Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Distance()
            var pos1 = new Position(46.83749695f, 16.84976191f);
            var pos2 = new Position(46.83749276f, 16.84976201f);

            var distance = GeoHelper.Distance(pos1, pos2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, distance, 0.01);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void GeoHelper_Plot()
            // Plot a destination from an origin point using a course and
            // distance and compare this to a known result from:
            // http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html

            var start     = new GeoCoordinate("50 03 59N", "005 42 53W");
            var end       = GeoHelper.Plot(start, 45, 15, GeoHelper.EarthRadiusKilometers);
            var reference = new GeoCoordinate("50°09′42″N", "005°33′57″W");

            Assert.IsTrue(start.Latitude < end.Latitude);
            Assert.IsTrue(start.Longitude < end.Longitude);
            Assert.IsTrue(GeoHelper.Distance(end, reference, GeoHelper.EarthRadiusKilometers) < 0.02);    // Verify accuracy to within 2%
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void GeoHelper_Distance()
            // Compute the distance between two points on the earth where
            // we know the distance from the calculator on:
            // http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html

            var millCreek = new GeoCoordinate(47.845, -122.248);
            var rosemont  = new GeoCoordinate(47.621, -122.092);
            var distance  = GeoHelper.Distance(millCreek, rosemont, GeoHelper.EarthRadiusKilometers);

            Assert.IsTrue(27.45 <= distance && distance < 27.55);

            distance = GeoHelper.Distance(rosemont, millCreek, GeoHelper.EarthRadiusKilometers);
            Assert.IsTrue(27.45 <= distance && distance < 27.55);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            /// <summary>
            /// Checks if we need to update data
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sender"></param>
            /// <param name="o"></param>
            private async void HeartbeatTick(object sender, object o)
                // We need to skip this iteration
                if (!_keepHeartbeating || _isHeartbeating)
                _isHeartbeating = true;
                // Heartbeat is alive so we check if we need to update data, based on GameSettings
                var canRefresh = false;

                //Collect location data for signature

                // We have no settings yet so we just update without further checks
                if (GameSetting == null)
                    canRefresh = true;
                    // Check if we need to update
                    var minSeconds        = GameSetting.MapSettings.GetMapObjectsMinRefreshSeconds;
                    var maxSeconds        = GameSetting.MapSettings.GetMapObjectsMaxRefreshSeconds;
                    var minDistance       = GameSetting.MapSettings.GetMapObjectsMinDistanceMeters;
                    var lastGeoCoordinate = _lastGeopositionMapObjectsRequest;
                    var secondsSinceLast  = DateTime.Now.Subtract(BaseRpc.LastRpcRequest).Seconds;
                    if (lastGeoCoordinate == null)
                        Logger.Write("Refreshing MapObjects, reason: 'lastGeoCoordinate == null'.");
                        canRefresh = true;
                    else if (secondsSinceLast >= minSeconds)
                        var metersMoved = GeoHelper.Distance(Geoposition.Coordinate.Point, lastGeoCoordinate.Coordinate.Point);
                        if (secondsSinceLast >= maxSeconds)
                            Logger.Write($"Refreshing MapObjects, reason: 'secondsSinceLast({secondsSinceLast}) >= maxSeconds({maxSeconds})'.");
                            canRefresh = true;
                        else if (metersMoved >= minDistance)
                            Logger.Write($"Refreshing MapObjects, reason: 'metersMoved({metersMoved}) >= minDistance({minDistance})'.");
                            canRefresh = true;
                // Update!
                if (!canRefresh)
                    _isHeartbeating = false;
                    await UpdateMapObjects();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
                    _isHeartbeating = false;