Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void BindDataCountriesToDDL()
     AllCountries.DataSource     = GeolocationUtils.GetCountriesData();
     AllCountries.DataTextField  = "Value";
     AllCountries.DataValueField = "Key";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task GetById(int id)
            var trip = await _tripRepository.GetById(id);

            var flights = await _flightRepository.GetAllByQuery(new FilterRequest()
                TripId = id

            trip.Flights   = flights;
            trip.Transfers = flights.Count - 1;
            trip.Distance  = (int)flights.Select(f => GeolocationUtils.CalculateDistanceByCoordinates(
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task Add(Flight flight)
            var departureAirport = await _airportRepository.GetById(flight.DepartureAirport.Id);

            var arriveAirport = await _airportRepository.GetById(flight.ArriveAirport.Id);

            var distance = GeolocationUtils.CalculateDistanceByCoordinates(

            var hours = distance / 840;

            flight.ArriveDate = flight.DepartureDate.AddHours(hours);
            flight.FlightTime = hours;

            var createdFlight = await _flightRepository.Add(flight);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task GetByQuery(FilterRequest filterRequest)
            var result = await _tripRepository.GetByQuery(filterRequest);

            result.ForEach(trip =>
                var filter = new FilterRequest
                    TripId = trip.Id,
                var flights    = _flightRepository.GetAllByQuery(filter);
                trip.Flights   = flights.Result;
                trip.Transfers = trip.Flights.Count - 1;
                trip.Distance  = (int)trip.Flights.Select(f => GeolocationUtils.CalculateDistanceByCoordinates(
                trip.TotalFlightTime =
                    GeolocationUtils.CalculateFlightTime(trip.Flights.Select(t => t.FlightTime).Sum());

Ejemplo n.º 5
    private void BindDataCountriesToDDL()
        var dictlist = GeolocationUtils.GetCountriesData();

        if (PageRequest == RequestType.Edit)
            var geolocated = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var ad = new PtcAdvert(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["editid"]));
            if (ad.IsGeolocatedByCountry)
                var countries = ad.GeolocatedCC.Split(',');
                foreach (var country in countries)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(country))

                    var countryName = CountryManager.GetCountryName(country);

                    var geolocatedCountry = GeolocationUtils.GetCountryData(countryName);
                    geolocated.Add(geolocatedCountry.Item1, geolocatedCountry.Item2);
                GeoCountries.DataSource     = geolocated;
                GeoCountries.DataTextField  = "Value";
                GeoCountries.DataValueField = "Key";
        AllCountries.DataSource     = dictlist;
        AllCountries.DataTextField  = "Value";
        AllCountries.DataValueField = "Key";
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public string QueryWeather(string uLat, string uLng)
            string json = "";

            var wdArr  = db.CWDWeatherDescription.ToArray();
            var uviArr = db.CWDUVI.ToArray();
            var aqiArr = db.EPAAQI.ToArray();

            var cityRegion    = db.CWBCityRegionLocation.ToArray();
            var epaCityRegion = db.EPACityRegionLocation.ToArray();

            var result = from s in cityRegion
                         select new{
                Distance = GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(s.RLat, s.RLng, Convert.ToDouble(uLat), Convert.ToDouble(uLng)),
                City     = s.City,
                Region   = s.Region

            result = result.OrderBy(c => c.Distance);

            string city   = result.First().City;
            string region = result.First().Region;

            var wdResult = from s in wdArr
                           join o in uviArr on
                           new { s.City, s.Region, s.StartTime, s.EndTime } equals new { o.City, o.Region, o.StartTime, o.EndTime } into details
            from o in details.DefaultIfEmpty(new CWDUVI
                UVI      = 0,
                Exposure = ""
            where (s.StartTime >= Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) &&
            (s.City == city) &&
            (s.Region == region)
            orderby s.StartTime

            select new MyWeatherDescription {
                StartTime = s.StartTime.ToString("MM/dd HH:mm"),
                EndTime   = s.EndTime.ToString("MM/dd HH:mm"),
                Weather   = s.Weather,
                Rain      = s.Rain,
                Temp      = "  " + s.Temp.Substring(4, 2) + " - " + s.Temp.Substring(7, 2),
                Status    = s.Status,
                Wind      = s.Wind,
                Humidity  = s.Humidity,
                UVI       = o.UVI + "(" + o.Exposure + ")"
            //query EPA data
            var result2 = from s in epaCityRegion
                          select new
                Distance = GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(s.RLat, s.RLng, Convert.ToDouble(uLat), Convert.ToDouble(uLng)),
                City     = s.City,
                Region   = s.Region

            result2 = result2.OrderBy(c => c.Distance);

            string city2   = result2.First().City;
            string region2 = result2.First().Region;

            var epaResult = from s in aqiArr
                            where s.City == city2 && s.Region == region2
                            select new MyAQI {
                City        = s.City,
                Region      = s.Region,
                AQI         = s.AQI,
                Status      = s.Status,
                PublishTime = s.PublishTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")

            CustomWeather cw = new CustomWeather {
                City               = city,
                Region             = region,
                WeatherDescription = wdResult.ToList(),
                AQI = epaResult.First()

            json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cw);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public double GetDistance(double lat, double lng, GeolocationUtils.DistanceUnit unit = GeolocationUtils.DistanceUnit.Miles)
     return(GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(lat, lng, Geometry.Location.Latitude, Geometry.Location.Longitude, unit));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult BackupPackage(string packageName)
            string jsonStrWeather = "";

            if (packageName != null)
                var result = from p in db.ShareTravelPackage.ToArray()
                             where p.PackageName == packageName
                             select p;

                List <PackageFormViewModel> pfList = new List <PackageFormViewModel>();

                //todo 帶出 place string 並 split , 把每一個 place 轉成 packageFormViewModel
                string   pName = "", pMemo = "", pDate = "";
                DateTime travelDT = DateTime.Now;
                foreach (var item in result)
                    string[] places = item.Places.Split(';');
                    pName    = item.PackageName;
                    pMemo    = item.Memo;
                    pDate    = item.TravelDateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    travelDT = item.TravelDateTime;
                    foreach (var pItem in places)
                        var pInfo = from s in db.ShareTravelPlace
                                    where s.Place_Id == pItem
                                    select s;
                        var stPlace = pInfo.First();

                        //query place's location, find the lowest distance
                        var cityRegion = db.CWBCityRegionLocation.ToArray();

                        var queryLocation = from s in cityRegion
                                            select new
                            Distance = GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(s.RLat, s.RLng, stPlace.Lat, stPlace.Lng),
                            City     = s.City,
                            Region   = s.Region

                        queryLocation = queryLocation.OrderBy(c => c.Distance);

                        string city   = queryLocation.First().City;
                        string region = queryLocation.First().Region;

                        var queryWeather = from s in db.CWDWeatherDescription.ToArray()
                                           where s.StartTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") == pDate && s.City == city && s.Region == region
                                           select s;

                        string weather = "", rain = "", temp = "", status = "", wind = "", humidity = "", temp2 = "";

                        if (queryWeather.Count() > 0)
                            weather = queryWeather.First().Weather;

                            rain = queryWeather.First().Rain;
                            if (rain == null || rain == "" || rain.IndexOf("降雨機率0%") > -1)
                                rain = "0";
                                rain = rain.Substring(4, 2);

                            temp     = queryWeather.First().Temp;            //溫度攝氏28至32度
                            status   = queryWeather.First().Status;          //舒適至悶熱
                            wind     = queryWeather.First().Wind;
                            humidity = queryWeather.First().Humidity.Trim(); // 相對濕度為71%

                            temp2    = temp.Substring(7, 2);
                            temp     = temp.Substring(4, 2);
                            humidity = humidity.Substring(5, 2);

                        pfList.Add(new PackageFormViewModel
                            PlaceName   = stPlace.PlaceName,
                            Address     = stPlace.Address,
                            Image       = stPlace.Image,
                            Rating      = Convert.ToString(stPlace.Rating),
                            Place_Id    = stPlace.Place_Id,
                            Lat         = Convert.ToString(stPlace.Lat),
                            Lng         = Convert.ToString(stPlace.Lng),
                            PackageName = pName,
                            PackageMemo = pMemo,
                            PType       = stPlace.PType,
                            Date        = pDate,
                            Weather     = weather,
                            Rain        = rain,
                            Temp        = (temp + " - " + temp2),
                            Status      = status,
                            Wind        = wind,
                            Humidity    = humidity,
                            City        = city,
                            Region      = region

                // prepare the pDate weather data, 可能有 06:00 或 18:00 開始的資料, 只抓白天的資料
                var queryDateWeather = from s in db.CWDWeatherDescription.ToArray()
                                       where s.StartTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") == travelDT.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") && s.StartTime.ToString("HH") == "06"
                                       select new {
                    City     = s.City,
                    Region   = s.Region,
                    RLat     = s.RLat,
                    RLng     = s.RLng,
                    Weather  = s.Weather,
                    Rain     = (s.Rain == "")?"0": s.Rain.Substring(4, 2),
                    Temp     = s.Temp.Substring(4, 2) + " - " + s.Temp.Substring(7, 2),
                    Humidity = s.Humidity.Substring(6, 2),
                    Distance = ""

                jsonStrWeather = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(queryDateWeather);

                ViewBag.PFList         = pfList;
                ViewBag.JsonStrWeather = jsonStrWeather;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult ComparePackage(SelectedPackage[] sp)
            if (sp != null)
                var pNames = sp.Where(c => c.Selected).Select(s => s.PackageName);

                var result = from p in db.ShareTravelPackage.ToArray()
                             where pNames.ToArray().Contains(p.PackageName)
                             select p;

                //string jstr = "  { \"name\": \"abc\", \"age\": 50 },{ \"age\": \"25\", \"hobby\": \"swimming\" },{ \"name\": \"xyz\", \"hobby\": \"programming\" }";
                string jstr2 = "";

                var stPlaceArr = db.ShareTravelPlace.ToArray();

                int    j          = 0;
                string pDate      = "";
                var    wArr       = db.CWDWeatherDescription.ToArray();
                var    cityRegion = db.CWBCityRegionLocation.ToArray();

                foreach (var item in result)
                    string[] placeIdArr = item.Places.Split(';');

                     * var places = from p in db.ShareTravelPlace.ToArray()
                     *           where placeIdArr.Contains(p.Place_Id)
                     *           select p;
                    int    i = 0, len = 0;
                    string jsStr = "", record = "";
                    pDate = item.TravelDateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    jsStr = "\"行程名稱\":" + "\"" + pDate + item.PackageName + "\",";

                    for (i = 0, len = placeIdArr.Length; i < len; i++)
                        int tempNo = 0;
                        if (i == len - 1)
                            var places = from p in stPlaceArr
                                         where p.Place_Id == placeIdArr[i]
                                         select p;

                            var pItem = places.First();

                            //query place's location, find the lowest distance

                            var queryLocation = from s in cityRegion
                                                select new
                                Distance = GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(s.RLat, s.RLng, pItem.Lat, pItem.Lng),
                                City     = s.City,
                                Region   = s.Region

                            queryLocation = queryLocation.OrderBy(c => c.Distance);

                            string city   = queryLocation.First().City;
                            string region = queryLocation.First().Region;

                            var queryWeather = from s in wArr
                                               where s.StartTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") == pDate && s.City == city && s.Region == region
                                               select s;

                            string wIcon = GetIcon(queryWeather.First().Weather);

                            tempNo = i + 1;
                            jsStr += "\"景點" + tempNo + "\":" + "\"<button  class='btn btn-info' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#myModal' onclick='' image='" + pItem.Image + "' address='" + pItem.Address + "'  rating='" + pItem.Rating + "' placeName='" + pItem.PlaceName + "'><i class='" + wIcon + "' style='padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;background:red;border-radius:5px;'></i>" + pItem.PlaceName + "</button>\"";
                            var places = from p in stPlaceArr
                                         where p.Place_Id == placeIdArr[i]
                                         select p;

                            var pItem = places.First();

                            //query place's location, find the lowest distance

                            var queryLocation = from s in cityRegion
                                                select new
                                Distance = GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(s.RLat, s.RLng, pItem.Lat, pItem.Lng),
                                City     = s.City,
                                Region   = s.Region

                            queryLocation = queryLocation.OrderBy(c => c.Distance);

                            string city   = queryLocation.First().City;
                            string region = queryLocation.First().Region;

                            var queryWeather = from s in wArr
                                               where s.StartTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") == pDate && s.City == city && s.Region == region
                                               select s;

                            string wIcon = GetIcon(queryWeather.First().Weather);

                            var places2 = from p in stPlaceArr
                                          where p.Place_Id == placeIdArr[i + 1]
                                          select p;

                            var nextPItem = places2.First();

                            tempNo = i + 1;

                            jsStr += "\"景點" + tempNo + "\":" + "\"<button class='btn btn-info' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#myModal' onclick='' image='" + pItem.Image + "' address='" + pItem.Address + "'  rating='" + pItem.Rating + "' placeName='" + pItem.PlaceName + "'><i class='" + wIcon + "' style='padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;background:red;border-radius:5px;'></i>" + pItem.PlaceName + "</button>\",\"距離" + tempNo + "\":\"<span id='spanDriving" + j + i + "' class='driving' onclick='' lat1='" + pItem.Lat + "' lng1='" + pItem.Lng + "' lat2='" + nextPItem.Lat + "' lng2='" + nextPItem.Lng + "'  currentPName='" + pItem.PlaceName + "' nextPName='" + nextPItem.PlaceName + "' ></span><span id='spanTransit" + j + i + "' class='transit' onclick='' lat1='" + pItem.Lat + "' lng1='" + pItem.Lng + "' lat2='" + nextPItem.Lat + "' lng2='" + nextPItem.Lng + "'  currentPName='" + pItem.PlaceName + "' nextPName='" + nextPItem.PlaceName + "' fare='' ></span>\",";

                    record = "{" + jsStr + "},";
                    jstr2 += record;

                ViewBag.JSON = jstr2;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult PackageSlide(string packageName, string slideTheme)
            ViewBag.Theme = slideTheme;
            List <Map>   mapList = new List <Map>();
            List <Place> places = new List <Place>();
            string       pName = "", pMemo = "", pDate = "";
            var          cwdUVIArr = db.CWDUVI.ToArray();
            var          epaAQIArr = db.EPAAQI.ToArray();

            if (packageName != null)
                var result = from p in db.ShareTravelPackage.ToArray()
                             where p.PackageName == packageName
                             select p;

                //todo 帶出 place string 並 split , 把每一個 place 轉成 packageFormViewModel

                foreach (var item in result)
                    string[] placeStrs = item.Places.Split(';');
                    pName = item.PackageName;
                    pMemo = item.Memo;
                    pDate = item.TravelDateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    foreach (var pItem in placeStrs)
                        var pInfo = from s in db.ShareTravelPlace
                                    where s.Place_Id == pItem
                                    select s;

                        var stPlace = pInfo.First();

                        //query place's location, find the lowest distance
                        var cityRegion = db.CWBCityRegionLocation.ToArray();

                        var queryLocation = from s in cityRegion
                                            select new
                            Distance = GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(s.RLat, s.RLng, stPlace.Lat, stPlace.Lng),
                            City     = s.City,
                            Region   = s.Region

                        queryLocation = queryLocation.OrderBy(c => c.Distance);

                        string city   = queryLocation.First().City;
                        string region = queryLocation.First().Region;

                        var queryWeather = from s in db.CWDWeatherDescription.ToArray()
                                           where s.StartTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") == pDate && s.City == city && s.Region == region
                                           select s;

                        string weather = "", rain = "", temp = "", status = "", wind = "", humidity = "", temp2 = "";

                        if (queryWeather.Count() > 0)
                            weather = queryWeather.First().Weather;

                            rain = queryWeather.First().Rain;
                            if (rain == null || rain == "" || rain.IndexOf("降雨機率0%") > -1)
                                rain = "0";
                                rain = rain.Substring(4, 2);

                            temp     = queryWeather.First().Temp;            //溫度攝氏28至32度
                            status   = queryWeather.First().Status;          //舒適至悶熱
                            wind     = queryWeather.First().Wind;
                            humidity = queryWeather.First().Humidity.Trim(); // 相對濕度為71%

                            temp2    = temp.Substring(7, 2);
                            temp     = temp.Substring(4, 2);
                            humidity = humidity.Substring(5, 2);

                        var queryUVI = (from s in cwdUVIArr
                                        where s.StartTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") == pDate && s.City == city && s.Region == region
                                        select s);

                        string uvi = queryUVI.First().UVI.ToString() + "(" + queryUVI.First().Exposure + ")";

                        //AQI 先用同縣市第一筆
                        var queryAQI = from s in epaAQIArr
                                       where s.City == city
                                       select s;

                        string aqi = queryAQI.First().AQI + "(" + queryAQI.First().Status + ")";

                        places.Add(new Place
                            Name     = stPlace.PlaceName,
                            Address  = stPlace.Address,
                            Image    = stPlace.Image,
                            Rating   = stPlace.Rating,
                            Place_Id = stPlace.Place_Id,
                            Lat      = Convert.ToString(stPlace.Lat),
                            Lng      = Convert.ToString(stPlace.Lng),
                            Weather  = weather,
                            Rain     = rain,
                            Temp     = (temp + " - " + temp2),
                            Status   = status,
                            Wind     = wind,
                            Humidity = humidity,
                            UVI      = uvi,
                            AQI      = aqi

            string pathString = "", title = "";

            Place[] pArray = places.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < pArray.Length; i++)
                if (i == pArray.Length - 1)
                    break; //只有點與點之間要畫 map , 最後一個點不用
                title      = pArray[i].Name + " to " + pArray[i + 1].Name;
                pathString = pArray[i].Lat + "," + pArray[i].Lng + "|" + pArray[i + 1].Lat + "," + pArray[i + 1].Lng;
                mapList.Add(new Map {
                    Title = title, Path = pathString

            ViewBag.Places = places;
            ViewBag.Maps   = mapList.ToArray();
            ViewBag.PName  = pName;
            ViewBag.PMemo  = pMemo;
            ViewBag.PDate  = pDate;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult Package(string packageName) // 用 packageName 當 key
            if (packageName != null)
                string uvi = "", uviNote = "", aqi = "", aqiNote = "";

                var epaAQIArr = db.EPAAQI.ToArray();

                var feedingArr = db.AllFeedingRoom.ToArray();

                var result = from p in db.ShareTravelPackage.ToArray()
                             where p.PackageName == packageName
                             select p;

                List <PackageFormViewModel> pfList = new List <PackageFormViewModel>();

                //todo 帶出 place string 並 split , 把每一個 place 轉成 packageFormViewModel
                string pName = "", pMemo = "", pDate = "";
                foreach (var item in result)
                    string[] places = item.Places.Split(';');
                    pName = item.PackageName;
                    pMemo = item.Memo;
                    pDate = item.TravelDateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                    foreach (var pItem in places)
                        var pInfo = from s in db.ShareTravelPlace
                                    where s.Place_Id == pItem
                                    select s;

                        var stPlace = pInfo.First();

                        //query place's location, find the lowest distance
                        var cityRegion = db.CWBCityRegionLocation.ToArray();

                        var queryLocation = from s in cityRegion
                                            select new
                            Distance = GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(s.RLat, s.RLng, stPlace.Lat, stPlace.Lng),
                            City     = s.City,
                            Region   = s.Region

                        queryLocation = queryLocation.OrderBy(c => c.Distance);

                        string city   = queryLocation.First().City;
                        string region = queryLocation.First().Region;

                        var queryWeather = from s in db.CWDWeatherDescription.ToArray()
                                           where s.StartTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") == pDate && s.City == city && s.Region == region
                                           select s;

                        string weather = "", rain = "", temp = "", status = "", wind = "", humidity = "", temp2 = "";

                        if (queryWeather.Count() > 0)
                            weather = queryWeather.First().Weather;
                            rain    = queryWeather.First().Rain;
                            if (rain == null || rain == "" || rain.IndexOf("降雨機率0%") > -1)
                                rain = "0";
                                rain = rain.Substring(4, 2);

                            temp     = queryWeather.First().Temp;            //溫度攝氏28至32度
                            status   = queryWeather.First().Status;          //舒適至悶熱
                            wind     = queryWeather.First().Wind;
                            humidity = queryWeather.First().Humidity.Trim(); // 相對濕度為71%

                            temp2    = temp.Substring(7, 2);
                            temp     = temp.Substring(4, 2);
                            humidity = humidity.Substring(5, 2);

                        var queryUVI = (from s in db.CWDUVI.ToArray()
                                        where s.StartTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") == pDate && s.City == city && s.Region == region
                                        select s);

                        uvi     = queryUVI.First().UVI.ToString();
                        uviNote = queryUVI.First().Exposure;
                        //AQI 先用同縣市第一筆
                        var queryAQI = from s in epaAQIArr
                                       where s.City == city
                                       select s;

                        aqi     = queryAQI.First().AQI;
                        aqiNote = "(" + queryAQI.First().Status + ")";

                        //query feeding
                        var queryFeeding = from s in feedingArr
                                           select new MyFeedingRoom
                            Distance = Math.Round(GeolocationUtils.GetDistance(s.lat, s.lng, stPlace.Lat, stPlace.Lng) * 100) / 100,
                            Name     = s.name,
                            Address  = s.address,
                            Tel      = s.tel,
                            Lat      = s.lat,
                            Lng      = s.lng,
                            Opentime = s.opentime

                        queryFeeding = queryFeeding.OrderBy(c => c.Distance).Take(5);

                        pfList.Add(new PackageFormViewModel
                            PlaceName           = stPlace.PlaceName,
                            Address             = stPlace.Address,
                            Image               = stPlace.Image,
                            Rating              = Convert.ToString(stPlace.Rating),
                            Place_Id            = stPlace.Place_Id,
                            Lat                 = Convert.ToString(stPlace.Lat),
                            Lng                 = Convert.ToString(stPlace.Lng),
                            PackageName         = pName,
                            PackageMemo         = pMemo,
                            Date                = pDate,
                            Weather             = weather,
                            Rain                = rain,
                            Temp                = (temp + " - " + temp2),
                            Status              = status,
                            Wind                = wind,
                            Humidity            = humidity,
                            City                = city,
                            Region              = region,
                            UVI                 = uvi,
                            UVINote             = uviNote,
                            AQI                 = aqi,
                            AQINote             = aqiNote,
                            JsonStrFeedingRooms = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(queryFeeding)

                // note the truncate error

                ViewBag.PFList = pfList;

                string maxRain = pfList.Max(c => c.Rain);
                ViewBag.Rain = maxRain;

                string minTemp = pfList.Min(c => c.Temp.Substring(0, 2));

                ViewBag.Temp = minTemp + " - " + pfList.Max(c => c.Temp.Substring(c.Temp.IndexOf("-") + 2, 2));

                string minHumidity = pfList.Min(c => c.Humidity);
                string maxHumidity = pfList.Max(c => c.Humidity);

                ViewBag.Humidity = (minHumidity == maxHumidity)? maxHumidity : minHumidity + " - " + maxHumidity;

                string maxUVI = pfList.Max(c => c.UVI);
                ViewBag.UVI = maxUVI;

                string minAQI = pfList.Min(c => c.AQI);
                string maxAQI = pfList.Max(c => c.AQI);
                ViewBag.AQI = (minAQI == maxAQI) ? minAQI : minAQI + " - " + maxAQI;

                ViewBag.Span1Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/happy.png\" />";
                ViewBag.Span2Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/happy.png\" />";
                ViewBag.Span3Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/happy.png\" />";
                ViewBag.Span4Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/happy.png\" />";
                ViewBag.Span5Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/happy.png\" />";
                ViewBag.Span1Note = "良好";
                ViewBag.Span2Note = "良好";
                ViewBag.Span3Note = "良好";
                ViewBag.Span4Note = "良好";
                ViewBag.Span5Note = "良好";

                if (Convert.ToInt16(maxRain) > 0)
                    ViewBag.Span1Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/umbrella.png\" />";
                    ViewBag.Span1Note = "攜帶雨具";

                if (Convert.ToInt16(minTemp) > 25)
                    ViewBag.Span2Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/water.png\" />";
                    ViewBag.Span2Note = "喝水預防中暑";

                if (Convert.ToInt16(minHumidity) >= 50)
                    ViewBag.Span3Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/pimples.png\" />";
                    ViewBag.Span3Note = "預防過敏";

                if (Convert.ToInt16(maxUVI) >= 8)
                    ViewBag.Span4Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/hat-and-glasses.png\" />";
                    ViewBag.Span4Note = "注意防曬";

                if (Convert.ToInt16(aqi) > 100)
                    ViewBag.Span5Icon = "<img src=\"https://familytravel.azurewebsites.net/Content/images/mask.png\" />";
                    ViewBag.Span5Note = "注意空污";
            //ViewBag.PFList = TempData["PFList"];