Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the player death animation, updates vitae, and sends network messages for player death
        /// Queues the action to call TeleportOnDeath and enter portal space soon
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Die(WorldObject lastDamager, WorldObject topDamager)
            UpdateVital(Health, 0);

            // killer = top damager for looting rights
            if (topDamager != null)
                KillerId = topDamager.Guid.Full;

            // broadcast death animation
            var deathAnim = new Motion(MotionStance.NonCombat, MotionCommand.Dead);


            // killer death message = last damager
            var killerMsg           = lastDamager != null ? " to " + lastDamager.Name : "";
            var currentDeathMessage = $"died{killerMsg}.";

            // create network messages for player death
            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // TODO: death sounds? seems to play automatically in client
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);
            var msgNumDeaths = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths);

            // send network messages for player death
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgNumDeaths);

            // update vitae
            // players who died in a PKLite fight do not accrue vitae
            var pkLiteKiller = GetKiller_PKLite();

            if (pkLiteKiller == null)

            if (AugmentationSpellsRemainPastDeath == 0 || topDamager is Player && topDamager.PlayerKillerStatus == PlayerKillerStatus.PK)
                var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventMagicPurgeEnchantments(Session);

            // wait for the death animation to finish
            var dieChain   = new ActionChain();
            var animLength = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <MotionTable>(MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength(MotionCommand.Dead);

            dieChain.AddDelaySeconds(animLength + 1.0f);

            // enter portal space
            dieChain.AddAction(this, () => CreateCorpse(topDamager));
            dieChain.AddAction(this, TeleportOnDeath);
            dieChain.AddAction(this, SetLifestoneProtection);
            dieChain.AddAction(this, SetMinimumTimeSincePK);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Handle(ClientMessage message, Session session)
            if (session.Player.Positions.ContainsKey(PositionType.Sanctuary))
                // session.Player.Teleport(session.Player.Positions[PositionType.Sanctuary]);
                string msg = $"{session.Player.Name} is recalling to the lifestone.";

                var sysChatMessage = new GameMessageSystemChat(msg, ChatMessageType.Recall);

                session.Player.Mana.Current = session.Player.Mana.Current / 2;
                var updatePlayersMana = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(session, Vital.Mana, session.Player.Mana.Current);

                var updateCombatMode = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(session, PropertyInt.CombatMode, 1);

                var motionLifestoneRecall = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.Standing, new MotionItem(MotionCommand.LifestoneRecall));

                var animationEvent = new GameMessageUpdateMotion(session.Player.Guid,
                                                                 session.Player.Sequences, motionLifestoneRecall);

                // TODO: This needs to be changed to broadcast sysChatMessage to only those in local chat hearing range
                // FIX: Recall text isn't being broadcast yet, need to address
                session.Network.EnqueueSend(updatePlayersMana, updateCombatMode, sysChatMessage);
                session.Player.EnqueueMovementEvent(motionLifestoneRecall, session.Player.Guid);

                session.Player.SetDelayedTeleport(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(14), session.Player.Positions[PositionType.Sanctuary]);
                ChatPacket.SendServerMessage(session, "Your spirit has not been attuned to a sanctuary location.", ChatMessageType.Broadcast);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the player enters portal space after dying
        /// </summary>
        public void TeleportOnDeath()
            // teleport to sanctuary or best location
            var newPosition = Sanctuary ?? LastPortal ?? Location;


            var teleportChain = new ActionChain();

            teleportChain.AddAction(this, () =>
                // currently happens while in portal space
                var newHealth  = (uint)Math.Round(Health.MaxValue * 0.75f);
                var newStamina = (uint)Math.Round(Stamina.MaxValue * 0.75f);
                var newMana    = (uint)Math.Round(Mana.MaxValue * 0.75f);

                var msgHealthUpdate  = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, newHealth);
                var msgStaminaUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Stamina, newStamina);
                var msgManaUpdate    = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Mana, newMana);

                UpdateVital(Health, newHealth);
                UpdateVital(Stamina, newStamina);
                UpdateVital(Mana, newMana);

                Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgStaminaUpdate, msgManaUpdate);

                // Stand back up
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TakeDamage(WorldObject source, DamageType damageType, float _amount, BodyPart bodyPart, bool crit = false)
            var amount  = (uint)Math.Round(_amount);
            var percent = (float)amount / Health.MaxValue;

            // update health
            Health.Current = (uint)Math.Max(0, (int)Health.Current - amount);
            if (Health.Current == 0)

            // send network messages
            var msgHealth = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, Health.Current);

            var hitSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, GetHitSound(source, bodyPart), 1.0f);

            var creature = source as Creature;
            var splatter = new GameMessageScript(Guid, (PlayScript)Enum.Parse(typeof(PlayScript), "Splatter" + GetSplatterHeight() + creature.GetSplatterDir(this)));

            var damageLocation = (DamageLocation)BodyParts.Indices[bodyPart];
            var text           = new GameEventDefenderNotification(Session, creature.Name, damageType, percent, amount, damageLocation, crit, AttackConditions.None);

            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(text, msgHealth, hitSound, splatter);

            if (percent >= 0.1f)
                var wound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Wound1, 1.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void SetMaxVitals()

            var health  = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, Health.Current);
            var stamina = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Stamina, Stamina.Current);
            var mana    = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Mana, Mana.Current);

            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(health, stamina, mana);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the player death animation, updates vitae, and sends network messages for player death
        /// Queues the action to call TeleportOnDeath and enter portal space soon
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Die(WorldObject lastDamager, WorldObject topDamager)
            UpdateVital(Health, 0);
            DeathLevel  = Level; // for calculating vitae XP
            VitaeCpPool = 0;     // reset vitae XP earned

            // killer = top damager for looting rights
            if (topDamager != null)
                Killer = topDamager.Guid.Full;

            // broadcast death animation
            var deathAnim = new Motion(MotionStance.NonCombat, MotionCommand.Dead);


            // killer death message = last damager
            var killerMsg           = lastDamager != null ? " to " + lastDamager.Name : "";
            var currentDeathMessage = $"died{killerMsg}.";

            // create network messages for player death
            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // TODO: death sounds? seems to play automatically in client
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);
            var msgNumDeaths         = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths ?? 0);
            var msgDeathLevel        = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.DeathLevel, DeathLevel ?? 0);
            var msgVitaeCpPool       = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.VitaeCpPool, VitaeCpPool.Value);
            var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventMagicPurgeEnchantments(Session);

            // update vitae
            var vitae = EnchantmentManager.UpdateVitae();

            var spellID             = (uint)SpellId.Vitae;
            var spell               = new Spell(spellID);
            var vitaeEnchantment    = new Enchantment(this, Guid, spellID, spell.Duration, 0, (EnchantmentMask)spell.StatModType, vitae);
            var msgVitaeEnchantment = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(Session, vitaeEnchantment);

            // send network messages for player death
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgNumDeaths, msgDeathLevel, msgVitaeCpPool, msgPurgeEnchantments, msgVitaeEnchantment);

            // wait for the death animation to finish
            var dieChain   = new ActionChain();
            var animLength = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <MotionTable>(MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength(MotionCommand.Dead);

            dieChain.AddDelaySeconds(animLength + 1.0f);

            // enter portal space
            dieChain.AddAction(this, CreateCorpse);
            dieChain.AddAction(this, TeleportOnDeath);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void DoOnKill(Session killerSession)
            // First do on-kill

            // Then get onKill from our parent
            ActionChain killChain = base.OnKillInternal(killerSession);

            // Send the teleport out after we animate death
            killChain.AddAction(this, () =>
                // teleport to sanctuary or best location
                var newPosition = Sanctuary ?? LastPortal ?? Location;

                // Enqueue a teleport action, followed by Stand-up
                // Queue the teleport to lifestone
                ActionChain teleportChain = GetTeleportChain(newPosition);

                teleportChain.AddAction(this, () =>
                    var newHealth  = (uint)Math.Round(Health.MaxValue * 0.75f);
                    var newStamina = (uint)Math.Round(Stamina.MaxValue * 0.75f);
                    var newMana    = (uint)Math.Round(Mana.MaxValue * 0.75f);

                    var msgHealthUpdate  = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, newHealth);
                    var msgStaminaUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Stamina, newStamina);
                    var msgManaUpdate    = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Mana, newMana);

                    UpdateVital(Health, newHealth);
                    UpdateVital(Stamina, newStamina);
                    UpdateVital(Mana, newMana);

                    killerSession.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgStaminaUpdate, msgManaUpdate);

                    // Stand back up
                    DoMotion(new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.Standing));

                    // add a Corpse at the current location via the ActionQueue to honor the motion and teleport delays
                    // QueuedGameAction addCorpse = new QueuedGameAction(this.Guid.Full, corpse, true, GameActionType.ObjectCreate);
                    // AddToActionQueue(addCorpse);
                    // If the player is outside of the landblock we just died in, then reboadcast the death for
                    // the players at the lifestone.
                    if (Positions.ContainsKey(PositionType.LastOutsideDeath) && Positions[PositionType.LastOutsideDeath].Cell != newPosition.Cell)
                        string currentDeathMessage = $"died to {killerSession.Player.Name}.";
                        ActionBroadcastKill($"{Name} has {currentDeathMessage}", Guid, killerSession.Player.Guid);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the player enters portal space after dying
        /// </summary>
        public void ThreadSafeTeleportOnDeath()
            // teleport to sanctuary or best location
            var newPosition = Sanctuary ?? Instantiation ?? Location;

            WorldManager.ThreadSafeTeleport(this, newPosition, new ActionEventDelegate(() =>
                // Stand back up


                var teleportChain = new ActionChain();
                if (!IsLoggingOut) // If we're in the process of logging out, we skip the delay
                teleportChain.AddAction(this, () =>
                    // currently happens while in portal space
                    var newHealth  = (uint)Math.Round(Health.MaxValue * 0.75f);
                    var newStamina = (uint)Math.Round(Stamina.MaxValue * 0.75f);
                    var newMana    = (uint)Math.Round(Mana.MaxValue * 0.75f);

                    var msgHealthUpdate  = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, newHealth);
                    var msgStaminaUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Stamina, newStamina);
                    var msgManaUpdate    = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Mana, newMana);

                    UpdateVital(Health, newHealth);
                    UpdateVital(Stamina, newStamina);
                    UpdateVital(Mana, newMana);

                    Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgStaminaUpdate, msgManaUpdate);

                    // reset damage history for this player


                    IsInDeathProcess = false;

                    if (IsLoggingOut)

Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static void HandleSetHealth(Session session, params string[] parameters)
     if (parameters?.Length > 0)
         if (ushort.TryParse(parameters[0], out var health))
             session.Player.Health.Current = health;
             var updatePlayersHealth = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(session, Vital.Health, session.Player.Health.Current);
             var message             = new GameMessageSystemChat($"Attempting to set health to {health}...", ChatMessageType.Broadcast);
             session.Network.EnqueueSend(updatePlayersHealth, message);
     ChatPacket.SendServerMessage(session, "Usage: /sethealth 200 (max Max Health)", ChatMessageType.Broadcast);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Player Death/Kill, use this to kill a session's player
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     TODO:
        ///         1. Find the best vitae formula and add vitae
        ///         2. Generate the correct death message, or have it passed in as a parameter.
        ///         3. Find the correct player death noise based on the player model and play on death.
        ///         4. Determine if we need to Send Queued Action for Lifestone Materialize, after Action Location.
        ///         5. Find the health after death formula and Set the correct health
        /// </remarks>
        private void OnKill(Session killerSession)
            ObjectGuid killerId = killerSession.Player.Guid;

            IsAlive        = false;
            Health.Current = 0;  // Set the health to zero
            NumDeaths++;         // Increase the NumDeaths counter
            DeathLevel  = Level; // For calculating vitae XP
            VitaeCpPool = 0;     // Set vitae XP

            // TODO: Generate a death message based on the damage type to pass in to each death message:
            string currentDeathMessage = $"died to {killerSession.Player.Name}.";

            // Send Vicitim Notification, or "Your Death" event to the client:
            // create and send the client death event, GameEventYourDeath
            var msgYourDeath         = new GameEventYourDeath(Session, $"You have {currentDeathMessage}");
            var msgNumDeaths         = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths ?? 0);
            var msgDeathLevel        = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.DeathLevel, DeathLevel ?? 0);
            var msgVitaeCpPool       = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.VitaeCpPool, VitaeCpPool.Value);
            var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventPurgeAllEnchantments(Session);
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);

            // handle vitae
            var vitae = EnchantmentManager.UpdateVitae();

            var spellID             = (uint)Network.Enum.Spell.Vitae;
            var spellBase           = DatManager.PortalDat.SpellTable.Spells[spellID];
            var spell               = DatabaseManager.World.GetCachedSpell(spellID);
            var vitaeEnchantment    = new Enchantment(this, spellID, (double)spell.Duration, 0, spell.StatModType, vitae);
            var msgVitaeEnchantment = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(Session, vitaeEnchantment);

            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // Send first death message group
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgYourDeath, msgNumDeaths, msgDeathLevel, msgVitaeCpPool, msgPurgeEnchantments, msgVitaeEnchantment);

            // Broadcast the 019E: Player Killed GameMessage
            ActionBroadcastKill($"{Name} has {currentDeathMessage}", Guid, killerId);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static void HandleHealingRecipe(Player player, WorldObject source, WorldObject target, Recipe recipe)
            ActionChain chain = new ActionChain();

            // skill will be null since the difficulty is calculated manually
            if (recipe.SkillId == null)
                log.Warn($"healing recipe has null skill id (should almost certainly be healing, but who knows).  recipe id {recipe.RecipeId}.");

            if (!(target is Player))
                var message = new GameMessageSystemChat($"The {source.Name} cannot be used on {target.Name}.", ChatMessageType.Craft);

            Player  targetPlayer = target as Player;
            Ability vital        = (Ability?)recipe.HealingAttribute ?? Ability.Health;

            // there's a skill associated with this
            Skill skillId = (Skill)recipe.SkillId.Value;

            // this shouldn't happen, but sanity check for unexpected nulls
            if (!player.Skills.ContainsKey(skillId))
                log.Warn("Unexpectedly missing skill in Recipe usage");

            CreatureSkill skill = player.Skills[skillId];

            // at this point, we've validated that the target is a player, and the target is below max health

            if (target.Guid != player.Guid)
                // TODO: validate range

            MotionCommand cmd = MotionCommand.SkillHealSelf;

            if (target.Guid != player.Guid)
                cmd = MotionCommand.Woah; // guess?  nothing else stood out
            // everything pre-validatable is validated.  action will be attempted unless cancelled, so
            // queue up the animation and action
            UniversalMotion motion = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.Standing, new MotionItem(cmd));

            chain.AddAction(player, () => player.HandleActionMotion(motion));

            chain.AddAction(player, () =>
                // TODO: revalidate range if other player (they could have moved)

                double difficulty = 2 * (targetPlayer.Vitals[vital].MaxValue - targetPlayer.Vitals[vital].Current);
                if (difficulty <= 0)
                    // target is at max (or higher?) health, do nothing
                    var text = "You are already at full health.";

                    if (target.Guid != player.Guid)
                        text = $"{target.Name} is already at full health";

                    player.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Craft));

                if (player.CombatMode != CombatMode.NonCombat && player.CombatMode != CombatMode.Undef)
                    difficulty *= 1.1;

                uint boost        = source.Boost ?? 0;
                double multiplier = source.HealkitMod ?? 1;

                double playerSkill = skill.ActiveValue + boost;
                if (skill.Status == SkillStatus.Trained)
                    playerSkill *= 1.1;
                else if (skill.Status == SkillStatus.Specialized)
                    playerSkill *= 1.5;

                // usage is inevitable at this point, consume the use
                if ((recipe.ResultFlags & (uint)RecipeResult.SourceItemUsesDecrement) > 0)
                    if (source.Structure <= 1)
                        source.SendPartialUpdates(player.Session, _updateStructure);

                double percentSuccess = CreatureSkill.GetPercentSuccess((uint)playerSkill, (uint)difficulty);

                if (_random.NextDouble() <= percentSuccess)
                    string expertly = "";

                    if (_random.NextDouble() < 0.1d)
                        expertly    = "expertly ";
                        multiplier *= 1.2;

                    // calculate amount restored
                    uint maxRestore = targetPlayer.Vitals[vital].MaxValue - targetPlayer.Vitals[vital].Current;

                    // TODO: get actual forumula for healing.  this is COMPLETELY wrong.  this is 60 + random(1-60).
                    double amountRestored = 60d + _random.Next(1, 61);
                    amountRestored       *= multiplier;

                    uint actualRestored = (uint)Math.Min(maxRestore, amountRestored);
                    targetPlayer.Vitals[vital].Current += actualRestored;

                    var updateVital = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(player.Session, vital.GetVital(), targetPlayer.Vitals[vital].Current);

                    if (targetPlayer.Guid != player.Guid)
                        // tell the other player they got healed
                        var updateVitalToTarget = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(targetPlayer.Session, vital.GetVital(), targetPlayer.Vitals[vital].Current);

                    string name = "yourself";
                    if (targetPlayer.Guid != player.Guid)
                        name = targetPlayer.Name;

                    string vitalName = "Health";

                    if (vital == Ability.Stamina)
                        vitalName = "Stamina";
                    else if (vital == Ability.Mana)
                        vitalName = "Mana";

                    string uses = source.Structure == 1 ? "use" : "uses";

                    var text    = string.Format(recipe.SuccessMessage, expertly, name, actualRestored, vitalName, source.Name, source.Structure, uses);
                    var message = new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Craft);

                    if (targetPlayer.Guid != player.Guid)
                        // send text to the other player too
                        text    = string.Format(recipe.AlternateMessage, player.Name, expertly, actualRestored, vitalName);
                        message = new GameMessageSystemChat(text, ChatMessageType.Craft);


Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the player death animation, updates vitae, and sends network messages for player death
        /// Queues the action to call TeleportOnDeath and enter portal space soon
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Die(DamageHistoryInfo lastDamager, DamageHistoryInfo topDamager)
            if (topDamager?.Guid == Guid && IsPKType)
                var topDamagerOther = DamageHistory.GetTopDamager(false);

                if (topDamagerOther != null && topDamagerOther.IsPlayer)
                    topDamager = topDamagerOther;

            UpdateVital(Health, 0);
            suicideInProgress = false;

            if (CombatMode == CombatMode.Magic && MagicState.IsCasting)

            // TODO: instead of setting IsBusy here,
            // eventually all of the places that check for states such as IsBusy || Teleporting
            // might want to use a common function, and IsDead should return a separate error
            IsBusy = true;

            // killer = top damager for looting rights
            if (topDamager != null)
                KillerId = topDamager.Guid.Full;

            // broadcast death animation
            var deathAnim = new Motion(MotionStance.NonCombat, MotionCommand.Dead);


            // create network messages for player death
            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // TODO: death sounds? seems to play automatically in client
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);
            var msgNumDeaths = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths);

            // send network messages for player death
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgNumDeaths);

            if (lastDamager?.Guid == Guid) // suicide
                var msgSelfInflictedDeath = new GameEventWeenieError(Session, WeenieError.YouKilledYourself);

            // update vitae
            // players who died in a PKLite fight do not accrue vitae
            if (!IsPKLiteDeath(topDamager))

            if (IsPKDeath(topDamager) || AugmentationSpellsRemainPastDeath == 0)
                var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventMagicPurgeEnchantments(Session);

            // wait for the death animation to finish
            var dieChain   = new ActionChain();
            var animLength = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <MotionTable>(MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength(MotionCommand.Dead);

            dieChain.AddDelaySeconds(animLength + 1.0f);

            dieChain.AddAction(this, () =>

                ThreadSafeTeleportOnDeath(); // enter portal space

                if (IsPKDeath(topDamager) || IsPKLiteDeath(topDamager))

                IsBusy = false;

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the player death animation, updates vitae, and sends network messages for player death
        /// Queues the action to call TeleportOnDeath and enter portal space soon
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Die(WorldObject lastDamager, WorldObject topDamager)
            UpdateVital(Health, 0);
            DeathLevel  = Level; // for calculating vitae XP
            VitaeCpPool = 0;     // reset vitae XP earned

            // killer = top damager for looting rights
            if (topDamager != null)
                Killer = topDamager.Guid.Full;

            // broadcast death animation
            var deathAnim = new UniversalMotion(MotionStance.NonCombat, new MotionItem(MotionCommand.Dead));


            // killer death message = last damager
            var killerMsg           = lastDamager != null ? " to " + lastDamager.Name : "";
            var currentDeathMessage = $"died{killerMsg}.";

            // create network messages for player death
            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // TODO: death sounds? seems to play automatically in client
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);
            var msgYourDeath         = new GameEventYourDeath(Session, $"You have {currentDeathMessage}");
            var msgNumDeaths         = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths ?? 0);
            var msgDeathLevel        = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.DeathLevel, DeathLevel ?? 0);
            var msgVitaeCpPool       = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.VitaeCpPool, VitaeCpPool.Value);
            var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventPurgeAllEnchantments(Session);

            // update vitae
            var vitae = EnchantmentManager.UpdateVitae();

            var spellID             = (uint)Network.Enum.Spell.Vitae;
            var spellBase           = DatManager.PortalDat.SpellTable.Spells[spellID];
            var spell               = DatabaseManager.World.GetCachedSpell(spellID);
            var vitaeEnchantment    = new Enchantment(this, Guid, spellID, (double)spell.Duration, 0, spell.StatModType, vitae);
            var msgVitaeEnchantment = new GameEventMagicUpdateEnchantment(Session, vitaeEnchantment);

            // send network messages for player death
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgYourDeath, msgNumDeaths, msgDeathLevel, msgVitaeCpPool, msgPurgeEnchantments, msgVitaeEnchantment);

            // wait for the death animation to finish
            var dieChain   = new ActionChain();
            var animLength = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <MotionTable>(MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength(MotionCommand.Dead);

            dieChain.AddDelaySeconds(animLength + 1.0f);

            // enter portal space
            dieChain.AddAction(this, CreateCorpse);
            dieChain.AddAction(this, TeleportOnDeath);

            // if the player's lifestone is in a different landblock, also broadcast their demise to that landblock
            if (Sanctuary != null && Location.Landblock != Sanctuary.Landblock)
                var killerGuid = lastDamager != null ? lastDamager.Guid : Guid;
                ActionBroadcastKill($"{Name} has {currentDeathMessage}", Guid, killerGuid);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the player death animation, updates vitae, and sends network messages for player death
        /// Queues the action to call TeleportOnDeath and enter portal space soon
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Die(WorldObject lastDamager, WorldObject topDamager)
            UpdateVital(Health, 0);
            suicideInProgress = false;

            // killer = top damager for looting rights
            if (topDamager != null)
                KillerId = topDamager.Guid.Full;

            // broadcast death animation
            var deathAnim = new Motion(MotionStance.NonCombat, MotionCommand.Dead);


            // create network messages for player death
            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // TODO: death sounds? seems to play automatically in client
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);
            var msgNumDeaths = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths);

            // send network messages for player death
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgNumDeaths);

            if (lastDamager.Guid == Guid) // suicide
                var msgSelfInflictedDeath = new GameEventWeenieError(Session, WeenieError.YouKilledYourself);

            // update vitae
            // players who died in a PKLite fight do not accrue vitae
            if (!IsPKLiteDeath(topDamager))

            if (IsPKDeath(topDamager) || AugmentationSpellsRemainPastDeath == 0)
                var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventMagicPurgeEnchantments(Session);

            // wait for the death animation to finish
            var dieChain   = new ActionChain();
            var animLength = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <MotionTable>(MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength(MotionCommand.Dead);

            dieChain.AddDelaySeconds(animLength + 1.0f);

            dieChain.AddAction(this, () =>
                TeleportOnDeath();      // enter portal space

                if (IsPKDeath(topDamager) || IsPKLiteDeath(topDamager))
