Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Setup(ZAnimationInfo info)
            numFrames = info.numFrames;
            Globals.Assert(numFrames <= (int)Enum.kMaxTexturesInAnim);
            float gapTotal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
                gapTotal       += info.frameTime[i];
                texture[i]      = info.texture[i];
                subTextureId[i] = info.subTextureId[i];
                frameTime[i]    = gapTotal;

            state        = AnimationState.kAnimNotStarted;
            gapType      = info.gapType;
            currentFrame = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private long writeFile(ref long nullsPos, Stream dest, long dstPos, ref bool firstFile, Stream srcStream, FstFile lastFile, FstFile file, List <JunkRedumpPatch> patches, NStream nstream, long junkStart, bool isJunkFile)
            //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(@"{0} : {1} : {2} : {3}/{4}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), (file.DataOffset + file.Length).ToString("X8"), /*(nextFile.DataOffset - lastEnd).ToString("X8"),*/ file.Length.ToString("X8"), file.Path, file.Name));

            //file found
            long gap = writeDestGap(nullsPos, dest, dstPos, file.DataOffset - dstPos, firstFile, patches, junkStart, nstream);

            firstFile = false;

            bool missing = false;

            if (file.Length == 0)
                //    missing = true;
            else if (isJunkFile)
                missing = true;
                MemorySection ms = MemorySection.Read(srcStream, 8);

                long    size = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                GapType gt   = (GapType)(size & 0b11);
                size &= 0xFFFFFFFC;

                //set nullsPos value if zerobyte file without junk
                if (gt == GapType.JunkFile)
                    nullsPos = Math.Min(nullsPos - (dstPos + gap), 0); //reset the nulls
                    long nulls       = (size & 0xFC) >> 2;
                    long junkFileLen = ms.ReadUInt32B(4);
                    if (junkFileLen != file.Length)
                        throw new HandledException(string.Format("NKit Junk file restoration length mismatch {0}: {1}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), file.Name));

                    ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(dest, nulls);
                    nstream.JunkStream.Position = (dstPos + gap) + nulls;
                    nstream.JunkStream.Copy(dest, junkFileLen - nulls);
                    _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Generated file content with Junk {0}: {1}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), file.Name));
                    throw new HandledException(string.Format("NKit Junk file restoration bytes invalid {0}: {1}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), file.Name));
                byte[] f = new byte[Math.Min(0x30, file.Length)];
                srcStream.Read(f, 0, f.Length);                                     //then read while junk is created

                if (lastFile.DataOffset == file.DataOffset && lastFile.Length == 0) //null file overlapped this file so set nullsPos to have a gap (XGIII) needs fst sorting by offset then size
                    nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1CL;                                      //will already be aligned

                int nulls = (int)(nullsPos - (dstPos + gap));
                nstream.JunkStream.Position = file.DataOffset; //async junk gen
                int countNulls = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < f.Length && f[i] == 0; i++)

                if (f.Length > nulls && countNulls < f.Length) //don't test all nulls
                    missing = nstream.JunkStream.Compare(f, 0, f.Length, Math.Max(0, nulls)) == f.Length;

                if (missing)
                    _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("File content is Junk {0}: {1}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), file.Name));

                dest.Write(f, 0, f.Length);
                srcStream.Copy(dest, file.Length - f.Length); //copy file

            if (!missing) //reset the gap when no junk
                nullsPos = dstPos + gap + file.Length + 0x1c;
                if (nullsPos % 4 != 0)
                    nullsPos += 4 - (nullsPos % 4);

            return(gap + file.Length);
        private void UpdateAllowedSlippages(double newSlippage, GapType gap)
            double[] arr = new double[] {newSlippage, EffectiveMinAllowedSlippage, EffectiveMaxAllowedSlippage};
            double minSlip = arr.Min();
            double maxSlip = arr.Max();

                                          "An opening gap of '{0}' caused changes to allowed slippages. [Before - Min: {1}. Max {2}] [After - Min: {3}. Max: {4}]",

            EffectiveMaxAllowedSlippage = maxSlip;
            EffectiveMinAllowedSlippage = minSlip;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ScoringEntity()
     Console.WriteLine("scoring entity created");
     gapType = GapType.None;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        }                                                                      ///@property(readwrite,assign) AnimationState state;

        public void SetGapType(GapType inThing)
            gapType = inThing;
        }                                                   ///@property(readwrite,assign) GapType gapType;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private long writeGap(ConvertFile file, ref long nullsPos, ref long srcPos, long dstPos, NStream inStream, Stream target, bool firstOrLastFile)
            if (file.GapLength == 0)
                if (file.FstFile.Length == 0)
                    nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1c;

            MemorySection ms = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 4);

            srcPos += 4;
            long    size = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
            GapType gt   = (GapType)(size & 0b11);

            size &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
            if (size == 0xFFFFFFFC) //for wii only. not a thing for GC
                srcPos += 4;
                inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                size = 0xFFFFFFFCL + (long)ms.ReadUInt32B(0); //cater for files > 0xFFFFFFFF

            long nulls;
            long junkFileLen = 0;

            //set nullsPos value if zerobyte file without junk
            if (gt == GapType.JunkFile)
                nullsPos = Math.Min(nullsPos - dstPos, 0);
                nulls    = (size & 0xFC) >> 2;
                inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                srcPos             += 4;
                junkFileLen         = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                file.FstFile.Length = junkFileLen;
                junkFileLen        += junkFileLen % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - (junkFileLen % 4);
                ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                inStream.JunkStream.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                inStream.JunkStream.Copy(target, junkFileLen - nulls);
                dstPos += junkFileLen;

                if (file.GapLength <= 8)
                    //read gap
                    inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                    srcPos += 4;
                    size    = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                    gt      = (GapType)(size & 0b11);
                    size   &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
            else if (file.FstFile.Length == 0) //last zero byte file was legit
                nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1c;

            long maxNulls = Math.Max(0, nullsPos - dstPos); //0x1cL

            if (size < maxNulls)                            //need to test this commented if
                nulls = size;
                nulls = size >= 0x40000 && !firstOrLastFile ? 0 : maxNulls;

            if (gt == GapType.AllJunk)
                ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                inStream.JunkStream.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                inStream.JunkStream.Copy(target, size - nulls);
                dstPos += size;
            else if (gt == GapType.AllScrubbed)
                ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, size);
                dstPos += size;
                long         prg    = size;
                byte         btByte = 0x00;
                GapBlockType bt     = GapBlockType.Junk; //should never be used

                while (prg > 0)
                    inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                    srcPos += 4;
                    long         bytes;
                    long         blk      = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                    GapBlockType btType   = (GapBlockType)(blk >> 30);
                    bool         btRepeat = btType == GapBlockType.Repeat;
                    if (!btRepeat)
                        bt = btType;

                    long cnt = 0x3FFFFFFF & blk;

                    if (bt == GapBlockType.NonJunk)
                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);

                        inStream.Copy(target, bytes);
                        srcPos += bytes;
                    else if (bt == GapBlockType.ByteFill)
                        if (!btRepeat)
                            btByte = (byte)(0xFF & cnt); //last 8 bits when not repeating are the byte
                            cnt  >>= 8;

                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);
                        Stream bs;
                        switch (btByte)
                        case 0x00: bs = ByteStream.Zeros; break;

                        case 0x55: bs = ByteStream.Fives; break;

                        case 0xff: bs = ByteStream.FFs; break;

                        default: bs = new ByteStream(btByte); break;
                        bs.Copy(target, bytes);
                    else //if (bt == GapBlockType.Junk)
                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);

                        maxNulls = Math.Max(0, nullsPos - dstPos); //0x1cL
                        if (prg < maxNulls)
                            nulls = bytes;
                            nulls = bytes >= 0x40000 && !firstOrLastFile ? 0 : maxNulls;

                        ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                        inStream.JunkStream.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                        inStream.JunkStream.Copy(target, bytes - nulls);
                    prg    -= bytes;
                    dstPos += bytes;

            return(size + junkFileLen);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private long writeGap(ref long fileLength, LongRef gapLength, ref long nullsPos, ref long srcPos, long dstPos, Stream inStream, Stream target, JunkStream junk, bool firstOrLastFile, ScrubManager scrub)
            if (gapLength.Value == 0)
                if (fileLength == 0)
                    nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1c;
            long          srcLen = gapLength.Value; //fix added for (padding between junk files) - Zumba Fitness (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
            MemorySection ms     = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 4);

            srcPos += 4;
            long    size = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
            GapType gt   = (GapType)(size & 0b11);

            size &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
            if (size == 0xFFFFFFFC) //for wii only. not a thing for GC
                srcPos += 4;
                inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                size = 0xFFFFFFFCL + (long)ms.ReadUInt32B(0); //cater for files > 0xFFFFFFFF
            gapLength.Value = size;

            scrub.AddGap(fileLength, dstPos, size); //keep track of trailing nulls when restoring scrubbed images

            long nulls;
            long junkFileLen = 0;

            //set nullsPos value if zerobyte file without junk
            if (gt == GapType.JunkFile)
                nullsPos = Math.Min(nullsPos - dstPos, 0);
                nulls    = (size & 0xFC) >> 2;
                inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                srcPos      += 4;
                junkFileLen  = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                fileLength   = junkFileLen;
                junkFileLen += junkFileLen % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - (junkFileLen % 4);
                ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                junk.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                junk.Copy(target, junkFileLen - nulls);
                dstPos += junkFileLen;

                if (srcLen <= 8)
                    //read gap
                    inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                    srcPos         += 4;
                    size            = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                    gt              = (GapType)(size & 0b11);
                    size           &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
                    gapLength.Value = size;
            else if (fileLength == 0) //last zero byte file was legit
                nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1c;

            long maxNulls = Math.Max(0, nullsPos - dstPos); //0x1cL

            if (size < maxNulls)                            //need to test this commented if
                nulls = size;
                nulls = size >= 0x40000 && !firstOrLastFile ? 0 : maxNulls;
            nullsPos = dstPos + nulls; //belt and braces

            if (gt == GapType.AllJunk)
                ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                junk.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                junk.Copy(target, size - nulls);
                dstPos += size;
            else if (gt == GapType.AllScrubbed)
                scrub.Scrub(target, dstPos, size, 0);
                dstPos += size;
                long         prg    = size;
                byte         btByte = 0x00;
                GapBlockType bt     = GapBlockType.Junk; //should never be used

                while (prg > 0)
                    inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                    srcPos += 4;
                    long         bytes;
                    long         blk      = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                    GapBlockType btType   = (GapBlockType)(blk >> 30);
                    bool         btRepeat = btType == GapBlockType.Repeat;
                    if (!btRepeat)
                        bt = btType;

                    long cnt = 0x3FFFFFFF & blk;

                    if (bt == GapBlockType.NonJunk)
                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);

                        inStream.Copy(target, bytes);
                        srcPos += bytes;
                    else if (bt == GapBlockType.ByteFill)
                        if (!btRepeat)
                            btByte = (byte)(0xFF & cnt); //last 8 bits when not repeating are the byte
                            cnt  >>= 8;

                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);
                        scrub.Scrub(target, dstPos, bytes, btByte);
                    else //if (bt == GapBlockType.Junk)
                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);

                        maxNulls = Math.Max(0, nullsPos - dstPos); //0x1cL
                        if (prg < maxNulls)
                            nulls = bytes;
                            nulls = bytes >= 0x40000 && !firstOrLastFile ? 0 : maxNulls;

                        ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                        junk.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                        junk.Copy(target, bytes - nulls);
                    prg    -= bytes;
                    dstPos += bytes;

            return(gapLength.Value + junkFileLen);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public ScoringEntity()
     Console.WriteLine("scoring entity created");
     gapType = GapType.None;