Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Vector2 CalcOriginOrig(out int[] _firstTriIdxs)
            var cent    = D.BoundsRect.center;
            var closest = new SortedList <float, int>
                { (cent - D.Points[0]).sqrMagnitude, 0 },
                { (cent - D.Points[1]).sqrMagnitude, 1 },
                { (cent - D.Points[2]).sqrMagnitude, 2 }

            for (var idx = 3; idx < D.Points.Length; ++idx)
                var pt      = D.Points[idx];
                var distSqr = (cent - pt).sqrMagnitude;
                if (distSqr > closest.Keys[2])
                closest.Add(distSqr, idx);

            _firstTriIdxs = new[] { closest.Values[0], closest.Values[1], closest.Values[2] };
            //Find 1st non-linear set of points (valid triangle)
            var findNonLineIdx = 3;

            while (Geom.AreColinear(D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]],
                _firstTriIdxs[2] = closest.Values[findNonLineIdx++];

            //Force Clockwise
            var v0   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]];
            var v1   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]];
            var v2   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]];
            var vecL = v1 - v0;
            var vecR = v2 - v0;

            //Positive Cross Product greater than 180
            var crossZ = vecL.x * vecR.y - vecL.y * vecR.x;

            if (crossZ > 0)
                var tempIdx = _firstTriIdxs[1];
                _firstTriIdxs[1] = _firstTriIdxs[2];
                _firstTriIdxs[2] = tempIdx;

            var triPts = new[] { D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]] };
            var cc     = Geom.CentroidOfPoly(triPts);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Vector2 CalcOrigin(out int[] _firstTriIdxs)
            var cent     = D.BoundsRect.center;
            var pIdxArr  = new int[D.Points.Length];
            var pDistArr = new float[D.Points.Length];

            for (var idx = 0; idx < pIdxArr.Length; ++idx)
                var dx = Math.Abs(cent.x - D.Points[idx].x);
                var dy = Math.Abs(cent.y - D.Points[idx].y);
                pIdxArr[idx]  = idx;
                pDistArr[idx] = dx + dy;

            Array.Sort(pIdxArr, (_a, _b) => pDistArr[_a].CompareTo(pDistArr[_b]));

            _firstTriIdxs = new[] { pIdxArr[0], pIdxArr[1], pIdxArr[2] };
            //Find 1st non-linear set of points (valid triangle)
            var findNonLineIdx = 3;

            while (Geom.AreColinear(D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]],
                _firstTriIdxs[2] = pIdxArr[findNonLineIdx++];

            //Force Clockwise
            var v0   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]];
            var v1   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]];
            var v2   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]];
            var vecL = v1 - v0;
            var vecR = v2 - v0;

            //Positive Cross Product greater than 180
            var crossZ = vecL.x * vecR.y - vecL.y * vecR.x;

            if (crossZ > 0)
                var tempIdx = _firstTriIdxs[1];
                _firstTriIdxs[1] = _firstTriIdxs[2];
                _firstTriIdxs[2] = tempIdx;

            var triPts = new[] { D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]] };
            var cc     = Geom.CentroidOfPoly(triPts);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private Vector2 CalcOrigin2(out int[] _firstTriIdxs)
            var cent = D.BoundsRect.center;
            Func <Vector2, float> fPtDist = _p => Math.Abs(_p.x) + Math.Abs(_p.y);

            var lstPIdx = new List <int>(3)
                0, 1, 2
            var lstPDist = new List <float>(3)
                fPtDist(D.Points[0]), fPtDist(D.Points[1]), fPtDist(D.Points[2])

            lstPIdx.Sort((_a, _b) => lstPDist[_a].CompareTo(lstPDist[_b]));
            lstPDist = new List <float>(3)

            for (var pIdx = 3; pIdx < D.Points.Length; ++pIdx)
                var pDist = fPtDist(D.Points[pIdx]);
                if (pDist > lstPDist[2])
                if (pDist < lstPDist[0])
                    lstPDist[2] = lstPDist[1];
                    lstPIdx[2]  = lstPIdx[1];
                    lstPDist[1] = lstPDist[0];
                    lstPIdx[1]  = lstPIdx[0];
                    lstPDist[0] = pDist;
                    lstPIdx[0]  = pIdx;

                if (pDist < lstPDist[1])
                    lstPDist[2] = lstPDist[1];
                    lstPIdx[2]  = lstPIdx[1];
                    lstPDist[1] = pDist;
                    lstPIdx[1]  = pIdx;

                lstPDist[2] = pDist;
                lstPIdx[2]  = pIdx;

            _firstTriIdxs = lstPIdx.ToArray();
            //Find 1st non-linear set of points (valid triangle)
            var findNonLineIdx = 3;

            while (Geom.AreColinear(D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]],
                var dIdx   = _firstTriIdxs[0];
                var dbgPt0 = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]]; //TODO remove
                var dbgPt1 = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]];
                var dbgPt2 = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]];

                var mPntX  = D.Points[dIdx].x;
                var mPntY  = D.Points[dIdx].y;
                var rnd    = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                var rndDir = rnd.Next(4);
                if (rndDir == 0)
                    D.Points[dIdx].Set(mPntX + D.MinFloatingPointErr, mPntY);
                else if (rndDir == 1)
                    D.Points[dIdx].Set(mPntX - D.MinFloatingPointErr, mPntY);
                else if (rndDir == 2)
                    D.Points[dIdx].Set(mPntX, mPntY + D.MinFloatingPointErr);
                    D.Points[dIdx].Set(mPntX, mPntY - D.MinFloatingPointErr);


            //Force Clockwise
            var v0   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]];
            var v1   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]];
            var v2   = D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]];
            var vecL = v1 - v0;
            var vecR = v2 - v0;

            //Positive Cross Product greater than 180
            var crossZ = vecL.x * vecR.y - vecL.y * vecR.x;

            if (crossZ > 0)
                var tempIdx = _firstTriIdxs[1];
                _firstTriIdxs[1] = _firstTriIdxs[2];
                _firstTriIdxs[2] = tempIdx;

            var triPts = new[] { D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[0]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[1]], D.Points[_firstTriIdxs[2]] };
            var cc     = Geom.CentroidOfPoly(triPts);
