Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void ChangeToScene(string SceneToChangeTo)
     thisLine = Object.FindObjectOfType <GenerateLine>();
     SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneToChangeTo, LoadSceneMode.Single); // Supposed to delete previous scene and load new one. Does not do so properly at the moment. Currently adds new scene on top of previous scene.
    public void ChangeToScene(string SceneToChangeTo)
        SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneToChangeTo, LoadSceneMode.Single);
        DayCount.Instance.Day += 1;
        GenerateLine thisLine = Object.FindObjectOfType <GenerateLine>();

Ejemplo n.º 3
    //De-caches LineRenderer generated positions by creating an array of positions for truck to follow
    void Start()
        //Local reference to LineRenderer object that was not deleted from scene transition
        Line = Object.FindObjectOfType <LineRenderer>();

        Nodes = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MapLocationalNode");

        //6.25 string and node
        map = FindObjectOfType <GenerateLine>();
        int sizeOfList = map.list_as_string.Length;

        foreach (string x in map.list_as_string)
            if (x == null)
                Debug.Log("decrement once due to null");

        Path = new GameObject[sizeOfList];
        int nodeIterate = 0;

        foreach (string s in map.list_as_string)
            if (s != null)
                foreach (GameObject node in Nodes)
                    if (s.Equals(node.name))
                        Path[nodeIterate++] = node;

        //# of points since GetPositions requires an array parameter with a specific size.
        //line_points = Line.positionCount;

        //Local array for truck to follow
        //target = new Vector3[line_points];
        target = new Vector3[sizeOfList];

        //Method for retrieving positions of generated line
        for (int t = 0; t < target.Length; t++)
            target[t] = Path[t].transform.position;

         * movement_flag = false;
         * //Set current index position of truck
         * foreach (GameObject x in Nodes)
         * {
         *  if (x.transform.position == transform.position)
         *  {
         *      break;
         *  }
         *  current_index++;
         * }
         * Debug.Log(current_index); // Should be 0 to start
         * /*
         * Static_Button_Info.Up = false;
         * Static_Button_Info.Down = false;
         * Static_Button_Info.Left = false;
         * Static_Button_Info.Right = false;
         * UI_Directions = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("UI_Directions");
         * foreach (GameObject e in UI_Directions)
         * {
         *  if (e.name == "Right Arrow")
         *  {
         *      UI_Image_RIGHT = e;
         *      Debug.Log("Success for " + e.name);
         *      //e.SetActive(false);
         *  }
         *  if (e.name == "Left Arrow")
         *  {
         *      UI_Image_LEFT = e;
         *      Debug.Log("Success for " + e.name);
         *      //e.SetActive(false);
         *  }
         *  if (e.name == "Up Arrow")
         *  {
         *      UI_Image_UP = e;
         *      Debug.Log("Success for " + e.name);
         *      //e.SetActive(false);
         *  }
         *  if (e.name == "Down Arrow")
         *  {
         *      UI_Image_DOWN = e;
         *      Debug.Log("Success for " + e.name + " " + e.transform.position);
         *  }
         * }
         * up = Static_Button_Info.Up;
         * down = Static_Button_Info.Down;
         * left = Static_Button_Info.Left;
         * right = Static_Button_Info.Right;
        //down = true;