/// <summary>
            /// Visits the ConstantExpression.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="node">
            /// The expression to visit.
            /// </param>
            /// <returns>
            /// The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression.
            /// </returns>
            protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression node)
                if (node.Type == typeof(GenericField))
                    GenericField value = node.GetValue <GenericField>();

                    switch (value)
                    case GenericField.ActualType:
                        sortField = new SortField(Documents.ObjectMappingExtensions.FieldActualType, SortFieldType.STRING, sortDescending);

                    case GenericField.StaticType:
                        sortField = new SortField(Documents.ObjectMappingExtensions.FieldStaticType, SortFieldType.STRING, sortDescending);

                    case GenericField.Source:
                        sortField = new SortField(Documents.ObjectMappingExtensions.FieldSource, SortFieldType.STRING, sortDescending);

                    case GenericField.Timestamp:
                        sortField = new SortField(Documents.ObjectMappingExtensions.FieldTimestamp, SortFieldType.INT64, sortDescending);

                        Debug.Fail("Unsupported GenericField: " + value);
                        throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Unsupported GenericField: {0}.", value));


Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Get the data to display for this subject.</summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">Provides metadata that's not available from the game data directly.</param>
        public override IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetData(Metadata metadata)
            FarmAnimal animal = this.Target;

            // calculate maturity
            bool     isFullyGrown   = animal.age >= animal.ageWhenMature;
            int      daysUntilGrown = 0;
            GameDate dayOfMaturity  = null;

            if (!isFullyGrown)
                daysUntilGrown = animal.ageWhenMature - animal.age;
                dayOfMaturity  = GameHelper.GetDate(metadata.Constants.DaysInSeason).GetDayOffset(daysUntilGrown);

            // yield fields
            yield return(new CharacterFriendshipField("Love", DataParser.GetFriendshipForAnimal(Game1.player, animal, metadata)));

            yield return(new PercentageBarField("Happiness", animal.happiness, byte.MaxValue, Color.Green, Color.Gray, $"{Math.Round(animal.happiness / (metadata.Constants.AnimalMaxHappiness * 1f) * 100)}%"));

            yield return(new GenericField("Mood today", animal.getMoodMessage()));

            yield return(new GenericField("Complaints", this.GetMoodReason(animal)));

            yield return(new ItemIconField("Produce ready", animal.currentProduce > 0 ? GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(animal.currentProduce) : null));

            if (!isFullyGrown)
                yield return(new GenericField("Growth", $"{daysUntilGrown} {TextHelper.Pluralise(daysUntilGrown, "day")} (on {dayOfMaturity})"));
            yield return(new GenericField("Sells for", GenericField.GetSaleValueString(animal.getSellPrice(), 1)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Get the data to display for this subject.</summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">Provides metadata that's not available from the game data directly.</param>
        public override IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetData(Metadata metadata)
            FarmAnimal animal = this.Target;

            // calculate maturity
            bool     isFullyGrown   = animal.age >= animal.ageWhenMature;
            int      daysUntilGrown = 0;
            GameDate dayOfMaturity  = null;

            if (!isFullyGrown)
                daysUntilGrown = animal.ageWhenMature - animal.age;
                dayOfMaturity  = GameHelper.GetDate(metadata.Constants.DaysInSeason).GetDayOffset(daysUntilGrown);

            // yield fields
            yield return(new CharacterFriendshipField(this.Translate(L10n.Animal.Love), DataParser.GetFriendshipForAnimal(Game1.player, animal, metadata), this.Text));

            yield return(new PercentageBarField(this.Translate(L10n.Animal.Happiness), animal.happiness, byte.MaxValue, Color.Green, Color.Gray, this.Translate(L10n.Generic.Percent, new { percent = Math.Round(animal.happiness / (metadata.Constants.AnimalMaxHappiness * 1f) * 100) })));

            yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Animal.Mood), animal.getMoodMessage()));

            yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Animal.Complaints), this.GetMoodReason(animal)));

            yield return(new ItemIconField(this.Translate(L10n.Animal.ProduceReady), animal.currentProduce > 0 ? GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(animal.currentProduce) : null));

            if (!isFullyGrown)
                yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Animal.Growth), $"{this.Translate(L10n.Generic.Days, new { count = daysUntilGrown })} ({this.Stringify(dayOfMaturity)})"));
            yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Animal.SellsFor), GenericField.GetSaleValueString(animal.getSellPrice(), 1, this.Text)));
        internal static GenericField CreateAttachment(AttachmentData data, string contentType)
            var gfs = new List <GenericField>
                CreateGenericField("ContentType", DataTypeEnum.STRING, contentType), // "text/plain", "application/x-zip-compressed"
                CreateGenericField("FileName", DataTypeEnum.STRING, data.AttachmentName),
                CreateGenericField("Data", DataTypeEnum.BASE64_BINARY, data.AttachmentContent)

            // add a file attachment
            var result = new GenericField
                name      = "FileAttachments",
                DataValue = new DataValue
                    ItemsElementName = new [] { ItemsChoiceType.ObjectValueList },
                    Items            = new []
                        new GenericObject()
                            ObjectType = new RNObjectType()
                                TypeName = "FileAttachment"
                            GenericFields = gfs.ToArray()

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void testGenericFieldAccess()
            var myField = new GenericField <int>();

            myField.x += 1;
            AssertEquals(1, myField.x);
        public GenericField createGenericField(RightNowCustomObjectFieldAttribute attribute, object value)
            GenericField genericField = new GenericField();

            genericField.name      = attribute.Name;
            genericField.DataValue = new DataValue();

            ItemsChoiceType fieldType = ItemsChoiceType.StringValue;

            if (attribute.FieldType != null)
                fieldType = attribute.FieldType;

            if (fieldType == ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue)
                NamedID accountID = new NamedID();
                accountID.ID = new ID();
                long id = 0;
                Int64.TryParse(value.ToString(), out id);
                accountID.ID.id              = id;
                accountID.ID.idSpecified     = true;
                genericField.DataValue.Items = new object[] { accountID };
                genericField.DataValue.Items = new object[] { value };
            //genericField.dataType = (ConnectService.DataTypeEnum)fieldType;
            genericField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { fieldType };
Ejemplo n.º 7
    private static void DrawPopup <T>(Object target, GenericField <T> field, Rect rect, bool allowNull) where T : ScriptableObject
        List <Type>   availableTypes = TypeLoader.GetTypes(field.Type);
        List <string> options        = availableTypes.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
        int           index          = GetIndex(field);

        if (allowNull)
            options.Insert(0, "null");

        if (options.Count == 0)
            EditorGUI.HelpBox(rect, $"No options found for {field.Type}", MessageType.Error);

        int newIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(rect, index, options.ToArray());

        if (newIndex != index)
            // Since we insert "null" at 0, we have to move the index one value down to match the actual type list
            if (allowNull)

            Type newType = availableTypes[newIndex];

            AddInstance(target, field, newType);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>Get the data to display for this subject.</summary>
        public override IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetData()
            FarmAnimal animal = this.Target;

            // calculate maturity
            bool  isFullyGrown   = animal.age.Value >= animal.ageWhenMature.Value;
            int   daysUntilGrown = 0;
            SDate dayOfMaturity  = null;

            if (!isFullyGrown)
                daysUntilGrown = animal.ageWhenMature.Value - animal.age.Value;
                dayOfMaturity  = SDate.Now().AddDays(daysUntilGrown);

            // yield fields
            yield return(new CharacterFriendshipField(I18n.Animal_Love(), this.GameHelper.GetFriendshipForAnimal(Game1.player, animal)));

            yield return(new PercentageBarField(I18n.Animal_Happiness(), animal.happiness.Value, byte.MaxValue, Color.Green, Color.Gray, I18n.Generic_Percent(percent: (int)Math.Round(animal.happiness.Value / (this.Constants.AnimalMaxHappiness * 1f) * 100))));

            yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Animal_Mood(), animal.getMoodMessage()));

            yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Animal_Complaints(), this.GetMoodReason(animal)));

            yield return(new ItemIconField(this.GameHelper, I18n.Animal_ProduceReady(), animal.currentProduce.Value > 0 ? this.GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(animal.currentProduce.Value) : null));

            if (!isFullyGrown)
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Animal_Growth(), $"{I18n.Generic_Days(count: daysUntilGrown)} ({this.Stringify(dayOfMaturity)})"));
            yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Animal_SellsFor(), GenericField.GetSaleValueString(animal.getSellPrice(), 1)));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    private static int GetIndex <T>(GenericField <T> field) where T : ScriptableObject
        if (field.Instance == null)

Ejemplo n.º 10
    private static void AddInstance <T>(Object target, GenericField <T> field, Type type) where T : ScriptableObject
        ScriptableObject newInstance = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(type);

        field.Instance = (T)newInstance;

        AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(newInstance, target);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create GenericField object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name Of Generic Field</param>
        /// <param name="dataValue">Vlaue of generic field</param>
        /// <param name="type">Type of generic field</param>
        /// <returns> GenericField</returns>
        private GenericField createGenericField(string name, DataValue dataValue, DataTypeEnum type)
            GenericField genericField = new GenericField();

            genericField.dataType          = type;
            genericField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
            genericField.name      = name;
            genericField.DataValue = dataValue;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private GenericField createGenericField(string Name, ItemsChoiceType itemsChoiceType, object Value)
            GenericField gf = new GenericField();

            gf.name      = Name;
            gf.DataValue = new DataValue();
            gf.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { itemsChoiceType };
            gf.DataValue.Items            = new object[] { Value };
        internal static GenericField CreateGenericField(string genericFieldName, DataTypeEnum dataType, object dataValues)
            var result = new GenericField
                name              = genericFieldName,
                dataType          = dataType,
                dataTypeSpecified = true,
                DataValue         = CreateDataValue(dataType, dataValues)

Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a generic text field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GenericField CreateGenericTextField(string name, string value)
            GenericField f = new GenericField();

            f.dataType          = DataTypeEnum.STRING;
            f.dataTypeSpecified = true;
            f.name                       = name;
            f.DataValue                  = new DataValue();
            f.DataValue.Items            = new object[1];
            f.DataValue.Items[0]         = value;
            f.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.StringValue };

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a generic date/time field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GenericField CreateGenericDateTimeField(string name, DateTime value)
            GenericField f = new GenericField();

            f.dataType          = DataTypeEnum.DATETIME;
            f.dataTypeSpecified = true;
            f.name                       = name;
            f.DataValue                  = new DataValue();
            f.DataValue.Items            = new object[1];
            f.DataValue.Items[0]         = value;
            f.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.DateTimeValue };

Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a generic bool field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GenericField CreateGenericBoolField(string name, bool value)
            GenericField f = new GenericField();

            f.dataType          = DataTypeEnum.BOOLEAN;
            f.dataTypeSpecified = true;
            f.name                       = name;
            f.DataValue                  = new DataValue();
            f.DataValue.Items            = new object[1];
            f.DataValue.Items[0]         = value;
            f.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.BooleanValue };

Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a generic int field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GenericField CreateGenericIntegerField(string name, int value)
            GenericField f = new GenericField();

            f.dataType          = DataTypeEnum.INTEGER;
            f.dataTypeSpecified = true;
            f.name                       = name;
            f.DataValue                  = new DataValue();
            f.DataValue.Items            = new object[1];
            f.DataValue.Items[0]         = value;
            f.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.IntegerValue };

Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a generic namedID field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GenericField CreateGenericNamedIDField(string name, NamedID value)
            GenericField f = new GenericField();

            f.dataType          = DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID;
            f.dataTypeSpecified = true;
            f.name                       = name;
            f.DataValue                  = new DataValue();
            f.DataValue.Items            = new object[1];
            f.DataValue.Items[0]         = value;
            f.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue };

Ejemplo n.º 19
    /// <returns>True if unable to create instance</returns>
    private static bool EnsureInstanceExists <T>(Object target, GenericField <T> field) where T : ScriptableObject
        if (field.Instance == null)
            List <Type> availableTypes = TypeLoader.GetTypes(field.Type);

            if (availableTypes.Count == 0)

            AddInstance(target, field, availableTypes[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public virtual GenericClass ClassMetaToGenericClass(GenericReflector reflector, ClassInfo
            if (classMeta.IsSystemClass())
            var className = classMeta.GetClassName();
            // look up from generic class table.
            var genericClass = LookupGenericClass(className);

            if (genericClass != null)
            var reflectClass = reflector.ForName(className);

            if (reflectClass != null)
            GenericClass genericSuperClass = null;
            var          superClassMeta    = classMeta.GetSuperClass();

            if (superClassMeta != null)
                genericSuperClass = ClassMetaToGenericClass(reflector, superClassMeta);
            genericClass = new GenericClass(reflector, null, className, genericSuperClass);
            RegisterGenericClass(className, genericClass);
            var fields        = classMeta.GetFields();
            var genericFields = new GenericField[fields.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; ++i)
                var fieldClassMeta    = fields[i].GetFieldClass();
                var fieldName         = fields[i].GetFieldName();
                var genericFieldClass = ClassMetaToGenericClass(reflector, fieldClassMeta
                genericFields[i] = new GenericField(fieldName, genericFieldClass, fields[i]._isPrimitive
Ejemplo n.º 21
    /// <returns>Inspector height</returns>
    private static float DrawInspector <T>(GenericField <T> field, SerializedObject objectReference, SerializedProperty property, Rect rect) where T : ScriptableObject
        if (field.Instance == null)

        if (PropertyDrawerLoader.Drawers.ContainsKey(field.Type))
            PropertyDrawer customDrawer = PropertyDrawerLoader.Drawers[field.Type];

            rect.height = customDrawer.GetPropertyHeight(property, GUIContent.none);
            customDrawer.OnGUI(rect, property, GUIContent.none);
            rect.height = GeneralPropertyDrawer.Drawer.GetPropertyHeight(objectReference, property, GUIContent.none);
            GeneralPropertyDrawer.Drawer.OnGUI(rect, objectReference, property, GUIContent.none);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>Get the data to display for this subject.</summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">Provides metadata that's not available from the game data directly.</param>
        public override IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetData(Metadata metadata)
            // get data
            Item    item       = this.Target;
            SObject obj        = item as SObject;
            bool    isObject   = obj != null;
            bool    isCrop     = this.FromCrop != null;
            bool    isSeed     = this.SeedForCrop != null;
            bool    isDeadCrop = this.FromCrop?.dead.Value == true;
            bool    canSell    = obj?.canBeShipped() == true || metadata.Shops.Any(shop => shop.BuysCategories.Contains(item.Category));

            // get overrides
            bool showInventoryFields = true;

                ObjectData objData = metadata.GetObject(item, this.Context);
                if (objData != null)
                    this.Name = objData.NameKey != null?this.Translate(objData.NameKey) : this.Name;

                    this.Description = objData.DescriptionKey != null?this.Translate(objData.DescriptionKey) : this.Description;

                    this.Type = objData.TypeKey != null?this.Translate(objData.TypeKey) : this.Type;

                    showInventoryFields = objData.ShowInventoryFields ?? true;

            // don't show data for dead crop
            if (isDeadCrop)
                yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.Summary), this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryDead)));

                yield break;

            // crop fields
            if (isCrop || isSeed)
                // get crop
                Crop crop = this.FromCrop ?? this.SeedForCrop;

                // get harvest schedule
                int  harvestablePhase   = crop.phaseDays.Count - 1;
                bool canHarvestNow      = (crop.currentPhase.Value >= harvestablePhase) && (!crop.fullyGrown.Value || crop.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value <= 0);
                int  daysToFirstHarvest = crop.phaseDays.Take(crop.phaseDays.Count - 1).Sum(); // ignore harvestable phase

                // add next-harvest field
                if (isCrop)
                    // calculate next harvest
                    int   daysToNextHarvest = 0;
                    SDate dayOfNextHarvest  = null;
                    if (!canHarvestNow)
                        // calculate days until next harvest
                        int daysUntilLastPhase = daysToFirstHarvest - crop.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value - crop.phaseDays.Take(crop.currentPhase.Value).Sum();
                            // growing: days until next harvest
                            if (!crop.fullyGrown.Value)
                                daysToNextHarvest = daysUntilLastPhase;

                            // regrowable crop harvested today
                            else if (crop.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value >= crop.regrowAfterHarvest.Value)
                                daysToNextHarvest = crop.regrowAfterHarvest.Value;

                            // regrowable crop
                                daysToNextHarvest = crop.dayOfCurrentPhase.Value; // dayOfCurrentPhase decreases to 0 when fully grown, where <=0 is harvestable
                        dayOfNextHarvest = SDate.Now().AddDays(daysToNextHarvest);

                    // generate field
                    string summary;
                    if (canHarvestNow)
                        summary = this.Translate(L10n.Crop.HarvestNow);
                    else if (Game1.currentLocation.Name != Constant.LocationNames.Greenhouse && !crop.seasonsToGrowIn.Contains(dayOfNextHarvest.Season))
                        summary = this.Translate(L10n.Crop.HarvestTooLate, new { date = this.Stringify(dayOfNextHarvest) });
                        summary = $"{this.Stringify(dayOfNextHarvest)} ({this.Text.GetPlural(daysToNextHarvest, L10n.Generic.Tomorrow, L10n.Generic.InXDays).Tokens(new { count = daysToNextHarvest })})";

                    yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.Harvest), summary));

                // crop summary
                    List <string> summary = new List <string>();

                    // harvest
                    summary.Add(crop.regrowAfterHarvest.Value == -1
                        ? this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryHarvestOnce, new { daysToFirstHarvest = daysToFirstHarvest })
                        : this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryHarvestMulti, new { daysToFirstHarvest = daysToFirstHarvest, daysToNextHarvests = crop.regrowAfterHarvest })

                    // seasons
                    summary.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummarySeasons, new { seasons = string.Join(", ", this.Text.GetSeasonNames(crop.seasonsToGrowIn)) }));

                    // drops
                    if (crop.minHarvest != crop.maxHarvest && crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value > 0)
                        summary.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryDropsXToY, new { min = crop.minHarvest, max = crop.maxHarvest, percent = Math.Round(crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value * 100, 2) }));
                    else if (crop.minHarvest.Value > 1)
                        summary.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryDropsX, new { count = crop.minHarvest }));

                    // crop sale price
                    Item drop = GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(crop.indexOfHarvest.Value);
                    summary.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummarySellsFor, new { price = GenericField.GetSaleValueString(this.GetSaleValue(drop, false, metadata), 1, this.Text) }));

                    // generate field
                    yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.Summary), "-" + string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}-", summary)));

            // crafting
            if (obj?.heldObject?.Value != null)
                if (obj is Cask cask)
                    // get cask data
                    SObject     agingObj       = cask.heldObject.Value;
                    ItemQuality curQuality     = (ItemQuality)agingObj.Quality;
                    string      curQualityName = this.Translate(L10n.For(curQuality));

                    // calculate aging schedule
                    float effectiveAge = metadata.Constants.CaskAgeSchedule.Values.Max() - cask.daysToMature.Value;
                    var   schedule     =
                            from entry in metadata.Constants.CaskAgeSchedule
                            let quality = entry.Key
                                          let baseDays = entry.Value
                                                         where baseDays > effectiveAge
                                                         orderby baseDays ascending
                                                         let daysLeft = (int)Math.Ceiling((baseDays - effectiveAge) / cask.agingRate.Value)
                                                                        select new
                        Quality = quality,
                        DaysLeft = daysLeft,
                        HarvestDate = SDate.Now().AddDays(daysLeft)

                    // display fields
                    yield return(new ItemIconField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.Contents), obj.heldObject.Value));

                    if (cask.MinutesUntilReady <= 0 || !schedule.Any())
                        yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.CaskSchedule), this.Translate(L10n.Item.CaskScheduleNow, new { quality = curQualityName })));
                        string scheduleStr = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, (
                                                             from entry in schedule
                                                             let tokens = new { quality = this.Translate(L10n.For(entry.Quality)), count = entry.DaysLeft, date = entry.HarvestDate }
                                                             let str = this.Text.GetPlural(entry.DaysLeft, L10n.Item.CaskScheduleTomorrow, L10n.Item.CaskScheduleInXDays).Tokens(tokens)
                                                                       select $"-{str}"
                        yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.CaskSchedule), this.Translate(L10n.Item.CaskSchedulePartial, new { quality = curQualityName }) + Environment.NewLine + scheduleStr));
                else if (obj is Furniture)
                    string summary = this.Translate(L10n.Item.ContentsPlaced, new { name = obj.heldObject.Value.DisplayName });
                    yield return(new ItemIconField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.Contents), obj.heldObject.Value, summary));
                    string summary = obj.MinutesUntilReady <= 0
                        ? this.Translate(L10n.Item.ContentsReady, new { name = obj.heldObject.Value.DisplayName })
                        : this.Translate(L10n.Item.ContentsPartial, new { name = obj.heldObject.Value.DisplayName, time = this.Stringify(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(obj.MinutesUntilReady)) });
                    yield return(new ItemIconField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.Contents), obj.heldObject.Value, summary));

            // item
            if (showInventoryFields)
                // needed for
                    List <string> neededFor = new List <string>();

                    // bundles
                    if (isObject)
                        string[] bundles = (from bundle in this.GetUnfinishedBundles(obj) orderby bundle.Area, bundle.DisplayName select $"{this.GetTranslatedBundleArea(bundle)}: {bundle.DisplayName}").ToArray();
                        if (bundles.Any())
                            neededFor.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Item.NeededForCommunityCenter, new { bundles = string.Join(", ", bundles) }));

                    // polyculture achievement
                    if (isObject && metadata.Constants.PolycultureCrops.Contains(obj.ParentSheetIndex))
                        int needed = metadata.Constants.PolycultureCount - GameHelper.GetShipped(obj.ParentSheetIndex);
                        if (needed > 0)
                            neededFor.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Item.NeededForPolyculture, new { count = needed }));

                    // full shipment achievement
                    if (isObject && GameHelper.GetFullShipmentAchievementItems().Any(p => p.Key == obj.ParentSheetIndex && !p.Value))

                    // a full collection achievement
                    LibraryMuseum museum = Game1.locations.OfType <LibraryMuseum>().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (museum != null && museum.isItemSuitableForDonation(obj))

                    // yield
                    if (neededFor.Any())
                        yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.NeededFor), string.Join(", ", neededFor)));

                // sale data
                if (canSell && !isCrop)
                    // sale price
                    string saleValueSummary = GenericField.GetSaleValueString(this.GetSaleValue(item, this.KnownQuality, metadata), item.Stack, this.Text);
                    yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.SellsFor), saleValueSummary));

                    // sell to
                    List <string> buyers = new List <string>();
                    if (obj?.canBeShipped() == true)
                        from shop in metadata.Shops
                        where shop.BuysCategories.Contains(item.Category)
                        let name = this.Translate(shop.DisplayKey).ToString()
                                   orderby name
                                   select name
                    yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.SellsTo), string.Join(", ", buyers)));

                // gift tastes
                var giftTastes = this.GetGiftTastes(item, metadata);
                yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.LovesThis), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Love));

                yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.LikesThis), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Like));

            // fence
            if (item is Fence fence)
                string healthLabel = this.Translate(L10n.Item.FenceHealth);

                // health
                if (Game1.getFarm().isBuildingConstructed(Constant.BuildingNames.GoldClock))
                    yield return(new GenericField(healthLabel, this.Translate(L10n.Item.FenceHealthGoldClock)));
                    float  maxHealth = fence.isGate.Value ? fence.maxHealth.Value * 2 : fence.maxHealth.Value;
                    float  health    = fence.health.Value / maxHealth;
                    double daysLeft  = Math.Round(fence.health.Value * metadata.Constants.FenceDecayRate / 60 / 24);
                    double percent   = Math.Round(health * 100);
                    yield return(new PercentageBarField(healthLabel, (int)fence.health, (int)maxHealth, Color.Green, Color.Red, this.Translate(L10n.Item.FenceHealthSummary, new { percent = percent, count = daysLeft })));

            // recipes
            if (item.GetSpriteType() == ItemSpriteType.Object)
                RecipeModel[] recipes = GameHelper.GetRecipesForIngredient(this.DisplayItem).ToArray();
                if (recipes.Any())
                    yield return(new RecipesForIngredientField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.Recipes), item, recipes, this.Text));

            // owned
            if (showInventoryFields && !isCrop && !(item is Tool))
                yield return(new GenericField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.Owned), this.Translate(L10n.Item.OwnedSummary, new { count = GameHelper.CountOwnedItems(item) })));

            // see also crop
            bool seeAlsoCrop =
                isSeed &&
                item.ParentSheetIndex != this.SeedForCrop.indexOfHarvest.Value && // skip seeds which produce themselves (e.g. coffee beans)
                !(item.ParentSheetIndex >= 495 && item.ParentSheetIndex <= 497) && // skip random seasonal seeds
                item.ParentSheetIndex != 770;    // skip mixed seeds

            if (seeAlsoCrop)
                Item drop = GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(this.SeedForCrop.indexOfHarvest.Value);
                yield return(new LinkField(this.Translate(L10n.Item.SeeAlso), drop.DisplayName, () => new ItemSubject(this.Text, drop, ObjectContext.Inventory, false, this.SeedForCrop)));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>Get the custom fields for a crop.</summary>
        /// <param name="dirt">The dirt the crop is planted in, if applicable.</param>
        /// <param name="crop">The crop to represent.</param>
        /// <param name="isSeed">Whether the crop being displayed is for an unplanted seed.</param>
        private IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetCropFields(HoeDirt?dirt, Crop?crop, bool isSeed)
            if (crop == null)
                yield break;

            var  data     = new CropDataParser(crop, isPlanted: !isSeed);
            bool isForage = crop.whichForageCrop.Value > 0 && crop.fullyGrown.Value; // show crop fields for growing mixed seeds

            // add next-harvest field
            if (!isSeed)
                // get next harvest
                SDate nextHarvest = data.GetNextHarvest();

                // generate field
                string summary;
                if (data.CanHarvestNow)
                    summary = I18n.Generic_Now();
                else if (!Game1.currentLocation.SeedsIgnoreSeasonsHere() && !data.Seasons.Contains(nextHarvest.Season))
                    summary = I18n.Crop_Harvest_TooLate(date: this.Stringify(nextHarvest));
                    summary = $"{this.Stringify(nextHarvest)} ({this.GetRelativeDateStr(nextHarvest)})";

                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Harvest(), summary));

            // crop summary
            if (!isForage)
                List <string> summary = new();

                // harvest
                if (!crop.forageCrop.Value)
                        ? I18n.Crop_Summary_HarvestOnce(daysToFirstHarvest: data.DaysToFirstHarvest)
                        : I18n.Crop_Summary_HarvestMulti(daysToFirstHarvest: data.DaysToFirstHarvest, daysToNextHarvests: data.DaysToSubsequentHarvest)

                // seasons
                summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_Seasons(seasons: string.Join(", ", I18n.GetSeasonNames(data.Seasons))));

                // drops
                if (crop.minHarvest != crop.maxHarvest && crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value > 0)
                    summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_DropsXToY(min: crop.minHarvest.Value, max: crop.maxHarvest.Value, percent: (int)Math.Round(crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value * 100, 2)));
                else if (crop.minHarvest.Value > 1)
                    summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_DropsX(count: crop.minHarvest.Value));

                // crop sale price
                Item drop = data.GetSampleDrop();
                summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_SellsFor(price: GenericField.GetSaleValueString(this.GetSaleValue(drop, false), 1) !));

                // generate field
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Summary(), "-" + string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}-", summary)));

            // dirt water/fertilizer state
            if (dirt != null && !isForage)
                // watered
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Watered(), this.Stringify(dirt.state.Value == HoeDirt.watered)));

                // fertilizer
                string[] appliedFertilizers = this.GetAppliedFertilizers(dirt)
                                              .OrderBy(p => p)

                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Fertilized(), string.Join(", ", appliedFertilizers)));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>Get the data to display for this subject.</summary>
        public override IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetData()
            // get data
            Item    item          = this.Target;
            SObject?obj           = item as SObject;
            bool    isCrop        = this.FromCrop != null;
            bool    isSeed        = this.SeedForCrop != null;
            bool    isDeadCrop    = this.FromCrop?.dead.Value == true;
            bool    canSell       = obj?.canBeShipped() == true || this.Metadata.Shops.Any(shop => shop.BuysCategories.Contains(item.Category));
            bool    isMovieTicket = obj?.ParentSheetIndex == 809 && !obj.bigCraftable.Value;

            // get overrides
            bool showInventoryFields = !this.IsSpawnedStoneNode();

                ObjectData?objData = this.Metadata.GetObject(item, this.Context);
                if (objData != null)
                    this.Name = objData.NameKey != null?I18n.GetByKey(objData.NameKey) : this.Name;

                    this.Description = objData.DescriptionKey != null?I18n.GetByKey(objData.DescriptionKey) : this.Description;

                    this.Type = objData.TypeKey != null?I18n.GetByKey(objData.TypeKey) : this.Type;

                    showInventoryFields = objData.ShowInventoryFields ?? showInventoryFields;

            // don't show data for dead crop
            if (isDeadCrop)
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Summary(), I18n.Crop_Summary_Dead()));

                yield break;

            // crop fields
            foreach (ICustomField field in this.GetCropFields(this.FromDirt, this.FromCrop ?? this.SeedForCrop, isSeed))
                yield return(field);

            // indoor pot crop
            if (obj is IndoorPot pot)
                Crop?potCrop = pot.hoeDirt.Value.crop;
                Bush?potBush = pot.bush.Value;

                if (potCrop != null)
                    Item drop = this.GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(potCrop.indexOfHarvest.Value);
                    yield return(new LinkField(I18n.Item_Contents(), drop.DisplayName, () => this.GetCropSubject(potCrop, ObjectContext.World, pot.hoeDirt.Value)));

                if (potBush != null)
                    ISubject?subject = this.Codex.GetByEntity(potBush, this.Location ?? potBush.currentLocation);
                    if (subject != null)
                        yield return(new LinkField(I18n.Item_Contents(), subject.Name, () => subject));

            // machine output
            foreach (ICustomField field in this.GetMachineOutputFields(obj))
                yield return(field);

            // music blocks
            if (obj?.Name == "Flute Block")
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Item_MusicBlock_Pitch(), I18n.Generic_Ratio(value: obj.preservedParentSheetIndex.Value, max: 2300)));
            else if (obj?.Name == "Drum Block")
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Item_MusicBlock_DrumType(), I18n.Generic_Ratio(value: obj.preservedParentSheetIndex.Value, max: 6)));

            // item
            if (showInventoryFields)
                // needed for
                foreach (ICustomField field in this.GetNeededForFields(obj))
                    yield return(field);

                // sale data
                if (canSell && !isCrop)
                    // sale price
                    string?saleValueSummary = GenericField.GetSaleValueString(this.GetSaleValue(item, this.KnownQuality), item.Stack);
                    yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Item_SellsFor(), saleValueSummary));

                    // sell to
                    List <string> buyers = new();
                    if (obj?.canBeShipped() == true)
                        from shop in this.Metadata.Shops
                        where shop.BuysCategories.Contains(item.Category)
                        let name = I18n.GetByKey(shop.DisplayKey).ToString()
                                   orderby name
                                   select name
                    yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Item_SellsTo(), string.Join(", ", buyers)));

                // clothing
                if (item is Clothing clothing)
                    yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Item_CanBeDyed(), this.Stringify(clothing.dyeable.Value)));

                // gift tastes
                if (!isMovieTicket)
                    IDictionary <GiftTaste, GiftTasteModel[]> giftTastes = this.GetGiftTastes(item);
                    yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(I18n.Item_LovesThis(), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Love, onlyRevealed: this.ProgressionMode, highlightUnrevealed: this.HighlightUnrevealedGiftTastes));

                    yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(I18n.Item_LikesThis(), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Like, onlyRevealed: this.ProgressionMode, highlightUnrevealed: this.HighlightUnrevealedGiftTastes));

                    if (this.ProgressionMode || this.HighlightUnrevealedGiftTastes || this.ShowAllGiftTastes)
                        yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(I18n.Item_NeutralAboutThis(), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Neutral, onlyRevealed: this.ProgressionMode, highlightUnrevealed: this.HighlightUnrevealedGiftTastes));

                        yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(I18n.Item_DislikesThis(), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Dislike, onlyRevealed: this.ProgressionMode, highlightUnrevealed: this.HighlightUnrevealedGiftTastes));

                        yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(I18n.Item_HatesThis(), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Hate, onlyRevealed: this.ProgressionMode, highlightUnrevealed: this.HighlightUnrevealedGiftTastes));

            // recipes
            if (showInventoryFields)
                RecipeModel[] recipes =
                    // recipes that take this item as ingredient

                    // recipes which produce this item

                    // recipes for a machine
                    .Concat(this.GameHelper.GetRecipesForMachine(this.DisplayItem as SObject))
                    .Concat(this.GameHelper.GetRecipesForMachine(item as SObject))

                if (recipes.Any())
                    yield return(new ItemRecipesField(this.GameHelper, I18n.Item_Recipes(), item, recipes.ToArray()));

            // fish spawn rules
            if (item.Category == SObject.FishCategory)
                yield return(new FishSpawnRulesField(this.GameHelper, I18n.Item_FishSpawnRules(), item.ParentSheetIndex));

            // fish pond data
            // derived from FishPond::doAction and FishPond::isLegalFishForPonds
            if (!item.HasContextTag("fish_legendary") && (item.Category == SObject.FishCategory || Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 393 /*coral*/) || Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 397 /*sea urchin*/)))
                foreach (FishPondData fishPondData in Game1.content.Load <List <FishPondData> >("Data\\FishPondData"))
                    if (!fishPondData.RequiredTags.All(item.HasContextTag))

                    int    minChanceOfAnyDrop = (int)Math.Round(Utility.Lerp(0.15f, 0.95f, 1 / 10f) * 100);
                    int    maxChanceOfAnyDrop = (int)Math.Round(Utility.Lerp(0.15f, 0.95f, FishPond.MAXIMUM_OCCUPANCY / 10f) * 100);
                    string preface            = I18n.Building_FishPond_Drops_Preface(chance: I18n.Generic_Range(min: minChanceOfAnyDrop, max: maxChanceOfAnyDrop));
                    yield return(new FishPondDropsField(this.GameHelper, I18n.Item_FishPondDrops(), -1, fishPondData, preface));


            // fence
            if (item is Fence fence)
                string healthLabel = I18n.Item_FenceHealth();

                // health
                if (Game1.getFarm().isBuildingConstructed(Constant.BuildingNames.GoldClock))
                    yield return(new GenericField(healthLabel, I18n.Item_FenceHealth_GoldClock()));
                    float  maxHealth = fence.isGate.Value ? fence.maxHealth.Value * 2 : fence.maxHealth.Value;
                    float  health    = fence.health.Value / maxHealth;
                    double daysLeft  = Math.Round(fence.health.Value * this.Constants.FenceDecayRate / 60 / 24);
                    double percent   = Math.Round(health * 100);
                    yield return(new PercentageBarField(healthLabel, (int)fence.health.Value, (int)maxHealth, Color.Green, Color.Red, I18n.Item_FenceHealth_Summary(percent: (int)percent, count: (int)daysLeft)));

            // movie ticket
            if (isMovieTicket)
                MovieData movie = MovieTheater.GetMovieForDate(Game1.Date);
                if (movie == null)
                    yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Item_MovieTicket_MovieThisWeek(), I18n.Item_MovieTicket_MovieThisWeek_None()));
                    // movie this week
                    yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Item_MovieTicket_MovieThisWeek(), new IFormattedText[]
                        new FormattedText(movie.Title, bold: true),
                        new FormattedText(Environment.NewLine),
                        new FormattedText(movie.Description)

                    // movie tastes
                    const GiftTaste rejectKey = (GiftTaste)(-1);
                    IDictionary <GiftTaste, string[]> tastes = this.GameHelper.GetMovieTastes()
                                                               .GroupBy(entry => entry.Value ?? rejectKey)
                                                               .ToDictionary(group => group.Key, group => group.Select(p => p.Key.Name).OrderBy(p => p).ToArray());

                    yield return(new MovieTastesField(I18n.Item_MovieTicket_LovesMovie(), tastes, GiftTaste.Love));

                    yield return(new MovieTastesField(I18n.Item_MovieTicket_LikesMovie(), tastes, GiftTaste.Like));

                    yield return(new MovieTastesField(I18n.Item_MovieTicket_DislikesMovie(), tastes, GiftTaste.Dislike));

                    yield return(new MovieTastesField(I18n.Item_MovieTicket_RejectsMovie(), tastes, rejectKey));

            // dyes
            if (showInventoryFields)
                yield return(new ColorField(I18n.Item_ProducesDye(), item));

            // owned and times cooked/crafted
            if (showInventoryFields && !isCrop)
                // owned
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Item_NumberOwned(), I18n.Item_NumberOwned_Summary(count: this.GameHelper.CountOwnedItems(item))));

                // times crafted
                RecipeModel[] recipes = this.GameHelper
                                        .Where(recipe => recipe.OutputItemIndex == this.Target.ParentSheetIndex && recipe.OutputItemType == this.Target.GetItemType())
                if (recipes.Any())
                    string label        = recipes.First().Type == RecipeType.Cooking ? I18n.Item_NumberCooked() : I18n.Item_NumberCrafted();
                    int    timesCrafted = recipes.Sum(recipe => recipe.GetTimesCrafted(Game1.player));
                    if (timesCrafted >= 0) // negative value means not available for this recipe type
                        yield return(new GenericField(label, I18n.Item_NumberCrafted_Summary(count: timesCrafted)));

            // see also crop
            bool seeAlsoCrop =
                isSeed &&
                item.ParentSheetIndex != this.SeedForCrop !.indexOfHarvest.Value && // skip seeds which produce themselves (e.g. coffee beans)
                item.ParentSheetIndex is not(495 or 496 or 497) &&  // skip random seasonal seeds
                item.ParentSheetIndex != 770;    // skip mixed seeds

            if (seeAlsoCrop)
                Item drop = this.GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(this.SeedForCrop !.indexOfHarvest.Value);
                yield return(new LinkField(I18n.Item_SeeAlso(), drop.DisplayName, () => this.GetCropSubject(this.SeedForCrop, ObjectContext.Inventory, null)));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        // Update Custom Attribute via SOAP API
        // After create/update incident, the custom attribute may need to update.
        protected void UpdateIncCustomAttr(int incidentID, string key, string value)
            //Create an Incident object
            Accelerator.Siebel.SharedServices.RightNowServiceReference.Incident updateIncident = new Accelerator.Siebel.SharedServices.RightNowServiceReference.Incident();

            //Create and set the Id property
            ID incID = new ID();
            //Set the Id on the Incident Object
            incID.id = incidentID;
            incID.idSpecified = true;

            updateIncident.ID = incID;

            if (value != null && value != "")
                GenericField customField = new GenericField();
                // Check update which custom attribute
                switch (key)
                    case "siebel_sr_id":
                        customField.name = "siebel_sr_id";
                        customField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.STRING;
                        customField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
                        customField.DataValue = new DataValue();
                        customField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
                        customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1];
                        customField.DataValue.Items[0] = value;
                        customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.StringValue;
                    case "siebel_sr_num":
                        customField.name = "siebel_sr_num";
                        customField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.STRING;
                        customField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
                        customField.DataValue = new DataValue();
                        customField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
                        customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1];
                        customField.DataValue.Items[0] = value;
                        customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.StringValue;
                    case "siebel_max_thread_id":
                        customField.name = "siebel_max_thread_id";
                        customField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.INTEGER;
                        customField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
                        customField.DataValue = new DataValue();
                        customField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
                        customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1];
                        customField.DataValue.Items[0] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
                        customField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.IntegerValue;

                GenericObject customFieldsc = new GenericObject();
                customFieldsc.GenericFields = new GenericField[1];
                customFieldsc.GenericFields[0] = customField;
                customFieldsc.ObjectType = new RNObjectType();
                customFieldsc.ObjectType.TypeName = "IncidentCustomFieldsc";

                GenericField cField = new GenericField();
                cField.name = "Accelerator";
                cField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.OBJECT;
                cField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
                cField.DataValue = new DataValue();
                cField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
                cField.DataValue.Items[0] = customFieldsc;
                cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1];
                cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.ObjectValue;

                updateIncident.CustomFields = new GenericObject();
                updateIncident.CustomFields.GenericFields = new GenericField[1];
                updateIncident.CustomFields.GenericFields[0] = cField;
                updateIncident.CustomFields.ObjectType = new RNObjectType();
                updateIncident.CustomFields.ObjectType.TypeName = "IncidentCustomFields";
            //Create the RNObject array
            RNObject[] objects = new RNObject[] { updateIncident };

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_log != null)
                    string logMessage = "Error in updating incident custom field via Cloud Service SOAP. Try to update incident(ID = " + incidentID + ") custom attribute " + key + " to value" + value + "; Error Message: "+ ex.Message;
                    _log.ErrorLog(incidentId:_logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);
                MessageBox.Show("There has been an error communicating with Cloud Service SOAP. Please check log for detail.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create Internal Incident Records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactID"></param>
        /// <param name="srID"></param>
        /// <param name="reportingIncID"></param>
        /// <param name="fsarID"></param>
        /// <param name="orgID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CreateInternalIncident(int contactID, int srID, int reportingIncID, int fsarID, int orgID)
                //Check if it exist in order to avoid duplicate record
                Incident internalIncident = new Incident();
                string   response         = checkIfInternalIncidentExistForSR(reportingIncID, srID);
                if (response != null)
                    internalIncident.ID = new ID
                        id          = Convert.ToInt32(response),
                        idSpecified = true
                /*Set OOTB fields*/
                IncidentContact primarycontact = new IncidentContact {
                    Contact = new NamedID {
                        ID = new ID {
                            id = contactID, idSpecified = true
                internalIncident.PrimaryContact = primarycontact;
                internalIncident.Organization   = new NamedID {
                    ID = new ID {
                        id = orgID, idSpecified = true

                /*Set Custom fields*/
                List <GenericField> customAttributes = new List <GenericField>();
                customAttributes.Add(createGenericField("FSAR", createNamedIDDataValue(fsarID), DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID));
                customAttributes.Add(createGenericField("SalesRelease", createNamedIDDataValue(srID), DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID));
                customAttributes.Add(createGenericField("reporting_incident", createNamedIDDataValue(reportingIncID), DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID));
                GenericObject customAttributeobj = genericObject(customAttributes.ToArray(), "IncidentCustomFieldsc");
                GenericField  caPackage          = createGenericField("CO", createObjDataValue(customAttributeobj), DataTypeEnum.OBJECT);

                /*Set Custom fields*/
                List <GenericField> customFields = new List <GenericField>();
                customFields.Add(createGenericField("incident_type", createNamedIDDataValueForName("Internal Incident"), DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID));//55 is id of "Internal incident"
                GenericObject customfieldobj = genericObject(customFields.ToArray(), "IncidentCustomFieldsc");
                GenericField  cfpackage      = createGenericField("c", createObjDataValue(customfieldobj), DataTypeEnum.OBJECT);

                internalIncident.CustomFields = genericObject(new[] { caPackage, cfpackage }, "IncidentCustomFields");

                ClientInfoHeader hdr = new ClientInfoHeader()
                    AppID = "Create Internal Incident"
                //Update if internal incident exist
                if (response != null)
                    _rightNowClient.Update(hdr, new RNObject[] { internalIncident }, new UpdateProcessingOptions {
                        SuppressExternalEvents = false, SuppressRules = false
                else//create a new internal incident
                    RNObject[] resultobj = _rightNowClient.Create(hdr, new RNObject[] { internalIncident }, new CreateProcessingOptions {
                        SuppressExternalEvents = false, SuppressRules = false
                    if (resultobj != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                WorkspaceAddIn.InfoLog("Excpetion in creating internal incident: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>Get the custom fields for a crop.</summary>
        /// <param name="crop">The crop to represent.</param>
        /// <param name="isSeed">Whether the crop being displayed is for an unplanted seed.</param>
        private IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetCropFields(Crop crop, bool isSeed)
            if (crop == null)
                yield break;

            var data = new CropDataParser(crop, isPlanted: !isSeed);

            // add next-harvest field
            if (!isSeed)
                // get next harvest
                SDate nextHarvest = data.GetNextHarvest();

                // generate field
                string summary;
                if (data.CanHarvestNow)
                    summary = I18n.Generic_Now();
                else if (!Game1.currentLocation.IsGreenhouse && !data.Seasons.Contains(nextHarvest.Season))
                    summary = I18n.Crop_Harvest_TooLate(date: this.Stringify(nextHarvest));
                    summary = $"{this.Stringify(nextHarvest)} ({this.GetRelativeDateStr(nextHarvest)})";

                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Harvest(), summary));

            // crop summary
            if (crop.whichForageCrop.Value <= 0)
                List <string> summary = new List <string>();

                // harvest
                if (!crop.forageCrop.Value)
                        ? I18n.Crop_Summary_HarvestOnce(daysToFirstHarvest: data.DaysToFirstHarvest)
                        : I18n.Crop_Summary_HarvestMulti(daysToFirstHarvest: data.DaysToFirstHarvest, daysToNextHarvests: data.DaysToSubsequentHarvest)

                // seasons
                summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_Seasons(seasons: string.Join(", ", I18n.GetSeasonNames(data.Seasons))));

                // drops
                if (crop.minHarvest != crop.maxHarvest && crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value > 0)
                    summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_DropsXToY(min: crop.minHarvest.Value, max: crop.maxHarvest.Value, percent: (int)Math.Round(crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value * 100, 2)));
                else if (crop.minHarvest.Value > 1)
                    summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_DropsX(count: crop.minHarvest.Value));

                // crop sale price
                Item drop = data.GetSampleDrop();
                summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_SellsFor(price: GenericField.GetSaleValueString(this.GetSaleValue(drop, false), 1)));

                // generate field
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Summary(), "-" + string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}-", summary)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Reporting Incident
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactID"></param>
        /// <param name="fsarID"></param>
        /// <param name="orgID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CreateReportingIncident(int contactID, int fsarID, int orgID)
                string response = checkIfReportingIncidentExistforFSAR(fsarID, contactID);
                if (response != null)
                /*Set OOTB fields*/
                Incident        reportedIncident = new Incident();
                IncidentContact primarycontact   = new IncidentContact {
                    Contact = new NamedID {
                        ID = new ID {
                            id = contactID, idSpecified = true
                reportedIncident.PrimaryContact = primarycontact;
                reportedIncident.Organization   = new NamedID {
                    ID = new ID {
                        id = orgID, idSpecified = true
                reportedIncident.StatusWithType = new StatusWithType
                    Status = new NamedID
                        Name = "Solution Development"

                /*Set Custom Attributes*/
                List <GenericField> customAttributes = new List <GenericField>();
                customAttributes.Add(createGenericField("FSAR", createNamedIDDataValue(fsarID), DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID));
                customAttributes.Add(createGenericField("FSAR_required", createBooleanDataValue(true), DataTypeEnum.BOOLEAN));
                GenericObject customAttributeobj = genericObject(customAttributes.ToArray(), "IncidentCustomFieldsc");
                GenericField  caPackage          = createGenericField("CO", createObjDataValue(customAttributeobj), DataTypeEnum.OBJECT);

                /*Set Custom fields*/
                List <GenericField> customFields = new List <GenericField>();
                customFields.Add(createGenericField("incident_type", createNamedIDDataValueForName("Reported Incident"), DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID));//55 is id of "Internal incident"
                GenericObject customfieldobj = genericObject(customFields.ToArray(), "IncidentCustomFieldsc");
                GenericField  cfpackage      = createGenericField("c", createObjDataValue(customfieldobj), DataTypeEnum.OBJECT);

                reportedIncident.CustomFields = genericObject(new[] { caPackage, cfpackage }, "IncidentCustomFields");

                ClientInfoHeader hdr = new ClientInfoHeader()
                    AppID = "Create Reported Incident"
                RNObject[] resultobj = _rightNowClient.Create(hdr, new RNObject[] { reportedIncident }, new CreateProcessingOptions {
                    SuppressExternalEvents = false, SuppressRules = false
                if (resultobj != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                WorkspaceAddIn.InfoLog("Excpetion in creating reported incident: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>Get the data to display for this subject.</summary>
        /// <param name="metadata">Provides metadata that's not available from the game data directly.</param>
        public override IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetData(Metadata metadata)
            // get data
            Item    item       = this.Target;
            SObject obj        = item as SObject;
            bool    isCrop     = this.FromCrop != null;
            bool    isSeed     = this.SeedForCrop != null;
            bool    isDeadCrop = this.FromCrop?.dead.Value == true;
            bool    canSell    = obj?.canBeShipped() == true || metadata.Shops.Any(shop => shop.BuysCategories.Contains(item.Category));

            // get overrides
            bool showInventoryFields = true;

                ObjectData objData = metadata.GetObject(item, this.Context);
                if (objData != null)
                    this.Name = objData.NameKey != null?this.Translate(objData.NameKey) : this.Name;

                    this.Description = objData.DescriptionKey != null?this.Translate(objData.DescriptionKey) : this.Description;

                    this.Type = objData.TypeKey != null?this.Translate(objData.TypeKey) : this.Type;

                    showInventoryFields = objData.ShowInventoryFields ?? true;

            // don't show data for dead crop
            if (isDeadCrop)
                yield return(new GenericField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Crop.Summary), this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryDead)));

                yield break;

            // crop fields
            foreach (ICustomField field in this.GetCropFields(this.FromCrop ?? this.SeedForCrop, isSeed, metadata))
                yield return(field);

            // indoor pot crop
            if (obj is IndoorPot pot)
                Crop potCrop = pot.hoeDirt.Value.crop;
                if (potCrop != null)
                    Item drop = this.GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(potCrop.indexOfHarvest.Value);
                    yield return(new LinkField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Item.Contents), drop.DisplayName, () => new ItemSubject(this.GameHelper, this.Text, this.GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(potCrop.indexOfHarvest.Value), ObjectContext.World, knownQuality: false, fromCrop: potCrop)));

            // machine output
            foreach (ICustomField field in this.GetMachineOutputFields(obj, metadata))
                yield return(field);

            // item
            if (showInventoryFields)
                // needed for
                foreach (ICustomField field in this.GetNeededForFields(obj, metadata))
                    yield return(field);

                // sale data
                if (canSell && !isCrop)
                    // sale price
                    string saleValueSummary = GenericField.GetSaleValueString(this.GetSaleValue(item, this.KnownQuality, metadata), item.Stack, this.Text);
                    yield return(new GenericField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Item.SellsFor), saleValueSummary));

                    // sell to
                    List <string> buyers = new List <string>();
                    if (obj?.canBeShipped() == true)
                        from shop in metadata.Shops
                        where shop.BuysCategories.Contains(item.Category)
                        let name = this.Translate(shop.DisplayKey).ToString()
                                   orderby name
                                   select name
                    yield return(new GenericField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Item.SellsTo), string.Join(", ", buyers)));

                // gift tastes
                var giftTastes = this.GetGiftTastes(item, metadata);
                yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Item.LovesThis), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Love));

                yield return(new ItemGiftTastesField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Item.LikesThis), giftTastes, GiftTaste.Like));

            // fence
            if (item is Fence fence)
                string healthLabel = this.Translate(L10n.Item.FenceHealth);

                // health
                if (Game1.getFarm().isBuildingConstructed(Constant.BuildingNames.GoldClock))
                    yield return(new GenericField(this.GameHelper, healthLabel, this.Translate(L10n.Item.FenceHealthGoldClock)));
                    float  maxHealth = fence.isGate.Value ? fence.maxHealth.Value * 2 : fence.maxHealth.Value;
                    float  health    = fence.health.Value / maxHealth;
                    double daysLeft  = Math.Round(fence.health.Value * metadata.Constants.FenceDecayRate / 60 / 24);
                    double percent   = Math.Round(health * 100);
                    yield return(new PercentageBarField(this.GameHelper, healthLabel, (int)fence.health.Value, (int)maxHealth, Color.Green, Color.Red, this.Translate(L10n.Item.FenceHealthSummary, new { percent = percent, count = daysLeft })));

            // recipes
            if (item.GetSpriteType() == ItemSpriteType.Object)
                RecipeModel[] recipes = this.GameHelper.GetRecipesForIngredient(this.DisplayItem).ToArray();
                if (recipes.Any())
                    yield return(new RecipesForIngredientField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Item.Recipes), item, recipes, this.Text));

            // owned
            if (showInventoryFields && !isCrop && !(item is Tool))
                yield return(new GenericField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Item.Owned), this.Translate(L10n.Item.OwnedSummary, new { count = this.GameHelper.CountOwnedItems(item) })));

            // see also crop
            bool seeAlsoCrop =
                isSeed &&
                item.ParentSheetIndex != this.SeedForCrop.indexOfHarvest.Value && // skip seeds which produce themselves (e.g. coffee beans)
                !(item.ParentSheetIndex >= 495 && item.ParentSheetIndex <= 497) && // skip random seasonal seeds
                item.ParentSheetIndex != 770;    // skip mixed seeds

            if (seeAlsoCrop)
                Item drop = this.GameHelper.GetObjectBySpriteIndex(this.SeedForCrop.indexOfHarvest.Value);
                yield return(new LinkField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Item.SeeAlso), drop.DisplayName, () => new ItemSubject(this.GameHelper, this.Text, drop, ObjectContext.Inventory, false, this.SeedForCrop)));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>Get the custom fields for a crop.</summary>
        /// <param name="crop">The crop to represent.</param>
        /// <param name="isSeed">Whether the crop being displayed is for an unplanted seed.</param>
        /// <param name="metadata">Provides metadata that's not available from the game data directly.</param>
        private IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetCropFields(Crop crop, bool isSeed, Metadata metadata)
            if (crop == null)
                yield break;

            var data = new CropDataParser(crop);

            // add next-harvest field
            if (!isSeed)
                // get next harvest
                SDate nextHarvest       = data.GetNextHarvest();
                int   daysToNextHarvest = nextHarvest.DaysSinceStart - SDate.Now().DaysSinceStart;

                // generate field
                string summary;
                if (data.CanHarvestNow)
                    summary = this.Translate(L10n.Crop.HarvestNow);
                else if (!Game1.currentLocation.IsGreenhouse && !data.Seasons.Contains(nextHarvest.Season))
                    summary = this.Translate(L10n.Crop.HarvestTooLate, new { date = this.Stringify(nextHarvest) });
                    summary = $"{this.Stringify(nextHarvest)} ({this.Text.GetPlural(daysToNextHarvest, L10n.Generic.Tomorrow, L10n.Generic.InXDays).Tokens(new { count = daysToNextHarvest })})";

                yield return(new GenericField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Crop.Harvest), summary));

            // crop summary
                List <string> summary = new List <string>();

                // harvest
                    ? this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryHarvestOnce, new { daysToFirstHarvest = data.DaysToFirstHarvest })
                    : this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryHarvestMulti, new { daysToFirstHarvest = data.DaysToFirstHarvest, daysToNextHarvests = data.DaysToSubsequentHarvest })

                // seasons
                summary.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummarySeasons, new { seasons = string.Join(", ", this.Text.GetSeasonNames(data.Seasons)) }));

                // drops
                if (crop.minHarvest != crop.maxHarvest && crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value > 0)
                    summary.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryDropsXToY, new { min = crop.minHarvest, max = crop.maxHarvest, percent = Math.Round(crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value * 100, 2) }));
                else if (crop.minHarvest.Value > 1)
                    summary.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummaryDropsX, new { count = crop.minHarvest }));

                // crop sale price
                Item drop = data.GetSampleDrop();
                summary.Add(this.Translate(L10n.Crop.SummarySellsFor, new { price = GenericField.GetSaleValueString(this.GetSaleValue(drop, false, metadata), 1, this.Text) }));

                // generate field
                yield return(new GenericField(this.GameHelper, this.Translate(L10n.Crop.Summary), "-" + string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}-", summary)));
        // Create new contact via SOAP API - Created when an EBS Contact without association is selected
        public long CreateContact(String firstName, String lastName, String phone, String emailAdd, String contactPartyId, string orgId)
            string logMessage;
            string logNote;
            //Create a Contact
            Accelerator.EBS.SharedServices.RightNowServiceReference.Contact newContact = new Accelerator.EBS.SharedServices.RightNowServiceReference.Contact();

            //Build a PersonName object for the Contact and add the PersonName to the new Contact object
            PersonName personName = new PersonName();
            if (firstName != null && firstName != "")
                personName.First = firstName;
            if (lastName != null && lastName != "")
                personName.Last = lastName;
            newContact.Name = personName;

            //Build an Email object and add the Email to the new Contact object
            if (emailAdd != null && emailAdd != "")
                newContact.Emails = new Email[1];
                newContact.Emails[0] = new Email();
                newContact.Emails[0].Address = emailAdd;
                newContact.Emails[0].action = ActionEnum.add;
                newContact.Emails[0].actionSpecified = true;
                newContact.Emails[0].AddressType = new NamedID();
                newContact.Emails[0].AddressType.ID = new ID();
                newContact.Emails[0].AddressType.ID.id = 0;
                newContact.Emails[0].AddressType.ID.idSpecified = true;

            //Build a Phone object and add the Phone to the new Contact object
            if (phone != null && phone != "")
                newContact.Phones = new Phone[1];
                newContact.Phones[0] = new Phone();
                newContact.Phones[0].Number = phone;
                newContact.Phones[0].action = ActionEnum.add;
                newContact.Phones[0].actionSpecified = true;
                newContact.Phones[0].PhoneType = new NamedID();
                newContact.Phones[0].PhoneType.ID = new ID();
                newContact.Phones[0].PhoneType.ID.id = 0;
                newContact.Phones[0].PhoneType.ID.idSpecified = true;

            //Set EBS Contact Party ID (custom field) to the new Contact
            if (contactPartyId != null && contactPartyId != "")
                GenericField cfContactPartyIdField = new GenericField();
                cfContactPartyIdField.name = "ebs_contact_party_id";
                cfContactPartyIdField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.INTEGER;
                cfContactPartyIdField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
                cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue = new DataValue();
                cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
                cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1];
                cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue.Items[0] = Convert.ToInt32(contactPartyId);
                cfContactPartyIdField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.IntegerValue;

                GenericField cfContactOrgIdField = new GenericField();
                cfContactOrgIdField.name = "ebs_contact_org_id";
                cfContactOrgIdField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.INTEGER;
                cfContactOrgIdField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
                cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue = new DataValue();
                cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
                cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1];
                cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue.Items[0] = Convert.ToInt32(orgId);
                cfContactOrgIdField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.IntegerValue;

                GenericObject customFieldsc = new GenericObject();
                customFieldsc.GenericFields = new GenericField[2];
                customFieldsc.GenericFields[0] = cfContactPartyIdField;
                customFieldsc.GenericFields[1] = cfContactOrgIdField;
                customFieldsc.ObjectType = new RNObjectType();
                customFieldsc.ObjectType.TypeName = "ContactCustomFieldsc";

                GenericField cField = new GenericField();
                cField.name = "Accelerator";
                cField.dataType = DataTypeEnum.OBJECT;
                cField.dataTypeSpecified = true;
                cField.DataValue = new DataValue();
                cField.DataValue.Items = new object[1];
                cField.DataValue.Items[0] = customFieldsc;
                cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[1];
                cField.DataValue.ItemsElementName[0] = ItemsChoiceType.ObjectValue;

                newContact.CustomFields = new GenericObject();
                newContact.CustomFields.GenericFields = new GenericField[1];
                newContact.CustomFields.GenericFields[0] = cField;
                newContact.CustomFields.ObjectType = new RNObjectType();
                newContact.CustomFields.ObjectType.TypeName = "ContactCustomFields";

            //Build the RNObject[]
            RNObject[] newObjects = new RNObject[] { newContact };
            RNObject[] results = null;
                results = _rnSrv.createObject(newObjects);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_log != null)
                    logMessage = "Error in creating contact via CWSS. Contact " + firstName + " " + lastName + ": " + ex.Message;
                    logNote = "";
                    _log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot create contact: " + firstName + " " + lastName + ". Please check log for detail. ", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return 0;
            logMessage = "New Contact is created successfully. Contact ID = " + results[0].ID.id;
            logNote = "";
            _log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

            return results[0].ID.id;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>Get the custom fields for a crop.</summary>
        /// <param name="dirt">The dirt the crop is planted in, if applicable.</param>
        /// <param name="crop">The crop to represent.</param>
        /// <param name="isSeed">Whether the crop being displayed is for an unplanted seed.</param>
        private IEnumerable <ICustomField> GetCropFields(HoeDirt dirt, Crop crop, bool isSeed)
            if (crop == null)
                yield break;

            var  data     = new CropDataParser(crop, isPlanted: !isSeed);
            bool isForage = crop.whichForageCrop.Value > 0 && crop.fullyGrown.Value; // show crop fields for growing mixed seeds

            // add next-harvest field
            if (!isSeed)
                // get next harvest
                SDate nextHarvest = data.GetNextHarvest();

                // generate field
                string summary;
                if (data.CanHarvestNow)
                    summary = I18n.Generic_Now();
                else if (!Game1.currentLocation.SeedsIgnoreSeasonsHere() && !data.Seasons.Contains(nextHarvest.Season))
                    summary = I18n.Crop_Harvest_TooLate(date: this.Stringify(nextHarvest));
                    summary = $"{this.Stringify(nextHarvest)} ({this.GetRelativeDateStr(nextHarvest)})";

                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Harvest(), summary));

            // crop summary
            if (!isForage)
                List <string> summary = new List <string>();

                // harvest
                if (!crop.forageCrop.Value)
                        ? I18n.Crop_Summary_HarvestOnce(daysToFirstHarvest: data.DaysToFirstHarvest)
                        : I18n.Crop_Summary_HarvestMulti(daysToFirstHarvest: data.DaysToFirstHarvest, daysToNextHarvests: data.DaysToSubsequentHarvest)

                // seasons
                summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_Seasons(seasons: string.Join(", ", I18n.GetSeasonNames(data.Seasons))));

                // drops
                if (crop.minHarvest != crop.maxHarvest && crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value > 0)
                    summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_DropsXToY(min: crop.minHarvest.Value, max: crop.maxHarvest.Value, percent: (int)Math.Round(crop.chanceForExtraCrops.Value * 100, 2)));
                else if (crop.minHarvest.Value > 1)
                    summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_DropsX(count: crop.minHarvest.Value));

                // crop sale price
                Item drop = data.GetSampleDrop();
                summary.Add(I18n.Crop_Summary_SellsFor(price: GenericField.GetSaleValueString(this.GetSaleValue(drop, false), 1)));

                // generate field
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Summary(), "-" + string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine}-", summary)));

            // dirt water/fertilizer state
            if (dirt != null && !isForage)
                // watered
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Watered(), this.Stringify(dirt.state.Value == HoeDirt.watered)));

                // fertilizer
                yield return(new GenericField(I18n.Crop_Fertilized(), dirt.fertilizer.Value switch
                    HoeDirt.noFertilizer => this.Stringify(false),

                    HoeDirt.speedGro => GameI18n.GetObjectName(465),                  // Speed-Gro
                    HoeDirt.superSpeedGro => GameI18n.GetObjectName(466),             // Deluxe Speed-Gro
                    HoeDirt.hyperSpeedGro => GameI18n.GetObjectName(918),             // Hyper Speed-Gro

                    HoeDirt.fertilizerLowQuality => GameI18n.GetObjectName(368),      // Basic Fertilizer
                    HoeDirt.fertilizerHighQuality => GameI18n.GetObjectName(369),     // Quality Fertilizer
                    HoeDirt.fertilizerDeluxeQuality => GameI18n.GetObjectName(919),   // Deluxe Fertilizer

                    HoeDirt.waterRetentionSoil => GameI18n.GetObjectName(370),        // Basic Retaining Soil
                    HoeDirt.waterRetentionSoilQuality => GameI18n.GetObjectName(371), // Quality Retaining Soil
                    HoeDirt.waterRetentionSoilDeluxe => GameI18n.GetObjectName(920),  // Deluxe Retaining Soil

                    _ => I18n.Generic_Unknown()