void FixedUpdate()
        if (GameManager.Get().GameOver || GameManager.Get().YouWin)

        float x = transform.position.x;
        float y = transform.position.y;

        if (y > _groundLevelY - 0.64f)
            if (!_jump)
                groundPlayer(x, ref y, kFallingStep);

        if (_digging && _jump)           // not allowed
            groundPlayer(x, ref y);

        if (!_digging)
            HandleJump(x, ref y);

        if (_left)
            Vector2 rayDirection = new Vector3(-1f, 0, 0);
            if (checkForGroundBlock(x, y, rayDirection) == null)               // okay to move

                if (_currentMovementDelay == 0)
                    x += -MovementStepSize;
                    _currentMovementDelay = MovementDelay;
        else if (_right)
            Vector2 rayDirection = new Vector3(1f, 0, 0);
            if (checkForGroundBlock(x, y, rayDirection) == null)               // okay to move

                if (_currentMovementDelay == 0)
                    x += MovementStepSize;
                    _currentMovementDelay = MovementDelay;
        else if (!_jump && _digging)
            if (_currentMovementDelay == 0)

                if (_currentDigGroundHeight == 0)
                    _currentDigGroundHeight = y;
                y = _currentDigGroundHeight + kDiggingHeight;

                switch (_diggingState)
                case 0:
                    _currentMovementDelay = InitialJumpDelay;
                    _currentStateDuration = SecondStateDuration;

                case 1:
                    _currentMovementDelay = SecondJumpDelay;
                    if (_currentStateDuration == 0)
                        _currentDigDuration = kDiggingDuration;

                case 2:
                    _currentMovementDelay = FinalJumpDelay;                     // stay in state until key release (or dig finishes)
                    if (_currentDigDuration == 0)
                        // remove block, replace with gun, or if just ground, dig hole, drop player.
                        GameObject ground = checkForGroundBlock(x, _groundLevelY, new Vector2(0, -1f));
                        if (ground != null)
                            // check if gun block, change state to Gun... else
                            GameManager.Gun gun = GameManager.Get().FindGunForGround(ground);
                            if (gun != null)
                                groundPlayer(x, ref y);
                            _diggingState           = 0;
                            _currentDigGroundHeight = 0f;
                _currentDigGroundHeight = 0f;
            _currentMovementDelay   = 0;           // reset when no left/right key is held.
            _diggingState           = 0;
            _currentDigGroundHeight = 0f;

        x = Mathf.Max(x, -18.24f - 0.64f);          // 6.08 x 3 multiples, plus one more character width since pos is from centre
        x = Mathf.Min(x, 18.24f + 0.64f);

        // Update camera
        float cameraX = _camera.transform.position.x;

        if ((cameraX - x) > 2.56f && x > -15.64f)           // at scroll trigger point?
            cameraX -= 0.64f;
            _camera.transform.position = new Vector3(cameraX, _camera.transform.position.y, -10);
        else if ((x - cameraX) > 2.56f && x < 15.64f)
            cameraX += 0.64f;
            _camera.transform.position = new Vector3(cameraX, _camera.transform.position.y, -10);

        transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0f);
    // Player can shift any number of linked guns (TODO: or maybe a max of three?)
    // Call this when a block is present, and left and right is pressed, and "heavypushcount" is zero.
    void ShiftGuns(Vector2 shiftDirection)
        if (_heavyMoveDelay > 0)
        _heavyMoveDelay = kHeavyMoveDuration;

        float rayDistance = 0.32f;

        // Create a list of guns to process (empty)
        List <GameManager.Gun> gunsToShift = new List <GameManager.Gun>();

        float x = gameObject.transform.position.x + ((0.02f + rayDistance) * shiftDirection.x);         // needs fudge factor for float :(
        float y = gameObject.transform.position.y;

        // Hit GUN CHECK:-
        while (true)
            var rayStart = new Vector2(x, y);

            // Temp ray will leave play area?
            float newX = x + rayDistance * shiftDirection.x;
            if ((Mathf.Sign(newX) * newX) >= (18.88f + 0.64f))
                // Stop and cancel - cannot move, at edge of play area.

            // Cast ray from player, store as temp ray.
            Debug.DrawRay(rayStart, shiftDirection * rayDistance, Color.yellow);
            var raycastHit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayStart, shiftDirection, rayDistance, 1 << 9);               // ground layer only

            // Temp ray finds no gun?
            if (!raycastHit)
                // Stop and jump to hit gun processing.
                Debug.Log("Found gap - handling guns to move");

            GameManager.Gun gun = GameManager.Get().FindGunForGround(raycastHit.collider.gameObject);              // TODO: SLOW!
            if (gun == null)
                // Stop and cancel - obstacle found.
                Debug.Log("No gun found for object");

            // Hits a gun? Add gun to list of hits.
            Debug.Log("Gun added");

            // Cast ray from gun.
            // Store as temp ray
            // back to Hit GUN CHECK
            x += shiftDirection.x * 0.64f;             // skip a block

        // Hit Gun Processing
        Vector2 downwards = new Vector2(0, -1f);

        // Work through each gun
        foreach (GameManager.Gun gun in gunsToShift)
            // Move left/right by 0.64f (block size)
            gun.groundBlock.transform.Translate(0.64f * shiftDirection.x, 0, 0);

            // next downwards ray off play area?
            float newY = y + rayDistance * downwards.y;
            if (newY < -3.52)
                // skip to next gun
                Debug.Log("Skipping gun");

            // Cast ray downwards from gun
            var rayStart = new Vector2(gun.groundBlock.transform.position.x,
                                       gun.groundBlock.transform.position.y + (0.02f + rayDistance * downwards.x)); //fudge
            Debug.DrawRay(rayStart, downwards * rayDistance, Color.blue);
            var raycastHit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayStart, downwards, rayDistance, 1 << 9);                           // ground layer only

            // hit block/gun?
            if (!raycastHit)
                // if no, move down by block size (0.64f)
                gun.groundBlock.transform.Translate(0, -0.64f, 0);