Ejemplo n.º 1
        async Task GetTransactionData()
            Uri web3NodeUrl = new Uri(GethEndpointUrl);
            var gethProxy   = new GethRpcProxy(web3NodeUrl);

            string hash     = "0xc7a7dc3718cf010d1ea0556751e760df6033e39106a71d4215d856bda063258b";
            string blockNum = "0x457";
            string trxNdx   = "0x0";

            Transaction trx;

            trx = await gethProxy.Eth.GetTransactionByHashAsync(hash);

            var data = trx.Input.FromHex();

            Console.WriteLine($"Transaction [{hash}] = {data}");

            trx = await gethProxy.Eth.GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndexAsync(blockNum, trxNdx);

            data = trx.Input.FromHex();
            Console.WriteLine($"Transaction [{blockNum} , {trxNdx}] = {data}");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        async Task DeployContract()
            Console.WriteLine(">------- Contract Deployment :");
                Uri gethProxy = new Uri(GethEndpointUrl);

                var addressFrom = coinbaseAddress; // PRECREDITED ACCOUNT IN DEV testchain CHAIN
                var addressTo   = account1;

                string amount = "0x1000";

                var jsonData = " { \"hash1\":\"" + DateTime.Now.ToString("u") + "\"  }";
                var hexData  = jsonData.ToHex();

                var web3 = new GethRpcProxy(gethProxy);

                var accountBalance = await web3.Eth.GetBalanceAsync(addressFrom);

                if (!await web3.Personal.UnlockAccountAsync(addressFrom, password))
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR : unable to unlock " + addressFrom);

                var trx = new Transaction()
                    From  = addressFrom,
                    To    = addressTo,
                    Value = amount,
                    Data  = hexData
                var trxId = await web3.Eth.SendTransactionAsync(trx);

                Console.WriteLine("Eth_SendTransaction: trxId :" + trxId);
                TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
                int attempt = 0;
                while (true)
                    await Task.Delay(500);

                    Console.Write($"attempt #{++attempt} to get receipt ..... \r");
                    receipt = await web3.Eth.GetTransactionReceiptAsync(trxId);

                    if (receipt != null)
                Console.WriteLine(" trx receipt  = " + receipt);


            catch (JsonRpcException jex)
                Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: " + jex.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        async Task GethRpcTestRun()
            Console.WriteLine("****** Running basic tests .....");

            Uri    web3NodeUrl    = new Uri(GethEndpointUrl);
            string accountKeyPass = "******";

            GethRpcProxy gethProxy = new GethRpcProxy(web3NodeUrl);

                Console.WriteLine("MODULES: ");
                var modules = await gethProxy.GetModulesAsync();

                foreach (var m in modules)
                    Console.WriteLine("              " + m);

                Console.WriteLine("ADMIN: DataFolder : " + await gethProxy.Admin.GetDataDirAsync());

                Console.WriteLine("ETH: protocolVersion : " + await gethProxy.Eth.GetProtocolVersionAsync());
                Console.WriteLine("ETH: coinbase : " + await gethProxy.Eth.GetCoinbaseAddressAsync());
                var syncing = await gethProxy.Eth.SyncingStatusAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("ETH: syncing : " + ((syncing == null) ? "NOT SYNCING" : syncing.ToString()));
                Console.WriteLine("ETH: mining : " + await gethProxy.Eth.IsMiningAsync());
                Console.WriteLine("ETH: hashrate : " + await gethProxy.Eth.GetHashRateAsync());
                Console.WriteLine("ETH: gasPrice : " + await gethProxy.Eth.GetGasPriceAsync());
                Console.WriteLine("ETH: blockNumber : " + await gethProxy.Eth.GetBlockNumberAsync());
                Console.WriteLine("ETH: accounts : ");
                var accounts = await gethProxy.Eth.GetAccountsAsync();

                foreach (var acc in accounts)
                    Console.WriteLine("      #" + acc);
                    //Console.WriteLine("            balance : " + await gethProxy.Eth.GetBalanceAsync(acc) + ".wei");
                    //Console.WriteLine("            transactionCount : " + await gethProxy.Eth.GetTransactionCountAsync(acc));
                await gethProxy.Personal.UnlockAccountAsync(accounts[0], "password");

                Console.WriteLine("ETH: test sign : " + await gethProxy.Eth.SignAsync(accounts[0], "Nicolas".ToHex()));
                Transaction trxGasEstimate = new Transaction()
                Console.WriteLine("ETH: estimateGas :" + await gethProxy.Eth.EstimateGasAsync(trxGasEstimate));

                var block = await gethProxy.Eth.GetBlockByNumberAsync("latest", false);

                var blockDetailed = await gethProxy.Eth.GetBlockByNumberAsync("latest", false);

                var trx = await gethProxy.Eth.GetTransactionByHashAsync("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");

                var trx2 = await gethProxy.Eth.GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndexAsync("0x0", "0X0");

                Console.Write("ETH: getCompilers : [ ");
                foreach (var c in await gethProxy.Eth.GetCompilersAsync())
                    Console.Write($"{c}  ");
                Console.WriteLine("] ");

                //string contractCode = "pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract MesMath { function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) {   return a * 7;   } }";
                //var abi = await gethProxy.Eth.CompileSolidityAsync(contractCode);

                var blockFilter = await gethProxy.Eth.NewBlockFilterAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("ETH: newBlockFilter : " + blockFilter);
                Console.WriteLine("ETH:     uninstallFilter : " + await gethProxy.Eth.UninstallFilterAsync(blockFilter));
                var trxFilter = await gethProxy.Eth.NewPendingTransactionFilterAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("ETH: newPendingTransactionFilter : " + trxFilter);
                var chg = await gethProxy.Eth.GetFilterChangesAsync(trxFilter);

                Console.WriteLine("ETH:     uninstallFilter : " + await gethProxy.Eth.UninstallFilterAsync(trxFilter));
                Console.WriteLine("ETH:     uninstallFilter : " + await gethProxy.Eth.UninstallFilterAsync(trxFilter));

                trx = new Transaction()
                var t = await gethProxy.Eth.CallAsync(trx);

                var works = await gethProxy.Eth.GetWorkAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("ETH: submitWork : " + await gethProxy.Eth.SubmitWorkAsync("0x0000000000000001", "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef", "0x000000000000000000000000a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6effff"));
                Console.WriteLine("ETH: submitHashRate : " + await gethProxy.Eth.SubmitHashrateAsync("0x500000", "0x59daa26581d0acd1fce254fb7e85952f4c09d0915afd33d3886cd914bc7d283c"));
                //Console.WriteLine("ETH: putString : " + await nodeApi.Eth_PutString("testDb", "nicolas", "clerc"));
                //Console.WriteLine("ETH: getString : " + await nodeApi.Eth_GetString("testDb", "nicolas"));

                //Console.WriteLine("SHH: version : " + await nodeApi.Shh_GetVersion());

                Console.WriteLine("NET: version : " + await gethProxy.Net.GetVersionAsync());
                Console.WriteLine("NET: listening : " + await gethProxy.Net.IsListeningAsync());
                Console.WriteLine("NET: peerCount : " + await gethProxy.Net.GetPeerCountAsync());

                Console.WriteLine("WEB3: clientVersion : " + await gethProxy.Web3.GetClientVersionAsync());
                Console.WriteLine("WEB3: sha3 : " + await gethProxy.Web3.GetSha3Async("Nicolas".ToHex()));

                Console.WriteLine("PERSONAL: listAccounts :");
                var accs = await gethProxy.Personal.ListAccountsAsync();

                foreach (var a in accs)
                    Console.WriteLine("              " + a);
                Console.Write("PERSONAL: unlockAccount: " + await gethProxy.Personal.UnlockAccountAsync(accs[1], accountKeyPass, 10));
            catch (JsonRpcException jrex)
                Console.WriteLine($"EXCEPTION JSON : [{jrex.RpcErrorCode}] {jrex.ToString()} ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"EXCEPTION : " + ex.ToString());

Ejemplo n.º 4
        async Task SingleAccountTransfer()
            Console.WriteLine(">------- SingleAccountTransfer :");
                // based on https://github.com/Nethereum/MultipleAccountTransferSample/blob/master/Program.cs
                Uri gethProxy = new Uri(GethEndpointUrl);

                var addressFrom = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c"; // PRECREDITED ACCOUNT IN DEV CHAIN
                var addressTo   = "0x13f022d72158410433cbd66f5dd8bf6d2d129924";

                var password = "******";

                var web3 = new GethRpcProxy(gethProxy);

                var accountBalance = await web3.Eth.GetBalanceAsync(addressFrom);

                if (!await web3.Personal.UnlockAccountAsync(addressFrom, password))
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR : unable to unlock " + addressFrom);

                var accounts = await web3.Eth.GetAccountsAsync();

                //Console.WriteLine("ENTER to START MINING");
                //await web3.Miner_StartAsync();

                var balance = await web3.Eth.GetBalanceAsync(addressFrom);

                Console.WriteLine("INITIAL SENDER account balance is : " + balance);

                balance = await web3.Eth.GetBalanceAsync(addressTo);

                Console.WriteLine("INITIAL TARGET account balance is : " + balance);

                string amount = "0x1000";

                Console.WriteLine("Transfering " + amount + "  to " + addressTo);
                var trx = new Transaction()
                    From  = addressFrom,
                    To    = addressTo,
                    Value = amount,
                    Data  = "" // NO specific contract ABI attached to the transaction
                var trxId = await web3.Eth.SendTransactionAsync(trx);

                Console.WriteLine("Eth_SendTransaction: trxId :" + trxId);

                TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
                int attempNum = 0;
                while (true)
                    await Task.Delay(500);

                    Console.Write($"attempt #{++attempNum} to get receipt ..... \r");
                    receipt = await web3.Eth.GetTransactionReceiptAsync(trxId);

                    if (receipt != null)
                Console.WriteLine(" trx receipt  = " + receipt);

                balance = await web3.Eth.GetBalanceAsync(addressFrom);

                Console.WriteLine("SENDER account balance is : " + balance);

                balance = await web3.Eth.GetBalanceAsync(addressTo);

                Console.WriteLine("TARGET account balance is : " + balance);


                Console.WriteLine($"Checking transaction by BlockNumber{receipt.BlockNumber}= TransactionIndex={receipt.TransactionIndex} : ");
                var trxCheck = await web3.Eth.GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndexAsync(receipt.BlockNumber, receipt.TransactionIndex);


                Console.WriteLine($"Checking transaction by BlockHash{receipt.BlockHash}= TransactionIndex={receipt.TransactionIndex} : ");
                trxCheck = await web3.Eth.GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndexAsync(receipt.BlockHash, receipt.TransactionIndex);


                Console.WriteLine($"Checking transaction by Hash={receipt.TransactionHash} : ");
                trxCheck = await web3.Eth.GetTransactionByHashAsync(receipt.TransactionHash);


                var b  = web3.Eth.GetBlockByHashAsync(receipt.BlockHash, false);
                var b1 = web3.Eth.GetBlockByNumberAsync(receipt.BlockNumber, false);
            catch (JsonRpcException jex)
                Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION JSONRPC: " + jex.ToString());