Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a generic supplier to the type reference
        /// </summary>
        public void AddGenericSupplier(string parameterName, TypeReference typeReference, bool throwOnError)
            if (GenericSupplier == null)
                GenericSupplier = new List <TypeReference>();

            // Sanity check

            if (Class != null && (Class.TypeParameters == null ||
                                  Class.TypeParameters.Find(o => o.ParameterName == parameterName) == null))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't assign type parameter '{0}' on class '{1}' as no such parameter exists", parameterName, Name));

            TypeParameter tp = new TypeParameter();

            tp.ParameterName   = parameterName;
            tp.Name            = typeReference.name;
            tp.container       = typeReference.container;
            tp.MemberOf        = typeReference.MemberOf;
            tp.GenericSupplier = typeReference.GenericSupplier;
            tp.Flavor          = typeReference.Flavor;

            // Turns out that the generic supplier can in fact contain more than one traversal name
            // for different types that are placed at the point of contact... soo...
            // this can cause
            if (GenericSupplier.Exists(o => (o as TypeParameter).ParameterName.Equals(tp.ParameterName)) && throwOnError)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("More than one supplier is provided for the same type parameter '{0}' on class '{1}'. This is not permitted!", tp.ParameterName, Name));

        /// <summary>
        /// Post an item to the Supplier Catalogue Api
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="supplier">The generic supplier model to post to the API</param>
        /// <returns>Http response code</returns>
        public async Task <bool> CreateSupplierAsync(GenericSupplier supplier)
            // Generate the JSON string from the generic supplier object
            var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(GenericSupplier));
            var artifact   = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

            serializer.WriteObject(artifact, supplier);
            var content = new StringContent(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(artifact.ToArray()), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            // Post to the Api
            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("suppliers", content);


Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform an extract and submit of the supplier data as models to the API
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Boolean value to indicate success / failure</returns>
        public async Task <string> PerformSupplierObjectExtractAsync()
            string someString = string.Empty;

            Console.Write("Beginning object extract....\n");

            string             queryString   = this.queryProvider.FetchSupplierMainQuery();
            List <DbParameter> parameterList = new List <DbParameter>
                this.GetParameter("RecordCount", this.extract.RecordCount),

            using (DbDataReader dataReader = this.GetDataReader(queryString, parameterList, CommandType.Text))
                if (dataReader != null && dataReader.HasRows)
                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        int             supplierId       = (int)dataReader["company_id"];
                        GenericSupplier generic_supplier = new GenericSupplier
                            Business = new Business
                                Name         = dataReader["company_name"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["company_name"],
                                EmailAddress = string.Empty,
                                Contact      = new Person
                                    Title               = string.Empty,
                                    FamilyName          = dataReader["FirstName"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["FirstName"],
                                    GivenName           = dataReader["LastName"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["LastName"],
                                    EmailAddress        = string.Empty,
                                    JobTitle            = string.Empty,
                                    ProfileImage        = new Image(),
                                    SocialMediaPresence = new List <SocialMediaPresence>
                                        new SocialMediaPresence
                                            Network    = "Facebook",
                                            Identifier = dataReader["facebook_username"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["facebook_username"],
                                        new SocialMediaPresence
                                            Network    = "Twitter",
                                            Identifier = dataReader["twitter_username"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["twitter_username"],
                                        new SocialMediaPresence
                                            Network    = "Pinterest",
                                            Identifier = dataReader["pinterest_username"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["pinterest_username"],
                                Address = new Address
                                    Street   = string.Empty,
                                    Town     = string.Empty,
                                    County   = string.Empty,
                                    Postcode = string.Empty,
                                PhoneNumber = string.Empty,
                            Category = string.Empty,
                            Website  = null,
                            Location = new Location
                            Locations   = new List <Location>(),
                            StarRating  = 0,
                            Reviews     = new List <Review>(),
                            Description = string.Empty,
                            Faqs        = new List <Faq>(),
                            CoverImage  = new Image
                                Height = 0,
                                Width  = 0,
                                Name   = string.Empty,
                                Path   = dataReader["cover_image"] == DBNull.Value || ((string)dataReader["cover_image"]).Equals(string.Empty) ? null : new UriBuilder((string)dataReader["cover_image"]).Uri,
                            ProfileImage = new Image
                                Height = 0,
                                Width  = 0,
                                Name   = string.Empty,
                                Path   = dataReader["cover_image"] == DBNull.Value || ((string)dataReader["cover_image"]).Equals(string.Empty) ? null : new UriBuilder((string)dataReader["cover_image"]).Uri,
                            Images              = new List <Image>(),
                            ListingType         = string.Empty,
                            SocialMediaPresence = new List <SocialMediaPresence>
                                new SocialMediaPresence
                                    Network    = "Facebook",
                                    Identifier = dataReader["facebook_username"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["facebook_username"],
                                new SocialMediaPresence
                                    Network    = "Twitter",
                                    Identifier = dataReader["twitter_username"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["twitter_username"],
                                new SocialMediaPresence
                                    Network    = "Pinterest",
                                    Identifier = dataReader["pinterest_username"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)dataReader["pinterest_username"],
                            SpecialOffers = new List <SpecialOffer>(),
                            Treatments    = new List <string>(),
                            Designers     = new List <Designer>(),
                            Styles        = new List <string>(),

                        string             listingQueryString   = this.queryProvider.FetchSupplierListingQuery();
                        List <DbParameter> listingParameterList = new List <DbParameter>
                            this.GetParameter("SupplierId", supplierId),
                        using (DbDataReader listingDataReader = this.GetDataReader(listingQueryString, listingParameterList, CommandType.Text))
                            if (listingDataReader != null && listingDataReader.HasRows)
                                bool            firstRow          = true;
                                List <Location> supplierLocations = new List <Location>();
                                while (listingDataReader.Read())
                                    Location supplierLocation = new Location();
                                    if (firstRow)
                                        generic_supplier.Description               = listingDataReader["company_description"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)listingDataReader["company_description"];
                                        generic_supplier.Business.EmailAddress     = listingDataReader["email"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)listingDataReader["email"];
                                        generic_supplier.Business.Address.Street   = listingDataReader["address"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)listingDataReader["address"];
                                        generic_supplier.Business.Address.Town     = listingDataReader["street"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)listingDataReader["street"];
                                        generic_supplier.Business.Address.County   = listingDataReader["county_name"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)listingDataReader["county_name"];
                                        generic_supplier.Business.Address.Postcode = listingDataReader["post_code"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)listingDataReader["post_code"];
                                        generic_supplier.Business.PhoneNumber      = listingDataReader["telephone"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)listingDataReader["telephone"];
                                        generic_supplier.Website = listingDataReader["url"] == DBNull.Value || ((string)listingDataReader["url"]).Equals(string.Empty) ? null : new UriBuilder((string)listingDataReader["url"]).Uri;

                                        int    categoryId = listingDataReader["category_id"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)listingDataReader["category_id"];
                                        string categoryName;
                                        switch (categoryId)
                                        case 4:
                                            categoryName = "beauty";

                                        case 8:
                                            categoryName = "bridalwear";

                                        case 9:
                                            categoryName = "cake";

                                        case 22:
                                            categoryName = "florist";

                                        case 31:
                                            categoryName = "music";

                                        case 33:
                                            categoryName = "photographer";

                                        case 42:
                                            categoryName = "videographer";

                                            categoryName = "Unknown";

                                        generic_supplier.Category = categoryName;

                                        firstRow = false;

                                    supplierLocation.Name    = supplierLocation.County = listingDataReader["county_name"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)listingDataReader["county_name"];
                                    supplierLocation.GeoCode = new GeoCode
                                        Latitude  = 0,
                                        Longitude = 0,

                                generic_supplier.Locations = supplierLocations;

                        string             imagesQueryString  = this.queryProvider.FetchSupplierImagesQuery();
                        List <DbParameter> imageParameterList = new List <DbParameter>
                            this.GetParameter("SupplierId", supplierId),
                        using (DbDataReader imagesDataReader = this.GetDataReader(imagesQueryString, imageParameterList, CommandType.Text))
                            if (imagesDataReader != null && imagesDataReader.HasRows)
                                List <Image> supplierImages = new List <Image>();
                                while (imagesDataReader.Read())
                                    Image supplierImage = new Image
                                        Name   = imagesDataReader["name"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)imagesDataReader["name"],
                                        Path   = imagesDataReader["path"] == DBNull.Value || ((string)imagesDataReader["path"]).Equals(string.Empty) ? null : new UriBuilder((string)imagesDataReader["path"]).Uri,
                                        Height = imagesDataReader["height"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)imagesDataReader["height"],
                                        Width  = imagesDataReader["width"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)imagesDataReader["width"],


                                generic_supplier.Images = supplierImages;

                        string             faqsQueryString   = this.queryProvider.FetchSupplierFaqsQuery();
                        List <DbParameter> faqsParameterList = new List <DbParameter>
                            this.GetParameter("SupplierId", supplierId),
                        using (DbDataReader faqsDataReader = this.GetDataReader(faqsQueryString, faqsParameterList, CommandType.Text))
                            if (faqsDataReader != null && faqsDataReader.HasRows)
                                List <Faq> supplierFaqs = new List <Faq>();
                                while (faqsDataReader.Read())
                                    Faq supplierFaq = new Faq
                                        Question = faqsDataReader["question"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)faqsDataReader["question"],
                                        Answer   = faqsDataReader["answer"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (string)faqsDataReader["answer"],


                                generic_supplier.Faqs = supplierFaqs;


                        // Post the new supplier to the Api
                        await this.apiService.CreateSupplierAsync(generic_supplier);

