this is a global sequence, otherwise the package the sequence is contained in.</param>
        /// <param name="packagePrefixedName">The name of the type in case of a global type,
        /// the name of the type prefixed by the name of the package otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="xgrs">The XGRS string.</param>
        /// <param name="lineNr">The line number the sequence appears on in the source.</param>
        public DefinedSequenceInfo(String[] parameters, GrGenType[] parameterTypes,
            String[] outParameters, GrGenType[] outParameterTypes,
            String name, String package, String packagePrefixedName,
            String xgrs, int lineNr)
            : base(parameters, parameterTypes, outParameters, outParameterTypes, package, xgrs, lineNr)
            Name = name;
            PackagePrefixedName = packagePrefixedName;

            annotations = new Dictionary<String, String>();
Ejemplo n.º 35
        private SequenceExpression DetermineCondition(SubruleDebuggingConfigurationRule cr,
                                                      SubruleDebuggingEvent sde, IAction action, GrGenType graphElementType)
            // edit or keep condition if type action or graph change
                Console.WriteLine("Conditional rule via sequence expression?");
                if (cr != null && cr.IfClause != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to take over " + cr.IfClause.Symbol + ", enter \"-\" to clear the condition, otherwise enter the sequence expression to apply.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter if you don't want to add an if part, otherwise enter the sequence expression to apply.");

                String ifClauseStr = Console.ReadLine();
                if (ifClauseStr.Length == 0)
                    if (cr != null)
                if (ifClauseStr == "-")

                Dictionary <String, String> predefinedVariables = new Dictionary <String, String>();
                predefinedVariables.Add("this", "");
                string ruleOfMatchThis = null;
                if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Match)
                    ruleOfMatchThis = action.Name;
                string typeOfGraphElementThis = null;
                if (sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.New || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Delete ||
                    sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.Retype || sde == SubruleDebuggingEvent.SetAttributes)
                    typeOfGraphElementThis = "";
                    if (graphElementType != null)
                        typeOfGraphElementThis = graphElementType.PackagePrefixedName;
                    SequenceParserEnvironmentInterpretedDebugEventCondition parserEnv = new SequenceParserEnvironmentInterpretedDebugEventCondition(shellProcEnv.ProcEnv.Actions, ruleOfMatchThis, typeOfGraphElementThis);
                    List <String>      warnings = new List <String>();
                    SequenceExpression ifClause = SequenceParser.ParseSequenceExpression(ifClauseStr, predefinedVariables, parserEnv, warnings);
                    foreach (string warning in warnings)
                        Console.WriteLine("The sequence expression for the if clause reported back: " + warning);
                catch (SequenceParserException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse sequence expression");
                catch (de.unika.ipd.grGen.libGr.sequenceParser.ParseException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse sequence expression: " + ex.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse sequence expression : " + ex);
Ejemplo n.º 36
 protected override bool IsCalledEntityExisting(InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType)
     if(paramBindings is RuleInvocationParameterBindings)
         RuleInvocationParameterBindings ruleParamBindings = (RuleInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         return ruleParamBindings.Action != null;
     else if(paramBindings is SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)
         SequenceInvocationParameterBindings seqParamBindings = (SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         return seqParamBindings.SequenceDef != null;
     else if(paramBindings is ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)
         ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings procParamBindings = (ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         if(ownerType != null)
             return ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(procParamBindings.Name) != null;
             return procParamBindings.ProcedureDef != null;
     else if(paramBindings is FunctionInvocationParameterBindings)
         FunctionInvocationParameterBindings funcParamBindings = (FunctionInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         if(ownerType != null)
             return ownerType.GetFunctionMethod(funcParamBindings.Name) != null;
             return funcParamBindings.FunctionDef != null;
     throw new Exception("Internal error");
Ejemplo n.º 37
 protected override int NumOutputParameters(InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType)
     if(paramBindings is RuleInvocationParameterBindings)
         RuleInvocationParameterBindings ruleParamBindings = (RuleInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         return ruleParamBindings.Action.RulePattern.Outputs.Length;
     else if(paramBindings is SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)
         SequenceInvocationParameterBindings seqParamBindings = (SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         if(seqParamBindings.SequenceDef is SequenceDefinitionInterpreted)
             SequenceDefinitionInterpreted seqDef = (SequenceDefinitionInterpreted)seqParamBindings.SequenceDef;
             return seqDef.OutputVariables.Length;
             SequenceDefinitionCompiled seqDef = (SequenceDefinitionCompiled)seqParamBindings.SequenceDef;
             return seqDef.SeqInfo.OutParameterTypes.Length;
     else if(paramBindings is ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)
         ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings procParamBindings = (ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         if(ownerType != null)
             return ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(procParamBindings.Name).Outputs.Length;
             return procParamBindings.ProcedureDef.Outputs.Length;
     throw new Exception("Internal error");
Ejemplo n.º 38
 protected override string OutputParameterType(int i, InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType)
     if(paramBindings is RuleInvocationParameterBindings)
         RuleInvocationParameterBindings ruleParamBindings = (RuleInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         return TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(ruleParamBindings.Action.RulePattern.Outputs[i]);
     else if(paramBindings is SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)
         SequenceInvocationParameterBindings seqParamBindings = (SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         if(seqParamBindings.SequenceDef is SequenceDefinitionInterpreted)
             SequenceDefinitionInterpreted seqDef = (SequenceDefinitionInterpreted)seqParamBindings.SequenceDef;
             return seqDef.OutputVariables[i].Type;
             SequenceDefinitionCompiled seqDef = (SequenceDefinitionCompiled)seqParamBindings.SequenceDef;
             return TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(seqDef.SeqInfo.OutParameterTypes[i]);
     else if(paramBindings is ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)
         ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings procParamBindings = (ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         if(ownerType != null)
             return TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(procParamBindings.Name).Outputs[i]);
             return TypesHelper.DotNetTypeToXgrsType(procParamBindings.ProcedureDef.Outputs[i]);
     throw new Exception("Internal error");
Ejemplo n.º 39
        void OnTypeInfotagsChanged(GrGenType type)
                if(dumpInfo.IsExcludedNodeType((NodeType) type)) return;

                foreach(INode node in graph.GetExactNodes((NodeType) type))
                    ycompStream.Write("setNodeLabel \"n" + dumpInfo.GetElementName(node) + "\" \"" + GetElemLabel(node) + "\"\n");
                if(dumpInfo.IsExcludedEdgeType((EdgeType) type)) return;

                foreach(IEdge edge in graph.GetExactEdges((EdgeType) type))
                    if(IsEdgeExcluded(edge)) return; // additionally checks incident nodes

                    ycompStream.Write("setEdgeLabel \"e" + dumpInfo.GetElementName(edge) + "\" \"" + GetElemLabel(edge) + "\"\n");
            isDirty = true;
Ejemplo n.º 40
        protected override bool IsCalledEntityExisting(InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType)
            // besides determining whether the called entity exists, this function
            // resolves pre- and context packages to packages, i.e. calls of entities from packages 
            // without package prefix are changed to package calls (may occur for entities from the same package)

            if(paramBindings is RuleInvocationParameterBindings)
                RuleInvocationParameterBindings ruleParamBindings = (RuleInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
                if(ruleParamBindings.PrePackage != null)
                    ruleParamBindings.Package = ruleParamBindings.PrePackage;
                    ruleParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = ruleParamBindings.PrePackage + "::" + ruleParamBindings.Name;
                    return Array.IndexOf(ruleNames, ruleParamBindings.PrePackage + "::" + ruleParamBindings.Name) != -1;
                    if(Array.IndexOf(ruleNames, ruleParamBindings.Name) != -1)
                        ruleParamBindings.Package = null;
                        ruleParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = ruleParamBindings.Name;
                        return true;
                    if(ruleParamBindings.PrePackageContext != null)
                        ruleParamBindings.Package = ruleParamBindings.PrePackageContext;
                        ruleParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = ruleParamBindings.PrePackageContext + "::" + ruleParamBindings.Name;
                        return Array.IndexOf(ruleNames, ruleParamBindings.PrePackageContext + "::" + ruleParamBindings.Name) != -1;
                    return false;
            else if(paramBindings is SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)
                SequenceInvocationParameterBindings seqParamBindings = (SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
                if(seqParamBindings.PrePackage != null)
                    seqParamBindings.Package = seqParamBindings.PrePackage;
                    seqParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = seqParamBindings.PrePackage + "::" + seqParamBindings.Name;
                    return Array.IndexOf(sequenceNames, seqParamBindings.PrePackage + "::" + seqParamBindings.Name) != -1;
                    if(Array.IndexOf(sequenceNames, seqParamBindings.Name) != -1)
                        seqParamBindings.Package = null;
                        seqParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = seqParamBindings.Name;
                        return true;
                    if(seqParamBindings.PrePackageContext != null)
                        seqParamBindings.Package = seqParamBindings.PrePackageContext;
                        seqParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = seqParamBindings.PrePackageContext + "::" + seqParamBindings.Name;
                        return Array.IndexOf(sequenceNames, seqParamBindings.PrePackageContext + "::" + seqParamBindings.Name) != -1;
                    return false;
            else if(paramBindings is ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)
                ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings procParamBindings = (ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
                if(ownerType != null)
                    return ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(procParamBindings.Name) != null;
                    if(procParamBindings.PrePackage != null)
                        procParamBindings.Package = procParamBindings.PrePackage;
                        procParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = procParamBindings.PrePackage + "::" + procParamBindings.Name;
                        return Array.IndexOf(procedureNames, procParamBindings.PrePackage + "::" + procParamBindings.Name) != -1;
                        if(Array.IndexOf(procedureNames, procParamBindings.Name) != -1)
                            procParamBindings.Package = null;
                            procParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = procParamBindings.Name;
                            return true;
                        if(procParamBindings.PrePackageContext != null)
                            procParamBindings.Package = procParamBindings.PrePackageContext;
                            procParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = procParamBindings.PrePackageContext + "::" + procParamBindings.Name;
                            return Array.IndexOf(procedureNames, procParamBindings.PrePackageContext + "::" + procParamBindings.Name) != -1;
                        return false;
            else if(paramBindings is FunctionInvocationParameterBindings)
                FunctionInvocationParameterBindings funcParamBindings = (FunctionInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
                if(ownerType != null)
                    return ownerType.GetFunctionMethod(funcParamBindings.Name) != null;
                    if(funcParamBindings.PrePackage != null)
                        funcParamBindings.Package = funcParamBindings.PrePackage;
                        funcParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = funcParamBindings.PrePackage + "::" + funcParamBindings.Name;
                        return Array.IndexOf(functionNames, funcParamBindings.PrePackage + "::" + funcParamBindings.Name) != -1;
                        if(Array.IndexOf(functionNames, funcParamBindings.Name) != -1)
                            funcParamBindings.Package = null;
                            funcParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = funcParamBindings.Name;
                            return true;
                        if(funcParamBindings.PrePackageContext != null)
                            funcParamBindings.Package = funcParamBindings.PrePackageContext;
                            funcParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName = funcParamBindings.PrePackageContext + "::" + funcParamBindings.Name;
                            return Array.IndexOf(functionNames, funcParamBindings.PrePackageContext + "::" + funcParamBindings.Name) != -1;
                        return false;
            throw new Exception("Internal error");
Ejemplo n.º 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new PatternEdge object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fixedDirection">Whether this pattern edge should be matched with a fixed direction or not.</param>
 /// <param name="typeID">The type ID of the pattern edge.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The GrGen type of the pattern edge.</param>
 /// <param name="typeName">The name of the type interface of the pattern element.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the pattern edge.</param>
 /// <param name="unprefixedName">Pure name of the pattern element as specified in the .grg without any prefixes</param>
 /// <param name="allowedTypes">An array of allowed types for this pattern element.
 ///     If it is null, all subtypes of the type specified by typeID (including itself)
 ///     are allowed for this pattern element.</param>
 /// <param name="isAllowedType">An array containing a bool for each edge type (order defined by the TypeIDs)
 ///     which is true iff the corresponding type is allowed for this pattern element.
 ///     It should be null if allowedTypes is null or empty or has only one element.</param>
 /// <param name="cost"> default cost/priority from frontend, user priority if given</param>
 /// <param name="parameterIndex">Specifies to which rule parameter this pattern element corresponds</param>
 /// <param name="maybeNull">Tells whether this pattern edge may be null (is a parameter if true).</param>
 /// <param name="storage">If not null this edge is to be bound by iterating the given storage.</param>
 /// <param name="storageIndex">If not null this edge is to be determined by a storage lookup,
 ///     with the accessor given here applied as index into the storage given in the storage parameter.</param>
 /// <param name="indexAccess">If not null this pattern element is to be determined by an index lookup, with details specified by the concrete index access type contained in this field.</param>
 /// <param name="nameLookup">If not null this pattern element is to be determined by a name map lookup.</param>
 /// <param name="uniqueLookup">If not null this pattern element is to be determined by a unique index lookup.</param>
 /// <param name="elementBeforeCasting">If not null this pattern node is to be bound by casting the given elementBeforeCasting to the pattern node type or causing matching to fail.</param>
 /// <param name="defToBeYieldedTo">Iff true the element is only defined in its PointOfDefinition pattern,
 ///     it gets matched in another, nested or called pattern which yields it to the containing pattern.</param>
 /// <param name="initialization">The initialization expression for the edge if some was defined, 
 ///     only possible for defToBeYieldedTo edges, otherwise null.</param>
 public PatternEdge(bool fixedDirection,
     int typeID, EdgeType type, String typeName, 
     String name, String unprefixedName,
     GrGenType[] allowedTypes, bool[] isAllowedType,
     float cost, int parameterIndex, bool maybeNull,
     StorageAccess storage, StorageAccessIndex storageIndex,
     IndexAccess indexAccess, NameLookup nameLookup, UniqueLookup uniqueLookup,
     PatternElement elementBeforeCasting,
     bool defToBeYieldedTo, Expression initialization)
     : base(typeID, typeName, name, unprefixedName, allowedTypes, isAllowedType,
         cost, parameterIndex, maybeNull, storage, storageIndex, indexAccess, nameLookup, uniqueLookup,
         elementBeforeCasting, defToBeYieldedTo, initialization)
     this.fixedDirection = fixedDirection;
     this.type = type;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 protected override int NumOutputParameters(InvocationParameterBindings paramBindings, GrGenType ownerType)
     if(paramBindings is RuleInvocationParameterBindings)
         RuleInvocationParameterBindings ruleParamBindings = (RuleInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         return rulesToOutputTypes[ruleParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName].Count;
     else if(paramBindings is SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)
         SequenceInvocationParameterBindings seqParamBindings = (SequenceInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         return sequencesToOutputTypes[seqParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName].Count;
     else if(paramBindings is ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)
         ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings procParamBindings = (ProcedureInvocationParameterBindings)paramBindings;
         if(ownerType != null)
             return ownerType.GetProcedureMethod(procParamBindings.Name).Outputs.Length;
             return proceduresToOutputTypes[procParamBindings.PackagePrefixedName].Count;
     throw new Exception("Internal error");
Ejemplo n.º 43
        public void RetypingElement(IGraphElement oldElem, IGraphElement newElem)
            bool      isNode  = oldElem is INode;
            GrGenType oldType = oldElem.Type;
            GrGenType newType = newElem.Type;

            if (isNode)
                if (dumpInfo.IsExcludedNodeType((NodeType)oldType))
                if (dumpInfo.IsExcludedEdgeType((EdgeType)oldType))

            String elemKind       = isNode ? "Node" : "Edge";
            String elemNamePrefix = isNode ? "n" : "e";
            String name           = elemNamePrefix + graph.GetElementName(oldElem);

            ycompStream.Write("set" + elemKind + "Label \"" + name + "\" \"" + GetElemLabel(newElem) + "\"\n");

            // remove the old attributes
            foreach (AttributeType attrType in oldType.AttributeTypes)
                ycompStream.Write("clear" + elemKind + "Attr \"" + name + "\" \"" + attrType.OwnerType.Name + "::"
                                  + attrType.Name + " : " + GetKindName(attrType) + "\"\n");
            // set the new attributes
            foreach (AttributeType attrType in newType.AttributeTypes)
                object attr       = newElem.GetAttribute(attrType.Name);
                String attrString = (attr != null) ? attr.ToString() : "<Not initialized>";
                ycompStream.Write("change" + elemKind + "Attr \"" + name + "\" \"" + attrType.OwnerType.Name + "::"
                                  + attrType.Name + " : " + GetKindName(attrType) + "\" \"" + attrString + "\"\n");

            if (isNode)
                String oldNr = GetNodeRealizer((NodeType)oldType);
                String newNr = GetNodeRealizer((NodeType)newType);
                if (oldNr != newNr)
                    ChangeNode((INode)oldElem, newNr);
                String oldEr = GetEdgeRealizer((EdgeType)oldType);
                String newEr = GetEdgeRealizer((EdgeType)newType);
                if (oldEr != newEr)
                    ChangeEdge((IEdge)oldElem, newEr);
            isDirty = true;
Ejemplo n.º 44
 public bool InstanceOf(GrGenType type) { return type is VirtualNodeType; }