Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Rasterize(string inputFeature, string referRaster, string outRaster, string fieldName = "")
            //Register the raster drivers
            //Register the vector drivers
            //Open referRaster
            Dataset _referRaster = Gdal.Open(referRaster, Access.GA_ReadOnly);

            //Get geoTransform Args
            double[] _geoTransform = new double[6];
            // Define pixel_size and NoData value of new raster
            //int rasterCellSize = cellSize;
            double _xCellSize = _geoTransform[1];
            double _yCellSize = -_geoTransform[5];

            const double noDataValue      = -10000;
            string       outputRasterFile = outRaster;

            //Reading the vector data
            DataSource dataSource = Ogr.Open(inputFeature, 0);
            Layer      layer      = dataSource.GetLayerByIndex(0);
            Envelope   envelope   = new Envelope();

            layer.GetExtent(envelope, 0);
            //Compute the out raster cell resolutions
            int x_res = _referRaster.RasterXSize;
            int y_res = _referRaster.RasterYSize;

            //Console.WriteLine("Extent: " + envelope.MaxX + " " + envelope.MinX + " " + envelope.MaxY + " " + envelope.MinY);
            //Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + x_res);
            //Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + y_res);

            //Check if output raster exists & delete (optional)
            if (File.Exists(outputRasterFile))
            //Create new tiff
            DataType dType = _referRaster.GetRasterBand(1).DataType;

            //OSGeo.GDAL.Driver outputDriver = Gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff");
            OSGeo.GDAL.Driver outputDriver = Gdal.GetDriverByName("HFA");

            Dataset outputDataset = outputDriver.Create(outputRasterFile, x_res, y_res, 1, dType, null);
            //Extrac srs from input feature
            string inputShapeSrs;

            OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference spatialRefrence = layer.GetSpatialRef();
            if (spatialRefrence != null)
                spatialRefrence.ExportToWkt(out inputShapeSrs);
                //Assign input feature srs to outpur raster
            //Set no data
            Band band = outputDataset.GetRasterBand(1);

            //close tiff
            //Feature to raster rasterize layer options
            //No of bands (1)
            int[] bandlist = new int[] { 1 };
            //Values to be burn on raster (10.0)
            double[] burnValues = new double[] { 10.0 };
            Dataset  myDataset  = Gdal.Open(outputRasterFile, Access.GA_Update);

            //additional options
            string[] rasterizeOptions;
            //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE", "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; //To set all touched pixels into raster pixel
            //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName };
            rasterizeOptions = new string[] { };
            //Rasterize layer
            //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, null, null, null); // To burn the given burn values instead of feature attributes
            //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, rasterizeOptions, new Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc), "Raster conversion");
                myDataset, //NEW inDS
                1,         //BAND
                bandlist,  //int[] bandlist = new int[] { 1 };Band数量
                layer,     // 待转
                burnValues, //Values to be burn on raster (10.0)
                new Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc),
                "Raster conversion"
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool TransToRaster(string strAtrrName, string dstRasterFile, double[] dEnvelopes, double dPixCellSize = 0.0005, double dEnvelope_offsetX = 0, double dEnvelope_offsetY = 0, string driverName = "GTiff", DataType typeData = DataType.GDT_Float32)
            if (this._GdalRead == null || this._GdalRead.Layer == null)
                Console.WriteLine("vectorFile open failed.");
            if (dEnvelopes == null || dEnvelopes.Length == 0)
                Envelope envelope = new Envelope();
                _GdalRead.Layer.GetExtent(envelope, 1);
                dEnvelopes = new double[] { envelope.MinX, envelope.MaxX, envelope.MinY, envelope.MaxY };

            int nXSize = (int)((dEnvelopes[1] - dEnvelopes[0] + 2 * dEnvelope_offsetX) / dPixCellSize);
            int nYSize = (int)((dEnvelopes[3] - dEnvelopes[2] + 2 * dEnvelope_offsetY) / dPixCellSize);

            double[] adfGeoTransform = new double[] { dEnvelopes[0] - dEnvelope_offsetX, dPixCellSize, 0, dEnvelopes[3] + dEnvelope_offsetY, 0, -dPixCellSize };

            Dataset poDstDataset = Gdal.GetDriverByName(driverName).Create(dstRasterFile, nXSize, nYSize, 1, typeData, null);

            if (poDstDataset == null)
                Console.WriteLine(dstRasterFile + " create failed.");

            Band poBand = poDstDataset.GetRasterBand(1);


            int[]         nBands     = new int[] { 1 };
            double[]      urnValues  = new double[] { 1 };
            List <string> lstOptions = new List <string>()

            if (strAtrrName != "")
                lstOptions.Add("ATTRIBUTE:" + strAtrrName);

            int nRes = Gdal.RasterizeLayer(poDstDataset, 1, nBands, this._GdalRead.Layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, urnValues, lstOptions.ToArray(), null, null);

            // 写入影像

            // 释放资源 关闭图像
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void ConvertFeatureToRaster(Layer layer, out Dataset outputDataset, double rasterCellSize, string fieldName)

            Envelope envelope = new Envelope();

            layer.GetExtent(envelope, 0);

            //Compute the out raster cell resolutions
            int x_res = Convert.ToInt32((envelope.MaxX - envelope.MinX) / rasterCellSize);
            int y_res = Convert.ToInt32((envelope.MaxY - envelope.MinY) / rasterCellSize);

            //Console.WriteLine("Extent: " + envelope.MaxX + " " + envelope.MinX + " " + envelope.MaxY + " " + envelope.MinY);
            //Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + x_res);
            //Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + y_res);

            //Create new tiff in disk
            string tempRaster = "tempZoneRaster.tif";

            if (File.Exists(tempRaster))
            OSGeo.GDAL.Driver outputDriver = Gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff");
            outputDataset = outputDriver.Create(tempRaster, x_res, y_res, 1, DataType.GDT_Int32, null);

            //Extrac srs from input feature
            string           inputShapeSrs;
            SpatialReference spatialRefrence = layer.GetSpatialRef();

            spatialRefrence.ExportToWkt(out inputShapeSrs);

            //Assign input feature srs to outpur raster

            double[] argin = new double[] { envelope.MinX, rasterCellSize, 0, envelope.MaxY, 0, -rasterCellSize };

            //Set no data
            Band band = outputDataset.GetRasterBand(1);

            band.Fill(GdalUtilConstants.NoDataValue, 0.0);

            //Feature to raster rasterize layer options

            //No of bands (1)
            int[] bandlist = new int[] { 1 };

            //Values to be burn on raster (10.0)
            double[] burnValues = new double[] { 10.0 };
            //Dataset myDataset = Gdal.Open(outputRasterFile, Access.GA_Update);

            //additional options

            string[] rasterizeOptions;
            //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE", "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; //To set all touched pixels into raster pixel

            rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName };

            //Rasterize layer
            //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, null, null, null); // To burn the given burn values instead of feature attributes
            //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(outputDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, rasterizeOptions, new Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc), "Raster conversion");

            Gdal.RasterizeLayer(outputDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, rasterizeOptions, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void Rasterize(string inputFeature, string outRaster, string fieldName, int cellSize)
            // Define pixel_size and NoData value of new raster
            int          rasterCellSize   = cellSize;
            const double noDataValue      = -9999;
            string       outputRasterFile = outRaster;

            //Register the vector drivers
            //Reading the vector data
            DataSource dataSource = Ogr.Open(inputFeature, 0);
            var        count      = dataSource.GetLayerCount();
            Layer      layer      = dataSource.GetLayerByIndex(0);
            var        litems     = layer.GetFeatureCount(0);
            var        lname      = layer.GetName();
            Envelope   envelope   = new Envelope();

            layer.GetExtent(envelope, 0);
            //Compute the out raster cell resolutions
            int x_res = Convert.ToInt32((envelope.MaxX - envelope.MinX) / rasterCellSize);
            int y_res = Convert.ToInt32((envelope.MaxY - envelope.MinY) / rasterCellSize);

            Console.WriteLine("Extent: " + envelope.MaxX + " " + envelope.MinX + " " + envelope.MaxY + " " + envelope.MinY);
            Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + x_res);
            Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + y_res);
            //Register the raster drivers
            //Check if output raster exists & delete (optional)
            if (File.Exists(outputRasterFile))
            //Create new tiff
            OSGeo.GDAL.Driver outputDriver  = Gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff");
            Dataset           outputDataset = outputDriver.Create(outputRasterFile, x_res, y_res, 1, DataType.GDT_Float64, null);
            //Extrac srs from input feature
            string           inputShapeSrs;
            SpatialReference spatialRefrence = layer.GetSpatialRef();

            spatialRefrence.ExportToWkt(out inputShapeSrs);
            //Assign input feature srs to outpur raster
            double[] argin = new double[] { envelope.MinX, rasterCellSize, 0, envelope.MaxY, 0, -rasterCellSize };
            //Set no data
            Band band = outputDataset.GetRasterBand(1);

            //close tiff
            //Feature to raster rasterize layer options
            //No of bands (1)
            int[] bandlist = new int[] { 1 };
            //Values to be burn on raster (10.0)
            double[] burnValues = new double[] { 10.0 };
            Dataset  myDataset  = Gdal.Open(outputRasterFile, Access.GA_Update);

            //additional options
            string[] rasterizeOptions;
            //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE", "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; //To set all touched pixels into raster pixel
            rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName };
            //Rasterize layer
            //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, null, null, null); // To burn the given burn values instead of feature attributes
            Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, rasterizeOptions, new Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc), "Raster conversion");
        public static void CLipRasterWithVector(string InputPolygonFile, string InputRasterFile, string OutputRasterFile)
            var rasterCellSize = 1000;
            var noDataValue    = -9999;
            var fieldName      = "fid";

            //Reading the vector data
            var dataSource = Ogr.Open(InputPolygonFile, 0);
            var layer      = dataSource.GetLayerByIndex(0);

            var envelope = new Envelope();

            layer.GetExtent(envelope, 0);
            //Compute the out raster cell resolutions
            int x_res = Convert.ToInt32((envelope.MaxX - envelope.MinX) / rasterCellSize);
            int y_res = Convert.ToInt32((envelope.MaxY - envelope.MinY) / rasterCellSize);

            Console.WriteLine("Extent: " + envelope.MaxX + " " + envelope.MinX + " " + envelope.MaxY + " " + envelope.MinY);
            Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + x_res);
            Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + y_res);

            //Check if output raster exists & delete (optional)
            if (File.Exists(OutputRasterFile))

            //Create new tiff
            var outputDriver  = Gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff");
            var outputDataset = outputDriver.Create(OutputRasterFile, x_res, y_res, 1, DataType.GDT_Float64, null);

            // Extract srs from input feature and Assign to outpur raster
            string inputShapeSrs;
            var    spatialRefrence = layer.GetSpatialRef();

            spatialRefrence.ExportToWkt(out inputShapeSrs, null);

            //Set Geotransform
            var argin = new double[] { envelope.MinX, rasterCellSize, 0, envelope.MaxY, 0, -rasterCellSize };

            //Set no data
            Band band = outputDataset.GetRasterBand(1);

            //close tiff

            //Feature to raster rasterize layer options
            //No of bands (1)
            int[] bandlist = new int[] { 1 };
            //Values to be burn on raster (10.0)
            double[] burnValues = new double[] { 10.0 };
            Dataset  myDataset  = Gdal.Open(OutputRasterFile, Access.GA_Update);

            //additional options
            string[] rasterizeOptions;
            //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE", "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; //To set all touched pixels into raster pixel
            rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName };
            //Rasterize layer
            //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, null, null, null); // To burn the given burn values instead of feature attributes
            Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, rasterizeOptions, GdalUtils.GDalProgress, "Raster conversion");