Ejemplo n.º 1
    public GoapStateGraphNode AddNode(List <GoapWorldState> unsatisfied, List <GoapWorldState> satisfied)
        GoapStateGraphNode node = new GoapStateGraphNode(unsatisfied, satisfied);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public GoapStateGraphNode(List <GoapWorldState> unsatisfied, List <GoapWorldState> satisfied)
     SatisfiedStates   = satisfied;
     UnsatisfiedStates = unsatisfied;
     CostSinceStart    = float.PositiveInfinity;
     CameFrom          = null;
     CameFromAction    = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	public GoapStateGraphNode(List<GoapWorldState> unsatisfied, List<GoapWorldState> satisfied)
		SatisfiedStates = satisfied;
		UnsatisfiedStates = unsatisfied;
		CostSinceStart = float.PositiveInfinity;
		CameFrom = null;
		CameFromAction = null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private float GetHeuristic(GoapStateGraphNode node)
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public Queue<GoapAction> GetActionQueue(GoapGoal myGoal, List<GoapAction> availableActions)
        GoapStateGraphNode goal = new GoapStateGraphNode(myGoal.GoalStates, new List<GoapWorldState>());
        goal.CostSinceStart = 0;
        goal.HeuristicCost = GetHeuristic(goal);
        goal.UnsatisfiedStates = myGoal.GoalStates;

        List<GoapStateGraphNode> openNodes = new List<GoapStateGraphNode>();

        List<GoapStateGraphNode> closedNodes = new List<GoapStateGraphNode>();

        GoapStateGraphNode resultFirstNode = null;

        _evaluatedStates = new List<GoapWorldState>();

        //evaluate world states in goal conditions
        foreach(GoapWorldState state in myGoal.GoalStates)

        while(openNodes.Count() > 0)
            //starting from the graph goal node, for each world state look for a action that will satisfy it.
            //when an action is found, create a new graph node, add action effect to satified states, and add action preconditions to unsatisfied states
            //then sort all neighbors into a list ordered by cost+heuristic
            //for each neighbor in the list, starting from the one with lowest cost+heuristic,

            //find the lowest f_score node in open nodes
            GoapStateGraphNode bestOpenNode = openNodes[0];
            foreach(GoapStateGraphNode node in openNodes)
                if(node.HeuristicCost < bestOpenNode.HeuristicCost)
                    bestOpenNode = node;


            CsDebug.Inst.Log("======Evaluating best open node with cost " + bestOpenNode.CostSinceStart, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
            if(bestOpenNode.CameFromAction != null)
                CsDebug.Inst.Log("Came from Action " + bestOpenNode.CameFromAction.Name, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

            //evaluate the current world state for states in current node
            foreach(GoapWorldState s in bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates)
                CsDebug.Inst.Log("Current Unsatisfied State: " + s.Name + s.Operator + s.Value, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
            foreach(GoapWorldState s in bestOpenNode.SatisfiedStates)
                //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Current Satisfied State: " + s.Name + s.Operator + s.Value, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

            //if all unsatisfied states can be solved by current world state then we have found a path
            if(CompareWorldStatesContain(_parentAI.GetCurrentWorldState(), bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates))
                //search complete, found a path!
                CsDebug.Inst.Log("Found best path!", CsDLevel.Info, CsDComponent.AI);
                resultFirstNode = bestOpenNode;


            //find all neighbors
            foreach(GoapAction action in availableActions)
                CsDebug.Inst.Log("------Starting to evaluate action " + action.Name, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                List<GoapWorldState> usefulEffects = CompareWorldStatesContainAny(bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates, action.Effects);
                if(usefulEffects == null)
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Action has no useful effects!", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    //found conflict, or action is marked as not viable from previous attempts

                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Action has been failed before!", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    //found conflict, or action is marked as not viable from previous attempts

                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Action is not viable!", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    //found conflict, or action is marked as not viable from previous attempts

                else if(usefulEffects.Count > 0)
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Found action " + action.Name + " that satisfies preconditions set containing " + bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates.Count(), CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Current best open node unsatisfied states contains " + bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates[0].Name + "=" + bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates[0].Value, CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);

                    //neighbor's effect is removed from neighbor unsatisfied list and added to the satisfied list
                    //any precondition that hasn't been resolved or listed is added to the neighbor's unsatisfied list
                    //this way we don't have any dupilicate states
                    List<GoapWorldState> neighborUnsatisfied = new List<GoapWorldState>(bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates);
                    List<GoapWorldState> neighborSatisfied = new List<GoapWorldState>(bestOpenNode.SatisfiedStates);

                    bool isNoConflict = true;

                    foreach(GoapWorldState effect in usefulEffects)
                        RemoveStateFromSet(neighborUnsatisfied, effect);
                        isNoConflict = AddStateToSet(neighborSatisfied, effect);

                            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Found conflict when adding effect " + effect.Name + effect.Value + "to neighbor satisfied set", CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);

                    isNoConflict = true;

                    foreach(GoapWorldState condition in action.Preconditions)
                        //is this condition already in the neighborSatisfied list?
                        //is this condition already in the neighborUnsatisfied list?
                        //if both answer is no, add the new condition to neighborUnsatisfied list

                        bool isInSatisfied = CompareWorldStatesContain(neighborSatisfied, new List<GoapWorldState>{condition});

                        bool isInUnsatisfied = CompareWorldStatesContain(neighborUnsatisfied, new List<GoapWorldState>{condition});

                        if(!isInSatisfied && !isInUnsatisfied)
                            isNoConflict = AddStateToSet(neighborUnsatisfied, condition);
                                //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Found conflict when adding condition " + condition.Name + condition.Value + "to neighbor UNsatisfied set", CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);

                    //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Successfully added preconditions for action " + action.Name, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

                    //now we check if the above neighbor unsatisfied+satisfied combination exists in any open or closed nodes
                    //if in closed nodes, we skip this neighbor. if in open nodes, we will calculate its heuristic cost
                    //if not in any set, create a new node
                    bool isInClosed = false;
                    foreach(GoapStateGraphNode node in closedNodes)
                        if(CompareWorldStatesEqual(node.UnsatisfiedStates, neighborUnsatisfied) && CompareWorldStatesEqual(node.SatisfiedStates, neighborSatisfied))
                            isInClosed = true;


                    //CsDebug.Inst.Log("checking if node already exists in openNodes", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    GoapStateGraphNode openNode = null;
                    foreach(GoapStateGraphNode node in openNodes)

                        if(CompareWorldStatesEqual(node.UnsatisfiedStates, neighborUnsatisfied) && CompareWorldStatesEqual(node.SatisfiedStates, neighborSatisfied))
                            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Node already exists", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                            openNode = node;

                    float tentativeCost = bestOpenNode.CostSinceStart + action.Cost;

                    if(openNode != null)
                        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Node exists, check its cost", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                        if(tentativeCost >= openNode.CostSinceStart)
                            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Invalid path!", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                            //this is NOT a good path

                        //add a new node into openNodes
                        openNode = new GoapStateGraphNode(neighborUnsatisfied, neighborSatisfied);
                        CsDebug.Inst.Log("Adding a new neighbor node with " + neighborUnsatisfied.Count() + " unsatisfied conditions", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("~~~~~~~~~Found a valid path, assigning neighbor parameters" + action.Name, CsDLevel.Info, CsDComponent.AI);
                    openNode.CameFrom = bestOpenNode;
                    openNode.CameFromAction = action;
                    openNode.CostSinceStart = tentativeCost;
                    openNode.HeuristicCost = openNode.CostSinceStart + GetHeuristic(openNode);


        if(resultFirstNode == null)
            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("No path found! Exiting planner.", CsDLevel.Info, CsDComponent.AI);
            return null;

        Queue<GoapAction> actions = new Queue<GoapAction>();
        GoapStateGraphNode currentNode = resultFirstNode;

        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Start enqueueing actions", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

        while(currentNode.CameFrom != null)
            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Enqueueing action " + currentNode.CameFromAction.Name, CsDLevel.Info, CsDComponent.AI);
            currentNode = currentNode.CameFrom;

        return actions;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private float GetHeuristic(GoapStateGraphNode node)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public Queue <GoapAction> GetActionQueue(GoapGoal myGoal, List <GoapAction> availableActions)
        GoapStateGraphNode goal = new GoapStateGraphNode(myGoal.GoalStates, new List <GoapWorldState>());

        goal.CostSinceStart    = 0;
        goal.HeuristicCost     = GetHeuristic(goal);
        goal.UnsatisfiedStates = myGoal.GoalStates;

        List <GoapStateGraphNode> openNodes = new List <GoapStateGraphNode>();


        List <GoapStateGraphNode> closedNodes = new List <GoapStateGraphNode>();

        GoapStateGraphNode resultFirstNode = null;

        _evaluatedStates = new List <GoapWorldState>();

        //evaluate world states in goal conditions
        foreach (GoapWorldState state in myGoal.GoalStates)

        //Debug.Log("starting goap planner while loop " + _parentAI.name);

        while (openNodes.Count() > 0)
            //starting from the graph goal node, for each world state look for a action that will satisfy it.
            //when an action is found, create a new graph node, add action effect to satified states, and add action preconditions to unsatisfied states
            //then sort all neighbors into a list ordered by cost+heuristic
            //for each neighbor in the list, starting from the one with lowest cost+heuristic,

            //find the lowest f_score node in open nodes
            GoapStateGraphNode bestOpenNode = openNodes[0];
            foreach (GoapStateGraphNode node in openNodes)
                if (node.HeuristicCost < bestOpenNode.HeuristicCost)
                    bestOpenNode = node;

            CsDebug.Inst.Log("======Evaluating best open node with cost " + bestOpenNode.CostSinceStart, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
            if (bestOpenNode.CameFromAction != null)
                CsDebug.Inst.Log("Came from Action " + bestOpenNode.CameFromAction.Name, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

            //evaluate the current world state for states in current node
            foreach (GoapWorldState s in bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates)
                CsDebug.Inst.Log("Current Unsatisfied State: " + s.Name + s.Operator + s.Value, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
            foreach (GoapWorldState s in bestOpenNode.SatisfiedStates)
                //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Current Satisfied State: " + s.Name + s.Operator + s.Value, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

            //if all unsatisfied states can be solved by current world state then we have found a path
            if (CompareWorldStatesContain(_parentAI.GetCurrentWorldState(), bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates))
                //search complete, found a path!
                CsDebug.Inst.Log("Found best path!", CsDLevel.Info, CsDComponent.AI);
                resultFirstNode = bestOpenNode;


            //find all neighbors
            foreach (GoapAction action in availableActions)
                CsDebug.Inst.Log("------Starting to evaluate action " + action.Name, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                List <GoapWorldState> usefulEffects = CompareWorldStatesContainAny(bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates, action.Effects);
                if (usefulEffects == null)
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Action has no useful effects!", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    //found conflict, or action is marked as not viable from previous attempts

                if (!_parentAI.CheckActionViable(action))
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Action has been failed before!", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    //found conflict, or action is marked as not viable from previous attempts

                if (!action.CheckContextPrecondition())
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Action is not viable!", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    //found conflict, or action is marked as not viable from previous attempts

                else if (usefulEffects.Count > 0)
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Found action " + action.Name + " that satisfies preconditions set containing " + bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates.Count(), CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("Current best open node unsatisfied states contains " + bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates[0].Name + "=" + bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates[0].Value, CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);

                    //neighbor's effect is removed from neighbor unsatisfied list and added to the satisfied list
                    //any precondition that hasn't been resolved or listed is added to the neighbor's unsatisfied list
                    //this way we don't have any dupilicate states
                    List <GoapWorldState> neighborUnsatisfied = new List <GoapWorldState>(bestOpenNode.UnsatisfiedStates);
                    List <GoapWorldState> neighborSatisfied   = new List <GoapWorldState>(bestOpenNode.SatisfiedStates);

                    bool isNoConflict = true;

                    foreach (GoapWorldState effect in usefulEffects)
                        RemoveStateFromSet(neighborUnsatisfied, effect);
                        isNoConflict = AddStateToSet(neighborSatisfied, effect);

                        if (!isNoConflict)
                            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Found conflict when adding effect " + effect.Name + effect.Value + "to neighbor satisfied set", CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);

                    isNoConflict = true;

                    foreach (GoapWorldState condition in action.Preconditions)
                        //is this condition already in the neighborSatisfied list?
                        //is this condition already in the neighborUnsatisfied list?
                        //if both answer is no, add the new condition to neighborUnsatisfied list

                        bool isInSatisfied = CompareWorldStatesContain(neighborSatisfied, new List <GoapWorldState> {

                        bool isInUnsatisfied = CompareWorldStatesContain(neighborUnsatisfied, new List <GoapWorldState> {

                        if (!isInSatisfied && !isInUnsatisfied)
                            isNoConflict = AddStateToSet(neighborUnsatisfied, condition);
                            if (!isNoConflict)
                                //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Found conflict when adding condition " + condition.Name + condition.Value + "to neighbor UNsatisfied set", CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);

                    //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Successfully added preconditions for action " + action.Name, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

                    //now we check if the above neighbor unsatisfied+satisfied combination exists in any open or closed nodes
                    //if in closed nodes, we skip this neighbor. if in open nodes, we will calculate its heuristic cost
                    //if not in any set, create a new node
                    bool isInClosed = false;
                    foreach (GoapStateGraphNode node in closedNodes)
                        if (CompareWorldStatesEqual(node.UnsatisfiedStates, neighborUnsatisfied) && CompareWorldStatesEqual(node.SatisfiedStates, neighborSatisfied))
                            isInClosed = true;

                    if (isInClosed)

                    //CsDebug.Inst.Log("checking if node already exists in openNodes", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    GoapStateGraphNode openNode = null;
                    foreach (GoapStateGraphNode node in openNodes)
                        if (CompareWorldStatesEqual(node.UnsatisfiedStates, neighborUnsatisfied) && CompareWorldStatesEqual(node.SatisfiedStates, neighborSatisfied))
                            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Node already exists", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                            openNode = node;

                    float tentativeCost = bestOpenNode.CostSinceStart + action.GetActionCost();

                    if (openNode != null)
                        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Node exists, check its cost", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                        if (tentativeCost >= openNode.CostSinceStart)
                            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Invalid path!", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                            //this is NOT a good path
                        //add a new node into openNodes
                        openNode = new GoapStateGraphNode(neighborUnsatisfied, neighborSatisfied);
                        CsDebug.Inst.Log("Adding a new neighbor node with " + neighborUnsatisfied.Count() + " unsatisfied conditions", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("~~~~~~~~~Found a valid path, assigning neighbor parameters" + action.Name, CsDLevel.Info, CsDComponent.AI);
                    openNode.CameFrom       = bestOpenNode;
                    openNode.CameFromAction = action;
                    openNode.CostSinceStart = tentativeCost;
                    openNode.HeuristicCost  = openNode.CostSinceStart + GetHeuristic(openNode);

        if (resultFirstNode == null)
            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("No path found! Exiting planner.", CsDLevel.Info, CsDComponent.AI);

        Queue <GoapAction> actions     = new Queue <GoapAction>();
        GoapStateGraphNode currentNode = resultFirstNode;

        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Start enqueueing actions", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);

        while (currentNode.CameFrom != null)
            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Enqueueing action " + currentNode.CameFromAction.Name, CsDLevel.Info, CsDComponent.AI);
            //Debug.Log("Enqueueing action " + currentNode.CameFromAction.Name);
            currentNode = currentNode.CameFrom;

Ejemplo n.º 8
	public GoapStateGraphNode AddNode(List<GoapWorldState> unsatisfied, List<GoapWorldState> satisfied)
		GoapStateGraphNode node = new GoapStateGraphNode(unsatisfied, satisfied);
		return node;