Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Bone LoadBone(GmdFile.BoneTransform boneTransform, Bone parent, GmdFile file, Bone[] boneTable)
            var bone = new Bone();

            bone.Id       = boneTransform.BoneNo;
            bone.Name     = file.BoneNames[boneTransform.BoneNameIndex].ToString();
            bone.Position = boneTransform.LocalPosition;
            bone.Rotation = boneTransform.LocalRotation;
            bone.Scale    = boneTransform.Scale;
            bone.Parent   = parent;
            boneTable[boneTransform.BoneNo] = bone;

            bone.Children.AddRange(GmdUtils.GetChildren(boneTransform, file.BoneTransforms).Select(bt => LoadBone(bt, bone, file, boneTable)));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void LoadGmdFile(GmdFile gmdFile)
            Name = gmdFile.Name;

            Textures = gmdFile.Textures.Select(tex => tex.Name).ToArray();

            Materials = gmdFile.Materials.Select(mat =>
                return(new Material
                    Id = mat.Id,
                    Shader = gmdFile.Shaders[mat.ShaderIndex].ToString(),
                    Textures = mat.TextureIndices.Select(texIdx =>
                        if (texIdx >= 0 && texIdx < Textures.Length)
                            return Textures[texIdx];

                        return null;

            var bones = new Bone[gmdFile.BoneTransforms.Length];

            foreach (var bt in gmdFile.BoneTransforms)
                if (GmdUtils.GetParentBone(bt, gmdFile.BoneTransforms) == null)
                    LoadBone(bt, null, gmdFile, bones);

            Bones = bones.ToArray();

            var nameList = new List <string>();
            var meshes   = new List <Mesh>();

            foreach (var gmdMesh in gmdFile.Meshes)
                var mesh = new Mesh();

                // Console.WriteLine($"------------");

                foreach (var gmdSub in gmdFile.Submeshes.Where(s => s.MeshIndex == gmdMesh.MeshId))
                    var submesh = new Submesh();

                    submesh.Id        = gmdSub.Id;
                    submesh.Name      = GetSubmeshName(Bones[gmdSub.BoneNo].Name, nameList);
                    submesh.Transform = Bones[gmdSub.BoneNo].WorldMatrix;
                    submesh.Material  = Materials[gmdSub.MaterialIndex];
                    submesh.Vertices  = ReadVertices(gmdSub, gmdMesh, gmdFile);
                    submesh.Triangles = new int[gmdSub.IndicesCount / 3, 3];

                    // Console.WriteLine(submesh.Name.PadRight(25, ' ')
                    //                   + submesh.Material.Shader.PadRight(25, ' ')
                    //                   + $"{gmdMesh.HasFlag1} {gmdMesh.HasFlag2} {gmdMesh.HasFlag3}");

                    var offset = gmdSub.IndicesOffset;
                    for (int i = 0; i < gmdSub.IndicesCount / 3; i++)
                        submesh.Triangles[i, 0] = gmdFile.Indices[offset + i * 3].Value - gmdSub.BufferOffset2;
                        submesh.Triangles[i, 1] = gmdFile.Indices[offset + i * 3 + 1].Value - gmdSub.BufferOffset2;
                        submesh.Triangles[i, 2] = gmdFile.Indices[offset + i * 3 + 2].Value - gmdSub.BufferOffset2;

            Meshes = meshes.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private int WriteVertices(BinaryWriter writer, Submesh submesh, int flagCount, List <int> boneIndices)
            var startPosition = writer.BaseStream.Position;

            foreach (var v in submesh.Vertices)
                GmdUtils.WriteVector3(v.Position, writer);

                if (v.BoneIndices != null)
                    writer.Write((byte)(v.BoneWeights[0] * 255));
                    writer.Write((byte)(v.BoneWeights[1] * 255));
                    writer.Write((byte)(v.BoneWeights[2] * 255));
                    writer.Write((byte)(v.BoneWeights[3] * 255));


                GmdUtils.WriteNormal(v.Normal, writer);

                for (int i = 0; i < flagCount; i++)

                // writer.Write(100);
                // writer.Write((byte)0);
                // if ((mesh.Format >> 12 & 7L) == 7L)
                // {
                //     writer.Write(0);
                // }
                // if ((mesh.Format >> 21 & 7L) == 7L)
                // {
                //     writer.Write(0);
                // }
                // if ((mesh.Format >> 24 & 7L) == 7L)
                // {
                //     writer.Write(0);
                // }
                writer.Write(Half.GetBits(new Half(v.Uv0.X)));
                writer.Write(Half.GetBits(new Half(1 - v.Uv0.Y)));

                if (v.Uv1.HasValue)
                    writer.Write(Half.GetBits(new Half(v.Uv1.Value.X)));
                    writer.Write(Half.GetBits(new Half(1 - v.Uv1.Value.Y)));

                if (v.Uv2.HasValue)
                    writer.Write(Half.GetBits(new Half(v.Uv2.Value.X)));
                    writer.Write(Half.GetBits(new Half(1 - v.Uv2.Value.Y)));

                if (v.Uv3.HasValue)
                    writer.Write(Half.GetBits(new Half(v.Uv3.Value.X)));
                    writer.Write(Half.GetBits(new Half(1 - v.Uv3.Value.Y)));

            var endPosition = writer.BaseStream.Position;

            // Stride
            return((int)((endPosition - startPosition) / submesh.Vertices.Length));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private Vertex[] ReadVertices(GmdFile.Submesh submesh, GmdFile.Mesh mesh, GmdFile file)
            var vertices  = new Vertex[submesh.VertexCount];
            var meshIndex = Array.IndexOf(file.Meshes, mesh);

            using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(file.VertexBuffers[meshIndex]);
            using var bs           = new BinaryReader(memoryStream);

            bs.BaseStream.Seek((submesh.BufferOffset1 + submesh.BufferOffset2) * mesh.Stride, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            for (int j = 0; j < submesh.VertexCount; j++)
                var v = new Vertex();
                v.Position = GmdUtils.ReadVector3(bs);
                if (mesh.HasBones && file.BoneIndices.Length > 0)
                    v.BoneWeights = new[]

                    v.BoneIndices = new[]
                        file.BoneIndices[bs.ReadByte() + submesh.BoneIndexOffset + 1].Value,
                        file.BoneIndices[bs.ReadByte() + submesh.BoneIndexOffset + 1].Value,
                        file.BoneIndices[bs.ReadByte() + submesh.BoneIndexOffset + 1].Value,
                        file.BoneIndices[bs.ReadByte() + submesh.BoneIndexOffset + 1].Value

                v.Normal = GmdUtils.ReadNormal(bs);

                if (mesh.HasFlag1)
                    // var a = bs.ReadByteAsFloat();
                    // var b = bs.ReadByteAsFloat();
                    // var c = bs.ReadByteAsFloat();
                    // var d = bs.ReadByteAsFloat();
                    var val = bs.ReadInt32();
                    // Console.WriteLine($"{a:0.00} / {b:0.00} / {c:0.00} / {d:0.00}");
                    // bs.ReadInt32();

                if (mesh.HasFlag2)

                if (mesh.HasFlag3)

                for (int l = 0; l < mesh.UvLayers; l++)
                    var uvs = new Vector2(Half.ToHalf(bs.ReadUInt16()), 1 - Half.ToHalf(bs.ReadUInt16()));
                    switch (l)
                    case 0:
                        v.Uv0 = uvs;

                    case 1:
                        v.Uv1 = uvs;

                    case 2:
                        v.Uv2 = uvs;

                    case 3:
                        v.Uv3 = uvs;

                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Too many UV channels!");

                vertices[j] = v;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public GmdFile ToGmdFile()
            var file = new GmdFile();

            file.Name = Name;
            // TEXTURES

            var textures = Textures.Concat(new string[] { "_dummy_rd", "dummy_nmap", "dummy_black", "dummy_gray", "dummy_white", "default_z", "noise" })

            file.Textures = textures

            var shaders     = Materials.Select(mat => mat.Shader).Distinct().ToArray();
            var hlSubmeshes = Meshes.SelectMany(m => m.Submeshes).OrderBy(sm => sm.Id).ToArray();

            // MATERIALS
            file.Materials = Materials.Select(mat =>
                var material = new GmdFile.Material()
                    Id             = mat.Id,
                    TextureIndices =
                        mat.Textures.Select(tex => (int)(ushort)Array.IndexOf(textures, tex))
                        .Concat(Enumerable.Repeat((int)ushort.MaxValue, 8 - mat.Textures.Length)).ToArray(),
                    ShaderIndex  = (uint)Array.IndexOf(shaders, mat.Shader),
                    SubmeshIndex = (uint)Array.FindIndex(hlSubmeshes, m => m.Material == mat)

                 * 3 => rd (sd_o1dzt_m2dzt) / tr (skin) / dummy_white
                 *  4 => rm / default_z [can be default_z, strange things happen when null]
                 *  5 => rt / noise [can be noise, too smooth when null]
                 *  6 => rs [can be null]
                 *  7 =>

                material.TextureIndices[0] = material.TextureIndices[0] >= 255 ? Array.IndexOf(textures, "dummy_black") : material.TextureIndices[0];
                material.TextureIndices[1] = material.TextureIndices[1] >= 255 ? Array.IndexOf(textures, "default_z") : material.TextureIndices[1];
                material.TextureIndices[2] = material.TextureIndices[2] >= 255 ? Array.IndexOf(textures, "dummy_nmap") : material.TextureIndices[2];
                material.TextureIndices[3] = material.TextureIndices[3] >= 255 ? Array.IndexOf(textures, "dummy_white") : material.TextureIndices[3];
                material.TextureIndices[4] = material.TextureIndices[4] >= 255 ? Array.IndexOf(textures, "default_z") : material.TextureIndices[4];
                material.TextureIndices[5] = material.TextureIndices[5] >= 255 ? Array.IndexOf(textures, "noise") : material.TextureIndices[5];
                material.TextureIndices[6] = material.TextureIndices[6] >= 255 ? ushort.MaxValue : material.TextureIndices[6]; //ushort.MaxValue;
                material.TextureIndices[7] = material.TextureIndices[7] >= 255 ? ushort.MaxValue : material.TextureIndices[7]; //ushort.MaxValue;
                // ushort.MaxValue

                material.Initialize(mat.Shader == GmdUtils.TRANSPARENCY_MAT);


            // SHADERS
            file.Shaders = shaders.Select(shader => GmdFile.HashedName.FromString(shader)).ToArray();

            // MESHES
            var meshes        = new List <GmdFile.Mesh>();
            var vertexBuffers = new List <byte[]>();
            var submeshes     = new List <GmdFile.Submesh>();
            var indices       = new List <GmdFile.Index>();
            var boneIndices   = new List <GmdFile.BoneIndex>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Meshes.Length; i++)
                var mesh        = Meshes[i];
                var gmdMesh     = new GmdFile.Mesh();
                var firstVertex = mesh.Submeshes.First().Vertices.First();

                gmdMesh.MeshId    = i;
                gmdMesh.Count     = mesh.Submeshes.Sum(m => m.Vertices.Length);
                gmdMesh.Offset    = vertexBuffers.Sum(b => b.Length);
                gmdMesh.UvLayers  = firstVertex.UvLayerCount;
                gmdMesh.HasBones  = firstVertex.BoneIndices != null;
                gmdMesh.FlagCount = GmdUtils.GetFlagCount(mesh.Submeshes.First().Material.Shader);

                using var buffer = new MemoryStream();
                using var writer = new BinaryWriter(buffer);

                Console.WriteLine("m" + i);
                int vertexCount = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.Submeshes.Count; j++)
                    var submesh       = mesh.Submeshes[j];
                    var gmdSubmesh    = new GmdFile.Submesh();
                    var boneIndexList = submesh.Vertices.SelectMany(v => v.BoneIndices ?? Enumerable.Empty <int>()).Distinct().ToList();

                    gmdSubmesh.Id              = Array.IndexOf(hlSubmeshes, submesh);
                    gmdSubmesh.MeshIndex       = i;
                    gmdSubmesh.IndicesCount    = submesh.Triangles.GetLength(0) * 3;
                    gmdSubmesh.IndicesOffset   = indices.Count;
                    gmdSubmesh.VertexCount     = submesh.Vertices.Length;
                    gmdSubmesh.MaterialIndex   = (int)submesh.Material.Id;
                    gmdSubmesh.BufferOffset2   = vertexCount;
                    gmdSubmesh.BoneIndexOffset = boneIndices.Count;
                    gmdSubmesh.BoneIndexCount  = boneIndexList.Count;

                    gmdMesh.Stride = WriteVertices(writer, submesh, gmdMesh.FlagCount, boneIndexList);

                    boneIndexList.Insert(0, gmdSubmesh.BoneIndexCount); // Expects count in index list
                    vertexCount += submesh.Vertices.Length;

                    // Fill in indices
                    for (int y = 0; y < submesh.Triangles.GetLength(0); y++)
                        indices.Add(new GmdFile.Index()
                            Value = submesh.Triangles[y, 0] + gmdSubmesh.BufferOffset2
                        indices.Add(new GmdFile.Index()
                            Value = submesh.Triangles[y, 1] + gmdSubmesh.BufferOffset2
                        indices.Add(new GmdFile.Index()
                            Value = submesh.Triangles[y, 2] + gmdSubmesh.BufferOffset2

                    boneIndices.AddRange(boneIndexList.Select(idx => new GmdFile.BoneIndex()
                        Value = idx


                gmdMesh.Size = (int)buffer.Length;


            file.Indices        = indices.ToArray();
            file.Meshes         = meshes.ToArray();
            file.Submeshes      = submeshes.OrderBy(sm => sm.Id).ToArray();
            file.VertexBuffers  = vertexBuffers.ToArray();
            file.BoneIndices    = boneIndices.ToArray();
            file.BoneNames      = Bones.Select(b => GmdFile.HashedName.FromString(b.Name)).ToArray();
            file.BoneTransforms = Bones.Select(bone =>
                var bt           = new GmdFile.BoneTransform();
                bt.Position      = bone.WorldMatrix.Translation;
                bt.LocalPosition = bone.Position;
                bt.LocalRotation = bone.Rotation;
                bt.Scale         = bone.Scale;
                bt.BoneNo        = bt.BoneNo2 = bone.Id;
                bt.BoneNameIndex = bone.Id;

                bt.TransformIndex   = -1;
                bt.NextSiblingIndex = -1;
                bt.NextChildIndex   = -1;
                bt.Footer           = new byte[16];

                if (bone.Name.Contains("[l0]"))
                    bt.TransformIndex = 0;
                    bt.NodeType       = GmdFile.BoneTransform.NODE_TYPE_TRANSFORM;

                // If bone has children, set the nextChildIndex idx
                if (bone.Children.Count > 0)
                    bt.NextChildIndex = bone.Children[0].Id;

                // If bone has another sibling that comes after itself, set NextSiblingIndex
                if (bone.Parent != null)
                    var childIdx = bone.Parent.Children.IndexOf(bone);
                    if (childIdx >= 0 && childIdx + 1 < bone.Parent.Children.Count)
                        bt.NextSiblingIndex = bone.Parent.Children[childIdx + 1].Id;

