Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void LoadButtons(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice_, GameContent content_)
     Buttons[0] = new Button(content_.GetUiTexture(7), content_.GetFont(1))
         Position = new Vector2(Rectangle.X + 8, Rectangle.Y + 8)
     Buttons[0].Click += delegate
         if (SelectionIndex.X > 0)
             SelectionIndex -= new Vector2(1, 1);
     Buttons[1] = new Button(content_.GetUiTexture(7), content_.GetFont(1))
         Position  = new Vector2((Rectangle.X + 40) + (32 * 7) + (8 * 8), Rectangle.Y + 8),
         IsFlipped = true
     Buttons[1].Click += delegate
         if (SelectionIndex.Y < Items.Count)
             SelectionIndex += new Vector2(1, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public GamePad(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice_, GameContent content_)
            _graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice_;
            _content        = content_;
            _texture        = _content.GetUiTexture(41);
            _textureRotated = _content.GetUiTexture(43);

            _gamepadDisplayOrigin = new Vector2(0, (int)((_graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2) -
                                                         (_textureDisplayDimension * 1.25)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public SpeechBubble(GameContent content_, int iconIndex_, Vector2 position_)
     Content      = content_;
     BubbleSprite = Content.GetUiTexture(2);
     IconIndex    = iconIndex_;
     Position     = position_;
        public EditMapsListState(GameInstance game, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, ContentManager content) : base(game, graphicsDevice, content)
            _gameContent = new GameContent(content);

            // load maps

            int x = 50;
            int y = 50;
            int i = 0;

            // loop through each loaded map
            foreach (List <TileData> map in _maps)
                var button = new Button(_gameContent.GetUiTexture(1), _gameContent.GetFont(1))
                    Position   = new Vector2(x, y + (100 * i)),
                    Text       = "Map " + (i + 1).ToString(),
                    HoverColor = Color.Red
                button.Click += delegate
                    Console.WriteLine($"Map {i + 1} clicked");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public DebugMenu(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice_, GameContent content_)
            int height_ = 48;
            int width_  = 780;

            Position     = new Vector2(10, 10);
            _displaySize = new Vector2(width_, height_);

            Console.WriteLine($"Debug Menu Created:>");
            Console.WriteLine($"Size: {_displaySize}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Position: {Position}");

            _content = content_;
            _font    = _content.GetFont(1);


            Button btn = new Button(_content.GetUiTexture(1), _content.GetFont(1))
                Position = new Vector2(SelectMenu.Position.X + SelectMenu.Rectangle.Width + 56, Position.Y + 8),
                Text     = "SAVE MAP"

            btn.Click += delegate
                Console.WriteLine("Saving Map...");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void LoadContent(GameContent Content)
            selectCursor.PlayAnimation(new Animation(Content.GetUiTexture(5), 0.1f, true));

             * technically you could have the sprite loaded based on custom input, if you have more than 1 character made
             * and you could load the sprites dynamically like this
             * int sprite_index = 1;
             * string spriteSouthWest = "0" + sprite_index + "_SouthWest";
             * southWestBodyAnimation = new Animation(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/Characters/Body/"+spriteSouthWest), 0.13f, true);
            // Load the spritesheet for each direction
            southWestBodyAnimation = new Animation(Content.GetBodyTexture(1), 0.15f, true);
            southEastBodyAnimation = new Animation(Content.GetBodyTexture(2), 0.15f, true);
            northWestBodyAnimation = new Animation(Content.GetBodyTexture(3), 0.15f, true);
            northEastBodyAnimation = new Animation(Content.GetBodyTexture(4), 0.15f, true);
            // load the head spritesheet
            headAnimation = new Animation(Content.GetHeadTexture(2), 0.1f, false);
            // set the animation to be still for the head, so we can load each frame in it individually
            headAnimation.IsStill = true;

            footstep = Content.GetSoundEffect(1);

            // Calculate bounds within texture size.
            int width  = (int)(southWestBodyAnimation.FrameWidth * 0.4);
            int left   = (southWestBodyAnimation.FrameWidth - width) / 2;
            int height = (int)(southWestBodyAnimation.FrameWidth * 0.8);
            int top    = southWestBodyAnimation.FrameHeight - height;

            localBounds = new Rectangle(left, top, width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public DialogWindow(string text_, Vector2 pos_, GraphicsDevice gd_, SpriteFont font_, GameContent content_, Texture2D txt_ = null)
            // get required arguments from constructor
            Text            = text_;
            _graphicsDevice = gd_;
            _font           = font_;
            _gameContent    = content_;

            // calculate texture of dialog window shadow
            _shadowTexture = new Texture2D(_graphicsDevice, (int)Dimensions.X, (int)Dimensions.Y);
            var u = new Color[(int)Dimensions.X * (int)Dimensions.Y];

            for (int i = 0; i < u.Length; i++)
                u[i] = Color.Black;

            // check if custom texture supplied
            if (txt_ != null)
                _texture = txt_;
                // calculate default texture for dialog window
                _texture = new Texture2D(_graphicsDevice, (int)Dimensions.X, (int)Dimensions.Y);

                var o = new Color[(int)Dimensions.X * (int)Dimensions.Y];

                for (int i = 0; i < o.Length; i++)
                    o[i] = Color.DarkKhaki;

            // Calculate position
            Position = new Vector2(
                (_graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2) - (Rectangle.Width / 2),
                (_graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2) - (Rectangle.Height / 2)

            // get close button texture
            _closeButtonTexture = _gameContent.GetUiTexture(38);
            CloseButton         = new Button(_closeButtonTexture, _font)
                Position   = CloseButtonPosition,
                HoverColor = Color.Red
            CloseButton.CustomRect = new Rectangle(
                _closeButtonTexture.Width * 5,
                _closeButtonTexture.Height * 5);
            CloseButton.Click += CloseButton_Click;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public HUD(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice_, GameContent content_)
            _graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice_;

            int height = (int)(graphicsDevice_.Viewport.Height * 0.25f);
            int width  = (int)(graphicsDevice_.Viewport.Width);

            _position    = new Vector2(0, graphicsDevice_.Viewport.Height - height);
            _displaySize = new Vector2(width, height);
            _buttonSize  = new Vector2(30, height * 0.8f);

            Console.WriteLine("HUD created.");
            Console.WriteLine($"HUD Size: {_displaySize}");
            Console.WriteLine($"HUD Pos: {_position}");

            _content = content_;
            _font    = _content.GetFont(1);

            HUDIconIDs = new int[]
                5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 9, 10, 11


            DisplayInfo_Texture = content_.GetUiTexture(37);

            for (int i = (int)SelectionCells_BuildingIndexes.X; i < SelectionCells_BuildingIndexes.Y; i++)

            if (SelectionCells_BuildingTextures.Count <
                (SelectionCell_GridDimensions.X * SelectionCell_GridDimensions.Y))
                var dif = (SelectionCell_GridDimensions.X * SelectionCell_GridDimensions.Y) -
                for (int i = 0; i < dif + 1; i++)

            SelectionCell_BlankTexture = content_.GetUiTexture(13);
            foreach (var e in SelectionCells_BldgHouses_Indexes)
            foreach (var e in SelectionCells_BldgReso_Indexes)
            foreach (var e in SelectionCells_BldgDeco_Indexes)
            foreach (var e in SelectionCells_AllBldgs_Textures)
                if (e.Count < (SelectionCell_GridDimensions.X * SelectionCell_GridDimensions.Y))
                    var dif = (SelectionCell_GridDimensions.X * SelectionCell_GridDimensions.Y) - e.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dif + 1; i++)


            // get textures for buttons that swap between building selections
            Btn_SelectHouses_Texture = content_.GetUiTexture(26);
            Btn_SelectReso_Texture   = content_.GetUiTexture(27);
            Btn_SelectDeco_Texture   = content_.GetUiTexture(28);

            var init_btn_bldg_pos = new Vector2();

            init_btn_bldg_pos.X = (ResourceBar_Rectangle.X + ResourceBar_Rectangle.Width) - (Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width);
            init_btn_bldg_pos.Y = (ResourceBar_Rectangle.Y - (Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Height * 3.5f));

            var btn_bldgs_house = new Button(Btn_SelectHouses_Texture, _font)
                Position = init_btn_bldg_pos,
                ID       = 800

            btn_bldgs_house.Click += ViewBldgsBtn_OnClick;
            var btn_bldgs_reso = new Button(Btn_SelectReso_Texture, _font)
                Position = init_btn_bldg_pos + new Vector2(0, Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Height * 1.18f),
                ID       = 801

            btn_bldgs_reso.Click += ViewBldgsBtn_OnClick;
            var btn_bldgs_deco = new Button(Btn_SelectDeco_Texture, _font)
                Position = init_btn_bldg_pos + new Vector2(0, ((Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Height * 1.18f) * 2f)),
                ID       = 802

            btn_bldgs_deco.Click += ViewBldgsBtn_OnClick;

            DeleteBuildingBtn_Texture = content_.GetUiTexture(23);
            DeleteBuildingBtn_Pos     = new Vector2(
                (int)(DisplayInfo_Rectangle.X + DisplayInfo_Rectangle.Width - DeleteBuildingBtn_Texture.Width -
                      ((DisplayInfo_Rectangle.Width * 0.05f) / 2)),
                (int)(DisplayInfo_Rectangle.Y + (DisplayInfo_Rectangle.Height * 0.05f)));

            DeleteBuildingBtn = new Button(content_.GetUiTexture(23), _font)
                Position   = DeleteBuildingBtn_Pos,
                HoverColor = Color.Red
            DeleteBuildingBtn.Click += DeleteBuildingBtnOnClick;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public TopBar(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice_, GameContent content_)
            // get required arguments
            _gameContent    = content_;
            _graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice_;

            // set display dimensions
            _displayDimensions = new Vector2(_graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, _graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height * 0.09f);

            // calculate texture data(s)
            _displayTexture = new Texture2D(_graphicsDevice, (int)_displayDimensions.X, (int)_displayDimensions.Y);
            var o = new Color[(int)_displayDimensions.X * (int)_displayDimensions.Y];

            for (var i = 0; i < o.Length; i++)
                o[i] = _displayColor;

            _borderTexture = new Texture2D(_graphicsDevice, (int)_borderDimensions.X, (int)_borderDimensions.Y);
            var e = new Color[(int)_borderDimensions.X * (int)_borderDimensions.Y];

            for (var i = 0; i < e.Length; i++)
                e[i] = _borderColor;

            _resourceAreaTexture = _gameContent.GetUiTexture(29);
            _font = _gameContent.GetFont(1);

            // calculate icon rects
            var icon_start = new Vector2(_resourceIconsAreaRectangle.X, 0);

            for (var i = 0; i < _resourceIconIDs.Length; i++)
                var icon_id  = _resourceIconIDs[i];
                var icon_txt = _gameContent.GetUiTexture(icon_id);

                var icon_pos = icon_start + new Vector2(_resourceIconDisplayDimension.X * i, 0);

                var icon_rect = new Rectangle((int)icon_pos.X, (int)icon_pos.Y, (int)_resourceIconDisplayDimension.X,
                var icon_print_rect = new Rectangle(
                    (int)(icon_rect.X + ((icon_rect.Width / 2) - (icon_rect.Width / 8))),
                    (int)(icon_rect.Y + (icon_rect.Height / 7)),
                    (int)(icon_rect.Width / 4),
                    (int)((icon_rect.Width / 4) * icon_txt.Height / icon_txt.Width)

                var text_origin = new Vector2(
                    icon_rect.X +
                    (icon_rect.Width / 2),
                    icon_rect.Y +

                _resourceTopBarIcons.Add(new TopBarIcon()
                    Texture    = icon_txt,
                    Rect       = icon_print_rect,
                    Index      = i,
                    TextOrigin = text_origin
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public HUD(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice_, GameContent content_)
            _graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice_;

            int height = (int)(graphicsDevice_.Viewport.Height * 0.25f);
            int width  = (int)(graphicsDevice_.Viewport.Width);

            _position      = new Vector2(0, graphicsDevice_.Viewport.Height - height);
            _startPosition = new Vector2(0, graphicsDevice_.Viewport.Height - height);
            _displaySize   = new Vector2(width, height);
            _buttonSize    = new Vector2(30, height * 0.8f);

            Log.Info("CitySim", "HUD created.");
            Log.Info("CitySim", $"HUD Size: {_displaySize}");
            Log.Info("CitySim", $"HUD Pos: {_position}");

            _content = content_;
            _font    = _content.GetFont(1);

            HUDIconIDs = new int[]
                5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 9, 10, 11


            DisplayInfo_Texture = content_.GetUiTexture(37);

            for (int i = (int)SelectionCells_BuildingIndexes.X; i < SelectionCells_BuildingIndexes.Y; i++)

            if (SelectionCells_BuildingTextures.Count <
                (SelectionCell_GridDimensions.X * SelectionCell_GridDimensions.Y))
                var dif = (SelectionCell_GridDimensions.X * SelectionCell_GridDimensions.Y) -
                for (int i = 0; i < dif + 1; i++)

            SelectionCell_BlankTexture = content_.GetUiTexture(13);
            foreach (var e in SelectionCells_BldgHouses_Indexes)
            foreach (var e in SelectionCells_BldgReso_Indexes)
            foreach (var e in SelectionCells_BldgDeco_Indexes)
            foreach (var e in SelectionCells_AllBldgs_Textures)
                if (e.Count < (SelectionCell_GridDimensions.X * SelectionCell_GridDimensions.Y))
                    var dif = (SelectionCell_GridDimensions.X * SelectionCell_GridDimensions.Y) - e.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dif + 1; i++)


            // get textures for buttons that swap between building selections
            Btn_SelectHouses_Texture = content_.GetUiTexture(26);
            Btn_SelectReso_Texture   = content_.GetUiTexture(27);
            Btn_SelectDeco_Texture   = content_.GetUiTexture(28);
            Btn_HideHUD_Texture      = content_.GetUiTexture(40);

            var init_btn_bldg_pos = new Vector2();

            init_btn_bldg_pos.X = _displaySize.X - ((Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width * 5) * 4) - 10;
            init_btn_bldg_pos.Y = DisplayRect.Y - (Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Height * 5) - 10;

            Btn_SelectHouses = new Button(Btn_SelectHouses_Texture, _font)
                Position = init_btn_bldg_pos,
                ID       = 800,
            Btn_SelectHouses.CustomRect = new Rectangle(
                Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width * 5,
                Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Height * 5
            Btn_SelectHouses.Click += ViewBldgsBtn_OnClick;

            Btn_SelectReso = new Button(Btn_SelectReso_Texture, _font)
                Position = init_btn_bldg_pos + new Vector2(Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width * 5f, 0),
                ID       = 801,
            Btn_SelectReso.CustomRect = new Rectangle(
                Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width * 5,
                Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Height * 5
            Btn_SelectReso.Click += ViewBldgsBtn_OnClick;

            Btn_SelectDeco = new Button(Btn_SelectDeco_Texture, _font)
                Position = init_btn_bldg_pos + new Vector2(((Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width * 5f) * 2f), 0),
                ID       = 802,
            Btn_SelectDeco.CustomRect = new Rectangle(
                Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width * 5,
                Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Height * 5
            Btn_SelectDeco.Click += ViewBldgsBtn_OnClick;

            _closeMenuButton = new Button(Btn_HideHUD_Texture, _font)
                Position      = init_btn_bldg_pos + new Vector2(((Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width * 5f) * 3f), 0),
                ID            = 803,
                IsFlippedVert = true
            _closeMenuButton.CustomRect = new Rectangle(
                Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Width * 5,
                Btn_SelectHouses_Texture.Height * 5
            _closeMenuButton.Click += Btn_hide_hud_Click;


            DeleteBuildingBtn_Texture = content_.GetUiTexture(23);
            DeleteBuildingBtn_Pos     = new Vector2(
                (int)(DisplayInfo_Rectangle.X + DisplayInfo_Rectangle.Width - DeleteBuildingBtn_Texture.Width -
                      ((DisplayInfo_Rectangle.Width * 0.05f) / 2)),
                (int)(DisplayInfo_Rectangle.Y + (DisplayInfo_Rectangle.Height * 0.05f)));

            DeleteBuildingBtn = new Button(content_.GetUiTexture(23), _font)
                Position   = DeleteBuildingBtn_Pos,
                HoverColor = Color.Red
            DeleteBuildingBtn.Click += DeleteBuildingBtnOnClick;