Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static GameObject getIconForZoneType(GameRuleRequiredObjectType zoneType)
     if (zoneType == GameRuleRequiredObjectType.BoomerangZone)
         return GameRuleIconStorage.instance.boomerangZoneIcon;
         throw new System.Exception("Bug: could not get zone icon for " + zoneType);
 public GameRuleRequiredObject(GameRuleRequiredObjectType rot, string p)
     requiredObjectType = rot;
     sportName = p;
     hashCode = (int)(requiredObjectType) * (sportName == null ? -1 : sportName.GetHashCode());
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void buildZone(GameRuleRequiredObjectType zoneType)
        Mesh collisionMesh = new Mesh();
        Mesh displayMesh = new Mesh();
        Mesh lineMesh = new Mesh();

        //build up a list of triangles, going clockwise
        //pick 4 random locations along lines of an X
        Vector2[] groundPolygon = new Vector2[] {
            new Vector2(-1, -1),
            new Vector2(-1, 1),
            new Vector2(1, 1),
            new Vector2(1, -1)
        for (int i = 0; i < groundPolygon.Length; i++) {
            groundPolygon[i] *= (4.0f + Random.Range(0.0f, 8.0f));

        //map the UVs for the main texture
        Vector2[] displayUVs = new Vector2[groundPolygon.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < displayUVs.Length; i++) {
            displayUVs[i] = new Vector2(
                (groundPolygon[i].x - MAIN_TEXTURE_UV_LEFT) / MAIN_TEXTURE_UV_WIDTH,
                (groundPolygon[i].y - MAIN_TEXTURE_UV_TOP) / MAIN_TEXTURE_UV_HEIGHT

        float groundY = GameRules.instance.floor.GetComponent<Collider>().bounds.extents.y + MESH_HEIGHT_EPSILON;
        //build the vertex list for the collision mesh
        //also keep track of the center of the zone for the render mesh
        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[groundPolygon.Length * 2];
        Vector3[] displayVertices = new Vector3[groundPolygon.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < groundPolygon.Length; i++) {
            float vx = groundPolygon[i].x;
            float vz = groundPolygon[i].y; //Vector2 stores x and y but we want to use z instead of y
            displayVertices[i] = new Vector3(vx, groundY, vz);
            vertices[i] = new Vector3(vx, groundY, vz);
            vertices[i + groundPolygon.Length] = new Vector3(vx, 100, vz);
        displayMesh.vertices = displayVertices;
        displayMesh.uv = displayUVs;
        displayMesh.triangles = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};

        collisionMesh.vertices = vertices;
        collisionMesh.triangles = new int[] {0, 1, 2}; //this isn't actually used but meshes need an array of triangles
        GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = collisionMesh;
        GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = displayMesh;
        //zones always render behind all sprites
        GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().sortingOrder = -32768;

        //now we need to build the mesh for the line
        groundY += MESH_HEIGHT_EPSILON;
        List<Vector3> lineVertices = new List<Vector3>();
        List<Vector2> lineUVs = new List<Vector2>();
        List<int> lineTriangles = new List<int>();
        //store the multiplier to get the right UV x-values; y goes from 0 to 1 but x is much smaller to accomodate the texture
        Transform zoneLine = transform.GetChild(0);
        MeshRenderer zoneLineRenderer = zoneLine.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        Texture zoneLineTexture = zoneLineRenderer.material.mainTexture;
        float zoneLineUVXMultiplier = (float)zoneLineTexture.height / (zoneLineTexture.width * ZONE_LINE_HALF_WIDTH * 2);
        float zoneLineUVXPos = 0.0f;
        //build the mesh from the lines created by groundPolygon
        for (int i = 0; i < groundPolygon.Length; i++) {
            //first, add the triangles just for the line
            //find the line we'll be covering
            Vector2 point1 = groundPolygon[i];
            Vector2 point2 = groundPolygon[((i + 1) % groundPolygon.Length)];
            Vector2 lineVector = point2 - point1;
            float lineVectorLength = lineVector.magnitude;
            float extrudeMultiplier = ZONE_LINE_HALF_WIDTH / lineVectorLength;
            float extrudeX = -lineVector.y * extrudeMultiplier;
            float extrudeY = lineVector.x * extrudeMultiplier;
            //add them bottom to top, right to left
            lineVertices.Add(new Vector3(point1.x - extrudeX, groundY, point1.y - extrudeY));
            lineVertices.Add(new Vector3(point1.x + extrudeX, groundY, point1.y + extrudeY));
            lineVertices.Add(new Vector3(point2.x - extrudeX, groundY, point2.y - extrudeY));
            lineVertices.Add(new Vector3(point2.x + extrudeX, groundY, point2.y + extrudeY));
            //add UVS too
            lineUVs.Add(new Vector2(zoneLineUVXPos, 0.0f));
            lineUVs.Add(new Vector2(zoneLineUVXPos, 1.0f));
            zoneLineUVXPos += lineVectorLength * zoneLineUVXMultiplier;
            lineUVs.Add(new Vector2(zoneLineUVXPos, 0.0f));
            lineUVs.Add(new Vector2(zoneLineUVXPos, 1.0f));
            //add the triangles
            int vertexCount = lineVertices.Count;
            lineTriangles.AddRange(new int[] {
                vertexCount - 4, vertexCount - 3, vertexCount - 1,
                vertexCount - 4, vertexCount - 1, vertexCount - 2

            //then, add the vertices, UVS, and triangles for the corner
            //we want to add a triangle every certain amount of degrees
            Vector2 point3 = groundPolygon[((i + 2) % groundPolygon.Length)];
            float cornerAngle = Vector2.Angle(lineVector, point3 - point2);
            int cornerSegments = Mathf.RoundToInt(cornerAngle / ZONE_LINE_CORNER_DEGREES);
            //go through and add stuff for the corners
            //to draw them, we do a double rotation- one for the inside point and one for the next outside point
            //then we just take a triangle out of the texture to fit on it
            //each rotation is slightly more than 180 degrees
            float rotateAngleRadians = (180.0f - cornerAngle / (cornerSegments * 2.0f)) * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
            for (int j = 0; j < cornerSegments; j++) {
                //rotate once for the inner point
                lineVertices.Add(rotate(point2, lineVertices[lineVertices.Count - 1], rotateAngleRadians));
                //rotate again for the outer point
                lineVertices.Add(rotate(point2, lineVertices[lineVertices.Count - 1], rotateAngleRadians));
                //add the UVs
                vertexCount = lineVertices.Count;
                float cornerEdgeUVLength =
                    (lineVertices[vertexCount - 1] - lineVertices[vertexCount - 3]).magnitude * zoneLineUVXMultiplier;
                lineUVs.Add(new Vector2(zoneLineUVXPos + cornerEdgeUVLength * 0.5f, 0.0f));
                zoneLineUVXPos += cornerEdgeUVLength;
                lineUVs.Add(new Vector2(zoneLineUVXPos, 1.0f));
                //and finally add the triangle
                lineTriangles.AddRange(new int[] {
                    vertexCount - 3, vertexCount - 1, vertexCount - 2
        lineMesh.vertices = lineVertices.ToArray();
        lineMesh.uv = lineUVs.ToArray();
        lineMesh.triangles = lineTriangles.ToArray();
        zoneLine.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = lineMesh;
        //stick this one just after the zone bottom
        zoneLineRenderer.sortingOrder = -32767;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public GameRuleDesignComponentZoneTypeDescriptor(GameRuleRequiredObjectType ztd, GameObject di)
     : base(di, 0, null)
     zoneTypeDescribed = ztd;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void assignMetaRuleSubComponent(GameRuleRequiredObjectType zoneType)
        GameRuleDesignComponentMetaRuleDescriptor metaRuleDescriptor = (GameRuleDesignComponentMetaRuleDescriptor)(GameRuleDesigner.instance.zoneTypeMetaRuleMap[zoneType]);
        GameRuleDesignComponent metaRuleComponent = new GameRuleDesignComponent(this, metaRuleDescriptor);

        List<GameObject> iconList = new List<GameObject>();
        metaRuleComponent.componentDisplayed = (metaRuleComponent.componentIcon = GameRuleDesignPopup.groupIcons(iconList));
        metaRuleComponent.componentIcon.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f);

        subComponents[0] = metaRuleComponent;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public GameRuleZoneCondition(GameRuleRequiredObjectType zt, GameRuleSourceSelector s)
     zoneType = new GameRuleRequiredObject(zt, null);
     selector = s;