Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Returns reference to the byte buffer containing unique value of inPub.
        // Note that in case of ECC keys, the returned buffer references only the
        // first half of the unique value (i.e. x-coordinate of the ECC point).
        public static FieldInfo GetUniqueBuffer(TpmPublic pub, out byte[] buf)
            var keyType = pub.parameters.GetUnionSelector();

            buf = null;
            switch (keyType)
            case TpmAlgId.Rsa:
                buf = (pub.unique as Tpm2bPublicKeyRsa).buffer;

            case TpmAlgId.Ecc:
                buf = (pub.unique as EccPoint).x;

            case TpmAlgId.Symcipher:
            case TpmAlgId.Keyedhash:
                buf = (pub.unique as Tpm2bDigest).buffer;
            Globs.Throw <NotImplementedException>(
                "GetUniqueBuffer: Unknown TpmPublic type " + keyType);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Returns the ratio of a TPM clock second to one system time second
        public static double MeasureClockRate(Tpm2 tpm)
            const int MaxIter           = 20;
            int       NumSamplesPerIter = 5;
            int       N = NumSamplesPerIter,
                      L = 0;

            double[] tpmTimes    = null;
            double[] sysTimes    = null;
            double[] newTpmTimes = new double[N];
            double[] newSysTimes = new double[N];
            int      iter        = 0;

            double stdDevSys = 0,
                   meanSys = 0,
                   stdDevTpm = 0,
                   meanTpm = 0;
            int    n = 0;
            double sysTime = 0, tpmTime = 0;

                tpmTimes = newTpmTimes;
                sysTimes = newSysTimes;

                TimeInfo tpmStart = null;
                DateTime sysStart = DateTime.MinValue;

                for (int i = L; i <= N; i++)
                    TimeInfo tpmStop = tpm.ReadClock();
                    DateTime sysStop = DateTime.Now;
                    if (tpmStart != null)
                        tpmTimes[i - 1] = tpmStop.time - tpmStart.time;
                        sysTimes[i - 1] = (sysStop - sysStart).TotalMilliseconds;
                    tpmStart = tpmStop;
                    sysStart = sysStop;

                // Eliminate outliers that may be caused by the current thread having
                // been preempted at a "wrong" point causing the measured rate distortion.
                meanSys = meanTpm = stdDevSys = stdDevTpm = sysTime = tpmTime = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    meanSys += sysTimes[i];
                    meanTpm += tpmTimes[i];
                meanSys /= N;
                meanTpm /= N;

                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    double d = (sysTimes[i] - meanSys);
                    stdDevSys += d * d;
                    d          = (tpmTimes[i] - meanTpm);
                    stdDevTpm += d * d;
                stdDevSys = Math.Sqrt(stdDevSys / N);
                stdDevTpm = Math.Sqrt(stdDevTpm / N);

                bool imprecise = stdDevSys / meanSys > 0.03 || stdDevTpm / meanTpm > 0.03;
                if (imprecise)
                    newTpmTimes = new double[N + NumSamplesPerIter];
                    newSysTimes = new double[N + NumSamplesPerIter];

                n = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    if (Math.Abs(sysTimes[i] - meanSys) < 2 * stdDevSys &&
                        Math.Abs(tpmTimes[i] - meanTpm) < 2 * stdDevTpm)
                        sysTime += sysTimes[i];
                        tpmTime += tpmTimes[i];
                        if (imprecise)
                            newSysTimes[n] = sysTimes[i];
                            newTpmTimes[n] = tpmTimes[i];
                    //else Console.Write("Dropped[{0}] = {1} ", i, sysTimes[i]);
                if (!imprecise && n > 2)
                L = n;
                N = L + NumSamplesPerIter;
            } while (++iter < MaxIter);

            if (iter == MaxIter)
                Globs.Throw("The system is likely overloaded. Cannot do reliable time measurements.");

            //Console.WriteLine("ITER {0}, MEAN {1:F0}->{2:F0}, SD {3:F1}; Good {4}; RATE {5:F2}",
            //                  iter+1, meanSys, sysTime / n, stdDevSys, n, tpmTime / sysTime);
            return(tpmTime / sysTime);
        } // MeasureClockRate()