private static void LoadTemplateFiles(ErrorContainer errors, CanvasDocument app, string packagesPath, out Dictionary <string, ControlTemplate> loadedTemplates)
            loadedTemplates = new Dictionary <string, ControlTemplate>();
            var templateList = new List <TemplatesJson.TemplateJson>();

            foreach (var file in new DirectoryReader(packagesPath).EnumerateFiles(string.Empty, "*.xml", searchSubdirectories: false))
                var xmlContents = file.GetContents();
                if (!ControlTemplateParser.TryParseTemplate(new TemplateStore(), xmlContents, app._properties.DocumentAppType, loadedTemplates, out var parsedTemplate, out var templateName))
                    errors.GenericError($"Unable to parse template file {file._relativeName}");
                    throw new DocumentException();
                // Some control templates specify a name with an initial capital letter (e.g. rating control)
                // However, the server doesn't always use that. If the template name doesn't match the one we wrote
                // as the file name, adjust the template name to lowercase
                if (!file._relativeName.StartsWith(templateName))
                    templateName = templateName.ToLower();

                templateList.Add(new TemplatesJson.TemplateJson()
                    Name = templateName, Template = xmlContents, Version = parsedTemplate.Version

            // Also add Screen and App templates (not xml, constructed in code on the server)
            GlobalTemplates.AddCodeOnlyTemplates(new TemplateStore(), loadedTemplates, app._properties.DocumentAppType);

            app._templates = new TemplatesJson()
                UsedTemplates = templateList.ToArray()
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal void ApplyAfterMsAppLoadTransforms(ErrorContainer errors)
            // Update volatile documentproperties

            // Shard templates, parse for default values
            var templateDefaults = new Dictionary <string, ControlTemplate>();

            foreach (var template in _templates.UsedTemplates)
                if (!ControlTemplateParser.TryParseTemplate(_templateStore, template.Template, _properties.DocumentAppType, templateDefaults, out _, out _))
                    errors.GenericError($"Unable to parse template file {template.Name}");
                    throw new DocumentException();

            // Also add Screen and App templates (not xml, constructed in code on the server)
            GlobalTemplates.AddCodeOnlyTemplates(_templateStore, templateDefaults, _properties.DocumentAppType);

            // PCF templates
            if (_pcfControls.Count == 0)
                foreach (var kvp in _templateStore.Contents)
                    if (kvp.Value.IsPcfControl && kvp.Value.DynamicControlDefinitionJson != null)
                        _pcfControls.Add(kvp.Key, PcfControl.GetPowerAppsControlFromJson(kvp.Value));
                        kvp.Value.DynamicControlDefinitionJson = null;

            var componentInstanceTransform = new ComponentInstanceTransform(errors);
            var componentDefTransform      = new ComponentDefinitionTransform(errors, _templateStore, componentInstanceTransform);

            // Transform component definitions and populate template set of component instances that need updates
            foreach (var ctrl in _components)
                AddComponentDefaults(ctrl.Value, templateDefaults);

            var transformer = new SourceTransformer(this, errors, templateDefaults, new Theme(_themes), componentInstanceTransform, _editorStateStore, _templateStore, _entropy);

            foreach (var ctrl in _screens.Concat(_components))


            // Persist the original order of resource entries in Resources.json in the entropy.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal void ApplyBeforeMsAppWriteTransforms(ErrorContainer errors)
            // Update volatile documentproperties

            // Shard templates, parse for default values
            var templateDefaults = new Dictionary <string, ControlTemplate>();

            foreach (var template in _templates.UsedTemplates)
                if (!ControlTemplateParser.TryParseTemplate(_templateStore, template.Template, _properties.DocumentAppType, templateDefaults, out _, out _))
                    errors.GenericError($"Unable to parse template file {template.Name}");
                    throw new DocumentException();

            // Also add Screen and App templates (not xml, constructed in code on the server)
            GlobalTemplates.AddCodeOnlyTemplates(_templateStore, templateDefaults, _properties.DocumentAppType);

            // Generate DynamicControlDefinitionJson for power apps controls
            foreach (var kvp in _pcfControls)
                if (_templateStore.TryGetTemplate(kvp.Key, out var template))
                    template.DynamicControlDefinitionJson = PcfControl.GenerateDynamicControlDefinition(kvp.Value);
                    // Validation for accidental deletion of ocf control templates.
                    errors.ValidationError($"Could not find Pcf Control Template with name: {kvp.Key} in pkgs/PcfControlTemplates directory. " +
                                           $"If it was intentionally deleted, please delete the entry from ControlTemplates.json along with its references from source files.");

            var componentInstanceTransform = new ComponentInstanceTransform(errors);
            var componentDefTransform      = new ComponentDefinitionTransform(errors, _templateStore, componentInstanceTransform);

            // Transform component definitions and populate template set of component instances that need updates
            foreach (var ctrl in _components)
                AddComponentDefaults(ctrl.Value, templateDefaults);

            var transformer = new SourceTransformer(this, errors, templateDefaults, new Theme(_themes), componentInstanceTransform, _editorStateStore, _templateStore, _entropy);

            foreach (var ctrl in _screens.Concat(_components))

        internal void ApplyBeforeMsAppWriteTransforms(ErrorContainer errors)
            // Update volatile documentproperties

            // Shard templates, parse for default values
            var templateDefaults = new Dictionary <string, ControlTemplate>();

            foreach (var template in _templates.UsedTemplates)
                if (!ControlTemplateParser.TryParseTemplate(_templateStore, template.Template, _properties.DocumentAppType, templateDefaults, out _, out _))
                    errors.GenericError($"Unable to parse template file {template.Name}");
                    throw new DocumentException();

            // Also add Screen and App templates (not xml, constructed in code on the server)
            GlobalTemplates.AddCodeOnlyTemplates(_templateStore, templateDefaults, _properties.DocumentAppType);

            var componentInstanceTransform = new ComponentInstanceTransform(errors);
            var componentDefTransform      = new ComponentDefinitionTransform(errors, _templateStore, componentInstanceTransform);

            // Transform component definitions and populate template set of component instances that need updates
            foreach (var ctrl in _components)
                AddComponentDefaults(ctrl.Value, templateDefaults);

            var transformer = new SourceTransformer(errors, templateDefaults, new Theme(_themes), componentInstanceTransform, _editorStateStore, _templateStore, _entropy);

            foreach (var ctrl in _screens.Concat(_components))

        // Write out to a directory (this shards it)
        public static void SaveAsSource(CanvasDocument app, string directory2, ErrorContainer errors)
            var dir = new DirectoryWriter(directory2);


            // Shard templates, parse for default values
            var templateDefaults = new Dictionary <string, ControlTemplate>();

            foreach (var template in app._templates.UsedTemplates)
                var filename = $"{template.Name}_{template.Version}.xml";
                dir.WriteAllXML(PackagesDir, filename, template.Template);
                if (!ControlTemplateParser.TryParseTemplate(app._templateStore, template.Template, app._properties.DocumentAppType, templateDefaults, out _, out _))
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"Unable to parse template file {template.Name}");

            // Also add Screen and App templates (not xml, constructed in code on the server)
            GlobalTemplates.AddCodeOnlyTemplates(app._templateStore, templateDefaults, app._properties.DocumentAppType);

            var importedComponents = app.GetImportedComponents();

            foreach (var control in app._screens)
                string controlName = control.Key;
                var    isTest      = controlName == AppTestControlName;
                var    subDir      = isTest ? TestDir : CodeDir;

                WriteTopParent(dir, app, control.Key, control.Value, subDir);

            foreach (var control in app._components)
                string controlName = control.Key;
                app._templateStore.TryGetTemplate(controlName, out var templateState);

                bool isImported = importedComponents.Contains(templateState.TemplateOriginalName);
                var  subDir     = (isImported) ? ComponentPackageDir : ComponentCodeDir;
                WriteTopParent(dir, app, control.Key, control.Value, subDir);

            // Write out control templates at top level, skipping component templates which are written alongside components
            var nonComponentControlTemplates = app._templateStore.Contents.Where(kvp => !(kvp.Value.IsComponentTemplate ?? false)).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

            dir.WriteAllJson("", "ControlTemplates.json", nonComponentControlTemplates);

            if (app._checksum != null)
                app._checksum.ClientBuildDetails = _buildVerJson;
                dir.WriteAllJson(EntropyDir, FileKind.Checksum, app._checksum);

            if (app._appCheckerResultJson != null)
                dir.WriteAllJson(EntropyDir, FileKind.AppCheckerResult, app._appCheckerResultJson);

            foreach (var file in app._assetFiles.Values)
                dir.WriteAllBytes(AssetsDir, file.Name, file.RawBytes);

            if (app._logoFile != null)
                dir.WriteAllBytes(AssetsDir, app._logoFile.Name, app._logoFile.RawBytes);

            if (app._themes != null)
                dir.WriteAllJson(CodeDir, "Themes.json", app._themes);

            if (app._resourcesJson != null)
                dir.WriteAllJson(AssetsDir, "Resources.json", app._resourcesJson);

            WriteDataSources(dir, app, errors);

            // Loose files.
            foreach (FileEntry file in app._unknownFiles.Values)
                // Standardize the .json files so they're determinsitc and comparable
                if (file.Name.EndsWith(".json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    ReadOnlyMemory <byte> span = file.RawBytes;
                    var je      = JsonDocument.Parse(span).RootElement;
                    var jsonStr = JsonNormalizer.Normalize(je);
                    dir.WriteAllText(OtherDir, file.Name, jsonStr);
                    dir.WriteAllBytes(OtherDir, file.Name, file.RawBytes);

            var manifest = new CanvasManifestJson
                FormatVersion = CurrentSourceVersion,
                Properties    = app._properties,
                Header        = app._header,
                PublishInfo   = app._publishInfo,
                ScreenOrder   = app._screenOrder

            dir.WriteAllJson("", FileKind.CanvasManifest, manifest);

            if (app._connections != null)
                dir.WriteAllJson(ConnectionDir, FileKind.Connections, app._connections);

            if (app._libraryReferences != null)
                dir.WriteAllJson("", FileKind.ComponentReferences, app._libraryReferences);

            dir.WriteAllJson(EntropyDir, FileKind.Entropy, app._entropy);