sendHit() public method

public sendHit ( ) : bool
return bool
Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Awake()
        //Debug.Log("AnalyticsTesting Awake()");

        // prevent additional Analytics objects being created on level reloads
        if (instance)
        instance = this;

        string       clientID        = "";
        const string clientIdPrefKey = "GoogleUniversalAnalytics_clientID";

        // If you want to force a new client ID for temporary testing,
        // uncomment following line for a single run:
        //////// PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(clientIdPrefKey);
        // (remember to disable it again)

        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(clientIdPrefKey))
            clientID = PlayerPrefs.GetString(clientIdPrefKey);
        if (clientID.Length < 8 || !PlayerPrefs.HasKey(clientIdPrefKey))
            // Need to generate unique & anonymous client ID for analytics.
            // SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier would be nice for this, but
            // use of it is abandoned as it can lead to additional required
            // permissions or submission approval problems on some platforms.
            // So we only use a combination of timestamp, random value and
            // some sources of device-specific data to make up an anonymous
            // id which is also sufficiently unique.
            int deviceData = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName.GetHashCode() ^ SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion.GetHashCode() ^ SystemInfo.operatingSystem.GetHashCode() ^ SystemInfo.processorType.GetHashCode();
            clientID = getPOSIXTime().ToString("X8") + Random.Range(0, 0x7fffffff).ToString("x8") + deviceData.ToString("X8");

            //Debug.Log("Created client id for analytics: " + clientID);
            PlayerPrefs.SetString(clientIdPrefKey, clientID);

        string offlineCacheFilePath = ""; // empty string=disable (in GUA class)

        if (useOfflineCache && offlineCacheFileName != null && offlineCacheFileName.Length > 0)
            offlineCacheFilePath = Application.persistentDataPath + '/' + offlineCacheFileName;
            //Debug.Log("Full path for offline cache: " + offlineCacheFilePath);

        //bool useStringEscaping = true; // see the docs about this
        if (gua == null)
            gua = GoogleUniversalAnalytics.Instance;
        gua.initialize(this, trackingID, clientID, appName, appVersion, useHTTPS, offlineCacheFilePath);
        //gua.setStringEscaping(useStringEscaping); // see the docs about this

        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(disableAnalyticsByUserOptOutPrefKey))
            gua.analyticsDisabled = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(disableAnalyticsByUserOptOutPrefKey, 0) != 0);

        if (!gua.analyticsDisabled)
            // Start by sending a hit with some generic info, including an app
            // screen hit with the first level name, since first scene doesn't get
            // automatically call to OnLevelWasLoaded.
            gua.addScreenResolution(Screen.currentResolution.width, Screen.currentResolution.height);
            gua.addViewportSize(Screen.width, Screen.height);
            gua.addScreenName(newLevelAnalyticsEventPrefix + Application.loadedLevelName);

            // Next, client SystemInfo statistics are submitted ONCE on the first
            // launch when internet is reachable.

            // If you make a few version upgrades and at some point want to get
            // fresh statistics of your active users, update the category string
            // below and after next update users will re-submit SystemInfo once.
            const string category = "SystemInfo_since_v001";
            const string prefKey  = "GoogleUniversalAnalytics_" + category;

            // Existing pref key could be deleted with following command:
            //// PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(prefKey);
            // Warning: Do not enable that code row here (except for single time
            //          testing). Otherwise all following single time statistics
            //          hits would be sent on each launch.

            if (sendSystemInfo &&
                (useOfflineCache || gua.internetReachable) &&
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "ScreenResolution", "" + Screen.currentResolution.width + "x" + Screen.currentResolution.height);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "ViewportSize", "" + Screen.width + "x" + Screen.height);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "ScreenDPI", ((int)Screen.dpi).ToString(), (int)Screen.dpi);

                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "operatingSystem", SystemInfo.operatingSystem);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "processorType", SystemInfo.processorType);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "processorCount", SystemInfo.processorCount.ToString(), SystemInfo.processorCount);
                // round down to 128MB chunks for label
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "systemMemorySize", (128 * (SystemInfo.systemMemorySize / 128)).ToString(), SystemInfo.systemMemorySize);
                // round down to 16MB chunks for label
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsMemorySize", (16 * (SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize / 16)).ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsDeviceName", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsDeviceVendor", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsDeviceID", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceID.ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceID);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsDeviceVendorID", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID.ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsDeviceVersion", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsShaderLevel", SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel.ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel);
#if UNITY_3_5 || UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
                // (graphicsPixelFillrate is not supported on Unity 5.0+)
                // round down to chunks for label (10-5000 MPix depending on value range)
                int pixelFillrateChunkSize = 5000;
                if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 40000)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 2000;
                if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 10000)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 1000;
                else if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 4000)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 500;
                else if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 1300)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 100;
                else if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 200)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 20;
                else if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 100)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 10;
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsPixelFillrate", (pixelFillrateChunkSize * (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate / pixelFillrateChunkSize)).ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate);
#else // or Unity 5.0+:
                // New additions in Unity 5.0+:
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "graphicsMultiThreaded", SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded ? 1 : 0);
#endif // Unity 5.0+
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "deviceType", SystemInfo.deviceType.ToString());
                // round down to 512 chunks for label
#if !UNITY_3_5
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "maxTextureSize", (512 * (SystemInfo.maxTextureSize / 512)).ToString(), SystemInfo.maxTextureSize);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supports3DTextures", SystemInfo.supports3DTextures ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supports3DTextures ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsComputeShaders", SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsInstancing", SystemInfo.supportsInstancing ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsInstancing ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "npotSupport", SystemInfo.npotSupport.ToString());
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsShadows", SystemInfo.supportsShadows ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsShadows ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsRenderTextures", SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportedRenderTargetCount", SystemInfo.supportedRenderTargetCount.ToString(), SystemInfo.supportedRenderTargetCount);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "deviceModel", SystemInfo.deviceModel);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsAccelerometer", SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsGyroscope", SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsLocationService", SystemInfo.supportsLocationService ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsLocationService ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsVibration", SystemInfo.supportsVibration ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsVibration ? 1 : 0);
                sendSystemInfoEvent(category, "supportsImageEffects", SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects ? 1 : 0);
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(prefKey, getPOSIXTime());
            } // sendSystemInfo
        }     // !gua.analyticsDisabled

        if (sendExceptions)
    }     // Awake
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Awake()
        //Debug.Log("AnalyticsTesting Awake()");

        // prevent additional Analytics objects being created on level reloads
        if (instance)
        instance = this;

        string       clientID        = "";
        const string clientIdPrefKey = "GoogleUniversalAnalytics_clientID";

        // If you want to force a new client ID for temporary testing,
        // uncomment following line for a single run:
        //////// PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(clientIdPrefKey);
        // (remember to disable it again)

        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(clientIdPrefKey))
            clientID = PlayerPrefs.GetString(clientIdPrefKey);
        if (clientID.Length < 8 || !PlayerPrefs.HasKey(clientIdPrefKey))
            // Need to generate unique & anonymous client ID for analytics.
            #if UNITY_ANDROID
            // Don't use SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier on Android,
            // as it would add requirement of READ_PHONE_STATE permission.
            // So we only use self-generated timestamp + random value.
            //Debug.Log("Creating new Android clientID for analytics...");
            clientID = getPOSIXTime().ToString("X8") + Random.Range(0, 0x7fffffff).ToString("x8");
            // On most platforms we use device unique identifier but
            // additionally shuffle a random value inside it to make
            // sure it's anonymous.
            char[] id = (Random.Range(0, 0x7fffffff).ToString("x8") + SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier).ToCharArray();
            for (int a = 0; a < 8; ++a)
                char c   = id[a];
                int  idx = Random.Range(0, id.Length);
                id[a]   = id[idx];
                id[idx] = c;
            clientID = new string(id);

            //Debug.Log("Created client id for analytics: " + clientID);
            PlayerPrefs.SetString(clientIdPrefKey, clientID);

        //bool useStringEscaping = true; // see the docs about this
        if (gua == null)
            gua = GoogleUniversalAnalytics.Instance;
        gua.initialize(trackingID, clientID, appName, appVersion, useHTTPS);
        //gua.setStringEscaping(useStringEscaping); // see the docs about this

        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(disableAnalyticsByUserOptOutPrefKey))
            gua.analyticsDisabled = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(disableAnalyticsByUserOptOutPrefKey, 0) != 0);

        if (!gua.analyticsDisabled)
            // Start by sending a hit with some generic info, including an app
            // screen hit with the first level name, since first scene doesn't get
            // automatically call to OnLevelWasLoaded.
            gua.addScreenResolution(Screen.currentResolution.width, Screen.currentResolution.height);
            gua.addViewportSize(Screen.width, Screen.height);
            gua.addScreenColors(Handheld.use32BitDisplayBuffer ? 32 : 16);
            // Note: this adds language e.g. as "English", although Google API example has "en-us".
            //gua.addCustomDimension(1, "ScreenDPI");
            //gua.addCustomMetric(1, (int)Screen.dpi);
            gua.addContentDescription(newLevelAnalyticsEventPrefix + Application.loadedLevelName);

            // Next, client SystemInfo statistics are submitted ONCE on the first
            // launch when internet is reachable.

            // If you make a few version upgrades and at some point want to get
            // fresh statistics of your active users, update the category string
            // below and after next update users will re-submit SystemInfo once.
            const string category = "SystemInfo_since_v001";
            const string prefKey  = "GoogleUniversalAnalytics_" + category;

            // Existing pref key could be deleted with following command:
            //// PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(prefKey);
            // Warning: Do not enable that code row here (except for single time
            //          testing). Otherwise all following single time statistics
            //          hits would be sent on each launch.

            if (Application.internetReachability != NetworkReachability.NotReachable &&
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "ScreenDPI", ((int)Screen.dpi).ToString(), (int)Screen.dpi);

                gua.sendEventHit(category, "operatingSystem", SystemInfo.operatingSystem);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "processorType", SystemInfo.processorType);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "processorCount", SystemInfo.processorCount.ToString(), SystemInfo.processorCount);
                // round down to 128MB chunks for label
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "systemMemorySize", (128 * (SystemInfo.systemMemorySize / 128)).ToString(), SystemInfo.systemMemorySize);
                // round down to 16MB chunks for label
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "graphicsMemorySize", (16 * (SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize / 16)).ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "graphicsDeviceName", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "graphicsDeviceVendor", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "graphicsDeviceID", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceID.ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceID);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "graphicsDeviceVendorID", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID.ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "graphicsDeviceVersion", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "graphicsShaderLevel", SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel.ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel);
                // round down to chunks for label (10-5000 MPix depending on value range)
                int pixelFillrateChunkSize = 5000;
                if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 40000)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 2000;
                if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 10000)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 1000;
                else if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 4000)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 500;
                else if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 1300)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 100;
                else if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 200)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 20;
                else if (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate < 100)
                    pixelFillrateChunkSize = 10;
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "graphicsPixelFillrate", (pixelFillrateChunkSize * (SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate / pixelFillrateChunkSize)).ToString(), SystemInfo.graphicsPixelFillrate);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "deviceType", SystemInfo.deviceType.ToString());
                // round down to 512 chunks for label
#if !UNITY_3_5
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "maxTextureSize", (512 * (SystemInfo.maxTextureSize / 512)).ToString(), SystemInfo.maxTextureSize);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supports3DTextures", SystemInfo.supports3DTextures ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supports3DTextures ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsComputeShaders", SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsInstancing", SystemInfo.supportsInstancing ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsInstancing ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "npotSupport", SystemInfo.npotSupport.ToString());
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsShadows", SystemInfo.supportsShadows ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsShadows ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsRenderTextures", SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportedRenderTargetCount", SystemInfo.supportedRenderTargetCount.ToString(), SystemInfo.supportedRenderTargetCount);

                gua.sendEventHit(category, "deviceModel", SystemInfo.deviceModel);

                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsAccelerometer", SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsGyroscope", SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsLocationService", SystemInfo.supportsLocationService ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsLocationService ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsVibration", SystemInfo.supportsVibration ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsVibration ? 1 : 0);
                gua.sendEventHit(category, "supportsImageEffects", SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects ? "yes" : "no", SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects ? 1 : 0);
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt(prefKey, getPOSIXTime());
        } // !gua.analyticsDisabled
    }     // Awake