Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts Gaussian noise into a bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Bitmap to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="amount">Standard deviation of perturbation for each color channel.</param>
        /// <returns>New, speckled bitmap</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This code uses Bitmap.GetPixel and SetPixel methods for clarity. An implementation using Bitmap.LockBits
        /// and then directly modifying the image data may be faster, espectially for large images.
        /// </remarks>
        public static Bitmap AddNoise(this Bitmap source, double amount)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
            Bitmap bitmap     = null;
            Bitmap tempBitmap = null;

                var generator = new GaussianRandom(0.0, amount, SampleUtilities.MakeRandomSeed());
                tempBitmap = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height);
                for (int y = 0; y < tempBitmap.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < tempBitmap.Width; x++)
                        var   pixel    = source.GetPixel(x, y);
                        Color newPixel = AddPixelNoise(pixel, generator);
                        tempBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, newPixel);
                bitmap     = tempBitmap;
                tempBitmap = null;
                if (tempBitmap != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        double GetReal(int i)
            GaussianRandom norm = new GaussianRandom();
            double         po   = Math.Abs(norm.NextGaussian(0, 0.3));

            return(GetIdeal(i) * (1 + ((po * dopysk) / 100)));
        public GPSINSFilter(TimeSpan startTime, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 startVelocity, Quaternion orientation,
                            SensorSpecifications sensorSpecifications)
            _startTime            = startTime;
            _orientation          = orientation;
            _sensorSpecifications = sensorSpecifications;

            X0 = Matrix.Create(new double[n, 1]
                { startPos.X }, { startPos.Y }, { startPos.Z },                                 // Position
                { startVelocity.X }, { startVelocity.Y }, { startVelocity.Z },                  // Velocity
                { _orientation.X }, { _orientation.Y }, { _orientation.Z }, { _orientation.W }, // Quaternion

            // Make sure we don't reference the same object, but rather copy its values.
            // It is possible to set PostX0 to a different state than X0, so that the initial guess
            // of state is wrong.
            PostX0 = X0.Clone();

            // We use a very low initial estimate for error covariance, meaning the filter will
            // initially trust the model more and the sensors/observations less and gradually adjust on the way.
            // Note setting this to zero matrix will cause the filter to infinitely distrust all observations,
            // so always use a close-to-zero value instead.
            // Setting it to a diagnoal matrix of high values will cause the filter to trust the observations more in the beginning,
            // since we say that we think the current PostX0 estimate is unreliable.
            PostP0 = 0.001 * Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            // Process noise (acceleromters, gyros, etc..)
            _stdDevW = new Vector(new double[n]
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

            // Observation noise (GPS inaccuarcy etc..)
            _stdDevV = new Vector(new double[m]
//                                          0.001000, 0.001000, 0.001000,
//                                          1000, 1000, 1000,

            I = Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            _zeroMM = Matrix.Zeros(m);

            _rand         = new GaussianRandom();
            _prevEstimate = GetInitialEstimate(X0, PostX0, PostP0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void Initialize()
            gaussianRandom     = new GaussianRandom(rnd);
            phasePoints        = new ObservableCollection <DataPoint>();
            currentPhasePoints = new ObservableCollection <DataPoint>();
            positionPoints     = new ObservableCollection <DataPoint>();
            velocityPoints     = new ObservableCollection <DataPoint>();
            accelerationPoints = new ObservableCollection <DataPoint>();
            animationSpeed     = 0;
            epsilon0           = 0.05;
            alpha            = StartAlpha;
            omega            = 2;
            r                = 80;
            lCurrent         = l = 300;
            rimBlockDistance = Math.Sqrt(L * L - R * R);
            rimCenter        = new Point(CanvasHalfWidth - rimBlockDistance * 2 / 3, CanvasHalfHeight);

            currentX  = rimBlockDistance;
            currentV  = 0.0;
            currentA  = 0.0;
            lastTime  = 0.0;
            deltaTime = 0;

            dispatcherTimer          = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
            dispatcherTimer.Tick    += DispatcherTimerTick;
            dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 10);
            buttonsFlags             = new bool[3] {
                false, false, false
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void MutateWeights(double[] weights)
            int weightsSize = weights.Length;
            int itersCount  = random.Next(weightsSize);

            if (itersCount == 0)
                itersCount = 1;

            var used = new HashSet <int>();

            for (int iter = 0; iter < itersCount; iter++)
                int i = random.Next(weightsSize);
                if (weightsSize > 1)
                    while (used.Contains(i))
                        i = random.Next(weightsSize);

                double w = weights[i];
                w += (GaussianRandom.NextGaussian() - GaussianRandom.NextGaussian()) * weightsMutationInterval;
                // w += (this.random.nextDouble() - this.random.nextDouble()) *
                // weightsMutationInterval;
                weights[i] = w;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public float GetTime()
     if (generatedTime < 0)
         generatedTime = Mathf.Max(0, GaussianRandom.random(time[0], time[1]));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void AddNoise()
        p1 += (p1 - p0) * 0.08f * GaussianRandom.random();
        float rotNoise = 3.0f;

        q1 = Quaternion.Euler(rotNoise * GaussianRandom.random(), rotNoise * GaussianRandom.random(), rotNoise * GaussianRandom.random()) * q1;
        // t1 += GaussianRandom.random() * 0.2f;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public float GetRandomPositionY()
            float num;

                num = GaussianRandom.Val(this.MeanY, this.StdDevY);
            }while ((num < 0f) || (num > 1f));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Next_Max6_GeneratesNumbersBetween0And6Inclusive()
            IRandom random = new GaussianRandom();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                int value = random.Next(6);
                Assert.IsTrue(0 <= value && 6 >= value);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Next_Min5Max20_GeneratesNumbersBetween5And20Inclusive()
            IRandom random = new GaussianRandom();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                int value = random.Next(5, 20);
                Assert.IsTrue(5 <= value && 20 >= value);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Sender(string IP, int port, Plant Plant)
            // initialize a connection to the controller
            Client sender = new Client(IP, port);

            while (true)

                string message = "";
                if (using_channel == true)
                    message += Convert.ToString("EP_" + EP_Controller.IP + ":" + EP_Controller.Port + "#");                        // add end-point if canal is used
                message += Convert.ToString("time_" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(Constants.FMT) + "#");

                // attach observed states measurement
                for (int i = 0; i < Plant.get_yo().Length; i++)
                    // apply measurement noise
                    var    r     = new GaussianRandom();
                    double noise = r.NextGaussian(0, config.plantConfig.meas_noise_std);
                    message += "yo" + (i + 1) + "_" + (Plant.get_yo()[i] + noise).ToString() + "#";

                // attach controlled states measurement
                for (int i = 0; i < Plant.get_yc().Length; i++)
                    // apply measurement noise
                    var    r     = new GaussianRandom();
                    double noise = r.NextGaussian(0, config.plantConfig.meas_noise_std);
                    message += "yc" + (i + 1) + "_" + (Plant.get_yc()[i] + noise).ToString() + "#";

                    // send back the realized actuator value
                    if (new_relalized_actuator_value == true)
                        // append the last actuator state
                        message += "uc" + (i + 1) + "_" + Plant.get_uc()[i].ToString() + "#";
                new_relalized_actuator_value = false; // refresh the new actuator value flag

                // remove the redundant delimiter
                message = message.Substring(0, message.LastIndexOf('#'));

                // log controlled state and actuator value (used for package delivery analysis)
                if (FLAG_LOG == true)
                    string log_text = Plant.get_yc()[0] + ":" + U_last; // pick height and control signal
                    Helpers.WriteToLog(sb, filename: log_file_name, text: log_text);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        static Color AddPixelNoise(Color pixel, GaussianRandom generator)
            int newR = (int)pixel.R + generator.NextInteger();
            int newG = (int)pixel.G + generator.NextInteger();
            int newB = (int)pixel.B + generator.NextInteger();
            int r    = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(newR, 255));
            int g    = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(newG, 255));
            int b    = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(newB, 255));

            return(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b));
Ejemplo n.º 13
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nextLevel">次の質問のレベル</param>
    /// <returns>実際に表示するマーブルの数</returns>
    public int NextQuestion()
        var diff = GaussianRandom.Next(0, 1);

        currentMarbleCount = Mathf.RoundToInt(CurrentLevel + diff);
        if (currentMarbleCount <= 0)
            currentMarbleCount = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        protected override void WriteInfo(BinaryWriter w)


            WriteListInfo(EntityList, w);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public Accelerometer3Axis(SensorSpecifications sensorSpecifications, bool isPerfect) : base(isPerfect)
            _gaussRand = new GaussianRandom();

            _frequency  = sensorSpecifications.AccelerometerFrequency;
            _rmsNoiseXY = sensorSpecifications.AccelerometerStdDev.Forward;
            _rmsNoiseZ  = sensorSpecifications.AccelerometerStdDev.Up;

            _timeBetweenUpdates = (_frequency > 0)
                ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0 / _frequency)
                : TimeSpan.Zero;

            _isInitialized = false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
    Vector3 GenHitVector()
        Vector3 hitVec = new Vector3();

        hitVec.z = -(transform.position.z + GaussianRandom.generateNormalRandom(0, 1)); //Gaussian noise added to z. Range -23 to +23 depend on pos
        //positive x if player2, neg if player1
        hitVec.x = 20;
        if (isPlayer1)
            hitVec.x *= -1;
        hitVec.y = 20 + GaussianRandom.generateNormalRandom(0, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public Linear(int input, int output, Random r, Initializator init = null)
            if (init == null)
                init = new GaussianRandom(0, 1, 1, r);

            var w       = init.GenerateMatrix(input, output);
            var b       = init.GenerateMatrix(1, output);
            var weights = new Tensor(w, true);
            var bias    = new Tensor(b, true);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public Vector2 GetRandomPosition()
            float num;
            float num2;

                num = GaussianRandom.Val(this.MeanX, this.StdDevX);
            }while ((num < 0f) || (num > 1f));
                num2 = GaussianRandom.Val(this.MeanY, this.StdDevY);
            }while ((num2 < 0f) || (num2 > 1f));
            return(new Vector2(num, num2));
        public ScalarKF(float gainA, float gainB, float gainH, float covarianceQ, float covarianceR)
            // Starting with example
            _a = gainA;
            _b = gainB;
            _h = gainH;

            // Noise co-variances
            _q = covarianceQ;
            _r = covarianceR;

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            _stdDevW = (float)Math.Sqrt(_q);
            _stdDevV = (float)Math.Sqrt(_r);

            _rand = new GaussianRandom();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void Restore_AfterGeneratingThreeNumbers_RegeneratesSameThreeNumbers()
            IRandom random = new GaussianRandom();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            RandomState state  = random.Save();
            int         first  = random.Next(6);
            int         second = random.Next(6);
            int         third  = random.Next(6);


            Assert.AreEqual(first, random.Next(6));
            Assert.AreEqual(second, random.Next(6));
            Assert.AreEqual(third, random.Next(6));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public NotationSystem(int quantity, double alphaf, double delta1)
            delta = delta1;
            n     = quantity;
            alpha = alphaf;

            ideal = new double[n];
            real  = new double[n];

            norm = new GaussianRandom();

            if (alphaf != -1.0)
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ideal[i] = Math.Pow(alpha, i);
                alpha = 1.618;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ideal[i] = Fibonachi.GetNFibonachi(i);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (ideal[i] * delta / 100 < ideal[0] / 2)

            weightByHands = false;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private static void MutateNeuronsFunctionsParams(Neuron[] neurons)
            int neuronsSize = neurons.Length;
            int itersCount  = random.Next(neuronsSize);

            if (itersCount == 0)
                itersCount = 1;

            var used = new HashSet <int>();

            for (int iter = 0; iter < itersCount; iter++)
                int i = random.Next(neuronsSize);
                if (neuronsSize > 1)
                    while (used.Contains(i))
                        i = random.Next(neuronsSize);

                var n = neurons[i];

                var Params = n.GetParams();
                for (int j = 0; j < Params.Length; j++)
                    double param = Params[j];
                    param += (GaussianRandom.NextGaussian() - GaussianRandom.NextGaussian()) * neuronParamsMutationInterval;
                    // param += (this.random.nextDouble() -
                    // this.random.nextDouble()) * neuronParamsMutationInterval;
                    Params[j] = param;
                n.SetFunctionAndParams(n.TransferFunction, Params);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    Vector3 GenHitVector() //this will only be called if a player hit the ball
        Vector3 hitVec = new Vector3();

        hitVec.z = -(transform.position.z + GaussianRandom.generateNormalRandom(0, 3)); //Gaussian noise added to z. Range -23 to +23 depend on pos
        //positive x if player2, neg if player1
        hitVec.x = 47;
        if (swing.playerId == "1")
        { //woman
            if (nextAudioHard)

            hitVec.x *= -1;
            if (nextAudioHard)
        hitVec.y = 10 + GaussianRandom.generateNormalRandom(0, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void GaussianDistributionTest()
                if (Chart == null)


                    var rand = new GaussianRandom();

                    float minY   = float.MaxValue;
                    float maxY   = float.MinValue;
                    var   values = new float[100000];
                    for (int x = 0; x < values.Length; x++)
                        float val = rand.NextGaussian(0, 1);
                        values[x] = val;
                        if (val > maxY)
                            maxY = val;
                        if (val < minY)
                            minY = val;

                    const int distributionSteps       = 1000;
                    float     stepSizeY               = (maxY - minY) / distributionSteps;
                    var       distributionBucketCount = new Point[distributionSteps];

                    // Set X-positions for all points
                    for (int i = 0; i < distributionBucketCount.Length; i++)
                        distributionBucketCount[i].X = MyMathHelper.Lerp(i, 0, distributionBucketCount.Length, 0,

                    // Increase Y-position by one for each bucket hit
                    foreach (float valY in values)
                        int bucketIndex = Convert.ToUInt16(Math.Min(distributionSteps - 1, (valY - minY) / stepSizeY));

                    SwordfishGraphHelper.AddLineXY(Chart, "Gaussian values", Colors.Gray, values);
                    SwordfishGraphHelper.AddLineXY(Chart, "Distribution bucket count", Colors.Red,

                    Chart.Title      = "GaussianDistributionTest()";
                    Chart.XAxisLabel = "X Axis";
                    Chart.YAxisLabel = "Y Axis";

                catch (Exception e)
            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private static void HandleCreateItemOp(Character pChar, int nItemID, bool bStimulantUsed, List <int> aGems)

            //var pMakerItem = MasterManager.EtcTemplates.MakerData(nItemID);
            var makerItem = MasterManager.ItemMakeTemplates[nItemID];

            // verify maker item exists
            if (makerItem is null)
                pChar.SendMessage("Null item maker template.");

            // verify player is high enough level to use recipe
            if (makerItem.ReqLevel > pChar.Stats.nLevel + 6)
                pChar.SendMessage("Verify the item level you're trying to craft is no more than 6 above your own.");

            // verify player has enough meso
            if (makerItem.Meso > pChar.Stats.nMoney)
                pChar.SendMessage("Verify you have the correct amount of mesos.");

            var pCharMakerSkill = pChar.Skills.Get(Common.GameLogic.SkillLogic.get_novice_skill_as_race(Common.GameLogic.SkillLogic.NoviceSkillID.MakerSkill, pChar.Stats.nJob));

            // verify player maker skill level is high enough
            if (makerItem.ReqSkillLevel > (pCharMakerSkill?.nSLV ?? 0))
                pChar.SendMessage($"Verify maker skill level. {makerItem.ReqSkillLevel} < {(pCharMakerSkill?.nSLV ?? 0)}");

            var(nStimulantItemSlot, pStimulantItem) = InventoryManipulator.GetAnyItem(pChar, InventoryType.Etc, makerItem.CatalystID);

            // verify stimulant (catalyst) exists in player inventory
            if (bStimulantUsed && pStimulantItem is null)
                pChar.SendMessage("Verify you possess the correct stimulant item.");

            // verify equip slot availability
            if (InventoryManipulator.CountFreeSlots(pChar, InventoryType.Equip) < 1)
                pChar.SendMessage("Please make more room in your equip inventory.");

            if (InventoryManipulator.CountFreeSlots(pChar, InventoryType.Etc) < makerItem.RandomReward.Length)
                pChar.SendMessage("Please make more room in your etc inventory.");

            // verify required items exist in player inventory
            if (makerItem.Recipe.Any(item => !InventoryManipulator.ContainsItem(pChar, item.ItemID, (short)item.Count)))
                pChar.SendMessage("Verify you possess all the required components.");

            var aGemItemIds   = new List <int>();
            var aGemItemTypes = new List <int>();

            // remove duplicate items/types and get item slots for gems
            foreach (var entry in aGems)
                var(nGemSlot, pGemItem) = InventoryManipulator.GetAnyItem(pChar, InventoryType.Etc, entry);

                if (pGemItem is null || nGemSlot == 0 || !(pGemItem.Template is GemEffectTemplate))

                // idk how it would be 0 but we check anyway
                if (!aGemItemTypes.Contains(entry / 100) &&
                    !aGemItemIds.Contains(pGemItem.nItemID) &&
                    pGemItem.nNumber > 0)
                    aGemItemTypes.Add(entry / 100);

            // END VERIFICATION


            // remove meso cost from inventory
            if (makerItem.Meso > 0)

            // remove stimulant from inventory
            if (bStimulantUsed)
                InventoryManipulator.RemoveQuantity(pChar, pStimulantItem.nItemID, 1);

            // remove recipe items from inventory
            foreach (var item in makerItem.Recipe)
                InventoryManipulator.RemoveQuantity(pChar, item.ItemID, (short)item.Count);

            var bSuccess = true;

            if (bStimulantUsed && Constants.Rand.Next(100) >= 90)
                bSuccess = false;
                // BEGIN MAKER ITEM CREATION

                var pNewItemRaw = MasterManager.CreateItem(makerItem.TemplateId);

                if (pNewItemRaw is GW_ItemSlotEquip pNewItemEquip)
                    pNewItemEquip.RemainingUpgradeCount = (byte)makerItem.TUC;

                    // remove gems from inventory
                    foreach (var nGemItemId in aGemItemIds)
                        var pGemItemRaw = InventoryManipulator.GetAnyItem(pChar, InventoryType.Etc, nGemItemId).Item2;

                        if (pGemItemRaw.Template is GemEffectTemplate pGemItem)
                            // gems only have one modifier each
                            if (pGemItem.incPAD > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niPAD += (short)(pGemItem.incPAD * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incPDD > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niPDD += (short)(pGemItem.incPDD * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incMAD > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niMAD += (short)(pGemItem.incMAD * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incMDD > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niMDD += (short)(pGemItem.incMDD * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));

                            else if (pGemItem.incSTR > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niSTR += (short)(pGemItem.incSTR * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incINT > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niINT += (short)(pGemItem.incINT * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incDEX > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niDEX += (short)(pGemItem.incDEX * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incLUK > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niLUK += (short)(pGemItem.incLUK * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));

                            else if (pGemItem.incACC > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niACC += (short)(pGemItem.incACC * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incEVA > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niEVA += (short)(pGemItem.incEVA * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incMaxHP > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niMaxHP += (short)(pGemItem.incMaxHP * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incMaxMP > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niMaxMP += (short)(pGemItem.incMaxMP * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));

                            else if (pGemItem.incJump > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niJump += (short)(pGemItem.incJump * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));
                            else if (pGemItem.incSpeed > 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.niSpeed += (short)(pGemItem.incSpeed * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1));

                            else if (pGemItem.incReqLevel < 0)
                                pNewItemEquip.nLevel = (byte)(pNewItemEquip.nLevel + (pGemItem.incReqLevel * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1)));

                            else if (pGemItem.RandOption > 0)
                                var gX = new GaussianRandom();

                                var nRange = pGemItem.RandOption * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1);

                                if (pNewItemEquip.niMaxHP > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niMaxHP = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niMaxHP, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niMaxMP > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niMaxMP = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niMaxMP, nRange, false));

                                if (pNewItemEquip.niPAD > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niPAD = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niPAD, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niMAD > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niMAD = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niMAD, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niPDD > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niPDD = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niPDD, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niMDD > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niMDD = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niMDD, nRange, false));

                                if (pNewItemEquip.niSpeed > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niSpeed = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niSpeed, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niJump > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niJump = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niJump, nRange, false));
                            // pNewItemEquip.ApplyRandStatOption(pGemItem.RandOption * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1), false);
                            else if (pGemItem.RandStat > 0)
                                var gX = new GaussianRandom();

                                var nRange = pGemItem.RandStat * (bStimulantUsed ? 2 : 1);

                                if (pNewItemEquip.niSTR > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niSTR = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niSTR, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niLUK > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niLUK = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niLUK, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niINT > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niINT = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niINT, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niDEX > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niDEX = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niDEX, nRange, false));

                                if (pNewItemEquip.niACC > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niACC = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niACC, nRange, false));
                                if (pNewItemEquip.niEVA > 0)
                                    pNewItemEquip.niEVA = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pNewItemEquip.niEVA, nRange, false));

                    InventoryManipulator.InsertInto(pChar, pNewItemEquip);
                    pNewItemRaw.nNumber = (short)makerItem.ItemNum;
                    InventoryManipulator.InsertInto(pChar, pNewItemRaw);

                // remove gems if any
                foreach (var nGemItemId in aGemItemIds)
                    InventoryManipulator.RemoveQuantity(pChar, nGemItemId, 1);                     //InventoryManipulator.RemoveFrom(pChar, (byte)InventoryType.Etc, itemSlot, 1);

                foreach (var entry in makerItem.RandomReward)
                    if (Constants.Rand.Next(100) >= entry.Prob)

                    var pRandRewardItem = MasterManager.CreateItem(entry.ItemID);

                    pRandRewardItem.nNumber = (short)entry.ItemNum;

                    InventoryManipulator.InsertInto(pChar, pRandRewardItem);

                // END MAKER ITEM CREATION



            pChar.SendPacket(CreateItemResponse(bSuccess, bStimulantUsed, makerItem, aGemItemIds));

            pChar.Field.Broadcast(MakerItemEffectRemote(pChar.dwId, bSuccess));
        public void GaussianDistributionTest()
                if (Chart == null)


                    var rand = new GaussianRandom();

                    float minY = float.MaxValue;
                    float maxY = float.MinValue;
                    var values = new float[100000];
                    for (int x = 0; x < values.Length; x++)
                        float val = rand.NextGaussian(0, 1);
                        values[x] = val;
                        if (val > maxY) maxY = val;
                        if (val < minY) minY = val;

                    const int distributionSteps = 1000;
                    float stepSizeY = (maxY - minY)/distributionSteps;
                    var distributionBucketCount = new Point[distributionSteps];

                    // Set X-positions for all points
                    for (int i = 0; i < distributionBucketCount.Length; i++)
                        distributionBucketCount[i].X = MyMathHelper.Lerp(i, 0, distributionBucketCount.Length, 0,

                    // Increase Y-position by one for each bucket hit
                    foreach (float valY in values)
                        int bucketIndex = Convert.ToUInt16(Math.Min(distributionSteps - 1, (valY - minY)/stepSizeY));

                    SwordfishGraphHelper.AddLineXY(Chart, "Gaussian values", Colors.Gray, values);
                    SwordfishGraphHelper.AddLineXY(Chart, "Distribution bucket count", Colors.Red,

                    Chart.Title = "GaussianDistributionTest()";
                    Chart.XAxisLabel = "X Axis";
                    Chart.YAxisLabel = "Y Axis";

                catch (Exception e)
            catch (Exception e)
        public GPSFilter2D(GPSObservation startState)
            X0 = Matrix.Create(new double[n, 1]
                { startState.Position.X }, { startState.Position.Y }, { startState.Position.Z },
                // Position
                { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 },                  // Velocity
                { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 },                  // Acceleration

            PostX0 = X0.Clone();

            /* Matrix.Create(new double[n, 1]
             *                     {
             *                         {startState.Position.X}, {startState.Position.Y}, {startState.Position.Z}, // Position
             *                         {1}, {0}, {0}, // Velocity
             *                         {0}, {1}, {0}, // Acceleration
             *                     });*/

            // Start by assuming no covariance between states, meaning position, velocity, acceleration and their three XYZ components
            // have no correlation and behave independently. This not entirely true.
            PostP0 = Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            // Refs:
            // http://www.romdas.com/technical/gps/gps-acc.htm
            // http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/GPS/FV-M8_Spec.pdf
            // http://onlinestatbook.com/java/normalshade.html

            // Assuming GPS Sensor: FV-M8
            // Cold start: 41s
            // Hot start: 1s
            // Position precision: 3.3m CEP (horizontal circle, half the points within this radius centred on truth)
            // Position precision (DGPS): 2.6m CEP

            //            const float coVarQ = ;
            //            _r = covarianceR;

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            // Position process noise
            _stdDevW = Vector.Zeros(n); //(float)Math.Sqrt(_q);

            _rand = new GaussianRandom();

            // Circle Error Probable (50% of the values are within this radius)
            //            const float cep = 3.3f;

            // GPS position observation noise by standard deviation [meters]
            // Assume gaussian distribution, 2.45 x CEP is approx. 2dRMS (95%)
            // ref: http://www.gmat.unsw.edu.au/snap/gps/gps_survey/chap2/243.htm

            // Found empirically by http://onlinestatbook.com/java/normalshade.html
            // using area=0.5 and limits +- 3.3 meters
            _stdDevV = new Vector(new double[m]
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
            //2, 2, 4.8926f);

            H = Matrix.Identity(m, n);
            I = Matrix.Identity(n, n);
            Q = new Matrix(n, n);
            R = Matrix.Identity(m, m);

            _prevEstimate = GetInitialEstimate(X0, PostX0, PostP0);
        public GPSFilter2D(GPSObservation startState)
            X0 = Matrix.Create(new double[n,1]
                                       {startState.Position.X}, {startState.Position.Y}, {startState.Position.Z},
                                       // Position
                                       {0}, {0}, {0}, // Velocity
                                       {0}, {0}, {0}, // Acceleration

            PostX0 = X0.Clone();
            /* Matrix.Create(new double[n, 1]
                                       {startState.Position.X}, {startState.Position.Y}, {startState.Position.Z}, // Position
                                       {1}, {0}, {0}, // Velocity
                                       {0}, {1}, {0}, // Acceleration

            // Start by assuming no covariance between states, meaning position, velocity, acceleration and their three XYZ components
            // have no correlation and behave independently. This not entirely true.
            PostP0 = Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            // Refs: 
            // http://www.romdas.com/technical/gps/gps-acc.htm
            // http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/GPS/FV-M8_Spec.pdf
            // http://onlinestatbook.com/java/normalshade.html 

            // Assuming GPS Sensor: FV-M8
            // Cold start: 41s
            // Hot start: 1s
            // Position precision: 3.3m CEP (horizontal circle, half the points within this radius centred on truth)
            // Position precision (DGPS): 2.6m CEP

            //            const float coVarQ = ;
            //            _r = covarianceR;

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            // Position process noise
            _stdDevW = Vector.Zeros(n); //(float)Math.Sqrt(_q);

            _rand = new GaussianRandom();

            // Circle Error Probable (50% of the values are within this radius)
            //            const float cep = 3.3f;

            // GPS position observation noise by standard deviation [meters]
            // Assume gaussian distribution, 2.45 x CEP is approx. 2dRMS (95%)
            // ref: http://www.gmat.unsw.edu.au/snap/gps/gps_survey/chap2/243.htm

            // Found empirically by http://onlinestatbook.com/java/normalshade.html
            // using area=0.5 and limits +- 3.3 meters
            _stdDevV = new Vector(new double[m]
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0, 
//                                             0, 
//                                             0, 
//                                             0, 
//                                             0,
            //2, 2, 4.8926f);

            H = Matrix.Identity(m, n);
            I = Matrix.Identity(n, n);
            Q = new Matrix(n, n);
            R = Matrix.Identity(m, m);

            _prevEstimate = GetInitialEstimate(X0, PostX0, PostP0);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void UseUpgradeScroll(short nScrollPOS, short nEquipPOS, bool bWhiteScroll)
            if (Parent.Stats.nHP <= 0)

            var pScrollTemplate = InventoryManipulator.GetItem(Parent, InventoryType.Consume, nScrollPOS).Template as ConsumeItemTemplate;
            var pEquip          = InventoryManipulator.GetItem(Parent, InventoryType.Equip, nEquipPOS) as GW_ItemSlotEquip;
            var nWhiteScrollPOS = InventoryManipulator.GetAnyItem(Parent, InventoryType.Consume, ItemConstants.WhiteScroll).Item1;

            if (pEquip == null || pScrollTemplate == null)
            if (pEquip.CashItem)
            if (pEquip.RemainingUpgradeCount <= 0 && pScrollTemplate.Recover <= 0)

            var bSuccess = pScrollTemplate.ScrollSuccess(Constants.Rand);
            var bDestroy = !bSuccess && pScrollTemplate.ScrollDestroy(Constants.Rand);

            bWhiteScroll = bWhiteScroll && nWhiteScrollPOS > 0;

            if (!ItemConstants.is_correct_upgrade_equip(pScrollTemplate.TemplateId, pEquip.nItemID))             // PE, validated client-side

            if (bSuccess)
                if (pScrollTemplate.Recover > 0)
                    pEquip.RemainingUpgradeCount += (byte)pScrollTemplate.Recover;
                    if (pScrollTemplate.PreventSlip)
                        pEquip.nAttribute |= ItemAttributeFlags.Spikes;
                    else if (pScrollTemplate.WarmSupport)
                        pEquip.nAttribute |= ItemAttributeFlags.Cold;
                    else if (pScrollTemplate.RandStat)
                        var randRange = 2 + (2 * pScrollTemplate.IncRandVol);

                        var gX = new GaussianRandom();

                        if (pEquip.niSTR > 0)
                            pEquip.niSTR = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niSTR, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niLUK > 0)
                            pEquip.niLUK = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niLUK, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niINT > 0)
                            pEquip.niINT = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niINT, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niDEX > 0)
                            pEquip.niDEX = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niDEX, randRange, false));

                        if (pEquip.niACC > 0)
                            pEquip.niACC = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niACC, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niEVA > 0)
                            pEquip.niEVA = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niEVA, randRange, false));

                        if (pEquip.niMaxHP > 0)
                            pEquip.niMaxHP = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niMaxHP, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niMaxMP > 0)
                            pEquip.niMaxMP = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niMaxMP, randRange, false));

                        if (pEquip.niPAD > 0)
                            pEquip.niPAD = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niPAD, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niMAD > 0)
                            pEquip.niMAD = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niMAD, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niPDD > 0)
                            pEquip.niPDD = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niPDD, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niMDD > 0)
                            pEquip.niMDD = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niMDD, randRange, false));

                        if (pEquip.niSpeed > 0)
                            pEquip.niSpeed = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niSpeed, randRange, false));
                        if (pEquip.niJump > 0)
                            pEquip.niJump = (short)Math.Max(0, gX.GaussianDistributionVariation(pEquip.niJump, randRange, false));
                        pEquip.niSTR   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncSTR;
                        pEquip.niLUK   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncLUK;
                        pEquip.niINT   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncINT;
                        pEquip.niDEX   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncDEX;
                        pEquip.niMaxHP += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncMHP;
                        pEquip.niMaxMP += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncMMP;
                        pEquip.niPAD   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncPAD;                      // watk
                        pEquip.niMAD   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncMAD;                      // matk
                        pEquip.niPDD   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncPDD;                      // wdef
                        pEquip.niMDD   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncMDD;                      // mdef
                        pEquip.niACC   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncACC;                      // accuracy
                        pEquip.niEVA   += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncEVA;                      // avoid
                        pEquip.niCraft += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncCraft;                    // still not sure wtf this is
                        pEquip.niSpeed += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncSpeed;
                        pEquip.niJump  += (short)pScrollTemplate.IncJump;

            if (bDestroy)
                InventoryManipulator.RemoveFrom(Parent, InventoryType.Equip, nEquipPOS);
            else                                       // success or fail
                if (pScrollTemplate.Recover <= 0)      // not an upgrade count recovery scroll
                    pEquip.RemainingUpgradeCount -= 1; // reduce remaining upgrade count if no white scroll

                    if (bSuccess)
                        pEquip.CurrentUpgradeCount += 1;                         // increase upgrade count
                    else if (bWhiteScroll)
                        pEquip.RemainingUpgradeCount += 1;

                    if (bWhiteScroll)
                        InventoryManipulator.RemoveFrom(Parent, InventoryType.Consume, nWhiteScrollPOS);

                Parent.Modify.Inventory(ctx =>
                    ctx.UpdateEquipInformation(pEquip, nEquipPOS);

            InventoryManipulator.RemoveFrom(Parent, InventoryType.Consume, nScrollPOS);

            Parent.StatisticsTracker.IncrementScrollUse(pScrollTemplate.TemplateId, bSuccess, bDestroy);
            Parent.Field.Broadcast(pEquip.ShowItemUpgradeEffect(Parent, bSuccess, bDestroy, bWhiteScroll));
Ejemplo n.º 30
    void CreateMidMeshes()
        stockmidList = MarketDataParser.LoadStocksMid();
        int   maxSamples = stockmidList.Count;
        float x1         = stockmidList[0][0];
        float y1         = stockmidList[0][1];
        float x2         = stockmidList[1][0];
        float y2         = stockmidList[1][1];

        particles = new Particle[maxSamples];
        for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
            particles[i].size  = defaultParticleSize;
            particles[i].color = defaultParticleColor;

        int stocksToRender = System.Math.Min(stockmidList[0].Count, maxNShow);

        print("stockCount=" + stocksToRender + ", cubersPerMesh=" + cubesPerMesh);

        int NMeshes = 100;

        goMeshes = new GameObject[NMeshes]; // maxSamples//[stocksToRender];
        meshes   = new Mesh[NMeshes];       // stocksToRender];

        GaussianRandom gaussianRandom = new GaussianRandom();

        List <Color> mesh_colors = new List <Color> {
            Color.red, Color.green, Color.blue, Color.yellow
        int color_choices = mesh_colors.Count;

        Counts = new int[stocksToRender];
        for (int t = 0; t < cubesPerMesh && t < maxSamples; t++)
            GameObject go = new GameObject("Mesh " + t);
            go.transform.parent = transform;
            MeshFilter mf   = go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            Mesh       mesh = new Mesh();
            mf.mesh = mesh;
            Renderer rend = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            rend.material       = material;
            rend.material.color = mesh_colors[t % color_choices];

            var vertices     = new Vector3[24 * cubesPerMesh];
            var triangles    = new int[36 * cubesPerMesh];
            var normals      = new Vector3[24 * cubesPerMesh];
            var colors       = new Color[24 * cubesPerMesh];
            int vertex_group = 10 * 24;
            for (int c = 0; c < colors.Length / vertex_group; ++c)
                var a_color = new Color(Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f));
                for (int k = 0; k < vertex_group; ++k)
                    colors[vertex_group * c + k] = a_color;
            var uv = new Vector2[24 * cubesPerMesh];

            float x_time = 0, y_return = 0;
            // TODO: cubesPerMesh might be smaller than the sample count
            //for (int t = 0; t < cubesPerMesh && t < maxSamples; t++) {
            for (int iStock = 0; iStock < stocksToRender; iStock++)
                // x=> screen x
                // y=> screen y
                // z=> depth

                //x = (float)(gaussianRandom.NextGaussian() * spaceRange);
                //z = (float)(gaussianRandom.NextGaussian() * spaceRange);
                //y = (float)(0.1*x + 0.2*z + gaussianRandom.NextGaussian() * 0.5 * spaceRange );

                x_time += spaceRange;

                print("Adding x_time=" + x_time
                      + ", y_price=" + y_return
                      + ", z_stock" + iStock);
                MeshCube.AddCube(ref vertices, ref triangles, ref normals, ref uv, t,
                                 new Vector3(x_time, 0, iStock * spaceRange * 10), defaultParticleSize / 2);

            mesh.vertices  = vertices;
            mesh.triangles = triangles;
            mesh.normals   = normals;
            mesh.colors    = colors;
            mesh.uv        = uv;
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                print("k=" + k);
                print("vertices: " + mesh.vertices[k]);
                print("triangles: " + mesh.triangles[k]);
                print("normals: " + mesh.normals[k]);
                print("uv: " + mesh.uv[k]);
                print("colors: " + mesh.colors[k]);

            goMeshes[t] = go;
            meshes[t]   = mesh;

        print("Meshes created");
        public GPSINSFilter(TimeSpan startTime, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 startVelocity, Quaternion orientation,
                            SensorSpecifications sensorSpecifications)
            _startTime = startTime;
            _orientation = orientation;
            _sensorSpecifications = sensorSpecifications;

            X0 = Matrix.Create(new double[n,1]
                                       {startPos.X}, {startPos.Y}, {startPos.Z}, // Position
                                       {startVelocity.X}, {startVelocity.Y}, {startVelocity.Z}, // Velocity
                                       {_orientation.X}, {_orientation.Y}, {_orientation.Z}, {_orientation.W}, // Quaternion  

            // Make sure we don't reference the same object, but rather copy its values.
            // It is possible to set PostX0 to a different state than X0, so that the initial guess
            // of state is wrong. 
            PostX0 = X0.Clone();

            // We use a very low initial estimate for error covariance, meaning the filter will
            // initially trust the model more and the sensors/observations less and gradually adjust on the way.
            // Note setting this to zero matrix will cause the filter to infinitely distrust all observations,
            // so always use a close-to-zero value instead.
            // Setting it to a diagnoal matrix of high values will cause the filter to trust the observations more in the beginning,
            // since we say that we think the current PostX0 estimate is unreliable.
            PostP0 = 0.001*Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            // Process noise (acceleromters, gyros, etc..)
            _stdDevW = new Vector(new double[n]
                                          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

            // Observation noise (GPS inaccuarcy etc..)
            _stdDevV = new Vector(new double[m]
//                                          0.001000, 0.001000, 0.001000,
//                                          1000, 1000, 1000,

            I = Matrix.Identity(n, n);
            _zeroMM = Matrix.Zeros(m);

            _rand = new GaussianRandom();
            _prevEstimate = GetInitialEstimate(X0, PostX0, PostP0);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        private void Initialize()
            gaussianRandom = new GaussianRandom(rnd);
            phasePoints = new ObservableCollection<DataPoint>();
            currentPhasePoints = new ObservableCollection<DataPoint>();
            positionPoints = new ObservableCollection<DataPoint>();
            velocityPoints = new ObservableCollection<DataPoint>();
            accelerationPoints = new ObservableCollection<DataPoint>();
            animationSpeed = 0;
            epsilon0 = 0.05;
            alpha = StartAlpha;
            omega = 2;
            r = 80;
            lCurrent = l = 300;
            rimBlockDistance = Math.Sqrt(L * L - R * R);
            rimCenter = new Point(CanvasHalfWidth - rimBlockDistance * 2 / 3, CanvasHalfHeight);

            currentX = rimBlockDistance;
            currentV = 0.0;
            currentA = 0.0;
            lastTime = 0.0;
            deltaTime = 0;

            dispatcherTimer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
            dispatcherTimer.Tick += DispatcherTimerTick;
            dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 10);
            buttonsFlags = new bool[3] { false, false, false };
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public static int GaussianRandomRange(int min, int max)
     return(GaussianRandom.Range(min, max));
Ejemplo n.º 34
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
        GaussianRandom gr = new GaussianRandom();
        double randomNumber = gr.NextDouble();
        Debug.Log("Gaussian Random Number = " + randomNumber);
Ejemplo n.º 35
    void CreateStockListMeshes()
        stockLists = MarketDataParser.LoadStocks();
        int maxSamples = 0;

        foreach (var list in stockLists)
            if (maxSamples < list.Count)
                maxSamples = list.Count;

        particles = new Particle[maxSamples];
        for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
            particles[i].size  = defaultParticleSize;
            particles[i].color = defaultParticleColor;

        int stocksToRender = stockLists.Count;

        print("stockCount=" + stockLists.Count + ", cubersPerMesh=" + cubesPerMesh);

        goMeshes = new GameObject[stockLists.Count];
        meshes   = new Mesh[stockLists.Count];

        GaussianRandom gaussianRandom = new GaussianRandom();

        List <Color> mesh_colors = new List <Color> {
            Color.red, Color.green, Color.blue, Color.yellow
        int color_choices = mesh_colors.Count;

        Counts = new int[stockLists.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < stockLists.Count; i++)
            GameObject go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); //new GameObject("Mesh " + i);
            go.transform.parent = transform;
            MeshFilter mf   = go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            Mesh       mesh = new Mesh();
            mf.mesh = mesh;
            Renderer rend = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            rend.material       = material;
            rend.material.color = mesh_colors[i % color_choices];

            var vertices     = new Vector3[24 * cubesPerMesh];
            var triangles    = new int[36 * cubesPerMesh];
            var normals      = new Vector3[24 * cubesPerMesh];
            var colors       = new Color[24 * cubesPerMesh];
            int vertex_group = 10 * 24;
            var uv           = new Vector2[24 * cubesPerMesh];

            for (int c = 0; c < colors.Length / vertex_group; ++c)
                var a_color = new Color(Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f));
                for (int k = 0; k < vertex_group; ++k)
                    colors[vertex_group * c + k] = a_color;

            float x_time = 0, y_return = 0;
            // TODO: cubesPerMesh might be smaller than the sample count
            var samples = stockLists[i];
            Counts[i] = samples.Count;
            for (int j = 0; j < cubesPerMesh && j < samples.Count; j++)
                // x=> screen x
                // y=> screen y
                // z=> depth

                //x = (float)(gaussianRandom.NextGaussian() * spaceRange);
                //z = (float)(gaussianRandom.NextGaussian() * spaceRange);
                //y = (float)(0.1*x + 0.2*z + gaussianRandom.NextGaussian() * 0.5 * spaceRange );

                x_time += spaceRange;
                float init = samples[0].open;
                float open = samples[j].open;
                y_return = (open - init) * 10000 / init; // in bps

                print("Adding x_time=" + x_time
                      + ", y_price=" + y_return
                      + ", z_stock" + i);
                MeshCube.AddCube(ref vertices, ref triangles, ref normals, ref uv, j,
                                 new Vector3(x_time, 0, i * spaceRange * 10), defaultParticleSize / 2);

            mesh.vertices  = vertices;
            mesh.triangles = triangles;
            mesh.normals   = normals;
            mesh.colors    = colors;
            mesh.uv        = uv;
            for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                print("k=" + k);
                print("vertices: " + mesh.vertices[k]);
                print("triangles: " + mesh.triangles[k]);
                print("normals: " + mesh.normals[k]);
                print("uv: " + mesh.uv[k]);
                print("colors: " + mesh.colors[k]);

            goMeshes[i] = go;
            meshes[i]   = mesh;

        print("Meshes created");