Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void Begin(float duration, GoEaseType easeType = GoEaseType.Linear)
     foreach (var system in warpStarSystems)
         system.Begin(duration, easeType);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static GoTween localPositionToEasedSafe(this Transform t, GoEaseType easeType, float duration, Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false)
            if (runningTweens == null)
                runningTweens = new Dictionary <Transform, GoTweenTypes>();

            if (false == runningTweens.ContainsKey(t))
                runningTweens.Add(t, new GoTweenTypes());

            if ((runningTweens[t].localPosition == null || runningTweens[t].localPosition.state != GoTweenState.Running) && (runningTweens[t].position == null || runningTweens[t].position.state != GoTweenState.Running))
                var tween = t.localPositionToEased(easeType, duration, endValue, isRelative);
                runningTweens[t].localPosition = tween;
                Debug.Log(t.displayName + " new position Tween was ignored \n easeType: " + easeType.ToString()
                          + "\n duration: " + duration
                          + "\n endValue: " + endValue.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
	public static GoTween MakeTween(
		Transform TheTransform, 
		Vector3 Position, 
		Quaternion Rotation, 
		float MoveTime = 0.5f, 
		bool IsLocal = false, 
		GoEaseType Ease = GoEaseType.Linear,
		VoidDelegate OnCompleteFunction = null
		GoTweenConfig Config = new GoTweenConfig();
		Config.addTweenProperty(new PositionTweenProperty(Position, false, IsLocal));
		//Config.addTweenProperty(new EulerAnglesTweenProperty(Rotation, false, IsLocal));
		Config.addTweenProperty(new RotationQuaternionTweenProperty(Rotation, false, IsLocal));
		if(OnCompleteFunction != null){
			Config.onComplete(c => {
		GoTween NewTween = new GoTween(TheTransform, MoveTime, Config);
		return NewTween;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// sets the ease curve for the Tween
    /// </summary>
    public GoTweenConfig setEaseCurve(AnimationCurve easeCurve)
        this.easeCurve = easeCurve;
        this.easeType  = GoEaseType.AnimationCurve;

Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void Begin(float duration, GoEaseType easeType = GoEaseType.Linear)
        var starsMain = _stars.main;

        starsMain.startSpeed = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(0f);
        _beginTween = Go.to(_stars, duration, new GoTweenConfig().floatProp("startSpeed", _maxSpeed).setEaseType(easeType));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 void EmitGoKitPositionFor(Transform t, Vector3 to, float twDuration, GoEaseType ease)
     t.position = Vector3.zero;
     Go.to(t, twDuration, new GoTweenConfig()
           .addTweenProperty(new PositionTweenProperty(to))
           .onComplete(x => EmitGoKitPositionFor(t, to, twDuration, ease))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 void EmitGoKitScaleFor(Transform t, Vector3 to, float twDuration, GoEaseType ease)
     t.localScale = Vector3.one;
     Go.to(t, twDuration, new GoTweenConfig()
           .addTweenProperty(new ScaleTweenProperty(to))
           .onComplete(x => EmitGoKitScaleFor(t, to, twDuration, ease))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 void EmitGoKitRotationFor(Transform t, Vector3 to, float twDuration, GoEaseType ease)
     t.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
     Go.to(t, twDuration, new GoTweenConfig()
           .addTweenProperty(new RotationTweenProperty(to))
           .onComplete(x => EmitGoKitRotationFor(t, to, twDuration, ease))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    /// <summary>
    /// initializes a new instance and sets up the details according to the config parameter
    /// </summary>
    public GoTween(object target, float duration, GoTweenConfig config, Action <AbstractGoTween> onComplete = null)
        // default to removing on complete
        autoRemoveOnComplete = true;

        this.target     = target;
        this.targetName = target.ToString();
        this.duration   = duration;

        // copy the TweenConfig info over
        id          = config.id;
        delay       = config.delay;
        loopType    = config.loopType;
        iterations  = config.iterations;
        _easeType   = config.easeType;
        updateType  = config.propertyUpdateType;
        isFrom      = config.isFrom;
        timeScale   = config.timeScale;
        _onComplete = config.onCompleteHandler;
        _onStart    = config.onStartHandler;
        _onIterate  = config.onIterateHandler;

        if (config.isPaused)
            state = GoTweenState.Paused;

        // if onComplete is passed to the constructor it wins. it is left as the final param to allow an inline Action to be
        // set and maintain clean code (Actions always try to be the last param of a method)
        if (onComplete != null)
            _onComplete = onComplete;

        // add all our properties
        for (var i = 0; i < config.tweenProperties.Count; i++)
            var tweenProp = config.tweenProperties[i];

            // if the tween property is initialized already it means it is being reused so we need to clone it
            if (tweenProp.isInitialized)
                tweenProp = tweenProp.clone();


        // calculate total duration
        if (iterations < 0)
            totalDuration = float.PositiveInfinity;
            totalDuration = iterations * duration;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public GoTween(object target, float duration, GoTweenConfig config, Action <AbstractGoTween> onComplete = null)
     if (duration <= 0f)
         duration = float.Epsilon;
         UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("tween duration must be greater than 0. coerced to float.Epsilon.");
     base.autoRemoveOnComplete = true;
     base.allowEvents          = true;
     _didInit            = false;
     _didBegin           = false;
     _fireIterationStart = true;
     this.target         = target;
     targetType          = target.GetType();
     base.duration       = duration;
     base.id             = config.id;
     delay             = config.delay;
     base.loopType     = config.loopType;
     base.iterations   = config.iterations;
     _easeType         = config.easeType;
     easeCurve         = config.easeCurve;
     base.updateType   = config.propertyUpdateType;
     isFrom            = config.isFrom;
     base.timeScale    = config.timeScale;
     _onInit           = config.onInitHandler;
     _onBegin          = config.onBeginHandler;
     _onIterationStart = config.onIterationStartHandler;
     _onUpdate         = config.onUpdateHandler;
     _onIterationEnd   = config.onIterationEndHandler;
     _onComplete       = config.onCompleteHandler;
     if (config.isPaused)
         base.state = GoTweenState.Paused;
     if (onComplete != null)
         _onComplete = onComplete;
     for (int i = 0; i < config.tweenProperties.Count; i++)
         AbstractTweenProperty abstractTweenProperty = config.tweenProperties[i];
         if (abstractTweenProperty.isInitialized)
             abstractTweenProperty = abstractTweenProperty.clone();
     if (base.iterations < 0)
         base.totalDuration = float.PositiveInfinity;
         base.totalDuration = (float)base.iterations * duration;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public void End(float duration, GoEaseType easeType = GoEaseType.Linear)
        if (_beginTween.state == GoTweenState.Running)

        Go.to(_camera, duration, new GoTweenConfig().floatProp("fieldOfView", _originalValue).setEaseType(easeType));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static GoTween positionToEased(this Transform t, GoEaseType easeType, float duration, Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false)
            var originalEaseType = Go.defaultEaseType;

            Go.defaultEaseType = easeType;
            var tween = t.positionTo(duration, endValue, isRelative);

            Go.defaultEaseType = originalEaseType;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public void End(float duration, GoEaseType easeType = GoEaseType.Linear)
        if (_beginTween.state == GoTweenState.Running)

        Go.to(_radialBlur, duration, new GoTweenConfig().floatProp("BlurStrength", 0f).setEaseType(easeType));
Ejemplo n.º 14
    public void End(float duration, GoEaseType easeType = GoEaseType.Linear)
        if (_beginTween.state == GoTweenState.Running)

        Go.to(_stars, duration, new GoTweenConfig().floatProp("startSpeed", 100f).setEaseType(easeType).onComplete(t => Stop()));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static GoTween colorToEased(this SpriteRenderer sr, GoEaseType easeType, float duration, Color endValue)
            var originalEaseType = Go.defaultEaseType;

            Go.defaultEaseType = easeType;
            var tween = sr.material.colorTo(duration, endValue);

            Go.defaultEaseType = originalEaseType;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static IEnumerator DoEaseFor(float duration, GoEaseType easeType, Action <float> lerpCallback)
            // NOTE (darren): are you serious GoTween...
            Func <float, float, float, float, float> easeFunction = GoTweenUtils.easeFunctionForType(easeType);

            for (float time = 0.0f; time <= duration; time += Time.deltaTime)
                float percentage = easeFunction.Invoke(time, 0, 1, duration);
                yield return(null);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static IEnumerator MoveTo(GameObject obj, Vector3 destination, float duration, GoEaseType ease = GoEaseType.Linear, bool waitForCompletion = false)
            var tween = Go.to ( obj.transform, duration, new GoTweenConfig()
                                                    .position( destination )
                                                    .setEaseType( ease )

            if (waitForCompletion)
                yield return WaitForTweenComplete( tween );
            } else {
                yield return null;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    /// <summary>
    /// initializes a new instance and sets up the details according to the config parameter
    /// </summary>
    public GoTween( object target, float duration, GoTweenConfig config, Action<AbstractGoTween> onComplete = null )
        // default to removing on complete
        autoRemoveOnComplete = true;

        this.target = target;
        this.targetName = target.ToString();
        this.duration = duration;

        // copy the TweenConfig info over
        id = config.id;
        delay = config.delay;
        loopType = config.loopType;
        iterations = config.iterations;
        _easeType = config.easeType;
        updateType = config.propertyUpdateType;
        isFrom = config.isFrom;
        timeScale = config.timeScale;
        _onComplete = config.onCompleteHandler;
        _onStart = config.onStartHandler;
        _onIterate = config.onIterateHandler;

        if( config.isPaused )
            state = GoTweenState.Paused;

        // if onComplete is passed to the constructor it wins. it is left as the final param to allow an inline Action to be
        // set and maintain clean code (Actions always try to be the last param of a method)
        if( onComplete != null )
            _onComplete = onComplete;

        // add all our properties
        for( var i = 0; i < config.tweenProperties.Count; i++ )
            var tweenProp = config.tweenProperties[i];

            // if the tween property is initialized already it means it is being reused so we need to clone it
            if( tweenProp.isInitialized )
                tweenProp = tweenProp.clone();

            addTweenProperty( tweenProp );

        // calculate total duration
        if( iterations < 0 )
            totalDuration = float.PositiveInfinity;
            totalDuration = iterations * duration;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public void TweenTo( float targetOpacity, float duration, float delay= 0, GoEaseType easeType=GoEaseType.Linear, System.Action onComplete=null )
        Activate( opacity );
        state = State.Tweening;

        if ( fadeTween != null )

        fadeTween = Go.to( this, duration, new GoTweenConfig()
                                .floatProp("opacity", targetOpacity)
                                .setEaseType( easeType )
                                .setDelay( delay )
                                .onComplete( t => {
                                                                fadeTween = null;
                                                                state = State.Normal;
                                                                if ( onComplete != null )
Ejemplo n.º 20
 internal GoTween Animate( GameObject target, float duration, GoEaseType ease, bool loopsInfinitely, bool isRelative = false )
     GoTween tween = null;
     if ( Points.Count > 2 )
         tween = Go.to ( target.transform, duration, new GoTweenConfig ().positionPath ( CreateSpline (), isRelative ) );
         tween.eases ( ease );
         if ( loopsInfinitely )
             tween.loopsInfinitely ();
     else if ( Points.Count > 1 )
         target.transform.position = Points[0];
         tween = target.transform.positionTo ( duration, Points[1] );
         tween.eases ( ease );
         if ( loopsInfinitely )
             tween.loopsInfinitely ( GoLoopType.PingPong );
     return tween;
    public IEnumerator Transition(string name, GoEaseType type, Vector3 destination, Vector3 scale, Vector3 rotation, float transparency, float duration)
        var go = GameObject.Find(name);

        if (!go)
            yield return(null);
            var ended = false;
            Go.addTween(new GoTween(ElementHandlerFactory.Instance.CreateHandlerFor(go), duration, new GoTweenConfig()
                                    .vector3Prop("Position", destination)
                                    .vector3Prop("Scale", scale)
                                    .vector3Prop("Rotation", rotation)
                                    .floatProp("Transparency", transparency),
                                    (tween) => ended = true
            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => ended));
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public void TweenTo(float targetOpacity, float duration, float delay = 0, GoEaseType easeType = GoEaseType.Linear, System.Action onComplete = null)
        state = State.Tweening;

        if (fadeTween != null)

        fadeTween = Go.to(this, duration, new GoTweenConfig()
                          .floatProp("opacity", targetOpacity)
                          .onComplete(t => {
            fadeTween = null;
            state     = State.Normal;
            if (onComplete != null)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 internal static GoTween eases( this GoTween tween, GoEaseType ease )
     tween.easeType = ease;
     return tween;
Ejemplo n.º 24
	/// <summary>
	/// sets the ease type for the Tween
	/// </summary>
	public GoTweenConfig setEaseType( GoEaseType easeType )
		this.easeType = easeType;

		return this;
Ejemplo n.º 25
    void SetupTweens()
        // Ease
        DG.Tweening.Ease           dotweenEase = easing == Easing.Linear ? DG.Tweening.Ease.Linear : DG.Tweening.Ease.InOutQuad;
        Holoville.HOTween.EaseType hotweenEase = easing == Easing.Linear ? Holoville.HOTween.EaseType.Linear : Holoville.HOTween.EaseType.EaseInOutQuad;
        LeanTweenType leanEase = easing == Easing.Linear ? LeanTweenType.linear : LeanTweenType.easeInOutQuad;
        GoEaseType    goEase   = easing == Easing.Linear ? GoEaseType.Linear : GoEaseType.QuadInOut;

        iTween.EaseType iTweenEase = easing == Easing.Linear ? iTween.EaseType.linear : iTween.EaseType.easeInOutQuad;
        // Loop
        int loops = testSetup == TestSetup.Emit ? 1 : -1;

        DG.Tweening.LoopType       dotweenLoopType = testSetup == TestSetup.YoyoLoop ? DG.Tweening.LoopType.Yoyo : DG.Tweening.LoopType.Restart;
        Holoville.HOTween.LoopType hotweenLoopType = testSetup == TestSetup.YoyoLoop ? Holoville.HOTween.LoopType.Yoyo : Holoville.HOTween.LoopType.Restart;
        LeanTweenType leanLoopType = testSetup == TestSetup.YoyoLoop ? LeanTweenType.pingPong : LeanTweenType.clamp;
        GoLoopType    goLoopType   = testSetup == TestSetup.YoyoLoop ? GoLoopType.PingPong : GoLoopType.RestartFromBeginning;

        iTween.LoopType iTweenLoopType = loops != -1 ? iTween.LoopType.none : testSetup == TestSetup.YoyoLoop ? iTween.LoopType.pingPong : iTween.LoopType.loop;
        // Create tweens
        switch (testType)
        case TestType.Floats:
            for (int i = 0; i < numTweens; ++i)
                TestObjectData data = testObjsData[i];
                switch (engine)
                case Engine.HOTween:
                    HOTween.To(data, duration, new Holoville.HOTween.TweenParms()
                               .Prop("floatValue", rndFloats[i])
                               .Loops(loops, hotweenLoopType)

                case Engine.LeanTween:
                    LeanTween.value(this.gameObject, x => data.floatValue = x, data.floatValue, rndFloats[i], duration).setEase(leanEase).setRepeat(loops).setLoopType(leanLoopType);

                case Engine.GoKit:
                    Go.to(data, duration, new GoTweenConfig()
                          .floatProp("floatValueProperty", rndFloats[i])
                          .setIterations(loops, goLoopType)

                case Engine.iTween:
                    Hashtable hs = new Hashtable();
                    hs.Add("from", data.floatValue);
                    hs.Add("to", rndFloats[i]);
                    hs.Add("time", duration);
                    hs.Add("onupdate", "UpdateiTweenFloat");
                    hs.Add("looptype", iTweenLoopType);
                    hs.Add("easetype", iTweenEase);
                    iTween.ValueTo(this.gameObject, hs);

                    // tCopy is needed to create correct closure object,
                    // otherwise closure will pass the same t to all the loop
                    TestObjectData dataCopy = data;
                    DOTween.To(() => dataCopy.floatValue, x => dataCopy.floatValue = x, rndFloats[i], duration).SetEase(dotweenEase).SetLoops(loops, dotweenLoopType);

            for (int i = 0; i < numTweens; ++i)
                float      twDuration = testSetup == TestSetup.Emit ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.25f, 1f) : duration;
                Transform  t          = testObjsTrans[i];
                GameObject go         = testObjsGos[i];         // Used by LeanTween and iTween
                switch (engine)
                case Engine.HOTween:
                    Holoville.HOTween.TweenParms tp = new Holoville.HOTween.TweenParms()
                                                      .Loops(loops, hotweenLoopType);
                    if (positionTween)
                        Vector3 toPos = rndPositions[i];
                        tp.Prop("position", toPos);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            tp.OnComplete(() => EmitHOTweenPositionFor(t, toPos, twDuration, hotweenEase));
                    if (rotationTween)
                        Vector3 toRot = rndRotations[i];
                        tp.Prop("rotation", toRot);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            tp.OnComplete(() => EmitHOTweenRotationFor(t, toRot, twDuration, hotweenEase));
                    if (scaleTween)
                        tp.Prop("localScale", rndScale);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            tp.OnComplete(() => EmitHOTweenScaleFor(t, rndScale, twDuration, hotweenEase));
                    HOTween.To(t, twDuration, tp);

                case Engine.LeanTween:
                    LTDescr leanTween;
                    if (positionTween)
                        Vector3 toPos = rndPositions[i];
                        leanTween = LeanTween.move(go, rndPositions[i], twDuration).setEase(leanEase).setRepeat(loops).setLoopType(leanLoopType);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            leanTween.setOnComplete(() => EmitLeanTweenPositionFor(t, go, toPos, twDuration, leanEase));
                    if (rotationTween)
                        Vector3 toRot = rndRotations[i];
                        leanTween = LeanTween.rotate(go, rndRotations[i], twDuration).setEase(leanEase).setRepeat(loops).setLoopType(leanLoopType);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            leanTween.setOnComplete(() => EmitLeanTweenRotationFor(t, go, toRot, twDuration, leanEase));
                    if (scaleTween)
                        leanTween = LeanTween.scale(go, rndScale, twDuration).setEase(leanEase).setRepeat(loops).setLoopType(leanLoopType);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            leanTween.setOnComplete(() => EmitLeanTweenScaleFor(t, go, rndScale, twDuration, leanEase));

                case Engine.GoKit:
                    GoTweenConfig goConfig = new GoTweenConfig()
                                             .setIterations(loops, goLoopType);
                    if (positionTween)
                        Vector3 toPos = rndPositions[i];
                        goConfig.addTweenProperty(new PositionTweenProperty(toPos));
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            goConfig.onComplete(x => EmitGoKitPositionFor(t, toPos, twDuration, goEase));
                    if (rotationTween)
                        Vector3 toRot = rndRotations[i];
                        goConfig.addTweenProperty(new RotationTweenProperty(toRot));
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            goConfig.onComplete(x => EmitGoKitRotationFor(t, toRot, twDuration, goEase));
                    if (scaleTween)
                        goConfig.addTweenProperty(new ScaleTweenProperty(rndScale));
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            goConfig.onComplete(x => EmitGoKitScaleFor(t, rndScale, twDuration, goEase));
                    Go.to(t, twDuration, goConfig);

                case Engine.iTween:
                    Hashtable hs;
                    if (positionTween)
                        hs = new Hashtable();
                        hs.Add("position", rndPositions[i]);
                        hs.Add("time", twDuration);
                        hs.Add("looptype", iTweenLoopType);
                        hs.Add("easetype", iTweenEase);
                        iTween.MoveTo(go, hs);
                    if (rotationTween)
                        hs = new Hashtable();
                        hs.Add("rotation", rndRotations[i]);
                        hs.Add("time", twDuration);
                        hs.Add("looptype", iTweenLoopType);
                        hs.Add("easetype", iTweenEase);
                        iTween.RotateTo(go, hs);
                    if (scaleTween)
                        hs = new Hashtable();
                        hs.Add("scale", rndScale);
                        hs.Add("time", twDuration);
                        hs.Add("looptype", iTweenLoopType);
                        hs.Add("easetype", iTweenEase);
                        iTween.ScaleTo(go, hs);

                    // tCopy is needed to create correct closure object,
                    // otherwise closure will pass the same t to all the loop
                    Transform         tCopy = t;
                    DG.Tweening.Tween dotween;
                    if (positionTween)
                        Vector3 toPos = rndPositions[i];
                        dotween = tCopy.DOMove(toPos, twDuration).SetEase(dotweenEase).SetLoops(loops, dotweenLoopType);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            dotween.OnComplete(() => EmitDOTweenPositionFor(t, toPos, twDuration, dotweenEase));
                    if (rotationTween)
                        Vector3 toRot = rndRotations[i];
                        dotween = tCopy.DORotate(toRot, twDuration).SetEase(dotweenEase).SetLoops(loops, dotweenLoopType);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            dotween.OnComplete(() => EmitDOTweenRotationFor(t, toRot, twDuration, dotweenEase));
                    if (scaleTween)
                        dotween = tCopy.DOScale(rndScale, twDuration).SetEase(dotweenEase).SetLoops(loops, dotweenLoopType);
                        if (testSetup == TestSetup.Emit)
                            dotween.OnComplete(() => EmitDOTweenScaleFor(t, rndScale, twDuration, dotweenEase));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void Begin(float duration, float fOVZoomInValue, GoEaseType easeType = GoEaseType.Linear)
     _beginTween = Go.to(_camera, duration, new GoTweenConfig().floatProp("fieldOfView", fOVZoomInValue).setEaseType(easeType));
	/// <summary>
	/// sets the ease type for this tween property
	/// technically, this should be an internal method
	/// </summary>
	public void setEaseType( GoEaseType easeType )
		_easeFunction = GoTweenUtils.easeFunctionForType( easeType );
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// fetches the actual function for the given ease type
        /// </summary>
        public static Func <float, float, float> EaseFunctionForType(GoEaseType easeType)
//			switch(easeType)
//			{
//				case GoEaseType.Linear:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Linear.EaseNone;
//				case GoEaseType.BackIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Back.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.BackOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Back.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.BackInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Back.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.BounceIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Bounce.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.BounceOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Bounce.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.BounceInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Bounce.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.CircIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Circular.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.CircOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Circular.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.CircInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Circular.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.CubicIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Cubic.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.CubicOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Cubic.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.CubicInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Cubic.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.ElasticIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Elastic.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.ElasticOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Elastic.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.ElasticInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Elastic.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.Punch:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Elastic.Punch;
//				case GoEaseType.ExpoIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Exponential.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.ExpoOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Exponential.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.ExpoInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Exponential.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.QuadIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quadratic.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.QuadOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quadratic.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.QuadInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quadratic.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.QuartIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quartic.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.QuartOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quartic.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.QuartInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quartic.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.QuintIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quintic.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.QuintOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quartic.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.QuintInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Quartic.EaseInOut;
//				case GoEaseType.SineIn:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Sinusoidal.EaseIn;
//				case GoEaseType.SineOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Sinusoidal.EaseOut;
//				case GoEaseType.SineInOut:
//					return GoKitLiteEasing.Sinusoidal.EaseInOut;
//			}
//			return GoKitLiteEasing.Linear.EaseNone;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// sets the ease type for this tween property
 /// technically, this should be an internal method
 /// </summary>
 public void setEaseType(GoEaseType easeType)
     _easeFunction = GoTweenUtils.easeFunctionForType(easeType);
Ejemplo n.º 30
    /// <summary>
    /// initializes a new instance and sets up the details according to the config parameter
    /// </summary>
    public GoTween( object target, float duration, GoTweenConfig config, Action<AbstractGoTween> onComplete = null )
        // default to removing on complete
        autoRemoveOnComplete = true;

        // allow events by default
        allowEvents = true;

        // setup callback bools
        _didInit = false;
        _didBegin = false;

        // flag the onIterationStart event to fire.
        // as long as goTo is not called on this tween, the onIterationStart event will fire
        // as soon as the delay, if any, is completed.
        _fireIterationStart = true;

        this.target = target;
        this.targetTypeString = target.GetType().ToString();
        this.duration = duration;

        // copy the TweenConfig info over
        id = config.id;
        delay = config.delay;
        loopType = config.loopType;
        iterations = config.iterations;
        _easeType = config.easeType;
        updateType = config.propertyUpdateType;
        isFrom = config.isFrom;
        timeScale = config.timeScale;

        _onInit = config.onInitHandler;
        _onBegin = config.onBeginHandler;
        _onIterationStart = config.onIterationStartHandler;
        _onUpdate = config.onUpdateHandler;
        _onIterationEnd = config.onIterationEndHandler;
        _onComplete = config.onCompleteHandler;

        if( config.isPaused )
            state = GoTweenState.Paused;

        // if onComplete is passed to the constructor it wins. it is left as the final param to allow an inline Action to be
        // set and maintain clean code (Actions always try to be the last param of a method)
        if( onComplete != null )
            _onComplete = onComplete;

        // add all our properties
        for( var i = 0; i < config.tweenProperties.Count; ++i )
            var tweenProp = config.tweenProperties[i];

            // if the tween property is initialized already it means it is being reused so we need to clone it
            if( tweenProp.isInitialized )
                tweenProp = tweenProp.clone();

            addTweenProperty( tweenProp );

        // calculate total duration
        if( iterations < 0 )
            totalDuration = float.PositiveInfinity;
            totalDuration = iterations * duration;
	void EmitGoKitRotationFor(Transform t, Vector3 to, float twDuration, GoEaseType ease)
		t.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
		Go.to(t, twDuration, new GoTweenConfig()
			.addTweenProperty(new RotationTweenProperty(to))
			.onComplete(x=> EmitGoKitRotationFor(t, to, twDuration, ease))
	void EmitGoKitScaleFor(Transform t, Vector3 to, float twDuration, GoEaseType ease)
		t.localScale = Vector3.one;
		Go.to(t, twDuration, new GoTweenConfig()
			.addTweenProperty(new ScaleTweenProperty(to))
			.onComplete(x=> EmitGoKitScaleFor(t, to, twDuration, ease))
	void EmitGoKitPositionFor(Transform t, Vector3 to, float twDuration, GoEaseType ease)
		t.position = Vector3.zero;
		Go.to(t, twDuration, new GoTweenConfig()
			.addTweenProperty(new PositionTweenProperty(to))
			.onComplete(x=> EmitGoKitPositionFor(t, to, twDuration, ease))
Ejemplo n.º 34
	/// <summary>
	/// sets the ease curve for the Tween
	/// </summary>
	public GoTweenConfig setEaseCurve( AnimationCurve easeCurve )
		this.easeCurve = easeCurve;
		this.easeType = GoEaseType.AnimationCurve;

		return this;
Ejemplo n.º 35
    internal static GoTweenChain animateJelly(this Transform transform, float time, float value, int repeatCount = 1, GoEaseType ease = GoEaseType.QuadInOut)
        Vector3 scaleAtStart = transform.localScale;

        GoTweenChain chain = new GoTweenChain();

        for (int i = repeatCount; i > 0; i--)
            float factor = ((float)i) / repeatCount;

            Vector3 target = new Vector3(scaleAtStart.x + (value * factor), scaleAtStart.y - (value * factor), scaleAtStart.z);
            chain.append(transform.scaleTo(time * factor, target).eases(ease));

            target = new Vector3(scaleAtStart.x - (value * factor), scaleAtStart.y + (value * factor), scaleAtStart.z);
            chain.append(transform.scaleTo(time * factor, target).eases(ease));

        chain.append(transform.scaleTo(time / repeatCount, scaleAtStart).eases(ease));

Ejemplo n.º 36
    /// <summary>
    /// initializes a new instance and sets up the details according to the config parameter
    /// </summary>
    public GoTween(object target, float duration, GoTweenConfig config, Action <AbstractGoTween> onComplete = null)
        // all tweens must be intialized to have a duration greater than zero. keep in mind that this will ensure
        // the tween occurs over two frames: the initialized value, and the final value. if you are looking for a
        // tween to reach the end of it's tween immediately, be sure to call complete() on it after creation.
        if (duration <= 0)
            duration = float.Epsilon;
            Debug.LogError("tween duration must be greater than 0. coerced to float.Epsilon.");

        // default to removing on complete
        autoRemoveOnComplete = true;

        // allow events by default
        allowEvents = true;

        // setup callback bools
        _didInit  = false;
        _didBegin = false;

        // flag the onIterationStart event to fire.
        // as long as goTo is not called on this tween, the onIterationStart event will fire
        // as soon as the delay, if any, is completed.
        _fireIterationStart = true;

        this.target     = target;
        this.targetType = target.GetType();
        this.duration   = duration;

        // copy the TweenConfig info over
        id         = config.id;
        delay      = config.delay;
        loopType   = config.loopType;
        iterations = config.iterations;
        _easeType  = config.easeType;
        easeCurve  = config.easeCurve;
        updateType = config.propertyUpdateType;
        isFrom     = config.isFrom;
        timeScale  = config.timeScale;

        _onInit           = config.onInitHandler;
        _onBegin          = config.onBeginHandler;
        _onIterationStart = config.onIterationStartHandler;
        _onUpdate         = config.onUpdateHandler;
        _onIterationEnd   = config.onIterationEndHandler;
        _onComplete       = config.onCompleteHandler;

        if (config.isPaused)
            state = GoTweenState.Paused;

        // if onComplete is passed to the constructor it wins. it is left as the final param to allow an inline Action to be
        // set and maintain clean code (Actions always try to be the last param of a method)
        if (onComplete != null)
            _onComplete = onComplete;

        // add all our properties
        for (var i = 0; i < config.tweenProperties.Count; ++i)
            var tweenProp = config.tweenProperties[i];

            // if the tween property is initialized already it means it is being reused so we need to clone it
            if (tweenProp.isInitialized)
                tweenProp = tweenProp.clone();


        // calculate total duration
        if (iterations < 0)
            totalDuration = float.PositiveInfinity;
            totalDuration = iterations * duration;
Ejemplo n.º 37
    /// <summary>
    /// initializes a new instance and sets up the details according to the config parameter
    /// </summary>
    public GoTween(object target, float duration, GoTweenConfig config, Action <AbstractGoTween> onComplete = null)
        // default to removing on complete
        autoRemoveOnComplete = true;

        // allow events by default
        allowEvents = true;

        // setup callback bools
        _didInit  = false;
        _didBegin = false;

        // flag the onIterationStart event to fire.
        // as long as goTo is not called on this tween, the onIterationStart event will fire
        // as soon as the delay, if any, is completed.
        _fireIterationStart = true;

        this.target           = target;
        this.targetTypeString = target.GetType().ToString();
        this.duration         = duration;

        // copy the TweenConfig info over
        id         = config.id;
        delay      = config.delay;
        loopType   = config.loopType;
        iterations = config.iterations;
        _easeType  = config.easeType;
        updateType = config.propertyUpdateType;
        isFrom     = config.isFrom;
        timeScale  = config.timeScale;

        _onInit           = config.onInitHandler;
        _onBegin          = config.onBeginHandler;
        _onIterationStart = config.onIterationStartHandler;
        _onUpdate         = config.onUpdateHandler;
        _onIterationEnd   = config.onIterationEndHandler;
        _onComplete       = config.onCompleteHandler;

        if (config.isPaused)
            state = GoTweenState.Paused;

        // if onComplete is passed to the constructor it wins. it is left as the final param to allow an inline Action to be
        // set and maintain clean code (Actions always try to be the last param of a method)
        if (onComplete != null)
            _onComplete = onComplete;

        // add all our properties
        for (var i = 0; i < config.tweenProperties.Count; ++i)
            var tweenProp = config.tweenProperties[i];

            // if the tween property is initialized already it means it is being reused so we need to clone it
            if (tweenProp.isInitialized)
                tweenProp = tweenProp.clone();


        // calculate total duration
        if (iterations < 0)
            totalDuration = float.PositiveInfinity;
            totalDuration = iterations * duration;
Ejemplo n.º 38
    internal static GoTweenChain animateJellyInfinite( this Transform transform, float time, float value, GoEaseType ease = GoEaseType.QuadInOut )
        GoTweenChain chain = new GoTweenChain ();

        Vector3 scaleAtStart = transform.localScale;
        Vector3 target = new Vector3 ( scaleAtStart.x - value, scaleAtStart.y + value, scaleAtStart.z );
        transform.localScale = target;

        target = new Vector3 ( scaleAtStart.x + value, scaleAtStart.y - value, scaleAtStart.z );
        chain.append ( transform.scaleTo ( time, target ).eases ( ease ) );

        target = new Vector3 ( scaleAtStart.x - value, scaleAtStart.y + value, scaleAtStart.z );
        chain.append ( transform.scaleTo ( time, target ).eases ( ease ) );

        chain.loopCount = -1;
        chain.play ();

        return chain;
Ejemplo n.º 39
	public static GoTween MakeTweenScale(
		Transform TheTransform,
		Vector3 Scale,
		float MoveTime,
		bool IsLocal = false,
		GoEaseType Ease = GoEaseType.Linear,
		VoidDelegate OnCompleteFunction = null
		GoTweenConfig Config = new GoTweenConfig();
		Config.addTweenProperty(new ScaleTweenProperty(Scale, false));
		if(OnCompleteFunction != null){
			Config.onComplete(c => {
		GoTween NewTween = new GoTween(TheTransform, MoveTime, Config);
		return NewTween;
    public IEnumerator Flip(string name, bool horizontal = true, bool vertical = false, float duration = 1f, GoEaseType type = GoEaseType.QuadInOut)
        var go = GameObject.Find(name);

        if (!go)
            yield return(null);
            var ended   = false;
            var handler = ElementHandlerFactory.Instance.CreateHandlerFor(go);

            Go.addTween(new GoTween(handler, duration, new GoTweenConfig()
                                    .vector3Prop("Scale", new Vector3(
                                                     (horizontal ? -1 : 1) * handler.Scale.x,
                                                     (vertical   ? -1 : 1) * handler.Scale.y,
                                    (tween) => ended = true
            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => ended));
Ejemplo n.º 41
    internal static GoTweenChain animateJellyInfinite(this Transform transform, float time, float value, GoEaseType ease = GoEaseType.QuadInOut)
        GoTweenChain chain = new GoTweenChain();

        Vector3 scaleAtStart = transform.localScale;
        Vector3 target       = new Vector3(scaleAtStart.x - value, scaleAtStart.y + value, scaleAtStart.z);

        transform.localScale = target;

        target = new Vector3(scaleAtStart.x + value, scaleAtStart.y - value, scaleAtStart.z);
        chain.append(transform.scaleTo(time, target).eases(ease));

        target = new Vector3(scaleAtStart.x - value, scaleAtStart.y + value, scaleAtStart.z);
        chain.append(transform.scaleTo(time, target).eases(ease));

        chain.loopCount = -1;

Ejemplo n.º 42
    /// <summary>
    /// fetches the actual function for the given ease type
    /// </summary>
    public static Func <float, float, float, float, float> easeFunctionForType(GoEaseType easeType)
        switch (easeType)
        case GoEaseType.Linear:

        case GoEaseType.BackIn:

        case GoEaseType.BackOut:

        case GoEaseType.BackInOut:

        case GoEaseType.BounceIn:

        case GoEaseType.BounceOut:

        case GoEaseType.BounceInOut:

        case GoEaseType.CircIn:

        case GoEaseType.CircOut:

        case GoEaseType.CircInOut:

        case GoEaseType.CubicIn:

        case GoEaseType.CubicOut:

        case GoEaseType.CubicInOut:

        case GoEaseType.ElasticIn:

        case GoEaseType.ElasticOut:

        case GoEaseType.ElasticInOut:

        case GoEaseType.Punch:

        case GoEaseType.ExpoIn:

        case GoEaseType.ExpoOut:

        case GoEaseType.ExpoInOut:

        case GoEaseType.QuadIn:

        case GoEaseType.QuadOut:

        case GoEaseType.QuadInOut:

        case GoEaseType.QuartIn:

        case GoEaseType.QuartOut:

        case GoEaseType.QuartInOut:

        case GoEaseType.QuintIn:

        case GoEaseType.QuintOut:

        case GoEaseType.QuintInOut:

        case GoEaseType.SineIn:

        case GoEaseType.SineOut:

        case GoEaseType.SineInOut:

    public IEnumerator FadeIn(string name, Vector3 movement, Vector3 sizeChange, float duration = 2f, GoEaseType type = GoEaseType.QuintInOut)
        var go = GameObject.Find(name);

        if (!go)
            yield return(null);
            var ended   = false;
            var handler = ElementHandlerFactory.Instance.CreateHandlerFor(go);

            handler.Position = handler.Position - movement;
            handler.Scale    = handler.Scale - sizeChange;

            Go.addTween(new GoTween(handler, duration, new GoTweenConfig()
                                    .vector3Prop("Position", movement, true)
                                    .vector3Prop("Scale", sizeChange, true)
                                    .floatProp("Transparency", 1),
                                    (tween) => ended = true
            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => ended));
Ejemplo n.º 44
    internal static GoTweenChain animateJelly( this Transform transform, float time, float value, int repeatCount = 1, GoEaseType ease = GoEaseType.QuadInOut )
        Vector3 scaleAtStart = transform.localScale;

        GoTweenChain chain = new GoTweenChain ();
        for ( int i = repeatCount; i > 0; i-- )
            float factor = ( (float)i ) / repeatCount;

            Vector3 target = new Vector3 ( scaleAtStart.x + ( value * factor ), scaleAtStart.y - ( value * factor ), scaleAtStart.z );
            chain.append ( transform.scaleTo ( time * factor, target ).eases ( ease ) );

            target = new Vector3 ( scaleAtStart.x - ( value * factor ), scaleAtStart.y + ( value * factor ), scaleAtStart.z );
            chain.append ( transform.scaleTo ( time * factor, target ).eases ( ease ) );

        chain.append ( transform.scaleTo ( time / repeatCount, scaleAtStart ).eases ( ease ) );
        chain.play ();

        return chain;
Ejemplo n.º 45
    /// <summary>
    /// initializes a new instance and sets up the details according to the config parameter
    /// </summary>
    public GoTween( object target, float duration, GoTweenConfig config, Action<AbstractGoTween> onComplete = null )
        // all tweens must be intialized to have a duration greater than zero. keep in mind that this will ensure
        // the tween occurs over two frames: the initialized value, and the final value. if you are looking for a
        // tween to reach the end of it's tween immediately, be sure to call complete() on it after creation.
        if( duration <= 0 )
            duration = float.Epsilon;
            Debug.LogError( "tween duration must be greater than 0. coerced to float.Epsilon." );

        // default to removing on complete
        autoRemoveOnComplete = true;

        // allow events by default
        allowEvents = true;

        // setup callback bools
        _didInit = false;
        _didBegin = false;

        // flag the onIterationStart event to fire.
        // as long as goTo is not called on this tween, the onIterationStart event will fire
        // as soon as the delay, if any, is completed.
        _fireIterationStart = true;

        this.target = target;
        this.targetType = target.GetType();
        this.duration = duration;

        // copy the TweenConfig info over
        id = config.id;
        delay = config.delay;
        loopType = config.loopType;
        iterations = config.iterations;
        _easeType = config.easeType;
        easeCurve = config.easeCurve;
        updateType = config.propertyUpdateType;
        isFrom = config.isFrom;
        timeScale = config.timeScale;

        _onInit = config.onInitHandler;
        _onBegin = config.onBeginHandler;
        _onIterationStart = config.onIterationStartHandler;
        _onUpdate = config.onUpdateHandler;
        _onIterationEnd = config.onIterationEndHandler;
        _onComplete = config.onCompleteHandler;

        if( config.isPaused )
            state = GoTweenState.Paused;

        // if onComplete is passed to the constructor it wins. it is left as the final param to allow an inline Action to be
        // set and maintain clean code (Actions always try to be the last param of a method)
        if( onComplete != null )
            _onComplete = onComplete;

        // add all our properties
        for( var i = 0; i < config.tweenProperties.Count; ++i )
            var tweenProp = config.tweenProperties[i];

            // if the tween property is initialized already it means it is being reused so we need to clone it
            if( tweenProp.isInitialized )
                tweenProp = tweenProp.clone();

            addTweenProperty( tweenProp );

        // calculate total duration
        if( iterations < 0 )
            totalDuration = float.PositiveInfinity;
            totalDuration = iterations * duration;
Ejemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// sets the ease type for the Tween
        /// </summary>
        public GoTweenConfig setEaseType(GoEaseType easeType)
            this.easeType = easeType;

Ejemplo n.º 47
 internal static GoTween eases(this GoTween tween, GoEaseType ease)
     tween.easeType = ease;