public GameBoardUpdate Move(Coordinate from, Coordinate to, MoveType moveType)
        GameBoardUpdate update = new GameBoardUpdate(); // change, no initializetion needed

        // Ability Uno
        if (moveType == MoveType.AbilityUno)
            table[from.Row, from.Column].Piece.AbilityUno(table, ref turn); // update =


        // Ability With Interacter

         * else if (moveType == MoveType.AbilityWithInteracter)
         * {
         *  interacterSquare = selectedSquare.Piece.AbilityWithInteracterStageOne(table, sen);
         *  // If the piece is hiddenly frozen, ability with interacter stage one returns null. Then cur should also be null.
         *  if (interacterSquare == null)
         *      selectedSquare = null;
         *  // Don't check for gameEnded
         *  return;
         * }*/

        // Move
        else if (moveType == MoveType.Shift || moveType == MoveType.Capture || moveType == MoveType.Jump)
            update = table[from.Row, from.Column].Piece.Move(table, to.Row, to.Column, ref turn);


            throw new Exception("I dont think this can happen but you mey never know."); // change

    public bool Move(Coordinate from, Coordinate to)
        // If from coordinate is null
        if (from == null)
            throw new Exception("From coordinate given cannot be null");

        // Get rid of all the indicators
        for (int i = 0; i < possibleMoveIndicators.Length; i++)
        possibleMoveIndicators = null;

        // Check if the destination is one of the possible moves
        for (int i = 0; i < possibleMoves.Count; i++)
            if (possibleMoves[i].Row == to.Row && possibleMoves[i].Column == to.Column)
                Debug.Log("Move is aloud. Sending move signal to logic coordinator.");
                GameBoardUpdate update = gameLogicCoordinator.Move(from, to, possibleMoves[i].MoveType);
                possibleMoves = null;
                PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(PlayerNetworking.movePieceGameEventCode, new MoveInfoGame(possibleMoves[i].MoveType, from, to), new RaiseEventOptions {
                    Receivers = ReceiverGroup.Others
                }, new SendOptions {
                    Reliability = true

                // proccess update


        possibleMoves = null;