Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void AddMapName(TextPosInfo textPosInfo)
            //check if there's collide
            foreach (var o in _textInfos)
                foreach (var p in textPosInfo._rectangles)
                    foreach (var q in o._rectangles)
                        if (p.IntersectsWith(q))
            bool somethingInScreen = true;

            foreach (var p in textPosInfo._rectangles)
                GeoBounds geoBounds = new GeoBounds(p.X, p.Y, p.Width, p.Height);
                if (!_mapSize.Contains(geoBounds))
                    somethingInScreen = false;

            if (somethingInScreen)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DrawRegion(MapPen mapPen, MapBrush mapBrush, GeoPolygon region)
            Pen       pen        = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((int)(mapPen.Color | 0xFF000000)), mapPen.Width);
            Brush     brush      = GetBrush(mapBrush);
            GeoBounds bounds     = new GeoBounds(118.808451, 31.907395, 0.003907, 0.0035);
            ArrayList clippedPts = _sutherlandHodgman.ClipRegion(region.GetPoints());

            GeoPoint[] screenPts = FromLatLngToMapPixel(clippedPts);

            if (screenPts.Length > 2)
                    int[] xpoints = new int[screenPts.Length];
                    int[] ypoints = new int[screenPts.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < screenPts.Length; i++)
                        xpoints[i] = (int)screenPts[i].X;
                        ypoints[i] = (int)screenPts[i].Y;

                    Point[] points = new Point[xpoints.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                        points[i] = new Point(xpoints[i], ypoints[i]);
                    SharedGraphics2D.Graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, points);
                    SharedGraphics2D.Graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 21JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Open the map.
         * @
        public void Open()
            lock (_mapFeatureLayers)
                int layerCount = _mapFeatureLayers.Count;

                if (layerCount > 0)
                    _bounds = ((MapFeatureLayer)_mapFeatureLayers[0]).Bounds;
                    _bounds = new GeoLatLngBounds();

                for (int i = 1; i < layerCount; i++)
                    MapFeatureLayer mapLayer = (MapFeatureLayer)_mapFeatureLayers[i];
                    GeoBounds.Union(mapLayer.Bounds, _bounds, _bounds);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public CountryInfo(Continent continent, string administrativeName, IGeometry geomentryData,
                           Uri smallFlag, Uri largeFlag,
                           bool longitudeWrap, int zIndex, double toleranceLow, double toleranceHi)
            Continent          = continent;
            AdministrativeName = administrativeName;

            if (geomentryData is Polygon)
                var delta = ((Polygon)geomentryData).GetArea().Value;
                GeomentryData = new List <GeoPolygon> {
                    ConvertPolygon((Polygon)geomentryData, false, longitudeWrap)
            else if (geomentryData is MultiPolygon)
                var polygons = ((MultiPolygon)geomentryData).Geometries
                               .Cast <Polygon>()
                               .Where(p => p.GetArea().Value > 0)
                               .Select(p => new { Polygon = p, Area = p.GetArea().Value, Bounds = p.GetBounds() })

                var countryBounds = geomentryData.GetBounds();
                var area          = polygons.MaxBy(a => a.Area);
                var dist          = Math.Sqrt(
                    Math.Pow(countryBounds.MaxLon - countryBounds.MinLon - area.Bounds.MaxLon + area.Bounds.MinLon, 2) +
                    Math.Pow(countryBounds.MaxLat - countryBounds.MinLat - area.Bounds.MaxLat + area.Bounds.MinLat, 2)

                var total = polygons.Sum(a => a.Area);

                GeomentryData = polygons
                                .Select(p => ConvertPolygon(p.Polygon, p.Area / total < (toleranceLow + toleranceHi * GetDistance(area.Bounds, p.Bounds) / dist), longitudeWrap))
                GeomentryData = new List <GeoPolygon>();

            var bounds = GeomentryData.Where(p => !p.Ignored);

            Bounds = new GeoBounds(
                bounds.Min(p => p.Bounds.Left),
                bounds.Min(p => p.Bounds.Top),
                bounds.Max(p => p.Bounds.Right),
                bounds.Max(p => p.Bounds.Bottom));

            SmallFlag = smallFlag;
            LargeFlag = largeFlag;

            Borders = new List <IBorderInfo>();

            ZIndex = zIndex;

            IsSmall = GeomentryData.Max(g => g.Area) < SmallCountryAreaThreshold;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public CountryAreaFill(Uri flag, GeoBounds areaBounds, GeoBounds countryBounds, bool markerOnly)
            Flag = flag;

            X = areaBounds.Left - countryBounds.Left;
            Y = areaBounds.Top - countryBounds.Top;

            Width  = areaBounds.Right - areaBounds.Left;
            Height = areaBounds.Bottom - areaBounds.Top;

            CountryWidth  = countryBounds.Right - countryBounds.Left;
            CountryHeight = countryBounds.Bottom - countryBounds.Top;

            MarkerOnly = markerOnly;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public MapAreaMV(SelectionMarker selectionMarker, ICountryQuestion question, GeoBounds bounds, bool markerOnly)
            _selectionMarker = selectionMarker;
            _question        = question;

            _question.OnStateChanged           += (s, e) => FillState = e.State;
            _selectionMarker.OnSelectedChanged += (s, e) => Selected = e;

            StartGuessCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
                if (_question.State == QuestionState.Unanswered && !_selectionMarker.Selected)
                    MessengerInstance.Send(new StartCountryGuessNotification(_question, _selectionMarker));

            Fill = new CountryAreaFill(question.Country.LargeFlag, bounds, question.Country.Bounds, markerOnly);

            ZIndex  = question.Country.ZIndex;
            Visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 20JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Open the map.
         * @throws IOException if there's problem opening the map.
        public void Open()
            lock (_mapTiledZones)
                int layerCount = _mapTiledZones.Count;
                if (layerCount > 0)
                    _bounds = ((MapTiledZone)_mapTiledZones[0]).Bounds;
                    _bounds = new GeoLatLngBounds();
                for (int i = 1; i < layerCount; i++)
                    MapTiledZone mapTiledZone = (MapTiledZone)_mapTiledZones[i];
                    GeoBounds.Union(mapTiledZone.Bounds, _bounds, _bounds);
		public GeoBoundsAggregate()
			Bounds = new GeoBounds();
        public void SaveRoute(RawRoute route, IEnumerable<StopPoint> stops, GeoBounds bounds)
            var coords = stops.Select(s =>
                    new GeoJson2DGeographicCoordinates(s.longitude, s.latitude));

            var line = new GeoJsonLineString<GeoJson2DGeographicCoordinates>(
                new GeoJsonLineStringCoordinates<GeoJson2DGeographicCoordinates>(coords));

            BsonDocument bsonRoute = new BsonDocument
                {"RouteName", route.RouteName},
                {"stops" , line.ToBsonDocument()
                {"maxLatitude", bounds.BottomRight.Latitude},

Ejemplo n.º 10
 public GeoBoundsMetric()
     Bounds = new GeoBounds();
Ejemplo n.º 11
    float metricToValue(KSProject proj, KSMetric metric, string type)
        string label = metric.Name;
        GeoBounds gb = GeoBounds.List[GA.Geographic];

        if (label == "Latitude")
            return((proj.GetMetric("Lat") - gb.Bottom) * 10 / gb.Scale);
        if (label == "Longitude")
            return((proj.GetMetric("Lon") - gb.Left) * 10 / gb.Scale);

        float zoom = GA.zoom;

        float s, logValue;

        if (type == "linear")
            return(proj.GetMetric(label) / metric.Zoom / zoom);
            //s ^ 10 = modifier * zoom * 10
            //s ^ x = value
            s        = Mathf.Log(metric.Zoom * zoom, 10);
            logValue = proj.GetMetric(label) > 0 ? Mathf.Log(proj.GetMetric(label), s) : 0;

            //Debug.Log(s + " ^ " + logValue + " = " + proj.GetMetric(label));


         * switch(label.ToLower())
         * //switch(label)
         * {
         * case "raised":
         *      if(type == "linear")
         *              return proj.raised / Modifiers["Raised"] / zoom;
         *      else
         *      {
         * //				s ^ 10 = modifier * zoom * 10
         * //				s ^ x = value
         *              s = Mathf.Log(Modifiers["Raised"] * zoom, 10);
         *              logValue = proj.raised > 0 ? Mathf.Log(proj.raised, s) : 0;
         *              //Debug.Log(s + " ^ " + logValue + " = " + proj.raised);
         *              return logValue;
         *      }
         *      break;
         * case "goal":
         *      //return proj.goal / Modifiers["Goal"] / zoom;
         *      val = proj.goal / Modifiers["Goal"] / zoom;
         *      if(type == "linear")
         *              return val;
         *      else
         *      {
         *              s = Mathf.Log(Modifiers["Goal"] * zoom, 10);
         *              logValue = proj.goal > 0 ? Mathf.Log(proj.goal, s) : 0;
         *              //Debug.Log(proj.raised + " ^ " + s + " = " + logValue);
         *              return logValue;
         *      }
         *      break;
         * case "backers":
         *      //return proj.backers / Modifiers["Backers"] / zoom;
         *      if(type == "linear")
         *              return proj.backers / Modifiers["Backers"] / zoom;
         *      else
         *      {
         *              s = Mathf.Log(Modifiers["Backers"] * zoom, 10);
         *              logValue = proj.backers > 0 ? Mathf.Log(proj.backers, s) : 0;
         *              return logValue;
         *      }
         *      break;
         * case "comments":
         *      //return proj.comments / Modifiers["Comments"] / zoom;
         *      if(type == "linear")
         *              return proj.comments / Modifiers["Comments"] / zoom;
         *      else
         *      {
         *              s = Mathf.Log(Modifiers["Comments"] * zoom, 10);
         *              logValue = proj.comments > 0 ? Mathf.Log(proj.comments, s) : 0;
         *              return logValue;
         *      }
         *      break;
         * case "dpb":
         *      //return proj.backers == 0 ? 0 : proj.raised / proj.backers / Modifiers["DpB"] / zoom;
         *      if(type == "linear")
         *              return Mathf.Min(proj.backers, proj.raised) == 0 ? 0 : proj.raised / proj.backers / Modifiers["DpB"] / zoom;
         *      else
         *      {
         *              s = Mathf.Log(Modifiers["DpB"] * zoom, 10);
         *              logValue = proj.backers > 0 ? Mathf.Log(proj.raised / proj.backers, s) : 0;
         *              return logValue;
         *      }
         *      break;
         * case "% raised":
         *      //return proj.raised / proj.goal / Modifiers["% Raised"] / zoom;
         *      if(type == "linear")
         *              return proj.raised / proj.goal / Modifiers["% Raised"] / zoom;
         *      else
         *      {
         *              s = Mathf.Log(Modifiers["DpB"] * zoom, 10);
         *              logValue = proj.raised > 0 ? Mathf.Log((proj.raised / proj.goal) + 1, s) : 0;
         *              return logValue;
         *      }
         *      break;
         * case "latitude":
         *      return (proj.lat - gb.Bottom) * 10 / gb.Scale;
         *      break;
         * case "longitude":
         *      return (proj.lon - gb.Left) * 10 / gb.Scale;
         *      break;
         * case "zero":
         * default:
         *      return 0;
         *      break;
         * }*/
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public GeoBoundsMetric()
			Bounds = new GeoBounds();
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public GeoBoundsAggregate()
     Bounds = new GeoBounds();