Ejemplo n.º 1
        private bool DragUpdate()
            if (!dragging)

            if (!rotate)
                Gdk.Point initial = start_root;
                Gdk.Point hot     = start_hot;
                Gdk.Point win     = Gdk.Point.Zero;

                hot.X += win.X;
                hot.Y += win.Y;

                initial.X -= hot.X;
                initial.Y -= hot.Y;
                Gdk.Point now = root_pos;
                now.X -= hot.X;
                now.Y -= hot.Y;

                Vector v1 = new Vector(initial);
                Vector v2 = new Vector(now);

                double angle = Vector.AngleBetween(v1, v2);

                Angle = start_angle + angle;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void HandleButtonPressEvent(object sender, ButtonPressEventArgs args)
            switch (args.Event.Type)
            case Gdk.EventType.ButtonPress:
                if (args.Event.Button == 1)
                    start      = new Gdk.Point((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y);
                    start_root = new Gdk.Point((int)args.Event.XRoot, (int)args.Event.YRoot);
                    start_hot  = hotspot;

                    Gdk.Point win;
                    GdkWindow.GetOrigin(out win.X, out win.Y);
                    start_hot.X += win.X;
                    start_hot.Y += win.Y;

                    dragging    = true;
                    rotate      = (args.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask) > 0;
                    start_angle = Angle;
                    Angle += Math.PI / 8;

            case Gdk.EventType.TwoButtonPress:
                dragging = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void UpdatePosition()
            if (_contentElement == null || _currentInputWidget == null)

            var textInputLayer = GetWindowTextInputLayer();

            if (!textInputLayer.Children.Contains(_currentInputWidget))

            var transformToRoot = _contentElement.TransformToVisual(Windows.UI.Xaml.Window.Current.Content);
            var point           = transformToRoot.TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0));
            var pointX          = point.X;
            var pointY          = point.Y;

            if (_lastPosition.X != pointX || _lastPosition.Y != pointY)
                _lastPosition = new GdkPoint((int)pointX, (int)pointY);
                textInputLayer.Move(_currentInputWidget, _lastPosition.X, _lastPosition.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void HandleImageViewMotion(object sender, MotionNotifyEventArgs args)
            Gdk.Point coords;
            coords = new Gdk.Point((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        unsafe void DrawPickerCircle(Cairo.ImageSurface surface, int radius)
            int   width  = surface.Width;
            int   height = surface.Height;
            byte *data   = (byte *)surface.DataPtr;

            Gdk.Point center     = new Gdk.Point(width / 2, height / 2);
            Color     pixelColor = new Color();

            pixelColor.Saturation = Saturation;

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    double deltaX = x - center.X;
                    double deltaY = y - center.Y;
                    double lumin  = 1.0 - Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) / (radius);

                    if (lumin < -0.1)

                    pixelColor.Hue        = ConvertAngleToHue(Math.Atan2(deltaY, deltaX));
                    pixelColor.Luminosity = lumin;

                    byte *pixelData = data + y * surface.Stride + x * 4;

                    pixelData [0] = (byte)(byte.MaxValue * pixelColor.B);
                    pixelData [1] = (byte)(byte.MaxValue * pixelColor.G);
                    pixelData [2] = (byte)(byte.MaxValue * pixelColor.R);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void DrawColorOverlay(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point center, Color color)
            double radius = 14.5;
            double angle  = ConvertHueToAngle(color.Hue);
            double y      = Math.Sin(angle) * Radius * (1.0 - color.Luminosity);
            double x      = Math.Cos(angle) * Radius * (1.0 - color.Luminosity);

            context.Translate(x + center.X, y + center.Y + 1);
            context.Arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
            context.Color     = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
            context.LineWidth = 1;
            context.Translate(-(x + center.X), -(y + center.Y + 1));

            context.Translate(x + center.X, y + center.Y);
            context.Arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
            context.Color = color;
            context.Translate(-(x + center.X), -(y + center.Y));

            context.Translate(x + center.X, y + center.Y);
            context.Arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
            context.Color     = new Color(1, 1, 1);
            context.LineWidth = 1;
            context.Translate(-(x + center.X), -(y + center.Y));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a default implementation for performing dst = F(dst, src) or F(src) over some rectangle
        /// of interest. May be slightly faster than calling the other multi-parameter Apply method, as less
        /// variables are used in the implementation, thus inducing less register pressure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dst">The Surface to write pixels to, and from which pixels are read and used as the lhs parameter for calling the method <b>ColorBgra Apply(ColorBgra, ColorBgra)</b>.</param>
        /// <param name="dstOffset">The pixel offset that defines the upper-left of the rectangle-of-interest for the dst Surface.</param>
        /// <param name="src">The Surface to read pixels from for the rhs parameter given to the method <b>ColorBgra Apply(ColorBgra, ColorBgra)</b>b>.</param></param>
        /// <param name="srcOffset">The pixel offset that defines the upper-left of the rectangle-of-interest for the src Surface.</param>
        /// <param name="roiSize">The size of the rectangles-of-interest for all Surfaces.</param>
        public void ApplyBase(ImageSurface dst, Gdk.Point dstOffset, ImageSurface src, Gdk.Point srcOffset, Gdk.Size roiSize)
            // Create bounding rectangles for each Surface
            Gdk.Rectangle dstRect = new Gdk.Rectangle(dstOffset, roiSize);

            if (dstRect.Width == 0 || dstRect.Height == 0)

            Gdk.Rectangle srcRect = new Gdk.Rectangle(srcOffset, roiSize);

            if (srcRect.Width == 0 || srcRect.Height == 0)

            // Clip those rectangles to those Surface's bounding rectangles
            Gdk.Rectangle dstClip = Gdk.Rectangle.Intersect(dstRect, dst.GetBounds());
            Gdk.Rectangle srcClip = Gdk.Rectangle.Intersect(srcRect, src.GetBounds());

            // If any of those Rectangles actually got clipped, then throw an exception
            if (dstRect != dstClip)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
                          "Destination roi out of bounds" +
                          string.Format(", dst.Size=({0},{1}", dst.Width, dst.Height) +
                          ", dst.Bounds=" + dst.GetBounds().ToString() +
                          ", dstOffset=" + dstOffset.ToString() +
                          string.Format(", src.Size=({0},{1}", src.Width, src.Height) +
                          ", srcOffset=" + srcOffset.ToString() +
                          ", roiSize=" + roiSize.ToString() +
                          ", dstRect=" + dstRect.ToString() +
                          ", dstClip=" + dstClip.ToString() +
                          ", srcRect=" + srcRect.ToString() +
                          ", srcClip=" + srcClip.ToString()

            if (srcRect != srcClip)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("roiSize", "Source roi out of bounds");

            // Cache the width and height properties
            int width  = roiSize.Width;
            int height = roiSize.Height;

            // Do the work.
            unsafe {
                for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                    ColorBgra *dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddress(dstOffset.X, dstOffset.Y + row);
                    ColorBgra *srcPtr = src.GetPointAddress(srcOffset.X, srcOffset.Y + row);
                    Apply(dstPtr, srcPtr, width);
            /// <summary>
            /// Update window size and position stashed for preferences.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns><c>true</c> if this timer function should continue to be executed.</returns>
            /// <remarks>This is a HACK. Since we get ConfigureEvent updates of intermediate
            /// values during window state transitions to maximize, iconify, etc. we cannot
            /// rely upon those values. We also don't get notifications for simple movement
            /// of the window, either, unlike size requests. And the final straw is that we
            /// also cannot get the 'restore' size and position. So, the HACK is thus:
            /// When a ConfigureEvent arrives, if we haven't already, attach this timer
            /// object to the window. Otherwise, mark the timer's Continue value to <c>true</c>.
            /// When the timer fires, we *MIGHT* update the stored position and size.
            /// The kernel of this HACK is that WindowStateEvent fires in the time between the
            /// last 'valid' ConfigureEvent and the first firing of the timer.</remarks>
            private bool Tick()
                var currentState = (Gdk.WindowState)Window.Data[Properties.Settings.WindowStateSettingName];
                var ignore       = (currentState & (SupportedRestoreStates | Gdk.WindowState.Iconified)) != 0;
                var keepGoing    = Continue && !ignore;

                Continue = false;
                if (!ignore)
                    int width  = 0;
                    int height = 0;
                    Window.GetSize(out width, out height);
                    var newSize = new Gdk.Size(width, height);
                    Window.Data[Properties.Settings.WindowSizeSettingName] = newSize;

                    int top  = 0;
                    int left = 0;
                    Window.GetPosition(out left, out top);
                    var newPosition = new Gdk.Point(left, top);
                    Window.Data[Properties.Settings.WindowPositionSettingName] = newPosition;
                if (!keepGoing)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /*	CodeCompletionContext ICompletionWidget.CurrentCodeCompletionContext {
         *              get {
         *                      return ICompletionWidget.CreateCodeCompletionContext ();
         *              }
         *      }*/

        CodeCompletionContext ICompletionWidget.CreateCodeCompletionContext()
            int triggerOffset            = this.Caret.Offset;
            CodeCompletionContext result = new CodeCompletionContext();

            result.TriggerOffset = triggerOffset;
            DocumentLocation loc = this.Document.OffsetToLocation(triggerOffset);

            result.TriggerLine = loc.Line + 1;

            result.TriggerLineOffset = loc.Column + 1;

            Gdk.Point p = this.DocumentToVisualLocation(loc);

            int tx = 0; int ty = 0;

            this.ParentWindow.GetOrigin(out tx, out ty);
            tx += this.Allocation.X;
            ty += this.Allocation.Y;

            result.TriggerXCoord     = tx + p.X + this.TextViewMargin.XOffset - (int)this.HAdjustment.Value;
            result.TriggerYCoord     = ty + p.Y - (int)this.VAdjustment.Value + this.LineHeight;
            result.TriggerTextHeight = this.LineHeight;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        void RenderPreview(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point position, double opacity)
            if (brandedIcon != null)
                /*				if (previewSurface == null) {
                 *      previewSurface = new SurfaceWrapper (context, brandedIcon);
                 * }
                 * double scale = PreviewSize / previewSurface.Width;
                 * context.Save ();
                 * context.Translate (position.X, position.Y);
                 * context.Scale (scale * IconScale, scale * IconScale);
                 * context.SetSourceSurface (previewSurface.Surface, -previewSurface.Width / 2, -previewSurface.Height / 2);
                 * context.PaintWithAlpha (opacity);
                 * context.Restore ();

                double scale = PreviewSize / brandedIcon.Width;
                context.Translate(position.X, position.Y);
                context.Scale(scale * IconScale, scale * IconScale);
                context.DrawImage(this, brandedIcon.WithAlpha(opacity), -brandedIcon.Width / 2, -brandedIcon.Height / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public WelcomePageFirstRun()
            VisibleWindow = false;
            SetSizeRequest(WidgetSize.Width, WidgetSize.Height);

            string iconFile = BrandingService.GetString("ApplicationIcon");

            if (iconFile != null)
                iconFile    = BrandingService.GetFile(iconFile);
                brandedIcon = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromFile(iconFile);

            TitleOffset = TextOffset = IconOffset = new Gdk.Point();

            tracker             = new MouseTracker(this);
            tracker.MouseMoved += (sender, e) => {
                ButtonHovered = new Gdk.Rectangle(ButtonPosistion, ButtonSize).Contains(tracker.MousePosition);

            tracker.HoveredChanged += (sender, e) => {
                if (!tracker.Hovered)
                    ButtonHovered = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(Gdk.EventButton evnt)
            int x       = (int)evnt.X;
            int y       = (int)evnt.Y;
            var element = engine.InputNodeAt(root, x, y);

            HasFocus = true;

            MouseGrabNode = element;
            if (MouseGrabNode != null)
                DragStart = new Gdk.Point(x, y);

                double dx    = x;
                double dy    = y;
                var    point = engine.TransformPoint(MouseGrabNode.Parent, dx, dy);
                DragOffset = new Gdk.Point((int)(point.X - MouseGrabNode.X), (int)(point.Y - MouseGrabNode.Y));

                var transformedPoint = engine.TransformPoint(MouseGrabNode, x, y);
                MouseGrabNode.ButtonPress(new ButtonEventArgs(transformedPoint.X, transformedPoint.Y, evnt.XRoot, evnt.YRoot, evnt.Button, (ModifierType)evnt.State));

Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected override bool OnKeyPressEvent(Gdk.EventKey evnt)
            isInKeyStroke = true;
            try {
                // Handle keyboard menu popup
                if (evnt.Key == Gdk.Key.Menu || (evnt.Key == Gdk.Key.F10 && (evnt.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask) == Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask))
                    this.menuPopupLocation    = this.TextViewMargin.LocationToDisplayCoordinates(this.Caret.Location);
                    this.menuPopupLocation.Y += this.TextViewMargin.LineHeight;

                // Handle keyboard toolip popup

                /*			if ((evnt.Key == Gdk.Key.F1 && (evnt.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask) == Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask)) {
                 *                              Gdk.Point p = this.TextViewMargin.LocationToDisplayCoordinates (this.Caret.Location);
                 *                              this.mx = p.X;
                 *                              this.my = p.Y;
                 *                              this.ShowTooltip ();
                 *                              return true;
                 *                      }
            } finally {
                isInKeyStroke = false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        protected override bool OnMotionNotifyEvent(Gdk.EventMotion ev)

            Gdk.Point pt = new Gdk.Point((int)ev.X, (int)ev.Y);

            if (prelight_item != null)
                if (prelight_item.Bounds.Contains(pt))
                    LinkItem item = prelight_item;
                    prelight_item = null;
                    QueueDrawArea(item.Bounds.X, item.Bounds.Y, item.Bounds.Width, item.Bounds.Height);

            foreach (Item item in items)
                if (item is LinkItem && item.Bounds.Contains(pt))
                    prelight_item = item as LinkItem;
                    QueueDrawArea(item.Bounds.X, item.Bounds.Y, item.Bounds.Width, item.Bounds.Height);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public MouseTracker(Gtk.Widget owner)
            this.owner    = owner;
            Hovered       = false;
            MousePosition = new Gdk.Point(0, 0);

            owner.Events = owner.Events | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask;

            owner.MotionNotifyEvent += (object o, MotionNotifyEventArgs args) => {
                MousePosition = new Gdk.Point((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y);
                if (MouseMoved != null)
                    MouseMoved(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            owner.EnterNotifyEvent += (o, args) => {
                Hovered = true;
                if (HoveredChanged != null)
                    HoveredChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            owner.LeaveNotifyEvent += (o, args) => {
                Hovered = false;
                if (HoveredChanged != null)
                    HoveredChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 16
		public MouseTracker (Gtk.Widget owner)
			this.owner = owner;
			Hovered = false;
			MousePosition = new Gdk.Point(0, 0);

			owner.Events = owner.Events | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask;

			owner.MotionNotifyEvent += (object o, MotionNotifyEventArgs args) => {
				MousePosition = new Gdk.Point ((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y);
				if (MouseMoved != null)
					MouseMoved (this, EventArgs.Empty);

			owner.EnterNotifyEvent += (o, args) => {
				Hovered = true;
				if (HoveredChanged != null)
					HoveredChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);

			owner.LeaveNotifyEvent += (o, args) => {
				Hovered = false;
				if (HoveredChanged != null)
					HoveredChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void SelectSizingSide(Gdk.Point localMousePos)
            Gdk.Size windowSize = Gdk.Size.Empty;
                int vw, vh;
                this._window.GdkWindow.GetSize(out vw, out vh);
                windowSize.Width  = vw;
                windowSize.Height = vh;

            _isSizingSide = E_SIZING_SIDE.E_NONE;
            if (localMousePos.X < _marginSize)
                _isSizingSide |= E_SIZING_SIDE.E_LEFT_SIDE;
            else if (localMousePos.X >= windowSize.Width - _marginSize)
                _isSizingSide |= E_SIZING_SIDE.E_RIGHT_SIDE;

            if (localMousePos.Y < _marginSize)
                _isSizingSide |= E_SIZING_SIDE.E_TOP_SIDE;
            else if (localMousePos.Y >= windowSize.Height - _marginSize)
                _isSizingSide |= E_SIZING_SIDE.E_BOTTOM_SIDE;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected virtual void MouseDown(object o, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args)
     if(args.Event.Button == 1)
         this.offset = new Gdk.Point((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y);
         mouseDown = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        void Plot(List <KeyValuePair <double, double[]> > positions)
            var buffer     = Context.Buffer;
            var gc         = Context.GC;
            var layout     = Context.Layout;
            var plotMargin = 10;
            var plotMinX   = plotMargin;
            var plotMinY   = 60;

            var width      = Context.DrawingArea.Width;
            var height     = Context.DrawingArea.Height;
            var plotWidth  = width - (plotMinX + plotMargin);
            var plotHeight = height - (plotMargin);

            // Draw the rectangle area.
            buffer.DrawRectangle(gc, false, plotMinX, plotMinY, plotWidth, plotHeight);
            layout.SetMarkup("<span color='black'>{0}, {1}</span>".With(width, height));
            buffer.DrawLayout(gc, plotWidth - plotMinX - 100, plotMinY + plotHeight, layout);

            if (Context.GA == null || positions.Count == 0)

            var points = new List <Gdk.Point>();
            var maxX1  = positions.Max(p => p.Value[0]);
            var maxY1  = positions.Max(p => p.Value[1]);
            var maxX2  = positions.Max(p => p.Value[2]);
            var maxY2  = positions.Max(p => p.Value[3]);

            for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++)
                var p = positions[i];

                var x1    = plotMinX + Convert.ToInt32((plotWidth * p.Value[0]) / maxX1);
                var y1    = plotMinY + Convert.ToInt32((plotHeight * p.Value[1]) / maxY1);
                var point = new Gdk.Point(x1, y1);
                buffer.DrawRectangle(gc, true, point.X, point.Y, 1, 1);

                var x2 = plotMinX + Convert.ToInt32((plotWidth * p.Value[2]) / maxX2);
                var y2 = plotMinY + Convert.ToInt32((plotHeight * p.Value[3]) / maxY2);
                point = new Gdk.Point(x2, y2);
                buffer.DrawRectangle(gc, true, point.X, point.Y, 1, 1);

            // Draw all lines (black).
            gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
            gc.SetLineAttributes(1, Gdk.LineStyle.OnOffDash, Gdk.CapStyle.Butt, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
            buffer.DrawLines(gc, points.ToArray());

            // Draw the latest best chromossome line in highlight (red).
            gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 0, 0);
            gc.SetLineAttributes(2, Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.Butt, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
            buffer.DrawLines(gc, points.Skip(points.Count - 2).ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public LabelItem(StartPage owner, string label, int x, int y) : base(owner)
     markup = "<span foreground=\"#000099\"><b><big>" + label + "</big></b></span>";
     Pango.Rectangle ink, log;
     owner.layout.GetPixelExtents(out ink, out log);
     Bounds      = new Gdk.Rectangle(x + 30, y, ink.Width, ink.Height);
     text_offset = new Gdk.Point(ink.X, ink.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public bool GetAttachPoints(Gdk.Point points, out int n_points)
            IntPtr native_points = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc(points);
            bool   raw_ret       = gtk_icon_info_get_attach_points(Handle, native_points, out n_points);
            bool   ret           = raw_ret;

Ejemplo n.º 22
		private Gdk.Rectangle GetCellBox (int x, int y, int cellSize) {
			int widthBoxNum = x % cellSize;
			int heightBoxNum = y % cellSize;
			var leftUpper = new Gdk.Point (x - widthBoxNum, y - heightBoxNum);
			var returnMe = new Gdk.Rectangle (leftUpper, new Gdk.Size (cellSize, cellSize));
			return returnMe;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the slider arrows on both sides of the control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">position value of the slider, lowest being at the bottom.  The range
        /// is between 0 and the controls height-9.  The values will be adjusted if too large/small</param>
        /// <param name="Unconditional">If Unconditional is true, the slider is drawn, otherwise some logic
        /// is performed to determine is drawing is really neccessary.</param>
        private void DrawSlider(Gdk.Window g, int position, bool Unconditional)
            if (position < 0)
                position = 0;
            if (position > this.Allocation.Height - 9)
                position = this.Allocation.Height - 9;

            if (m_iMarker_Start_Y == position && !Unconditional)                //	If the marker position hasn't changed
                return;                                                         //	since the last time it was drawn and we don't HAVE to redraw
            //	then exit procedure

            m_iMarker_Start_Y = position;               //	Update the controls marker position

            this.ClearSlider(g);                        //	Remove old slider

            Gdk.GC gcfill = new Gdk.GC(g);
            //	Same gray color Photoshop uses
            gcfill.RgbFgColor = GraphUtil.gdkColorFromWinForms(Color.FromArgb(116, 114, 106));

            Gdk.GC gcborder = new Gdk.GC(g);
            gcfill.RgbFgColor = GraphUtil.gdkColorFromWinForms(Color.White);
            //	Same gray color Photoshop uses
            //Console.WriteLine( "position="+position );

            Gdk.Point[] arrow = new Gdk.Point[7];               //	 GGG
            arrow[0] = new Gdk.Point(1, position);              //	G   G
            arrow[1] = new Gdk.Point(3, position);              //	G    G
            arrow[2] = new Gdk.Point(7, position + 4);          //	G     G
            arrow[3] = new Gdk.Point(3, position + 8);          //	G      G
            arrow[4] = new Gdk.Point(1, position + 8);          //	G     G
            arrow[5] = new Gdk.Point(0, position + 7);          //	G    G
            arrow[6] = new Gdk.Point(0, position + 1);          //	G   G
            //	 GGG
            g.DrawPolygon(gcfill, true, arrow);                 //	Fill left arrow with white
            g.DrawPolygon(gcborder, false, arrow);              //	Draw left arrow border with gray

            //	    GGG
            arrow[0] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 2, position);                      //	   G   G
            arrow[1] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 4, position);                      //	  G    G
            arrow[2] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 8, position + 4);                  //	 G     G
            arrow[3] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 4, position + 8);                  //	G      G
            arrow[4] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 2, position + 8);                  //	 G     G
            arrow[5] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 1, position + 7);                  //	  G    G
            arrow[6] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 1, position + 1);                  //	   G   G
            //	    GGG

            g.DrawPolygon(gcfill, true, arrow);                 //	Fill right arrow with white
            g.DrawPolygon(gcborder, false, arrow);              //	Draw right arrow border with gray
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public PlacedSurface(ImageSurface source, Gdk.Rectangle roi)
            where = roi.Location;
            what = new ImageSurface (Format.Argb32, roi.Width, roi.Height);

            using (Context g = new Context (what)) {
                g.SetSourceSurface (source, -roi.X, -roi.Y);
                g.Paint ();
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public PlacedSurface(ImageSurface source, Gdk.Rectangle roi)
            where = roi.Location;
            what  = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, roi.Width, roi.Height);

            using (Context g = new Context(what)) {
                g.SetSourceSurface(source, -roi.X, -roi.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private Gdk.Rectangle GetCellBox(int x, int y, int cellSize)
            int widthBoxNum  = x % cellSize;
            int heightBoxNum = y % cellSize;
            var leftUpper    = new Gdk.Point(x - widthBoxNum, y - heightBoxNum);

            var returnMe = new Gdk.Rectangle(leftUpper, new Gdk.Size(cellSize, cellSize));

Ejemplo n.º 27
        void RenderShadowedText(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point position, double opacity, Pango.Layout layout)
            context.MoveTo(position.X, position.Y + 2);
            context.SetSourceRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.3 * opacity);
            Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(context, layout);

            context.MoveTo(position.X, position.Y);
            context.SetSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, opacity);
            Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(context, layout);
        void DrawBuildEffect(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Rectangle area, double progress, double opacity)
            LayoutRoundedRectangle(context, area);

            Gdk.Point center = new Gdk.Point(area.Left + 19, (area.Top + area.Bottom) / 2);
            context.Translate(center.X, center.Y);
            var circles = new [] {
                new { Radius = 200, Thickness = 12, Speed = 1, ArcLength = Math.PI * 1.50 },
                new { Radius = 195, Thickness = 15, Speed = 2, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.50 },
                new { Radius = 160, Thickness = 17, Speed = 3, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.75 },
                new { Radius = 200, Thickness = 15, Speed = 2, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.25 },
                new { Radius = 240, Thickness = 12, Speed = 3, ArcLength = Math.PI * 1.50 },
                new { Radius = 160, Thickness = 17, Speed = 3, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.75 },
                new { Radius = 200, Thickness = 15, Speed = 2, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.25 },
                new { Radius = 215, Thickness = 20, Speed = 2, ArcLength = Math.PI * 1.25 }

            double zmod  = 1.0d;
            double zporg = progress;

            foreach (var arc in circles)
                double zoom = 1.0d;
                zoom = (double)Math.Sin(zporg * Math.PI * 2 + zmod);
                zoom = ((zoom + 1) / 6.0d) + .05d;

                context.Rotate(Math.PI * 2 * progress * arc.Speed);
                context.MoveTo(arc.Radius * zoom, 0);
                context.Arc(0, 0, arc.Radius * zoom, 0, arc.ArcLength);
                context.LineWidth = arc.Thickness * zoom;
                context.SetSourceColor(CairoExtensions.ParseColor("B1DDED", 0.35 * opacity));
                context.Rotate(Math.PI * 2 * -progress * arc.Speed);

                progress = -progress;

                context.Rotate(Math.PI * 2 * progress * arc.Speed);
                context.MoveTo(arc.Radius * zoom, 0);
                context.Arc(0, 0, arc.Radius * zoom, 0, arc.ArcLength);
                context.LineWidth = arc.Thickness * zoom;
                context.Rotate(Math.PI * 2 * -progress * arc.Speed);

                progress = -progress;

                zmod += (float)Math.PI / circles.Length;

            context.LineWidth = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 void RenderPreview(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point position, double opacity)
     if (brandedIcon != null)
         double scale = PreviewSize / brandedIcon.Width;
         context.Translate(position.X, position.Y);
         context.Scale(scale * IconScale, scale * IconScale);
         context.DrawImage(this, brandedIcon.WithAlpha(opacity), -brandedIcon.Width / 2, -brandedIcon.Height / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        // allows the user to drag the Info-Dialog, even if it is not
        // Decorated with a title bar
        protected virtual void MouseMove(object o, Gtk.MotionNotifyEventArgs args)
            if (mouseDown)
                Gdk.Point delta = new Gdk.Point((int)(args.Event.X - offset.X), (int)(args.Event.Y - offset.Y));

                int x, y;
                this.GetPosition(out x, out y);

                this.Move(x + delta.X, y + delta.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        protected Gdk.Rectangle GetRectangleFromPoints(Gdk.Point a, Gdk.Point b)
            int x = Math.Min(a.X, b.X);
            int y = Math.Min(a.Y, b.Y);
            int w = Math.Max(a.X, b.X);
            int h = Math.Max(a.Y, b.Y);

            var rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

            rect.Inflate(BrushWidth, BrushWidth);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            using (var context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(evnt.Window)) {
                if (pickerCircle == null || pickerCircle.Width != Radius * 2 + 100 || pickerCircle.Height != Radius * 2 + 100)
                    pickerCircle = new Cairo.ImageSurface(Cairo.Format.ARGB32, Radius * 2 + 100, Radius * 2 + 100);
                    using (var g = new Cairo.Context(pickerCircle)) {
                        // apparently quartz needs the surface initialized
                        g.Color = new Color(0, 0, 0);
                    DrawPickerCircle(pickerCircle, Radius);

                Gdk.Point center = PickerCenter();

                context.Arc(center.X, center.Y, Radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
                pickerCircle.Show(context, center.X - pickerCircle.Width / 2, center.Y - pickerCircle.Height / 2);

                context.Arc(center.X, center.Y, Radius + 5, 0, Math.PI * 2);
                context.LineWidth = 10;

                using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, center.Y - (Radius + 30), 0, center.Y + (Radius + 30))) {
                    lg.AddColorStop(0, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3));
                    lg.AddColorStop(1, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1));
                    context.Pattern = lg;

                context.Arc(center.X, center.Y, Radius + 15, 0, Math.PI * 2);
                context.LineWidth = 10;

                using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, center.Y - (Radius + 30), 0, center.Y + (Radius + 30))) {
                    lg.AddColorStop(0, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1));
                    lg.AddColorStop(1, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.3));
                    context.Pattern = lg;

                if (HighlightColor.HasValue)
                    DrawColorOverlay(context, center, HighlightColor.Value);

                Gdk.Rectangle selectedRegion = new Gdk.Rectangle(Allocation.X + 40, Allocation.Bottom - 100, Allocation.Width - 80, 50);
                DrawSelectedColorBox(context, selectedRegion);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public override void Update(int width)
     Layout layout = view.Layout;
     layout.FontDescription = FontDescription;
     layout.Alignment = Alignment.Left;
     layout.Width = -1;
     layout.SetText (heading);
     Rectangle ink, log;
     layout.GetPixelExtents (out ink, out log);
     ink_offset = new Gdk.Point (ink.X, ink.Y);
     layout.FontDescription = null;
     sz.Width = ink.Width;
     sz.Height = ink.Height;
        public MouseTracker(Gtk.Widget owner)
            this.mOwner   = owner;
            Hovered       = false;
            MousePosition = new Gdk.Point(0, 0);

            owner.MotionNotifyEvent += (o, args) =>
                MousePosition = new Gdk.Point((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y);
                if (MouseMoved != null)
                    MouseMoved(this, args);

            owner.EnterNotifyEvent += (o, args) =>
                Hovered = true;
                if (EnterNotify != null)
                    EnterNotify(this, args);

            owner.LeaveNotifyEvent += (o, args) =>
                Hovered = false;
                if (LeaveNotify != null)
                    LeaveNotify(this, args);

            owner.ButtonPressEvent += (o, args) =>
                if (ButtonPressed != null)
                    ButtonPressed(this, args);

            owner.ButtonReleaseEvent += (o, args) =>
                if (ButtonPressed != null)
                    ButtonReleased(this, args);
Ejemplo n.º 35
        void RenderButton(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Point corner, double opacity, bool hovered)
            Gdk.Rectangle region = new Gdk.Rectangle(corner.X,
                                                     ButtonSize.Width, ButtonSize.Height);

            context.RoundedRectangle(region.X + 0.5, region.Y + 0.5, region.Width - 1, region.Height - 1, 3);
            using (var lg = new LinearGradient(0, region.Top, 0, region.Bottom)) {
                if (hovered)
                    lg.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(.15, .76, .09, opacity));
                    lg.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(.41, .91, .46, opacity));
                    lg.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(.41, .91, .46, opacity));
                    lg.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(.15, .76, .09, opacity));


            context.SetSourceRGBA(.29, .79, .28, opacity);
            context.LineWidth = 1;

            region.Inflate(-1, -1);
            context.RoundedRectangle(region.X + 0.5, region.Y + 0.5, region.Width - 1, region.Height - 1, 2);

            using (var lg = new LinearGradient(0, region.Top, 0, region.Bottom)) {
                lg.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1, .74 * opacity));
                lg.AddColorStop(0.1, new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1, 0));
                lg.AddColorStop(0.9, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
                lg.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, .34 * opacity));


            using (var layout = ButtonLayout(PangoContext)) {
                int w, h;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);

                RenderShadowedText(context, new Gdk.Point(corner.X + ButtonSize.Width / 2 - w / 2, corner.Y + ButtonSize.Height / 2 - h / 2 - 1), opacity, layout);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public static Gdk.Point GetScreenCoordinates(this Gtk.Widget w, Gdk.Point p)
            if (w.ParentWindow == null)
            int x, y;

            w.ParentWindow.GetOrigin(out x, out y);
            var a = w.Allocation;

            x += a.X;
            y += a.Y;
            return(new Gdk.Point(x + p.X, y + p.Y));
Ejemplo n.º 37
		private Gdk.Point[] RecalcPointOffsets (int fragments, double rotationAngle, int distance)
			double pointStep = 2 * Math.PI / (double)fragments;
			double rotationRadians = ((rotationAngle - 90.0) * Math.PI) / 180.0;

			Gdk.Point[] pointOffsets = new Gdk.Point[fragments];

			for (int i = 0; i < fragments; i++) {
				double currentRadians = rotationRadians + (pointStep * i);

				pointOffsets[i] = new Gdk.Point (
				    (int)Math.Round (distance * -Math.Sin (currentRadians), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero),
				    (int)Math.Round (distance * -Math.Cos (currentRadians), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
			return pointOffsets;
Ejemplo n.º 38
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            logger.Debug("Button Explose");
            if(item != null)
                int triangleSize = 25;
                Gdk.Rectangle targetRectangle = this.Allocation;
                evnt.Window.DrawRectangle(Style.BackgroundGC(State), true, targetRectangle);
                Style.PaintLayout(Style, evnt.Window, State, true, targetRectangle, this, null, targetRectangle.X, targetRectangle.Y, PangoText);
                if (item.TagColor != "")
                    Gdk.Color col = new Gdk.Color();
                    Gdk.Color.Parse(item.TagColor, ref col);
                    Gdk.GC TagGC = new Gdk.GC(evnt.Window);
                    TagGC.RgbFgColor = col;

                    Gdk.Point[] triangle = new Gdk.Point[]
                        new Gdk.Point(targetRectangle.X + targetRectangle.Width, targetRectangle.Top),
                        new Gdk.Point(targetRectangle.X + targetRectangle.Width - triangleSize, targetRectangle.Top),
                        new Gdk.Point(targetRectangle.X + targetRectangle.Width, targetRectangle.Top + triangleSize)
                    evnt.Window.DrawPolygon(TagGC, true, triangle);

                    if (Item.Tag != "")
                        Pango.Rectangle logicExt, inkExt;
                        PangoTag.GetPixelExtents(out inkExt, out logicExt);
                        evnt.Window.DrawLayout(Style.WhiteGC, targetRectangle.Right - triangleSize * 5/16 - logicExt.Width/2, targetRectangle.Top + triangleSize * 5/ 16 - logicExt.Height/2, PangoTag);
                return true;

            return base.OnExposeEvent(evnt);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(Gdk.EventButton ev)
            if (ev.Button != 1)
                return base.OnButtonPressEvent (ev);

            Gdk.Point pt = new Gdk.Point ((int)ev.X, (int)ev.Y);

            foreach (Item item in items) {
                if (item is LinkItem && item.Bounds.Contains (pt)) {
                    // button press animation
                    pressed = true;
                    SelectItem (item as LinkItem);
            GrabFocus ();
            return base.OnButtonPressEvent (ev);
Ejemplo n.º 40
        protected override bool OnButtonReleaseEvent(Gdk.EventButton ev)
            pressed = false;
            if (selected_item == null)
                return base.OnButtonReleaseEvent (ev);

            Gdk.Point pt = new Gdk.Point ((int)ev.X, (int)ev.Y);

            if (selected_item.Bounds.Contains (pt))
                selected_item.OnActivated ();

            return base.OnButtonReleaseEvent (ev);
Ejemplo n.º 41
		protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent (Gdk.EventButton evnt)
			int x = (int)evnt.X;
			int y = (int)evnt.Y;
			var element = GetInputElementAt (x, y); 

			HasFocus = true;

			MouseGrabElement = element;
			if (MouseGrabElement != null) {
				MouseGrabElement.CancelAnimations ();
				DragStart = new Gdk.Point (x, y);

				double dx = x;
				double dy = y;
				var point = TransformPoint (MouseGrabElement.Parent, dx, dy);
				DragOffset = new Gdk.Point ((int) (point.X - MouseGrabElement.X), (int) (point.Y - MouseGrabElement.Y));

				var transformedPoint = TransformPoint (MouseGrabElement, x, y);
				MouseGrabElement.ButtonPress (new ButtonEventArgs (transformedPoint.X, transformedPoint.Y, evnt.XRoot, evnt.YRoot, evnt.Button, evnt.State));

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 42
		private void HandleImageViewMotion (object sender, MotionNotifyEventArgs args)
			Gdk.Point coords;
			coords = new Gdk.Point ((int) args.Event.X, (int) args.Event.Y);
			SetSamplePoint (view.WindowCoordsToImage (coords));
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public override void Update(int width)
     sz.Width = width;
     Layout layout = view.Layout;
     layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
     layout.Width = width * 1024;
     if (attrs != null)
         layout.Attributes = attrs;
     layout.SetText (text);
     Rectangle ink, log;
     layout.GetPixelExtents (out ink, out log);
     ink_offset = new Gdk.Point (ink.X, ink.Y);
     sz.Height = ink.Height;
     layout.Attributes = null;
Ejemplo n.º 44
 protected LinkItem(StartPage owner, string caption, string description, int x, int y)
     : base(owner)
     markup = "<span underline=\"single\" foreground=\"#0000FF\">" + caption + "</span>";
     this.description = description;
     owner.layout.SetMarkup (markup);
     Pango.Rectangle ink, log;
     owner.layout.GetPixelExtents (out ink, out log);
     text_offset = new Gdk.Point (padding - ink.X, padding - ink.Y);
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (description))
         Bounds = new Gdk.Rectangle (x + 40, y, ink.Width + 2 * padding, ink.Height + 2 * padding);
     else {
         int height = ink.Height + padding;
         int width = ink.Width;
         owner.layout.SetMarkup ("<i>" + description + "</i>");
         owner.layout.GetPixelExtents (out ink, out log);
         description_offset = new Gdk.Point (padding - ink.X, height + text_padding - ink.Y);
         Bounds = new Gdk.Rectangle (x + 40, y, width > ink.Width ? width + 2 * padding : ink.Width + 2 * padding, height + ink.Height + padding + text_padding);
Ejemplo n.º 45
		private void HandleButtonPressEvent (object sender, ButtonPressEventArgs args)
			switch (args.Event.Type) {
			case Gdk.EventType.ButtonPress:
				if (args.Event.Button == 1) {
					start = new Gdk.Point ((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y);
					start_root = new Gdk.Point ((int)args.Event.XRoot, (int)args.Event.YRoot);
					start_hot = hotspot;

					Gdk.Point win;
					GdkWindow.GetOrigin (out win.X, out win.Y);
					start_hot.X += win.X;
					start_hot.Y += win.Y;

					dragging = true;
					rotate = (args.Event.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask) > 0;
					start_angle = Angle;
				} else {
					Angle += Math.PI /8;
			case Gdk.EventType.TwoButtonPress:
				dragging = false;
				this.Destroy ();
Ejemplo n.º 46
		protected override void OnMapped ()
			base.OnMapped ();

			TitleOffset = TextOffset = new Gdk.Point (0, 40);
			ButtonOpacity = TextOpacity = TitleOpacity = IconOpacity = 0;
			BackgroundOpacity = 0;
			IconScale = 0.5;

			GLib.Timeout.Add (750, () => {
				new Animation ()
					.AddConcurrent (new Animation ((f) => TitleOffset.Y = (int) (40 * f), start: 1, end: 0, easing: Easing.CubicInOut), 0, 0.5f)
					.AddConcurrent (new Animation ((f) => TextOffset.Y  = (int) (40 * f), start: 1, end: 0, easing: Easing.CubicInOut), 0.1f, 0.6f)
					.AddConcurrent (new Animation ((f) => TitleOpacity = f,      easing: Easing.CubicInOut), 0, 0.5f)
					.AddConcurrent (new Animation ((f) => TextOpacity = f,       easing: Easing.CubicInOut), 0.1f, 0.6f)
					.AddConcurrent (new Animation ((f) => ButtonOpacity = f,     easing: Easing.CubicInOut), 0.3f, 0.9f)
					.AddConcurrent (new Animation ((f) => BackgroundOpacity = f, easing: Easing.CubicInOut), 0, 0.2f)
					.AddConcurrent (new Animation ((f) => IconOpacity = f,       easing: Easing.CubicInOut), 0.2f, 0.7f)
					.AddConcurrent (new Animation ((f) => IconScale = f, start: 0.5f, end: 1, easing: Easing.SpringOut), 0.2f, 0.7f)
					.Commit (this, "Intro", length: 1200);
				return false;
Ejemplo n.º 47
 public LabelItem(StartPage owner, string label, int x, int y)
     : base(owner)
     markup = "<span foreground=\"#000099\"><b><big>" + label + "</big></b></span>";
     owner.layout.SetMarkup (markup);
     Pango.Rectangle ink, log;
     owner.layout.GetPixelExtents (out ink, out log);
     Bounds = new Gdk.Rectangle (x + 30, y, ink.Width, ink.Height);
     text_offset = new Gdk.Point (ink.X, ink.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 48
		void OnPopupMenu (object sender, Gtk.ButtonPressEventArgs args)
			if (args.Event.Button == 3) {
				int textEditorXOffset = (int)args.Event.X - this.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
				if (textEditorXOffset < 0)
				this.menuPopupLocation = new Gdk.Point ((int)args.Event.X, (int)args.Event.Y);
				DocumentLocation loc= this.TextViewMargin.VisualToDocumentLocation (textEditorXOffset, (int)args.Event.Y);
				if (!this.IsSomethingSelected || !this.SelectionRange.Contains (Document.LocationToOffset (loc)))
					Caret.Location = loc;
				this.ShowPopup ();
				base.ResetMouseState ();
Ejemplo n.º 49
        public void ShowMenu(Node node, int rootX, int rootY, uint button)
            if (node.MenuItems == null || !node.MenuItems.Any ())
            Menu menu = new Menu ();

            foreach (var item in node.MenuItems) {
                MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem (item.Name);
                var tmp = item;
                menuItem.Activated += (sender, e) => {
                    node.OnMenuEntryActivated (tmp);
                menu.Append (menuItem);
                menuItem.Show ();

            menuPosition = new Gdk.Point (rootX, rootY);
            menu.Popup (null, null, PositionMenu, button, Global.CurrentEventTime);
Ejemplo n.º 50
            /* This will draw an arrow from the source point to the destination.
             * The caller has to resolve the centers of the source and destination squares
             * and pass them to this.
             * Instead of drawing the arrow to the center of the destination (which can
             * overlap with the piece at the destination), the arrow will be drawn in
             * such a way that only a limited portion of it will be inside the square.
             * The horizontal lines of the arrow needs to be perpendicular to the direction
             * of the arrow. To compute the points which are equidistant and at a distance 'alpha'
             * from a given point (x,y), the following formula is used:
             * (x + sin * alpha, y - cos * alpha) and (x - sin * alpha, y + cos * alpha)
             * The sin and cos are the values for the slope of the arrow.
             * GetPerpendicularCoords is used to get these values.
             * Another formula is used to find a point on the arrow at a distance 'dist' from a
             * point (x, y) in the reverse direction. This is used in drawing the edge of the arrow.
             * The formula used is:
             * (x - dist * cos, y - dist * sin)
            public static void DrawArrow(Gdk.Drawable map,
						      Gdk.GC gc, int x1,
						      int y1, int x2, int y2,
						      int size, bool filled)
                double len =
                    Math.Sqrt ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1) +
                           (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1));
                double sin = (y2 - y1) / len;
                double cos = (x2 - x1) / len;

                int alpha = size / 4;

                double line_portion = 0.75 * size / 2;
                // the tip now touches the end of the square.
                // computing it like this takes care of the direction
                // from which the arrow is coming!
                Gdk.Point tip = new Gdk.Point ((int) Math.
                                   Round (x2 -
                                      * cos),
                                   (int) Math.
                                   Round (y2 -
                                      * sin));
                x2 = tip.X;
                y2 = tip.Y;

                Gdk.Point[]a = new Gdk.Point[2];
                GetPerpendicularCoords (x1, y1, sin, cos,
                            alpha, out a[0],
                            out a[1]);

                // This is the point where the arrow will start.
                // We need to draw a rectangle from the above point to this.
                // And the a triangle to the final dest.
                double factor = 1.5;
                Gdk.Point p =
                    new Gdk.Point ((int) Math.
                               Round (x2 -
                                  factor * alpha *
                               (int) Math.Round (y2 -

                Gdk.Point[]b = new Gdk.Point[2];
                GetPerpendicularCoords (p.X, p.Y, sin, cos,
                            alpha, out b[0],
                            out b[1]);
                Gdk.Point c, d;
                GetPerpendicularCoords (p.X, p.Y, sin, cos,
                            3 * alpha, out c,
                            out d);

                Gdk.Point[]points = new Gdk.Point[]
                a[0], a[1],
                        b[1], d, tip, c, b[0], a[0]};
                map.DrawPolygon (gc, filled, points);
Ejemplo n.º 51
		public WelcomePageFirstRun ()
			VisibleWindow = false;
			SetSizeRequest (WidgetSize.Width, WidgetSize.Height);

			string iconFile = BrandingService.GetString ("ApplicationIcon");
			if (iconFile != null) {
				iconFile = BrandingService.GetFile (iconFile);
				brandedIcon = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromFile (iconFile);

			TitleOffset = TextOffset = IconOffset = new Gdk.Point ();

			tracker = new MouseTracker (this);
			tracker.MouseMoved += (sender, e) => {
				ButtonHovered = new Gdk.Rectangle (ButtonPosistion, ButtonSize).Contains (tracker.MousePosition);

			tracker.HoveredChanged += (sender, e) => {
				if (!tracker.Hovered) 
					ButtonHovered = false;
Ejemplo n.º 52
        protected override bool OnMotionNotifyEvent(Gdk.EventMotion ev)
            SelectItem  (null);

            Gdk.Point pt = new Gdk.Point ((int)ev.X, (int)ev.Y);

            if (prelight_item != null) {
                if (prelight_item.Bounds.Contains (pt))
                    return true;
                else {
                    LinkItem item = prelight_item;
                    prelight_item = null;
                    QueueDrawArea (item.Bounds.X, item.Bounds.Y, item.Bounds.Width, item.Bounds.Height);

            foreach (Item item in items) {
                if (item is LinkItem && item.Bounds.Contains (pt)) {
                    prelight_item = item as LinkItem;
                    QueueDrawArea (item.Bounds.X, item.Bounds.Y, item.Bounds.Width, item.Bounds.Height);

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 53
        protected override void OnShown()
            base.OnShown ();
            Point = DefaultPoint;

            spinX.ValueChanged += HandleSpinXValueChanged;
            spinY.ValueChanged += HandleSpinYValueChanged;
            pointpickergraphic1.PositionChanged += HandlePointpickergraphic1PositionChanged;
            button1.Pressed += HandleButton1Pressed;
            button2.Pressed += HandleButton2Pressed;

            pointpickergraphic1.Init (DefaultPoint);
Ejemplo n.º 54
		public static Gdk.Point[] GetLinePoints(Gdk.Point first, Gdk.Point second)
            Gdk.Point[] coords = null;

            int x1 = first.X;
            int y1 = first.Y;
            int x2 = second.X;
            int y2 = second.Y;
            int dx = x2 - x1;
            int dy = y2 - y1;
            int dxabs = Math.Abs(dx);
            int dyabs = Math.Abs(dy);
            int px = x1;
            int py = y1;
            int sdx = Math.Sign(dx);
            int sdy = Math.Sign(dy);
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            if (dxabs > dyabs)
                coords = new Gdk.Point[dxabs + 1];

                for (int i = 0; i <= dxabs; i++)
                    y += dyabs;

                    if (y >= dxabs)
                        y -= dxabs;
                        py += sdy;

                    coords[i] = new Gdk.Point(px, py);
                    px += sdx;
                // had to add in this cludge for slopes of 1 ... wasn't drawing half the line
                if (dxabs == dyabs)
                coords = new Gdk.Point[dxabs + 1];

                for (int i = 0; i <= dxabs; i++)
                    coords[i] = new Gdk.Point(px, py);
                    px += sdx;
                    py += sdy;
                coords = new Gdk.Point[dyabs + 1];

                for (int i = 0; i <= dyabs; i++)
                    x += dxabs;

                    if (x >= dyabs)
                        x -= dyabs;
                        px += sdx;

                    coords[i] = new Gdk.Point(px, py);
                    py += sdy;

            return coords;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the slider arrows on both sides of the control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">position value of the slider, lowest being at the bottom.  The range
        /// is between 0 and the controls height-9.  The values will be adjusted if too large/small</param>
        /// <param name="Unconditional">If Unconditional is true, the slider is drawn, otherwise some logic 
        /// is performed to determine is drawing is really neccessary.</param>
        private void DrawSlider(Gdk.Window g,int position, bool Unconditional)
            if ( position < 0 ) position = 0;
            if ( position > this.Allocation.Height - 9 ) position = this.Allocation.Height - 9;

            if ( m_iMarker_Start_Y == position && !Unconditional )	//	If the marker position hasn't changed
                return;												//	since the last time it was drawn and we don't HAVE to redraw
            //	then exit procedure

            m_iMarker_Start_Y = position;	//	Update the controls marker position

            this.ClearSlider(g);		//	Remove old slider

            Gdk.GC gcfill  = new Gdk.GC( g );
            //	Same gray color Photoshop uses
            gcfill.RgbFgColor = GraphUtil.gdkColorFromWinForms(Color.FromArgb(116,114,106));

            Gdk.GC gcborder  = new Gdk.GC( g );
            gcfill.RgbFgColor = GraphUtil.gdkColorFromWinForms( Color.White );
            //	Same gray color Photoshop uses
            //Console.WriteLine( "position="+position );

            Gdk.Point[] arrow = new Gdk.Point[7];				//	 GGG
            arrow[0] = new Gdk.Point(1,position);			//	G   G
            arrow[1] = new Gdk.Point(3,position);			//	G    G
            arrow[2] = new Gdk.Point(7,position + 4);		//	G     G
            arrow[3] = new Gdk.Point(3,position + 8);		//	G      G
            arrow[4] = new Gdk.Point(1,position + 8);		//	G     G
            arrow[5] = new Gdk.Point(0,position + 7);		//	G    G
            arrow[6] = new Gdk.Point(0,position + 1);		//	G   G
            //	 GGG
            g.DrawPolygon( gcfill  , true , arrow );//	Fill left arrow with white
            g.DrawPolygon( gcborder, false, arrow );//	Draw left arrow border with gray

            //	    GGG
            arrow[0] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 2,position);		//	   G   G
            arrow[1] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 4,position);		//	  G    G
            arrow[2] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 8,position + 4);	//	 G     G
            arrow[3] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 4,position + 8);	//	G      G
            arrow[4] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 2,position + 8);	//	 G     G
            arrow[5] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 1,position + 7);	//	  G    G
            arrow[6] = new Gdk.Point(this.Allocation.Width - 1,position + 1);	//	   G   G
            //	    GGG

            g.DrawPolygon(gcfill  , true , arrow );	//	Fill right arrow with white
            g.DrawPolygon(gcborder, false, arrow );	//	Draw right arrow border with gray
Ejemplo n.º 56
		protected override bool OnKeyPressEvent (Gdk.EventKey evnt)
			isInKeyStroke = true;
			try {
				// Handle keyboard menu popup
				if (evnt.Key == Gdk.Key.Menu || (evnt.Key == Gdk.Key.F10 && (evnt.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask) == Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask)) {
					this.menuPopupLocation = this.TextViewMargin.LocationToDisplayCoordinates (this.Caret.Location);
					this.menuPopupLocation.Y += this.TextViewMargin.LineHeight;
					this.ShowPopup ();
					return true;
				// Handle keyboard toolip popup
	/*			if ((evnt.Key == Gdk.Key.F1 && (evnt.State & Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask) == Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask)) {
					Gdk.Point p = this.TextViewMargin.LocationToDisplayCoordinates (this.Caret.Location);
					this.mx = p.X;
					this.my = p.Y;
					this.ShowTooltip ();
					return true;
				return base.OnKeyPressEvent (evnt);
			} finally {
				isInKeyStroke = false;
Ejemplo n.º 57
 public EventInfo(Gdk.Point pos, uint button, uint clicks)
     Position = pos;
     Button = button;
     Clicks = clicks;
Ejemplo n.º 58
 public override void Update(int width)
     Layout layout = view.Layout;
     layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
     layout.Width = -1;
     layout.Attributes = Attrs;
     layout.SetText (caption);
     Rectangle ink, log;
     layout.GetPixelExtents (out ink, out log);
     ink_offset = new Gdk.Point (ink.X, ink.Y);
     sz.Width = ink.Width;
     sz.Height = ink.Height;
     layout.Attributes = null;
Ejemplo n.º 59
		void DrawBuildEffect (Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Rectangle area, double progress, double opacity)
			context.Save ();
			LayoutRoundedRectangle (context, area);
			context.Clip ();

			Gdk.Point center = new Gdk.Point (area.Left + 19, (area.Top + area.Bottom) / 2);
			context.Translate (center.X, center.Y);
			var circles = new [] {
				new { Radius = 200, Thickness = 12, Speed = 1, ArcLength = Math.PI * 1.50 },
				new { Radius = 195, Thickness = 15, Speed = 2, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.50 },
				new { Radius = 160, Thickness = 17, Speed = 3, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.75 },
				new { Radius = 200, Thickness = 15, Speed = 2, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.25 },
				new { Radius = 240, Thickness = 12, Speed = 3, ArcLength = Math.PI * 1.50 },
				new { Radius = 160, Thickness = 17, Speed = 3, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.75 },
				new { Radius = 200, Thickness = 15, Speed = 2, ArcLength = Math.PI * 0.25 },
				new { Radius = 215, Thickness = 20, Speed = 2, ArcLength = Math.PI * 1.25 }

			double zmod = 1.0d;
			double zporg = progress;
			foreach (var arc in circles) {
				double zoom = 1.0d;
				zoom = (double) Math.Sin (zporg * Math.PI * 2 + zmod);
				zoom = ((zoom + 1) / 6.0d) + .05d;

				context.Rotate (Math.PI * 2 * progress * arc.Speed);
				context.MoveTo (arc.Radius * zoom, 0);
				context.Arc (0, 0, arc.Radius * zoom, 0, arc.ArcLength);
				context.LineWidth = arc.Thickness * zoom;
				context.Color = CairoExtensions.ParseColor ("B1DDED", 0.35 * opacity);
				context.Stroke ();
				context.Rotate (Math.PI * 2 * -progress * arc.Speed);

				progress = -progress;

				context.Rotate (Math.PI * 2 * progress * arc.Speed);
				context.MoveTo (arc.Radius * zoom, 0);
				context.Arc (0, 0, arc.Radius * zoom, 0, arc.ArcLength);
				context.LineWidth = arc.Thickness * zoom;
				context.Stroke ();
				context.Rotate (Math.PI * 2 * -progress * arc.Speed);

				progress = -progress;

				zmod += (float)Math.PI / circles.Length;

			context.LineWidth = 1;
			context.ResetClip ();
			context.Restore ();
Ejemplo n.º 60
            private static void GetPerpendicularCoords(int x,
								    int y,
								    int width,
								    out Gdk.
								    Point p1,
								    out Gdk.
								    Point p2)
                int alpha = width / 2;
                p1 = new Gdk.Point ((int) Math.
                            Round (x + (alpha * sin)),
                            (int) Math.Round (y -
                                      (alpha *
                p2 = new Gdk.Point ((int) Math.
                            Round (x - (alpha * sin)),
                            (int) Math.Round (y +
                                      (alpha *