Ejemplo n.º 1
        private TimeSpan ComputeDuration(List <GPSLogEntry> entries)
            int start = -1;
            int end   = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count - 1; i++)
                if (Constants.MIN_SPEED <= GlobalPoint.Distance(entries[i + 1], entries[i]) / ((double)(entries[i + 1].Time.Ticks - entries[i].Time.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond))
                    start = i;
            for (int i = entries.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (Constants.MIN_SPEED <= GlobalPoint.Distance(entries[i - 1], entries[i]) / ((double)(entries[i].Time.Ticks - entries[i - 1].Time.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond))
                    end = i;
            if (start < end && start != -1)
                new TimeSpan(entries[end].Time.Ticks - entries[start].Time.Ticks);
            return(new TimeSpan(entries[entries.Count - 1].Time.Ticks - entries[0].Time.Ticks));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static List <GPSLogEntry> GetApproximatingNodes(List <GPSLogEntry> fullSet, int targetCount = 7)
            const double step = 0.0001;                             // the stemp by which bioas is incremented.
            const int    minModificationsPerRun = 20;               // allows to increase bias even if modifications were performed.
            int          strictBiasBound        = targetCount * 16; // defines the bound after which optimisations are removed

            List <GPSLogEntry> a, b;

            a = fullSet;
            b = new List <GPSLogEntry>(fullSet.Count);
            int    modified = 0;
            double bias     = 0;
            double sum      = 0;
            double avg      = 1;

            while (a.Count > targetCount)
                //Console.WriteLine(a.Count + "  bias: " + bias + " avg: " + avg);
                for (int i = 1; i < a.Count - 1; i++)
                    double A = GlobalPoint.Distance(a[i - 1], a[i]);                    // distancec too previus node
                    double B = GlobalPoint.Distance(a[i + 1], a[i]);                    // distance to the next node
                    double C = GlobalPoint.Distance(a[i - 1], a[i + 1]);                // distance between neighbouring nodes
                    //removes nodes with the least impact on total length (favours removal of nodes with nodes closer than average)
                    if (A + B <= C * (1 + bias * (avg / C)))
                        sum += C;
                        sum += A;
                if (!b[b.Count - 1].Equals(a[a.Count - 1]))
                    b.Add(a[a.Count - 1]);

                if (modified < minModificationsPerRun && (b.Count > strictBiasBound || modified <= 1))
                    bias += step;
                    modified = 0;
                //formula works better if avg value is less than true average; Mhen list is small, correction for length is too great, thus avg value is locked at final stages
                avg = (a.Count >= strictBiasBound) ? (avg + avg + (sum / b.Count)) / 3 : avg;
                a   = b;
                b   = new List <GPSLogEntry>(a.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public double CalculateDistance(GlobalPoint start, GlobalPoint end)
            GeoCoordinate pin1 = new GeoCoordinate(start.Latitude, start.Longitude);
            GeoCoordinate pin2 = new GeoCoordinate(end.Latitude, end.Longitude);

            double distanceBetween = pin1.GetDistanceTo(pin2);

Ejemplo n.º 4
    private bool IsDaylight(GlobalPoint point)
        var above = point.Step(Direction.ABOVE);

        if (above == null)
        return(!above.IsSolid() &&
               above.GetDepth() == MIN_DEPTH);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public string GetInfo(Vector3 corner)
        int x = (int)(corner.x - (position.x - 0.5f) * Cell.ROW_SIZE);
        int y = (int)(corner.y - (position.y - 0.5f) * Cell.ROW_SIZE);
        int z = (int)(corner.z - (position.z - 0.5f) * Cell.ROW_SIZE);

        var globalPoint = new GlobalPoint(this, new Point(x, y, z));

        return(globalPoint + "\nDensity: " + globalPoint.GetDensity() +
               ", Depth: " + (0xff & globalPoint.GetDepth()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <bool> ExcelUploadAsync(ExcelUploadDto excelUploadDto)
            if (excelUploadDto.ExcelFile != null &&
                (Path.GetExtension(excelUploadDto.ExcelFile.FileName).Equals(".xlsx") ||
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                    await excelUploadDto.ExcelFile.CopyToAsync(stream);

                    using (ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(stream))
                        ExcelWorksheet worksheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[0];
                        int            rowsCount = worksheet.Dimension.Rows;
                        for (int row = 2; row <= rowsCount; row++)
                            GlobalPoint globalPoint = new GlobalPoint
                                Latitude  = (float)(double)(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value),
                                Longitude = (float)(double)(worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value)
                            Airport airport = new Airport
                                AirportName = worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value.ToString(),
                                GlobalPoint = globalPoint

                            Airport isExist = _appDbContext.Airport
                                              .SingleOrDefault(m => m.AirportName == airport.AirportName);
                            if (isExist != null)
                            await _appDbContext.GlobalPoint.AddAsync(globalPoint);

                            await _appDbContext.Airport.AddAsync(airport);
                        await _appDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private double ComputeLength(List <GPSLogEntry> entries, bool approximate = false)
            GPSLogEntry prev = null;
            double      ret  = 0;

            foreach (var entry in entries)
                if (!approximate || entry.ApproximatingFix)
                    if (prev != null)
                        ret += GlobalPoint.Distance(prev, entry);
                    prev = entry;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal async Task <bool> IsGlobalPointValidForNewAirfield(Airfield airfield)
            var temp = await _airfieldRepository.FilterListShallowAsync(ent => GlobalPoint.Distance(ent, airfield) < 2 *Constants.AIRFIELD_DESIGNATED_AREA_RADIUS);

            return(temp.Count == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public void Init()
        // TODO As new chunks are loaded, we need some way to initialize those
        // without changing more points in the existing chunks than absolutly
        // neccessary.

        // Reset the depth value in each chunk in the graph to 0xff.
        // Also enqueue all chunks without any chunk above them and use these as
        // the base for the daylight check.
        var daylightQueue = new Queue <Chunk>();

        owner.ForEachChunk(chunk => {

            if (!chunk.HasNeighbour(Direction.ABOVE))

        var globalPoints = new Queue <GlobalPoint>();

        // Process the queue of chunks that have been hit by daylight by setting
        // the depth of all points without anything above them to 0. Continue
        // by queueing up all chunks below until solid density is encountered.
        while (daylightQueue.Count > 0)
            var current          = daylightQueue.Dequeue();
            var currentLuminance = current.GetLuminance();

            var  above             = current.GetNeighbour(Direction.ABOVE);
            long daylightMaskAbove = above == null ? -1L
                : above.GetLuminance().bottomDaylightMask;

            currentLuminance.bottomDaylightMask = 0L;

            for (int i = 0; i < Point.PLANE_SIZE; i++)
                var bit = 0x1L << i;
                if ((daylightMaskAbove & bit) != 0)
                    for (int j = Point.ROW_SIZE - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        var point   = new Point(i % Point.ROW_SIZE, j, i / Point.ROW_SIZE);
                        var density = current.GetDensity(point);

                        var globalPoint = new GlobalPoint(current, point);

                        if (density <= MarchingCubes.DENSITY_THRESHOLD)

                // If we hit the bottom of this chunk with daylight, mark it in
                // the bitset
                if (currentLuminance.depths[i] == MIN_DEPTH)
                    currentLuminance.bottomDaylightMask |= bit;

            // If at least one point of daylight reached the bottom layer,
            // enqueue the chunk below this one
            if (currentLuminance.bottomDaylightMask != 0L)
                var below = current.GetNeighbour(Direction.BELOW);
                if (below != null)

        // We now have a queue of all the points in the world that are located
        // directly under the sun. Process them in breadth-first order, setting
        // the depth of every additional point visited to the depth of the
        // previously visited point + 1.
        while (globalPoints.Count > 0)
            var point = globalPoints.Dequeue();
            var d     = point.GetDepth();

            if ((d & 0xff) < 0xff)
                for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++)
                    var direction = (Direction)n;
                    var nextPoint = point.Step(direction);
                    if (nextPoint != null)
                        if (nextPoint.IsMaxDepth())
                            nextPoint.SetDepth((byte)((0xff & d) + 1));
                            if (nextPoint.GetDensity() <= MarchingCubes.DENSITY_THRESHOLD)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void DataMining()
            List <PilotLog> pilotLogs = _appDbContext.PilotLog.ToList();

            foreach (var pilotLog in pilotLogs)
                string text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pilotLog.File);

                List <string> file = new List <string>();
                string[]      arr  = text.Split('\n');
                foreach (string item in arr)
                string datumUnformed = file[1];
                string datumYear     = "20" + datumUnformed.Substring(9, 2);
                string datumMonth    = datumUnformed.Substring(7, 2);
                string datumDay      = datumUnformed.Substring(5, 2);

                // this is the FlightDate
                DateTime flightDate = new DateTime(
                    Int32.Parse(datumYear), Int32.Parse(datumMonth), Int32.Parse(datumDay));

                //select records, which begins with B
                foreach (string record in file)
                    if (record.IndexOf('B').Equals(0))
                        string   time     = record.Substring(1, 6);
                        string   lati     = record.Substring(7, 7);
                        string   longi    = record.Substring(15, 8);
                        string[] selector = new string[] { time, lati, longi };

                //find departure time and place
                string[] inspectorDep = new string[]
                    gps[0][0], gps[0][1], gps[0][2]
                inspectorDep = FindDepTimeAndPlace(inspectorDep);

                // find arrive time and place
                string[] inspectorArr = new string[]
                    gps[gps.Count - 1][0], gps[gps.Count - 1][1], gps[gps.Count - 1][2]
                inspectorArr = FindArrTimeAndPlace(inspectorArr);

                //calculate dep time:

                DateTime depTime = CalculateTime(inspectorDep[0], flightDate);

                //calculate arrive time
                DateTime arrTime = CalculateTime(inspectorArr[0], flightDate);

                // this is the FlightTime
                var flightTime = arrTime - depTime;

                // this is the dep place (GlobalPoint)
                float latitudeDep  = GetLatitude(inspectorDep[1]);
                float longitudeDep = GetLongitude(inspectorDep[2]);

                // this is the arr place (GlobalPoint)
                float latitudeArr  = GetLatitude(inspectorArr[1]);
                float longitudeArr = GetLongitude(inspectorArr[2]);

                GlobalPoint gpDep = new GlobalPoint
                    Latitude  = latitudeDep,
                    Longitude = longitudeDep

                GlobalPoint gpArr = new GlobalPoint
                    Latitude  = latitudeArr,
                    Longitude = longitudeArr

                Flight newFlightRecord = new Flight
                    FlightDate   = flightDate,
                    FlightTime   = flightTime,
                    TakeoffPlace = gpDep,
                    LandPlace    = gpArr,
                    Status       = Status.Waiting_For_Accept,
                    UserId       = pilotLog.UserId,

                // insert the new records into database:
                // remove from pilotlog db table the processed record

                //calculate all of gps records
                for (int i = 0; i < gps.Count; i++)
                    GlobalPoint globalPoint = new GlobalPoint
                        Latitude  = GetLatitude(gps[i][1]),
                        Longitude = GetLongitude(gps[i][2])
                    Gps Gps = new Gps
                        TimeMoment  = CalculateTime(gps[i][0], flightDate),
                        GlobalPoint = globalPoint,
                        Flight      = newFlightRecord
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public Task <Airfield> FindAround(IGlobalPoint globalPoint)
            .SingleAsync(ent => GlobalPoint.Distance(ent, globalPoint) <= Constants.AIRFIELD_DESIGNATED_AREA_RADIUS));