Ejemplo n.º 1
        public LyricsInfo SearchLyricsAsync(string artist, string song)
            var  geniusClient = new GeniusClient();
            Song songInfo     = geniusClient.Search($"{artist} {song}");

            String uri    = songInfo.Url;
            var    client = new HttpClient();

            var response = client.GetAsync(uri).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            LyricsInfo lyricsInfo = null;

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                lyricsInfo              = new LyricsInfo();
                lyricsInfo.Artist       = songInfo.Artist;
                lyricsInfo.Song         = songInfo.Title;
                lyricsInfo.ThumbnailUrl = songInfo.ThumbnailUrl;

                var          body = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                HtmlDocument doc  = new HtmlDocument();

                var lyricsDiv = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='lyrics']");
                lyricsInfo.Lyrics = lyricsDiv.InnerText.Trim();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ParserGenius(string query = "NEFFEX - Trust me")
            var    geniusClient = new GeniusClient("0KELsTGebL5A6ZExHu-h4sLL7MlZxoX_4DKfGgXC1RrilwKQhWpGeMcXik0hMZ35");
            var    result       = geniusClient.SearchClient.Search(TextFormat.Dom, query);
            var    firstHit     = result.Result.Response.First();
            string str          = firstHit.Result.ToString();

            //Создаём устойчивое выражение, чтобы найти id нашей песни
            var regex      = new Regex(@"(\W)id(\W):\s\d*");
            var collection = regex.Matches(str);
            var matches    = collection.First();

            Console.WriteLine($"Found this id: {matches.Value}");

            string id = matches.Value.Remove(0, 6);

            //По пулученному id получаем песню
            Song song = geniusClient.SongsClient.GetSong(TextFormat.Dom, id).Result.Response;

            if (song is null)
                Console.WriteLine("Song is null, next actions stopped.");

            Console.WriteLine($"URl : {song.Url}");

            _fullAddress = song.Url;

            if (_fullAddress is null)
                Console.WriteLine("Address is null, next actions stopped.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create a new genius fetcher that requires a <paramref name="geniusApiKey" /> to query on https://genius.com.
        ///     It can expand / modify the artist information from a song.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geniusApiKey">
        ///     The API-key that will be used for the queries (i.e. to create the
        ///     <see cref="GeniusClient" />).
        /// </param>
        public GeniusSongInfoFetcher(string geniusApiKey)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(geniusApiKey))
                throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(geniusApiKey));

            GeniusClient = new GeniusClient(geniusApiKey);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <SearchHit> SearchGeniusAsync(string searchValue)
            var client = new GeniusClient(ConfigData.Data.Genius.AccessToken);

            var result = await client.SearchClient.Search(searchValue);

            if (!result.Response.Hits.Any())

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <SongResult> GetUrlAsync(string searchValue)
            var client = new GeniusClient(ConfigData.Data.GeniusAccessToken);

            var result = await client.SearchClient.Search(TextFormat.Dom, searchValue);

            if (!result.Response.Any())

            var songObject = result.Response[0].Result as JObject;

            return(songObject?.ToObject <SongResult>());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create a new genius fetcher that requires a <paramref name="geniusApiKey" /> to query on https://genius.com.
        ///     It can expand / modify the artist information from a song.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geniusApiKey">
        ///     The API-key that will be used for the queries (i.e. to create the
        ///     <see cref="GeniusClient" />). If the genius api key is <code>null</code> (or empty), then the constructor will try to find a
        ///		system variable identified by <see cref="GeniusSystemVariable"/> and use this value instead.
        /// </param>
        public GeniusSongInfoFetcher(string geniusApiKey = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(geniusApiKey))
                geniusApiKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(GeniusSystemVariable);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(geniusApiKey))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"Value cannot be null or whitespace. System variable ${GeniusSystemVariable} is also not set.",

            GeniusClient = new GeniusClient(geniusApiKey);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
                // Genius.NET doesn't provide OAuth related wrappers.
                var client = new GeniusClient("API_KEY");

                // GET /annotations/:id
                var annotation = await client.AnnotationClient.GetAnnotation(10225840);

                // POST /annotations
                var newAnnotation = await client.AnnotationClient.PostAnnotation(
                    new AnnotationPayload("hello **world!**",
                                          new ReferentPayload("http://seejohncode.com/2014/01/27/vim-commands-piping/",
                                                              "execute commands",
                                                              new ContextForDisplay("You may know that you can",
                                                                                    " from inside of vim, with a vim command:")),
                                          new WebPagePayload(title: "Secret of Mana")));

                // PUT /annotations
                var updatedAnnotation = await client.AnnotationClient.UpdateAnnotation(
                    new AnnotationPayload("hello **world!**",
                                          new ReferentPayload("http://seejohncode.com/2014/01/27/vim-commands-piping/",
                                                              "execute commands",
                                                              new ContextForDisplay("You may know that you can",
                                                                                    " from inside of vim, with a vim command:")),
                                          new WebPagePayload(title: "Secret of Mana")));

                // DELETE /annotations/:id
                var deletedAnnotation = await client.AnnotationClient.DeleteAnnotation(10225840);

                // PUT /annotations/:id/upvote
                var upvotedAnnotation = await client.AnnotationClient.UpVoteAnnotation(10225840);

                // PUT /annotations/:id/downvote
                var downvotedAnnotation = await client.AnnotationClient.DownVoteAnnotation(10225840);

                // PUT /annotations/:id/unvote
                var unvotedAnnotation = await client.AnnotationClient.UnVoteAnnotation(10225840);

                // GET /account
                var user = await client.AccountClient.GetAccount();

                // GET /referents
                var referent = await client.ReferentClient.GetReferent(webPageId : "10347");

                // GET /songs/:id
                var song = await client.SongClient.GetSong(378195);

                // GET /artists/:id
                var artist = client.ArtistClient.GetArtist(16775);

                // GET /artists/:id/songs
                var artistsSongs = await client.ArtistClient.GetArtistsSongs(16775, sort : "title");

                // GET /web_pages/lookup
                var webPage = await client.WebPageClient.GetWebPage(Uri.EscapeUriString("https://docs.genius.com"));

                // GET /search
                var search = client.SearchClient.Search("Kendrick Lamar");
            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
     _geniusClient = GeniusClientInitializer.GetClient();
     _inputData    = TestInputData.GetFromJsonFile();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        static async void Search(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) //realyzing Genius API
            if (e.Message.Text == "/cancel")
                botClient.OnMessage -= Search;
                botClient.OnMessage += Bot_OnMessage;

                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                    text : $"Последнее действие отменено");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Received '{e.Message.Text}' in chat with {e.Message.From.Username}.");
                    var geniusClient = new GeniusClient("Gfx7YiVFLGVjdlyrbgQHvfcnEf1hT4Xad0UJ3s72zFN-RqjE-qTiGhuc2ya1BJjB");
                    var searchResult = await geniusClient.SearchClient.Search(textFormat : TextFormat.Dom, searchTerm : e.Message.Text);

                    var result     = Result.FromJson(searchResult.Response[0].Result.ToString());
                    var songResult = await geniusClient.SongsClient.GetSong(TextFormat.Dom, result.Id.ToString());

                    HtmlWeb web   = new HtmlWeb();
                    string  lyric = web.Load(result.Url.ToString()).DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='lyrics']").InnerText;
                    Song    song  = songResult.Response;

                    string info  = $"*{song.Title}*\n*{result.PrimaryArtist.Name}*\n";
                    int    count = 0;
                    if (song.FeaturedArtists.Count != 0)
                        info += "_Featuring by:_  ";
                        count = 0;
                        foreach (Artist artist in song.FeaturedArtists)
                            if (count == 0)
                                info += "*" + artist.Name.Replace("*", "") + "*";
                                info += " & " + "*" + artist.Name.Replace("*", "") + "*";
                        info += "\n";
                    if (song.ProducerArtists.Count != 0)
                        info += "_Produced by:_  ";
                        count = 0;
                        foreach (Artist artist in song.ProducerArtists)
                            if (count == 0)
                                info += "*" + artist.Name.Replace("*", "") + "*";
                                info += " & " + "*" + artist.Name.Replace("*", "") + "*";
                        info += "\n";
                    if (song.Album != null)
                        info += $"_Album_: *{song.Album.Name.Replace("*", "")}*\n";
                    info  += $"_Release date_: *{song.ReleaseDate}*";
                    lyric  = info + lyric;
                    lyric  = lyric.Replace("[", "*[");
                    lyric  = lyric.Replace("]", "]*");
                    lyric  = lyric.Replace("&amp;", "&");
                    lyric  = lyric.Replace("\n\n\n", "");
                    lyric += "Powered by: " + result.Url.ToString();

                    Console.WriteLine($"Give text on message '{e.Message.Text}': {result.FullTitle}");

                    await botClient.SendPhotoAsync(
                        chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                        photo : result.HeaderImageUrl.ToString());

                    if (lyric.Length > 4096)
                        int numOfMessages = (lyric.Length / 4096) + 1;
                        int pastIndex     = 0;
                        int index         = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numOfMessages; i++)
                            if (i == 0)
                                index = lyric.LastIndexOf('\n', 4096);
                                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                                    chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                                    text : lyric.Substring(0, index),
                                    parseMode : ParseMode.Markdown);

                                pastIndex = index;
                            else if (i == numOfMessages - 1)
                                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                                    chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                                    text : lyric.Substring(pastIndex, lyric.Length - pastIndex),
                                    parseMode : ParseMode.Markdown);
                                index += 4096;
                                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                                    chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                                    text : lyric.Substring(pastIndex, 4096),
                                    parseMode : ParseMode.Markdown);

                                pastIndex = index;
                        await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                            chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                            text : lyric,
                            parseMode : ParseMode.Markdown);

                    botClient.OnMessage -= Search;
                    botClient.OnMessage += Bot_OnMessage;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 40));
                    Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 40));
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error was in chat with {e.Message.From.Username}");
                    await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                        chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                        text : "Такой песни нету, попробуй еще раз");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public GeniusAPI(ref MainWindow mw)
     mainW        = mw;
     geniusClient = new GeniusClient("W0knrrPmfODbCT-Oe26Uimx8GJSqszwKyh34soM0oQuNRSppLmlOuHffrO8YD0iL");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static async Task Examples()
            var geniusClient = new GeniusClient("CLIENT_ACCESS_KEY");

            #region Annotations

            // GET an annotation by Id
            var getAnnotation = await geniusClient.AnnotationsClient.GetAnnotation("10225840", TextFormat.Dom);

            // Create/POST an annotation
            var annotationPayload = new AnnotationPayload
                Annotation = new Annotation {
                    Body = new AnnotationBody {
                        MarkDown = "hello **world!**"
                Referent = new Referent
                    RawAnnotableUrl   = "http://seejohncode.com/2014/01/27/vim-commands-piping/",
                    Fragment          = "execute commands",
                    ContextForDisplay = new ContextForDisplay
                        BeforeHtml = "You may know that you can ",
                        AfterHtml  = " from inside of a vim, with a vim command:"
                WebPage = new WebPage
                    CanonicalUrl = null,
                    OgUrl        = null,
                    Title        = "Secret of Mana"
            var postAnnotation =
                await geniusClient.AnnotationsClient.CreateAnnotation(annotationPayload, TextFormat.Dom);

            // Update an annotation

            var annotationUpdatePayload = new AnnotationPayload
                Annotation = new Annotation {
                    Body = new AnnotationBody {
                        MarkDown = "hello **world!** is very generic"

            var updatedAnnotation =
                await geniusClient.AnnotationsClient.UpdateAnnotation(postAnnotation.Response.Id,

            // Delete an annotation

            var deletedAnnotation =
                await geniusClient.AnnotationsClient.DeleteAnnotation(postAnnotation.Response.Id, TextFormat.Dom);


            #region Voting

            // Upvote
            await geniusClient.VoteClient.Vote(VoteType.Upvote, "Annotation_ID", TextFormat.Dom);

            await geniusClient.VoteClient.Vote(VoteType.Downvote, "Annotation_ID", TextFormat.Dom);

            //UnVote (Remove the vote)
            await geniusClient.VoteClient.Vote(VoteType.Unvote, "Annotation_ID", TextFormat.Dom);


            #region Referent

            var referentBySongId =
                await geniusClient.ReferentsClient.GetReferentBySongId(TextFormat.Dom, "Song_Id", "Created_by_id",
                                                                       "per_page", "page");

            var referentByWebPageId =
                await geniusClient.ReferentsClient.GetReferentByWebPageId(TextFormat.Dom, "Web_page_id");


            #region Songs

            var song = geniusClient.SongsClient.GetSong(TextFormat.Dom, "SONG_ID");


            #region Artists

            var artistInfo    = geniusClient.ArtistsClient.GetArtist(TextFormat.Dom, "ARTIST_ID");
            var songsByArtist = geniusClient.ArtistsClient.GetSongsByArtist(TextFormat.Dom, "ARTIST_ID");


            #region WebPages

            var webPage = geniusClient.WebPagesClient.GetWebPage(TextFormat.Dom, "URL");


            #region Search

            var searchResult = geniusClient.SearchClient.Search(TextFormat.Dom, "Kendrick%20Lamar");


            #region Account

            var accountInfo = geniusClient.AccountsClient.GetAccountInfo(TextFormat.Dom);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void ClassInit(TestContext context)
            string apiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["API_KEY"]?.ToString();

            _geniusClient = new GeniusClient(apiKey);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private async void LyricFinder2(string artistName, string songName)
            progressBar.Visible = true;
            //Search for artistName
            artistName = artistName.Replace(" ", "%20");
            songName   = songName.Replace(" ", "%20");

                var geniusClient = new GeniusClient(_token);
                var search       = await geniusClient.SearchClient.Search(TextFormat.Dom, artistName + "%20" + songName);

                if (search.Response.Count == 0)
                var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Result>(search.Response[0].Result.ToString());

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(songName))
                    var songs = new List <Song>();
                    HttpResponse <List <Song> > response;
                    var page = 1;
                        response = await geniusClient.ArtistsClient.GetSongsByArtist(TextFormat.Dom,
                                                                                     result.primary_artist.id + "", "", "20", page + "");

                    } while (response.Response.Any());

                    progressBar.Maximum = songs.Count;
                    foreach (var song in songs)
                        var lyrics = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GetLyrics(song.ApiPath));

                    var lyrics = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GetLyrics(result.api_path));

            catch (Exception ex)
                errorLabel.Visible = true;
                progressBar.Visible  = false;
                searchButton.Enabled = true;
 public GeniusAPIHelper()
     client = new GeniusClient(Settings.GeniusToken);