private static void AddGeno(IDBHelper dBHelper, string id, string geneIndexid, string server) { string sqlindex = @"select,g.server,g.idsampling,g.idper from geneindex g,sampling s,per p,commitment c where g.idsampling<> 0 and g.idper<> 0 and s.perid<> 0 and s.commitid<> 0 and p.category<>98 and g.deleted = 0 and p.deleted = 0 and c.deleted = 0 and s.deleted = 0 and c.`server`= g.`server` and p.`server`= g.`server`and s.`server`= g.`server` and s.perid = and = g.idsampling and = s.commitid and'" + geneIndexid + "' and g.`server`='" + server + "'"; var dtIndex = dBHelper.getDataTable(sqlindex); if (dtIndex.Rows.Count > 0) { //log.Log($"获取基因信息成功 compareId:{id} server:{server} 开始同步"); for (int k = 0; k < dtIndex.Rows.Count; k++) { var sampId = dtIndex.Rows[k]["idsampling"].ToString(); var perId = dtIndex.Rows[k]["idper"].ToString(); string sqlType = "select * from genotype where id =" + geneIndexid + " and `server`=" + server; var limsGenedt = dBHelper.getDataTable(sqlType); var drList = limsGenedt.Select("id=" + geneIndexid + " and server=" + server); //添加进mongo GenoWork.GetGeneInfo(null, null, SyncManage.Marker, drList, 1, 0, perId, sampId); string updSql = "UPDATE comparedatatask SET `ex8` = 1 WHERE `id` = " + id + " AND `server` = " + server + ";"; dBHelper.execSql(updSql); Console.WriteLine($"{id} 同步成功"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"{id} 为脏数据"); //脏数据 string updSql = "UPDATE comparedatatask SET `ex8` = 3 WHERE `id` = " + id + " AND `server` = " + server + ";"; dBHelper.execSql(updSql); } }
private static void CacheSync_Family(string table, short key) { IMongoDatabase mongobase = MongoDBHelper.createMongoConnection(DBConfig.ConnectionString, DBConfig.LDBNAME); string LDBCNAME = table + "_" + key; var collection = mongobase.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(LDBCNAME); //TODO:测试不减8小时 //var maxTime = DateTime.MinValue; //var time = GenoItems_Family[key].ISODateTime; //maxTime = time != DateTime.MinValue ? time.AddHours(-8) : DateTime.MinValue; var maxTime = DateTime.MinValue; var time = Program.GenoItems_Family[key].ISODateTime; maxTime = time != DateTime.MinValue ? time.AddHours(-8) : DateTime.MinValue; var bsonList = collection .Find(Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.And(Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Gte("ISODATE", maxTime))).ToList(); Program.wrls.EnterReadLock(); foreach (var item in bsonList) { try { string guid = item.GetValue("_id").AsString; string id = item.GetValue("PERID").AsString; if (Convert.ToInt32(item.GetValue("DELETE_FLAG")) == 1) { // lock (DeleteFamilyList) // { // Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // dict["_id"] = guid; // dict["GENEID"] = id.Split(":")[0]; // dict["SERVER"] = id.Split(":")[1]; // dict["TYPE"] = item.GetValue("DICTTYPE").AsString; // dict["MONGOINDEX"] = item.GetValue("MONGOINDEX").AsString; // DeleteFamilyList.Add(dict); // } continue; } List <GenoPer> genoPerls = new List <GenoPer>(); BsonDocument bsonRelF; BsonDocument bsonRelM; BsonDocument bsonRelC; BsonValue dictType = item.GetValue("DICTTYPE"); short mongoIndex = Convert.ToInt16(item.GetValue("MONGOINDEX")); DateTime isoDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(item.GetValue("ISODATE").AsBsonDateTime); //TODO:稍后提取通用方法 GenoPer gp = new GenoPer(); switch (dictType.AsInt32) { case 0: gp.GenoFather = GenoWork.SetGenoRel(item["F"].AsBsonDocument); gp.GenoChild = GenoWork.SetGenoRel(item["C"].AsBsonDocument); genoPerls.Add(gp); Program.GenoItems_Family[mongoIndex].DictFAC[id] = genoPerls; Program.GenoItems_Family[mongoIndex].ISODateTime = isoDateTime; break; case 1: gp.GenoMother = GenoWork.SetGenoRel(item["M"].AsBsonDocument); gp.GenoChild = GenoWork.SetGenoRel(item["C"].AsBsonDocument); genoPerls.Add(gp); Program.GenoItems_Family[mongoIndex].DictMAC[id] = genoPerls; Program.GenoItems_Family[mongoIndex].ISODateTime = isoDateTime; break; case 2: gp.GenoFather = GenoWork.SetGenoRel(item["F"].AsBsonDocument); gp.GenoMother = GenoWork.SetGenoRel(item["M"].AsBsonDocument); genoPerls.Add(gp); Program.GenoItems_Family[mongoIndex].DictFAM[id] = genoPerls; Program.GenoItems_Family[mongoIndex].ISODateTime = isoDateTime; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Program.wrls.ExitReadLock(); }