Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Allow user to select a new banner image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void SelectNewGameBanner(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Dialog for launching executables.
            CommonOpenFileDialog imageDialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog();

            imageDialog.Title       = "Select the new banner image for the game.";
            imageDialog.Multiselect = false;

            // Open dialog.
            if (imageDialog.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok)
                // Get current selected game.
                GameComboBoxDetails comboBoxDetails = GetSelectedGame();

                // Find current config by details.
                GameConfigParser.GameConfig gameConfig = Global.GameConfigurations.First
                    x => x.GameName == comboBoxDetails.GameName &&
                    x.ExecutableLocation == comboBoxDetails.ExecutableRelativeLocation &&
                    x.GameVersion == comboBoxDetails.GameVersion

                // Copy the banner to new location.
                File.Copy(imageDialog.FileName, GameConfigParser.GameConfig.GetBannerPath(gameConfig), true);

                // Set new image.
                box_GameBanner.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(GameConfigParser.GameConfig.GetBannerPath(gameConfig));

            // Dispose dialog.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the arguments passed into the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arguments"></param>
        private static void ParseArguments(string[] arguments)
            // Go over known arguments.
            for (int x = 0; x < arguments.Length; x++)
                if (arguments[x] == $"{Strings.Common.LoaderSettingConfig}")
                    _gameConfig = CheckConfigJson(arguments[x + 1]);
                if (arguments[x] == $"{Strings.Common.LoaderSettingAttach}")
                    _attachTargetName = arguments[x + 1];
                if (arguments[x] == $"{Strings.Common.LoaderSettingLog}")
                    Logger.Setup(arguments[x + 1]);

            // Check game config
            if (_gameConfig == null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the list of games from their configurations.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadGames()
            // Save current game config
            GameConfigParser.GameConfig currentConfig = Global.CurrentGameConfig;

            // Clear the current listview.

            // Retrieve current game list the into Global.
            Global.GameConfigurations = Global.ConfigurationManager.GetAllGameConfigs();

            // For each config, append it.
            foreach (GameConfigParser.GameConfig gameConfig in Global.GameConfigurations)
                // Stores the path of the mod for display.
                string modPath = LoaderPaths.GetModLoaderModDirectory() + "\\" + gameConfig.ModDirectory;

                // Retrieves the relative path for presentation.
                string relativeModPath = LoaderPaths.GetModLoaderRelativePath(modPath);

                // Add the relative path.
                box_GameList.Rows.Add(gameConfig.GameName, relativeModPath);

            // Re-select the currently selected game.
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-selects the currently selected game upon entering the Main Menu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameConfiguration">The game configuration to try and re-select.</param>
        private void ReselectCurrentGame(GameConfigParser.GameConfig gameConfiguration)
            // Find and select the last highlighted game.
            string currentGameName             = gameConfiguration?.GameName;
            string currentRelativeModDirectory = LoaderPaths.GetModLoaderRelativePath(LoaderPaths.GetModLoaderModDirectory() + "\\" + gameConfiguration?.ModDirectory);

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in box_GameList.Rows)
                // Cells[0] = Game Name
                // Cells[1] = Mod Location
                if ((string)row.Cells[0].Value == currentGameName &&
                    (string)row.Cells[1].Value == currentRelativeModDirectory)
                    row.Selected = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves all of the game individual mod configurations for the currently selected game.
        /// </summary>
        public List <ModConfigParser.ModConfig> GetAllMods(GameConfigParser.GameConfig gameConfiguration)
            // Retrieves the name of all directories in the 'Mods' folder for the game.
            string[] modDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(LoaderPaths.GetModLoaderModDirectory() + "\\" + gameConfiguration.ModDirectory);

            // Retrieve the game configurations
            List <ModConfigParser.ModConfig> modConfigurations = new List <ModConfigParser.ModConfig>(modDirectories.Length);

            // Read each game configuration
            foreach (string directory in modDirectories)
                try { modConfigurations.Add(ModConfigParser.ParseConfig(directory)); }
                catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("One of your mod configurations is missing or corrupt: " + ex.Message); }

            // Return.
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the new game configuration for the combobox
        /// dropdown and selects it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configDirectory">The absolute directory where the game configuration will be stored. (Subdirectory of Reloaded-Config/Games</param>
        private void CreateNewGameConfig(string configDirectory)
            // Get current index.
            int nextGameIndex = borderless_CurrentGame.Items.Count;

            // Add a new game onto the configurations.
                new GameConfigParser.GameConfig
                GameName           = "New Game " + nextGameIndex,
                GameDirectory      = "",
                GameVersion        = "",
                EnabledMods        = new List <string>(),
                ModDirectory       = "",
                ConfigLocation     = configDirectory,
                ExecutableLocation = ""

            // Get latest gameconfig
            GameConfigParser.GameConfig gameConfig = Global.GameConfigurations.Last();

            // Write latest gameconfig

            // Add a new configuration.
                gameConfig.GameName + " " + Theme.ThemeProperties.TitleProperties.LoaderTitleDelimiter + " " +
                gameConfig.ExecutableLocation + " " + Theme.ThemeProperties.TitleProperties.LoaderTitleDelimiter + " " +

            // Select last item.
            borderless_CurrentGame.SelectedIndex = nextGameIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the details of the currently loaded game.
        /// </summary>
        private void SelectedGameChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get current selected game.
            GameComboBoxDetails comboBoxDetails = GetSelectedGame();

            // Find by details.
            GameConfigParser.GameConfig gameConfig = Global.GameConfigurations.First
                x => x.GameName == comboBoxDetails.GameName &&
                x.ExecutableLocation == comboBoxDetails.ExecutableRelativeLocation &&
                x.GameVersion == comboBoxDetails.GameVersion

            // Populate fields.
            borderless_GameName.Text                = gameConfig.GameName;
            borderless_GameModDirectory.Text        = gameConfig.ModDirectory;
            borderless_GameVersion.Text             = gameConfig.GameVersion;
            borderless_GameExecutableDirectory.Text = gameConfig.ExecutableLocation;
            borderless_GameDirectory.Text           = gameConfig.GameDirectory;

            // Load the game image.
            try { box_GameBanner.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(GameConfigParser.GameConfig.GetBannerPath(gameConfig)); }
            catch { box_GameBanner.BackgroundImage = null; }
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the mods that are currently enabled for the game and injects into the target process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameConfiguration">The game configuration which contains the current directory and list of mods to load.</param>
        /// <param name="reloadedProcess">The reloaded process to inject the modifications into.</param>
        public static void LoadMods(GameConfigParser.GameConfig gameConfiguration, ReloadedProcess reloadedProcess)
            // Get directory containing the global mod list.
            GameConfigParser.GameConfig globalModConfig = GameConfigParser.ParseConfig(LoaderPaths.GetGlobalGameConfigDirectory());

            // Get directory containing the game's mod list
            string gameModDirectory   = Path.Combine(LoaderPaths.GetModLoaderModDirectory(), gameConfiguration.ModDirectory);
            string globalModDirectory = LoaderPaths.GetGlobalModDirectory();

            // Get directories containing enabled mods.
            List <string> modLibraries = new List <string>(gameConfiguration.EnabledMods.Count);

            // Get the game mod dll locations.
            foreach (string modDirectory in gameConfiguration.EnabledMods)
                // Add native or not native.
                if (ReloadedArchitecture.IsGame32Bit)
                    modLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(gameModDirectory, modDirectory, Strings.Loader.Mod32BitDllFile));
                    modLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(gameModDirectory, modDirectory, Strings.Loader.Mod64BitDllFile));

            // Get the global mod dll locations.
            foreach (string modDirectory in globalModConfig.EnabledMods)
                // Add native or not native.
                if (ReloadedArchitecture.IsGame32Bit)
                    modLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(globalModDirectory, modDirectory, Strings.Loader.Mod32BitDllFile));
                    modLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(globalModDirectory, modDirectory, Strings.Loader.Mod64BitDllFile));

            // Initialize DLL Injector
            DllInjector reloadedDllInjector = new DllInjector(reloadedProcess);

            // If the main.dll exists, load it.
            foreach (string modLibrary in modLibraries)
                // If the DLL Exists, Try to Load It
                if (File.Exists(modLibrary))
                    // Allocate Memory for Server Port In Game Memory
                    IntPtr parameterAddress = reloadedProcess.AllocateMemory(IntPtr.Size);

                    // Write Server Port to Game Memory
                    reloadedProcess.WriteMemoryExternal(parameterAddress, BitConverter.GetBytes(LoaderServer.ServerPort));

                    // Inject the individual DLL.
                    reloadedDllInjector.InjectDll(modLibrary, parameterAddress);

            // Resume game after injection.