Ejemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Used by compiler and full-reflect.
		/// </summary>
		internal DPropertyDesc(DTypeDesc/*!*/ declaringType, PhpMemberAttributes memberAttributes)
			: base(declaringType, memberAttributes)
			Debug.Assert(declaringType != null);
			this._getterStub = null; // to be generated on demand
			this._setterStub = null; // to be generated on demand
		public UserDefinedTypeExporter(System.Type type)
			RealTypeName = UserDefinedTypeSupport.GetTypeName(type);
			RealType = type;

			var fields = UserDefinedTypeSupport.GetFields(RealType);
			var properties = UserDefinedTypeSupport.GetProperties(RealType);
			var count = fields.Count + properties.Count;
			Names = new string[count];
			Getters = new GetterDelegate[count];
			int i = 0;
			while (i < fields.Count)
				var fieldData = fields[i];
				Names[i] = fieldData.Name;
				Getters[i] = CreateGetter(type, fieldData.Member);
			while (i < count)
				var propertyData = properties[i - fields.Count];
				Names[i] = propertyData.Name;
				Getters[i] = CreateGetter(type, propertyData.Member);
		/// <summary>
		/// CCtor
		/// </summary>
		static DataContractResolverStrategy()
			string[] assemblyName = typeof(Object).Assembly.FullName.Split(',');
			assemblyName[0] = DataContractAssemblyName;

			Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(String.Join(",", assemblyName));

			DataContractType = assembly.GetType(DataContractTypeName);
			DataMemberType = assembly.GetType(DataMemberTypeName);
			IgnoreDataMemberType = assembly.GetType(IgnoreDataMemberTypeName);

			if (DataContractType != null)
				PropertyInfo property = DataContractType.GetProperty("Name", BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
				DataContractNameGetter = DynamicMethodGenerator.GetPropertyGetter(property);
				property = DataContractType.GetProperty("Namespace", BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
				DataContractNamespaceGetter = DynamicMethodGenerator.GetPropertyGetter(property);

			if (DataContractResolverStrategy.DataMemberType != null)
				PropertyInfo property = DataMemberType.GetProperty("Name", BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
				DataMemberNameGetter = DynamicMethodGenerator.GetPropertyGetter(property);
 public void SetLogLimits(GetterDelegate minGetter, GetterDelegate maxGetter)
     Normalizer = (block, f) =>
         float min = minGetter(block);
         float max = maxGetter(block);
         return(MathHelper.Clamp(MathHelper.InterpLogInv(f, min, max), 0, 1));
     Denormalizer = (block, f) =>
         float min = minGetter(block);
         float max = maxGetter(block);
         return(MathHelper.Clamp(MathHelper.InterpLog(f, min, max), min, max));
 public void SetLimits(GetterDelegate minGetter, GetterDelegate maxGetter)
     Normalizer = (block, f) =>
         float min = minGetter(block);
         float max = maxGetter(block);
         return(MathHelper.Clamp((f - min) / (max - min), 0, 1));
     Denormalizer = (block, f) =>
         float min = minGetter(block);
         float max = maxGetter(block);
         return(MathHelper.Clamp(min + f * (max - min), min, max));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void SetDualLogLimits(GetterDelegate minGetter, GetterDelegate maxGetter, float centerBand)
     Normalizer = (block, f) =>
         float min = minGetter(block);
         float max = maxGetter(block);
         return(DualLogNormalizer(block, f, min, max, centerBand));
     Denormalizer = (block, f) =>
         float min = minGetter(block);
         float max = maxGetter(block);
         return(DualLogDenormalizer(block, f, min, max, centerBand));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public ReducerSection(IActivator activator, ITypeRequest subReducer, Expression <StateSubSectionSelectionDelegate <TState, TSectionType> > sectionSelector)
            m_sectionSelector = sectionSelector;
            m_sectionReducer  = activator.Get <IReducer <TSectionType> >(subReducer);

            MemberExpression memberExpression = (MemberExpression)sectionSelector.Body;
            PropertyInfo     propertyInfo     = (PropertyInfo)memberExpression.Member;

            if (!propertyInfo.CanWrite || !propertyInfo.CanRead)
                throw new NotAccessableSubSectionProperty($"The property {propertyInfo.Name} is being used as a Sub Section reducer however it is an invalid target. Any property used *MUST* be both to be able to be read and written to.");

            m_getValue = (GetterDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetterDelegate), propertyInfo.GetMethod);
            m_setValue = (SetterDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(SetterDelegate), propertyInfo.SetMethod);
        internal static MbxPropertyDefinition ProxyAddressFromStringPropertyDefinition(string name, MbxPropertyDefinition rawPropertyDefinition, bool multivalued = false)
            GetterDelegate getterDelegate = delegate(IPropertyBag propertyBag)
                if (propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition] != null)
            SetterDelegate setterDelegate = delegate(object value, IPropertyBag propertyBag)
                propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition] = ((ProxyAddress)value).ToString();
            GetterDelegate getterDelegate2 = delegate(IPropertyBag propertyBag)
                MultiValuedProperty <string>       multiValuedProperty  = (MultiValuedProperty <string>)propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition];
                MultiValuedProperty <ProxyAddress> multiValuedProperty2 = new MultiValuedProperty <ProxyAddress>();
                foreach (string proxyAddressString in multiValuedProperty)
            SetterDelegate setterDelegate2 = delegate(object value, IPropertyBag propertyBag)
                MultiValuedProperty <ProxyAddress> multiValuedProperty  = (MultiValuedProperty <ProxyAddress>)value;
                MultiValuedProperty <string>       multiValuedProperty2 = (MultiValuedProperty <string>)propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition];
                for (int i = multiValuedProperty2.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(multiValuedProperty2[i]))
                foreach (ProxyAddress proxyAddress in multiValuedProperty)

            return(new MbxPropertyDefinition(name, PropTag.Null, ExchangeObjectVersion.Exchange2003, typeof(ProxyAddress), (multivalued ? PropertyDefinitionFlags.MultiValued : PropertyDefinitionFlags.None) | PropertyDefinitionFlags.Calculated, multivalued ? null : null, PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None, PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None, new MbxPropertyDefinition[]
            }, multivalued ? getterDelegate2 : getterDelegate, multivalued ? setterDelegate2 : setterDelegate));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal static ADPropertyDefinition Int64BitfieldProperty(string name, int shift, int length, ADPropertyDefinition fieldProperty, PropertyDefinitionConstraint constraint)
            object         defaultValue   = 0L;
            GetterDelegate getterDelegate = delegate(IPropertyBag bag)
                object obj = null;
                if (!(bag as ADPropertyBag).TryGetField(fieldProperty, ref obj))
                if (obj == null)
                long num  = (long)obj;
                long num2 = (1L << length) - 1L;
                return(num2 & num >> shift);
            SetterDelegate setterDelegate = delegate(object value, IPropertyBag bag)
                long num  = (long)bag[fieldProperty];
                long num2 = (1L << length) - 1L;
                long num3 = (long)value;
                num &= ~(num2 << shift);
                num |= (num3 & num2) << shift;
                bag[fieldProperty] = num;

            PropertyDefinitionConstraint[] readConstraints;
            if (constraint == null)
                readConstraints = PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None;
                readConstraints = new PropertyDefinitionConstraint[]
            return(new ADPropertyDefinition(name, fieldProperty.VersionAdded, typeof(long), null, ADPropertyDefinitionFlags.Calculated, defaultValue, readConstraints, PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None, new ADPropertyDefinition[]
            }, null, getterDelegate, setterDelegate, null, null));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static bool InsertBySortId <T>(IList <T> list, T value, GetterDelegate <T, int> compareResult)
            var index = BinsearchFromRightIndex(list, compareResult);

            if (index == -1)
            else if (compareResult(list[index]) == 0)
                list.Insert(index, value);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal static MbxPropertyDefinition Int32FromNullableInt32PropertyDefinition(string name, MbxPropertyDefinition rawPropertyDefinition, bool multivalued = false)
            GetterDelegate getterDelegate = (IPropertyBag propertyBag) => (propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition] == null) ? 0 : ((int)propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition]);
            SetterDelegate setterDelegate = delegate(object value, IPropertyBag propertyBag)
                propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition] = (((int?)value) ?? 0);
            GetterDelegate getterDelegate2 = delegate(IPropertyBag propertyBag)
                MultiValuedProperty <int> multiValuedProperty  = (MultiValuedProperty <int>)propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition];
                MultiValuedProperty <int> multiValuedProperty2 = new MultiValuedProperty <int>();
                foreach (int value in multiValuedProperty)
                    int?num = new int?(value);
                    if (num != null)
            SetterDelegate setterDelegate2 = delegate(object value, IPropertyBag propertyBag)
                MultiValuedProperty <int> multiValuedProperty  = (MultiValuedProperty <int>)value;
                MultiValuedProperty <int> multiValuedProperty2 = (MultiValuedProperty <int>)propertyBag[rawPropertyDefinition];
                for (int i = multiValuedProperty2.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                foreach (int item in multiValuedProperty)

            return(new MbxPropertyDefinition(name, PropTag.Null, ExchangeObjectVersion.Exchange2003, typeof(int), (multivalued ? PropertyDefinitionFlags.MultiValued : PropertyDefinitionFlags.None) | PropertyDefinitionFlags.Calculated, multivalued ? null : 0, PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None, PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None, new MbxPropertyDefinition[]
            }, multivalued ? getterDelegate2 : getterDelegate, multivalued ? setterDelegate2 : setterDelegate));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public Animation(Object instance, string _propertyName, T Target, T step)
            propertyName     = _propertyName;
            AnimatedInstance = instance;
            PropertyInfo pi = instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);

            getValue = (GetterDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetterDelegate), instance, pi.GetGetMethod());
            setValue = (SetterDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(SetterDelegate), instance, pi.GetSetMethod());

            TargetValue = Target;

            T value = getValue();

            initialValue = value;
            Type t = typeof(T);

            if (t.IsPrimitive)
                Step = (T)Convert.ChangeType(step, t);
                zero = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0, t);
                Step = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new Object[] { step });
                zero = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), 0f);
            T test = (T)Operator.SubtractAlternative(value, TargetValue);

            if (Operator.LessThan(test, zero))
                if (Operator.LessThan(Step, zero))
                    Step = Operator.Negate(Step);
            else if (Operator.GreaterThan(Step, zero))
                Step = Operator.Negate(Step);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public AValueSync(string valueId, string fieldName, bool save = true)
            : base(typeof(TScript), valueId, save)
            Type type = typeof(TScript);

            FieldInfo field = type.GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            if (field != null)
                _getter = GenerateGetter(field);
                _setter = GenerateSetter(field);

                DefaultValueAttribute defaultAtt = field.GetCustomAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>();
                _defaultValue = defaultAtt != null ? (TValue)defaultAtt.Value : default(TValue);

                traceLog("default value: " + _defaultValue, condition: defaultAtt != null);


            throw new ArgumentException(fieldName + " does not match any instance field of " + type.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <param name="valueId">Identifier for the value</param>
        /// <param name="save">Save the value to disk.</param>
        public AValueSync(string valueId, GetterDelegate getter, SetterDelegate setter, bool save = true, TValue defaultValue = default(TValue))
            : base(typeof(TScript), valueId, save)
            _defaultValue = defaultValue;
            _getter       = getter;
            _setter       = setter;

            if (typeof(TValue) == typeof(StringBuilder))
                _getter = script => {
                    TValue value = getter(script);
                    if (value == null)
                        alwaysLog("Returning null StringBuilder", Logger.severity.FATAL);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 internal RegistryPropertyDefinition(string name, Type type, PropertyDefinitionFlags flags, object defaultValue, PropertyDefinitionConstraint[] readConstraints, PropertyDefinitionConstraint[] writeConstraints, ProviderPropertyDefinition[] supportingProperties, CustomFilterBuilderDelegate customFilterBuilderDelegate, GetterDelegate getterDelegate, SetterDelegate setterDelegate) : base(name, ExchangeObjectVersion.Exchange2003, type, (defaultValue != null) ? (flags | PropertyDefinitionFlags.PersistDefaultValue) : flags, defaultValue, readConstraints, writeConstraints, supportingProperties, customFilterBuilderDelegate, getterDelegate, setterDelegate)
Ejemplo n.º 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Used by type population.
		/// </summary>
		internal DPhpFieldDesc(DTypeDesc/*!*/ declaringType, PhpMemberAttributes memberAttributes,
			GetterDelegate getterStub, SetterDelegate setterStub)
			: base(declaringType, memberAttributes)
			Debug.Assert(declaringType != null && (getterStub != null || setterStub != null));

			this._getterStub = getterStub;
			this._setterStub = setterStub;
        public ProviderPropertyDefinition(string name, ExchangeObjectVersion versionAdded, Type type, object defaultValue, PropertyDefinitionConstraint[] readConstraints, PropertyDefinitionConstraint[] writeConstraints, ProviderPropertyDefinition[] supportingProperties, CustomFilterBuilderDelegate customFilterBuilderDelegate, GetterDelegate getterDelegate, SetterDelegate setterDelegate) : base(name, type)
            if (supportingProperties == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("supportingProperties");
            if (readConstraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("readConstraints");
            if (writeConstraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("writeConstraints");
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
            if (versionAdded == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("versionAdded");
            if (defaultValue != null && !ReflectionHelper.IsInstanceOfType(defaultValue, type))
                throw new ArgumentException(DataStrings.ExceptionDefaultTypeMismatch.ToString(), "defaultValue (" + name + ")");
            if (type == typeof(bool) && defaultValue != null)
                defaultValue = BoxedConstants.GetBool((bool)defaultValue);
            this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
            this.customFilterBuilderDelegate = customFilterBuilderDelegate;
            this.versionAdded = versionAdded;
            if (readConstraints.Length < 1)
                this.readOnlyReadConstraints = ProviderPropertyDefinition.EmptyConstraint.Collection;
                this.readOnlyReadConstraints = new ReadOnlyCollection <PropertyDefinitionConstraint>(readConstraints);
            if (writeConstraints.Length < 1 && readConstraints.Length < 1)
                this.allStaticConstraints   = PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None;
                this.readOnlyAllConstraints = ProviderPropertyDefinition.EmptyConstraint.Collection;
                this.allStaticConstraints = new PropertyDefinitionConstraint[readConstraints.Length + writeConstraints.Length];
                Array.Copy(writeConstraints, this.allStaticConstraints, writeConstraints.Length);
                Array.Copy(readConstraints, 0, this.allStaticConstraints, writeConstraints.Length, readConstraints.Length);
                this.readOnlyAllConstraints = new ReadOnlyCollection <PropertyDefinitionConstraint>(this.allStaticConstraints);
            this.getterDelegate = getterDelegate;
            this.setterDelegate = setterDelegate;
            if (supportingProperties.Length < 1)
                this.supportingProperties = ProviderPropertyDefinition.EmptyCollection;
                this.supportingProperties = new ReadOnlyCollection <ProviderPropertyDefinition>(supportingProperties);
            List <CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint> list  = new List <CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint>();
            List <CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint> list2 = new List <CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < writeConstraints.Length; i++)
                CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint collectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint = writeConstraints[i] as CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint;
                if (collectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint != null)
            for (int j = 0; j < readConstraints.Length; j++)
                CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint collectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint2 = readConstraints[j] as CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint;
                if (collectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint2 != null)
            if (list.Count < 1)
                this.allStaticCollectionConstraints   = ProviderPropertyDefinition.EmptyCollectionConstraint.Array;
                this.readOnlyAllCollectionConstraints = ProviderPropertyDefinition.EmptyCollectionConstraint.Collection;
                this.allStaticCollectionConstraints   = list.ToArray();
                this.readOnlyAllCollectionConstraints = new ReadOnlyCollection <CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint>(this.allStaticCollectionConstraints);
            if (list2.Count < 1)
                this.readOnlyReadCollectionConstraints = ProviderPropertyDefinition.EmptyCollectionConstraint.Collection;
                this.readOnlyReadCollectionConstraints = new ReadOnlyCollection <CollectionPropertyDefinitionConstraint>(list2.ToArray());
            this.readOnlyDependentProperties = ProviderPropertyDefinition.EmptyCollection;
            if (this.supportingProperties.Count == 0)
                this.dependentProperties = new List <ProviderPropertyDefinition>();
            foreach (ProviderPropertyDefinition providerPropertyDefinition in supportingProperties)
                if (providerPropertyDefinition.IsCalculated)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The calculated property '{0}' cannot depend on another calculated property '{1}'", base.Name, providerPropertyDefinition.Name), "supportingProperties");
                if (this.VersionAdded.IsOlderThan(providerPropertyDefinition.VersionAdded))
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The calculated property '{0}' cannot depend on the newer property '{1}'", base.Name, providerPropertyDefinition.Name), "supportingProperties");
            if (defaultValue != null && defaultValue != string.Empty)
                PropertyValidationError propertyValidationError = this.ValidateValue(defaultValue, false);
                if (propertyValidationError != null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(propertyValidationError.Description, "defaultValue");
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override IProjection CreateProjection(GetterDelegate leftGetter, GetterDelegate rightGetter, SetterDelegate leftSetter,
                                                 SetterDelegate rightSetter)
     return(new EqualityCheckProjection(leftGetter, rightGetter, leftSetter, rightSetter));
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AccessorMetadata"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="getter">Getter delegate.</param>
 /// <param name="setter">Setter delegate.</param>
 public AccessorMetadata(GetterDelegate getter, SetterDelegate setter)
     this.getter = getter;
     this.setter = setter;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 internal Accessors(GetterDelegate getter, SetterDelegate setter)
     Getter = getter;
     Setter = setter;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public AccessorMetadata(GetterDelegate getter, SetterDelegate setter)
     this.getter = getter;
     this.setter = setter;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property"><see cref="System.Reflection.PropertyInfo"/> to wrap.</param>
        internal ImmediateProperty([NotNull] PropertyInfo property)
            : base(property)
            Debug.Assert(!IsIndexed(property), $"Cannot initialize an {nameof(ImmediateProperty)} with an indexed property.");

            // General property info
            PropertyInfo = property;
            PropertyType = property.PropertyType;
            _propertyImmediateType = new Lazy <ImmediateType>(() => TypeAccessor.Get(PropertyType));
            // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute, Justification: A property is always declared inside a type.
            DeclaringType = property.DeclaringType;

            CanRead  = property.CanRead;
            CanWrite = property.CanWrite;

            // Getter / Setter
            _getter = ConfigureGetter();
            _setter = ConfigureSetter();

            #region Local functions

            GetterDelegate ConfigureGetter()
                GetterDelegate getter    = null;
                MethodInfo     getMethod = property.GetGetMethod(true);

                if (getMethod != null)
                    getter = DelegatesFactory.CreateGetter(property, getMethod);

                if (getter is null)
                    return(target => throw new ArgumentException($"No getter for property {Name}."));


            SetterDelegate ConfigureSetter()
                SetterDelegate setter    = null;
                MethodInfo     setMethod = property.GetSetMethod(true);

                if (setMethod != null)
                    setter = DelegatesFactory.CreateSetter(property, setMethod);

                if (setter is null)
                    return((target, value) => throw new ArgumentException($"No setter for property {Name}."));


 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="EqualityCheckProjection"/>
 /// </summary>
 public EqualityCheckProjection(GetterDelegate leftGetter, GetterDelegate rightGetter, SetterDelegate leftSetter, SetterDelegate rightSetter)
     : base(leftGetter, rightGetter, leftSetter, rightSetter)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// 二分查找对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="array"></param>
        /// <param name="comparer"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T Binsearch <T>(this T[] array, GetterDelegate <int, int> comparer, int start, int end)
            int index = BinsearchIndex(comparer, start, end);

            return(index == -1 ? default(T) : array[index]);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a delegate which determines if the property or field should not be serialized based upon its value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="member"></param>
        /// <returns>if has a value equivalent to the DefaultValueAttribute or has a property named XXXSpecified which determines visibility</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is useful when default values need not be serialized.
        /// Under these situations XmlSerializer ignores properties based upon value:
        /// - DefaultValue: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.defaultvalueattribute.aspx
        /// - Specified Properies: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb402199.aspx
        /// - ShouldSerialize Methods: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/53b8022e.aspx
        /// </remarks>
        public override ValueIgnoredDelegate GetValueIgnoredCallback(MemberInfo member)
            Type objType = member.ReflectedType ?? member.DeclaringType;

            // look up specified property to see if exists
            GetterDelegate specifiedPropertyGetter = null;
            PropertyInfo   specProp = objType.GetProperty(member.Name + SpecifiedSuffix, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

            // ensure is correct return type
            if (specProp != null && specProp.PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                specifiedPropertyGetter = DynamicMethodGenerator.GetPropertyGetter(specProp);

            // look up specified property to see if exists
            ProxyDelegate shouldSerializeProxy = null;
            MethodInfo    shouldSerialize      = objType.GetMethod(ShouldSerializePrefix + member.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

            // ensure is correct return type
            if (shouldSerialize != null && shouldSerialize.ReturnType == typeof(bool) && shouldSerialize.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                shouldSerializeProxy = DynamicMethodGenerator.GetMethodProxy(shouldSerialize);

            // to be most efficient must create a different delegate for each of 8 combinations so not performing extra work

            DefaultValueAttribute defaultAttr = TypeCoercionUtility.GetAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>(member);

            if (defaultAttr == null)
                if (specifiedPropertyGetter == null)
                    if (shouldSerializeProxy == null)
                        // situation 1: only need to check if equal to null
                        return(delegate(object target, object value)
                            return (value == null);

                    // situation 2: create a delegate which simply calls the should serialize method
                    return(delegate(object target, object value)
                        (value == null) ||
                        Object.Equals(false, shouldSerializeProxy(target));

                if (shouldSerializeProxy == null)
                    // situation 3: create a delegate which simply calls the specified property
                    return(delegate(object target, object value)
                        (value == null) ||
                        Object.Equals(false, specifiedPropertyGetter(target));

                // situation 4: create a delegate which calls both the specified property and the should serialize method
                return(delegate(object target, object value)
                    (value == null) ||
                    Object.Equals(false, shouldSerializeProxy(target)) ||
                    Object.Equals(false, specifiedPropertyGetter(target));

            // extract default value since cannot change (is constant in attribute)
            object defaultValue = defaultAttr.Value;

            if (specifiedPropertyGetter == null)
                if (shouldSerializeProxy == null)
                    // situation 5: create a specific delegate which only has to compare the default value to the current value
                    return(delegate(object target, object value)
                        (value == null) ||
                        Object.Equals(defaultValue, value);

                // situation 6: create a specific delegate which both compares to default value and calls should serialize method
                return(delegate(object target, object value)
                    (value == null) ||
                    Object.Equals(defaultValue, value) ||
                    Object.Equals(false, shouldSerializeProxy(target));

            if (shouldSerializeProxy == null)
                // situation 7: create a specific delegate which both compares to default value and checks specified property
                return(delegate(object target, object value)
                    (value == null) ||
                    Object.Equals(defaultValue, value) ||
                    Object.Equals(false, specifiedPropertyGetter(target));

            // situation 8: create a combined delegate which checks all states
            return(delegate(object target, object value)
                (value == null) ||
                Object.Equals(defaultValue, value) ||
                Object.Equals(false, shouldSerializeProxy(target)) ||
                Object.Equals(false, specifiedPropertyGetter(target));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static T Binsearch <T>(IList <T> list, GetterDelegate <T, int> compareResult)
            int index = BinsearchIndex(list, compareResult);

            return(index == -1 ? default(T) : list[index]);
 // Token: 0x06000ED1 RID: 3793 RVA: 0x00047124 File Offset: 0x00045324
 internal MServPropertyDefinition(string name, Type type, PropertyDefinitionFlags flags, object defaultValue, ProviderPropertyDefinition[] supportingProperties, GetterDelegate getterDelegate = null, SetterDelegate setterDelegate = null) : this(name, ExchangeObjectVersion.Exchange2003, type, flags, defaultValue, PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None, PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None, supportingProperties, getterDelegate, setterDelegate)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public StructValue(SetterDelegate setMethod, GetterDelegate getMethod)
     SetMethod = setMethod;
     GetMethod = getMethod;
 // Token: 0x06000ED2 RID: 3794 RVA: 0x00047154 File Offset: 0x00045354
 internal MServPropertyDefinition(string name, ExchangeObjectVersion versionAdded, Type type, PropertyDefinitionFlags flags, object defaultValue, PropertyDefinitionConstraint[] readConstraints, PropertyDefinitionConstraint[] writeConstraints, ProviderPropertyDefinition[] supportingProperties, GetterDelegate getterDelegate, SetterDelegate setterDelegate) : base(name, versionAdded, type, flags, defaultValue, readConstraints, writeConstraints, supportingProperties, null, getterDelegate, setterDelegate)
 private StructGetter(PropertyInfo property)
     : base(property)
     this.getter = (GetterDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetterDelegate), property.GetMethod, throwOnBindFailure: true);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="PropertyAccessor"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="propertyInfo">The property info of the property</param>
 /// <param name="containingType">The containing type of the property.</param>
 public PropertyAccessor(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Type containingType)
     _propertyInfo = propertyInfo;
     _setter       = CreateSetter(propertyInfo, containingType);
     _getter       = CreateGetter(propertyInfo, containingType);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Synchronize a value that is not directly tied to a terminal control. The value will be synchronized every time it changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="valueId">Identifier for the value</param>
 /// <param name="getter">Method to get the value from a script</param>
 /// <param name="setter">Method to set the value in a script</param>
 /// <param name="save">Save the value to disk</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">The default value to use. The value in the script will be set to defaultValue by ValueSync.</param>
 public ValueSync(string valueId, GetterDelegate getter, SetterDelegate setter, bool save = true, TValue defaultValue = default(TValue))
     : base(valueId, getter, setter, save, defaultValue)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public static int BinsearchFromLeftIndex <T>(IList <T> list, GetterDelegate <T, int> compareResult)
     return(BinsearchFromRightIndex(list, compareResult, 0, list.Count));
Ejemplo n.º 34
        internal static ADPropertyDefinition Int32BitfieldProperty(string name, int shift, int length, ADPropertyDefinition fieldProperty, PropertyDefinitionConstraint constraint)
            object         defaultValue   = 0;
            GetterDelegate getterDelegate = delegate(IPropertyBag bag)
                object obj = null;
                if (!(bag as ADPropertyBag).TryGetField(fieldProperty, ref obj))
                if (obj == null)
                int num  = (int)obj;
                int num2 = (1 << length) - 1;
                return(num2 & num >> shift);
            SetterDelegate setterDelegate = delegate(object value, IPropertyBag bag)
                int num  = (int)bag[fieldProperty];
                int num2 = (1 << length) - 1;
                int num3 = (int)value;
                num &= ~(num2 << shift);
                num |= (num3 & num2) << shift;
                bag[fieldProperty] = num;
            CustomFilterBuilderDelegate customFilterBuilderDelegate = delegate(SinglePropertyFilter filter)
                ComparisonFilter comparisonFilter = filter as ComparisonFilter;
                if (comparisonFilter == null || comparisonFilter.ComparisonOperator != ComparisonOperator.Equal)
                    throw new ADFilterException(DirectoryStrings.ExceptionUnsupportedFilterForProperty(filter.Property.Name, filter.GetType(), typeof(ComparisonFilter)));
                int         num         = (int)comparisonFilter.PropertyValue;
                int         num2        = (1 << length) - 1;
                uint        num3        = (uint)((uint)(num & num2) << shift);
                uint        num4        = (uint)((uint)(~(uint)num & num2) << shift);
                QueryFilter queryFilter = new NotFilter(new BitMaskOrFilter(fieldProperty, (ulong)num4));
                if (num != 0)
                    return(new AndFilter(new QueryFilter[]
                        new BitMaskAndFilter(fieldProperty, (ulong)num3),

            PropertyDefinitionConstraint[] readConstraints;
            if (constraint == null)
                readConstraints = PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None;
                readConstraints = new PropertyDefinitionConstraint[]
            return(new ADPropertyDefinition(name, fieldProperty.VersionAdded, typeof(int), null, ADPropertyDefinitionFlags.Calculated, defaultValue, readConstraints, PropertyDefinitionConstraint.None, new ADPropertyDefinition[]
            }, customFilterBuilderDelegate, getterDelegate, setterDelegate, null, null));
Ejemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Used by type population.
 /// </summary>
 internal RuntimePhpProperty(DTypeDesc /*!*/ declaringType, GetterDelegate getterStub, SetterDelegate setterStub)
     : base(declaringType, PhpMemberAttributes.Public)
     this._getterStub = getterStub;
     this._setterStub = setterStub;
Ejemplo n.º 36
		    /// <summary>
		    /// Used by type population.
		    /// </summary>
		    internal RuntimePhpProperty(DTypeDesc/*!*/ declaringType, GetterDelegate getterStub, SetterDelegate setterStub)
			    : base(declaringType, PhpMemberAttributes.Public)
			    this._getterStub = getterStub;
			    this._setterStub = setterStub;